Acid Reflux and Proton-pump inhibitors.

Acid Reflux and Proton-pump inhibitors.



Original Poster:

2,969 posts

126 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Have suffered with bouts of acid Reflux for years now. One or twice a week, worse if I do some heavy drinking. Went to the doctor a while back to see if it was a big issue(my father has a stomach condition he had to be medicated for that have him reflux at my age) and they kind of just waved me off and said I was fine, and prescribed some omeprazole.

That didn't do much for me back then, or so I thought, so ive been using rennies when I get bouts ever since. Now reading up on it I'm worried if I ignore it any longer It can cause cancer so I tried some rantitdine from tesco and it worked really really well!

Sadly when going back to get more they have ran out of stock until mid December. I've been researching and see rantitdine is a H2 (histamine) receptor antagonist, not a ppi.

Has anyone else had an experience with one working but not the other? And what's the cheapest way to buy rantitdine or similar in bulk?


1,615 posts

187 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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There's a national manufacturing supply issue at the moment. We are having to swap people onto omeprazole as cannot get ranitidine currently.


8,680 posts

265 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Careful of the side effects, one of those gave me bad headaches, so swapped to the other but cant remember which.
I use gaviscon fluid and tabs regularly.

In fact, it might have been the ‘sister’ drug to omeprazole, not ranitidine on second thought

Edited by Oilchange on Monday 11th November 07:10


3,411 posts

96 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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l354uge said:
Have suffered with bouts of acid Reflux for years now. One or twice a week, worse if I do some heavy drinking. Went to the doctor a while back to see if it was a big issue(my father has a stomach condition he had to be medicated for that have him reflux at my age) and they kind of just waved me off and said I was fine, and prescribed some omeprazole.

That didn't do much for me back then, or so I thought, so ive been using rennies when I get bouts ever since. Now reading up on it I'm worried if I ignore it any longer It can cause cancer so I tried some rantitdine from tesco and it worked really really well!

Sadly when going back to get more they have ran out of stock until mid December. I've been researching and see rantitdine is a H2 (histamine) receptor antagonist, not a ppi.

Has anyone else had an experience with one working but not the other? And what's the cheapest way to buy rantitdine or similar in bulk?
An interesting thread, one i've been meaning to start myself.

I get acid reflux after wine, beer , bread etc . IE all the stuff i should leave well alone.

I do use Gaviscion and Rennie also whicg does the trick but my bigger issue these days is an unpleasant regurgitation after eating.

I find it easy to bring my food back up as it feels like it has already made its way to the very back of my throat.

I originally put this down to overindulging but right now having just had a small soup and nothing else it still seems there.

Once food has been digested i'm all good.

Anyone shed any light on this?


8,680 posts

265 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Its lifestyle related for me so frequent overindulging can do it.
I also find that when I'm under stress it can flair up too.
A relaxed stress free life with small meals and only a bit of alcohol is my ideal but I can only manage that some of the time. nuts


Original Poster:

2,969 posts

126 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Fake smoke flavourings, acidic fruit juice and some preservatives do it for me. So i tend to cook all my meals from scratch as ready meals etc set me off bad. I get it really bad for a week if i have a heavy drinking session. Freshers weeks back at uni were hell for it.

I will probably give omperazole a go if theres a rantidine shortage, it didn't work last time but worth another go.

The guides for this are always so depressing: No cheese, bread, spicy food, cured meats or alcohol, they're my favorite things!


112 posts

119 months

Monday 11th November 2019
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Here is a small thing that helps me. Try lying on your left side when going to sleep. When you look at the position of the stomach and gullet within the body you can see why it helps.


3,559 posts

122 months

Tuesday 12th November 2019
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if the tabs dont work longterm, you'll end up with an ambulatory procedure where they stick a tube down your throat to monitor reflux over a set period. it can be an issue to those with a low gag reflex threshold. any hiatus hernia on the oesephagus can cause complications too. if you drink alcohol/eat fatty foods/spicey foods/tomatoes/onions and eat late at night, all will give you grief and you will be on a hiding to nothing.


3,411 posts

96 months

Tuesday 12th November 2019
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kurt535 said:
if the tabs dont work longterm, you'll end up with an ambulatory procedure where they stick a tube down your throat to monitor reflux over a set period. it can be an issue to those with a low gag reflex threshold. any hiatus hernia on the oesephagus can cause complications too. if you drink alcohol/eat fatty foods/spicey foods/tomatoes/onions and eat late at night, all will give you grief and you will be on a hiding to nothing.
I've had more than my fair share of all the above which is now why i suffer i think.

The good news is that i eat and drink far less now and tend to be a little more selective on what i eat as i know the consequences !


801 posts

82 months

Tuesday 12th November 2019
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I used to get acid reflux, and was prescribed omeprizole and all was good. Then I decided that taking this stuff every day for evermore was a bad thing-i know what my trigger foods are (bread mainly) so I stopped eating bread, and quit the tablets the same day. Problem pretty much went away overnight, and now the odd bout is treated with a Rennie and that's it.
I really miss bread and cakes, but I really don't miss the reflux


81 posts

130 months

Thursday 19th December 2019
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I’ve had acid reflux for near 20yrs due to a hiatus hernia. I was relatively fit when it started and was told by the GP it was probably caused by weight training.
I started by swigging Gaviscon. Kept one in my car and one beside the bed. Progressed to Ranitidine which at the time was a god send.

Omeprazole doesn’t work for me but Esomeprazole does. I find it way better than the other. If stocks are low for Omeprazole ask for Esomeprazole. It’s also available over the counter as Nexium.
Bottom line though is you need to change your lifestyle. I’ve gone from drinking 5 nights a week to 2 and I’m eating a lot healthier. Helps that I’ve lost 3 stone too. Still carry a tab in my wallet though, just in case.

The Don of Croy

6,074 posts

164 months

Thursday 19th December 2019
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Had acid reflux ever since teenage years, finally had a proper investigation with the camera down the gullet about 15 years ago and told I had an uncomplicated hiatus hernia.

Doctor issues me Lanaprazole on prescription but sometimes I use Tesco ranitidine if I forget my pills. This year I have asked to up the dose and now get two packets per scrip.

The lingering doubt is aesophagal (sic) cancer having endured reflux for so long. Mind you, if my chins get any larger it’s no wonder it would think it’s really a stomach and start to mutate...

C0ffin D0dger

3,440 posts

150 months

Friday 20th December 2019
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I've had reflux on and off for years, can't really remember when it started but probably in my twenties.

I know exactly what makes it worse - stress, being overweight, drinking too much, bad diet, and the ultimate trigger pizza + garlic bread.

Never went to the docs with it as it was only the odd bout which Gaviscon would usually sort or occasionally I'd resort to the Ranitidine if especially bad. Did have the odd episode of stuff coming up into my throat during the night which would make me choke in my sleep. Not a nice thing to wake up with, the sheer panic of not being able to breath is not great.

More recently I got diagnosed with a lung condition and put on steroids to help with it. Because they're quite hard on the stomach I also got prescribed Omeprazole to protect my stomach, I was taking this daily but I've now dropped to 10mg every other day as I'm taking less steroids. What a revelation, not had any indigestion since and can eat pretty much any food I like without consequence.

I do have a concern though, my Dad had similar issues, got diagnosed with a Hiatus Hernia but over time and as he was being monitored he then got diagnosed with Barrett's oesophagus. This can lead to cancer so he had regular endoscopy examinations to keep an eye on it until the dreaded day when they found cancer. Luckily it wasn't so far gone so they thought they could treat it be removing the offending part of his oesophagus but this wasn't by any means a simple operation. He recovered from that but unfortunately died a few years later from bowel cancer, no idea if the two were related but I do wonder. I should probably try to get off the Omeprazole at some point to see if I still get the reflux and if so get it properly looked into. I'm hoping I won't as I've lost a load of weight, I'm more active, don't drink as much and know what foods I should probably avoid.


2,780 posts

196 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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I lost my voice for almost 3 months due to reflux, really confused my doctors for a while and I had X-rays, loads of blood tests, steroid inhalers and a CT Scan all which didn't help/show what was wrong.

Got prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitor (not sure of the name, I'm in Switzerland so brand names might be a bit different) and within about 2 weeks my voice and vocal chords improved. Since then I've lost a lot of weight and have adjusted my diet a lot, but things high in fat and alcohol can give me absolutely killer heartburn but thankfully i haven't lost my voice again since then!


3,692 posts

258 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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stinkyspanner said:
I used to get acid reflux, and was prescribed omeprizole and all was good. Then I decided that taking this stuff every day for evermore was a bad thing-i know what my trigger foods are (bread mainly) so I stopped eating bread, and quit the tablets the same day. Problem pretty much went away overnight, and now the odd bout is treated with a Rennie and that's it.
I really miss bread and cakes, but I really don't miss the reflux
I had a similar issue but it seems to be milk that is the problem, I stopped having milk at breakfast and in my coffee and my acid reflux problem has almost completely gone.


3,137 posts

147 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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I've been on Lansoprazole for about 20 years, works great, not sure what Omeprazole is, is it stronger?

I do know if I miss my daily pill (15mg) I'm generally ok for a day, then the burning starts, then it takes a day after taking the next one for it to stop, so I try not to miss any smile


1,935 posts

118 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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techguyone said:
I've been on Lansoprazole for about 20 years, works great, not sure what Omeprazole is, is it stronger?
It’s much the same, another PPI so works in the same way.

I’ve been on Lansoprazole for a couple of years, got the camera up my nose and down my throat (I gagged when they tried the mouth) where they found the cause - a small hiatus hernia so I guess I’m on the pills for life now. I get bad bouts every few months but generally things are fine as long as I steer clear of too spicy curry’s or lots of tomato based foods.

I lost my dad to cancer of the oesophagus so I didn’t waste any time going to the doc when I started getting reflux symptoms.

There are some studies that suggest long term use of PPIs isn’t good but the risks are still thought to be much outweighed compared to damage caused by acid going where it shouldn’t. H2 blockers might be safer but work differently, are newer so haven’t been studied over as long a period and aren’t necessarily as strong so it all depends on the individual’s situation.

Edited by colin79666 on Tuesday 24th December 20:17


3,137 posts

147 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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colin79666 said:
techguyone said:
I've been on Lansoprazole for about 20 years, works great, not sure what Omeprazole is, is it stronger?
It’s much the same, another PPI so works in the same way.

I’ve been on Lansoprazole for a couple of years, got the camera up my nose and down my throat (I gagged when they tried the mouth) where they found the cause - a small hiatus hernia so I guess I’m on the pills for life now. I get bad bouts every few months but generally things are fine as long as I steer clear of too spicy curry’s or lots of tomato based foods.

I lost my dad to cancer of the oesophagus so I didn’t waste any time going to the doc when I started getting reflux symptoms.

There are some studies that suggest long term use of PPIs isn’t good but the risks are still thought to be much outweighed compared to damage caused by acid going where it shouldn’t. H2 blockers might be safer but work differently, are newer so haven’t been studied over as long a period and aren’t necessarily as strong so it all depends on the individual’s situation.

Edited by colin79666 on Tuesday 24th December 20:17
All I've noticed as a side effect (although it may just be coincidence) is a dry mouth at night.

The Don of Croy

6,074 posts

164 months

Thursday 2nd January 2020
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I’ve just read the JAYB thread again...perhaps best to keep the throat examinations on a regular basis...


3,411 posts

96 months

Friday 3rd January 2020
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The Don of Croy said:
I’ve just read the JAYB thread again...perhaps best to keep the throat examinations on a regular basis...
My reflux isn’t improving and I’m becoming a little concerned.

I didn’t know what form of cancer he had and the likely cause plus how it all started ?

Edited by FocusRS3 on Friday 3rd January 07:11