Hernia op experiences



Original Poster:

4,138 posts

136 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I have developed a direct hernia in my groin - it first started about three months ago (Slight twinge) and has now become visible -

As of the past week I have been getting mild pain down there and it is more noticable visibly.

I have seen the GP and he recommended sit ups which may prevent further deterioation.

I am going to see him next week and want to ask for surgery.

I have heard of complications and chronic pain after surgery, how likely is this? What are peoples experiences with remedial surgery?

Thansk in advance


372 posts

196 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I had a hernia op last year. Middle. Of a hot summer. I had no real pain, the wife didn't want me to do anything. So forced to go to the pub. Physical job so I had six weeks off. 2 people at work had the same operation and were in agony, one required 12 weeks recuperating.


809 posts

112 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I have had both sides done.

First side was done by Standard Surgery. A couple of Weeks of Pain (very painful getting up and out of Bed) and off work with no Driving allowed. Further 4 Weeks back at work but no heavy lifting.
Very neat, small Scar in the Groin Area.
Glad to get it done as it was causing me quite a bit of pain.
Top Tip if going for this type of Op: Shave yourself. Very sore.

The other Side was done via Keyhole.
Off the Pain Killers in a few Days. Couple of Weeks off Work but didn't really need it. Again no heavy lifting for 6 Weeks.
As part of the Keyhole, CO2 is squirted under the Skin. Came to with a lot of pain in my Shoulders.
Three small Scars. One above Belly button and Two in Stomach.

CoCodemol both times. With Lactulose to prevent 'Blockages' smile

I get the occasional twinge but nothing compared to the pain the untreated Hernias caused.
As with all Surgery there are risks that they will go through with you during the first Consultation.

sunbeam alpine

7,042 posts

193 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I had both sides done 2 years back via keyhole surgery. In at 07.00 out by about 16.00. Quite a bit of pain the first day after, but thereafter no problem. I did respect the 6 week "no heavy lifting" and haven't had any problems.


7,271 posts

163 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I had it done by the normal method a few years ago, was in and out in a few hours. No pain, just a mild discomfort and a couple of weeks taking it very easy. It has healed up very nicely and you can barely tell there is a scar. No lasting effects either. I was a bit unlucky and had some pretty severe bruising and swelling after, just meant I had to change the dressing more often and take it easy for an extra week or so - no pain and no lasting issues.

I'd imagine they are all done by keyhole surgery now, which should be a much shorter recovery time.


7,706 posts

198 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Sit-ups for a hernia ?
I'm no doctor but that's the last thing I'd be doing.
I had 1 side done in 2003,they fked up and managed to sew a nerve into the mesh.Absolute agony,had to be opened up again the next day.
I could feel a slight pain there for years after.
Unfortunately I think I'm showing signs of it coming back,no swelling as yet but I'm getting groin pain.
I've heard that hernia ops don't last forever


33,648 posts

217 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Been discussed many times before. My topic here: click.
Not sure if it's the same type of hernia as yours, but mine was pretty much stress free with speedy recovery.


13,391 posts

288 months

Thursday 29th August 2019
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V8covin said:
Sit-ups for a hernia ?
I'm no doctor but that's the last thing I'd be doing.
I had 1 side done in 2003,they fked up and managed to sew a nerve into the mesh.Absolute agony,had to be opened up again the next day.
I could feel a slight pain there for years after.
Unfortunately I think I'm showing signs of it coming back,no swelling as yet but I'm getting groin pain.
I've heard that hernia ops don't last forever
eek I just thought that! OP has a direct (inguinal) hernia and GP suggests he does sit-ups? eek

Sounds as f nuts as the doc (locum) I saw in 2016 when I (knew) I had an inguinal hernia, left hand side.
He condescendingly said to me: 'I'll be the judge of that!'
Then promptly asked me to lie on the couch rolleyes (ing. hernias go back in when you lie down).
Anyway, we got there in the end, when I stood up and coughed. biggrin

How did I know I had a (inguinal) hernia?
Been there before, right hand side inguinal getting on for 50 yrs earlier!
Depends who operates on you whether they last forever. wink

If I get time tomorrow I'll run through a little so those younger can see how much (or how little) the NHS has progressed/changed since the 1960s.


1,037 posts

141 months

Thursday 29th August 2019
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I had an inguinal done in 2013 after lifting a telegraph pole. Stupid.

Anyway, I had it done under local anaesthetic (with sedatives) with a mesh sewn in. I wouldn't recommend doing it under local as it was really quite painful during the op and I did apparently swear quite a bit. I also apparently had a long conversation with the surgeon about shearing our sheep, of which I recall nothing. However, I was in work the next day and didn't take any painkillers. Bit painful on day 1 but I did a mountain marathon about 3 weeks later with no side effects (doc said it would be ok but to be fair I did munch on the Ibuprofens quite a lot on day 2 in the Brecon Beacons).

No pain since and no regrets. The other side has niggled from time to time but doesn't need doing yet.

BTW I had it done privately at the Hernia Clinic in London as I was charging my client a day rate and just wanted to be in and out as quickly as possible. Only lost a day's billing ;-)

I would recommend the Hernia Clinic in St John's Wood. V professional. Seem to remember it cost about £1000.


Original Poster:

4,138 posts

136 months

Thursday 29th August 2019
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Thanks guys yeah ill read the other thread

Agree about my GP - he is a fan of giving you a right load of old bks to get you out the door, He tried to do the same about a damaged arm and bad knee, had to insist on a referral.

Boils my piss - if he does that with non-assertive people/ the elderly it means they are not getting the help they need.


7,706 posts

198 months

Thursday 29th August 2019
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Just to add, I was off work for 6 weeks recovering !


13,391 posts

288 months

Thursday 29th August 2019
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SD_1 said:
I'd imagine they are all done by keyhole surgery now, which should be a much shorter recovery time.
No. Majority (it's a very common op) are done by open surgery. Not enough surgeons have experience in keyhole surgery. And the risks of complications, sometimes serious like accidentally damaging the bowel, are higher with keyhole surgery than with open surgery.
Keyhole normally only recommended for recurrent or bilateral hernias.


33,648 posts

217 months

Friday 30th August 2019
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^^ yes
My surgeon had some quite negative feelings about laparoscopic surgeries, hernia repairs in particular. He was very much of the stab and sew persuasion. He was slightly older than God though.


7,271 posts

163 months

Friday 30th August 2019
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That's interesting, my surgeon was an older guy and said that the keyhole method was the preferred method due to the recovery time and would soon become the norm, but he preferred the normal method so did that. This was a few years ago mind.


59 months

Sunday 1st September 2019
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I had the operation about 3/4 years ago.

Not exactly straight forward for me...don't leave it too long before going for the op as 'tissues can fuse together' or you could get a strangulated testicle!

Had mine under general anesthetic so was put to sleep. Woke up dazed, was sent to see if I could go for a piss, I lied and said yes. Went home, couldn't piss, went back to hospital in an ambulance, checked my bladder - about to burst... couldn't find a catheter in A&E for quite a while, got that sorted and felt much better.

Stayed in hospital for a couple more nights, lots of Tramadol. Went home and stayed off work for a couple more weeks, couldn't stand up straight with out pain for about 2 months.

Due to the tissue fusing issue, I had to have a lot 'removed' (apparently, surgeons notes were illegible and then lost when I asked for a copy)

Oh and my d1ck and balls were COMPLETELY black with bruising for about 3 weeks, not sure if this was normal or due to the surgeon being known as the butcher...

Still get odd pains from the mesh, BUT still glad I had it done smile

The saga did not end there but that's another story...best of luck!


1,010 posts

180 months

Thursday 5th May 2022
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Wishing I hadn't read these now ! Going in tomorrow


1,985 posts

169 months

Thursday 5th May 2022
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sunnygym said:
Wishing I hadn't read these now ! Going in tomorrow
I had mine done more or less 2 years ago.

Keyhole surgery and mesh implant. Bit of pain for a few days afterwards but nothing too bad. Within a few days I was walking about perfectly fine and after 6 weeks I was back in the gym.

The operation and immediate recovery was fine

I do have pain every now and again when I’ve been in the gym - like the mesh rubs and gets irritated. A few months back I had thought the hernia had gone again but a bit of rest and it’s sorted it’s self out.

I’m not 100% but before I had the op I was in pretty bad pain and had to sit down after walking for 30 minutes.

Good luck with the op- take your pain killers but get up and mobile asap.


22 posts

61 months

Saturday 14th May 2022
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Has anyone experienced recurrence after mesh repair?

I'm waiting on options for this at the moment. The surgeon isn't sounding positive...


557 posts

33 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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FranFran said:
Has anyone experienced recurrence after mesh repair?

I'm waiting on options for this at the moment. The surgeon isn't sounding positive...
I had a double Hernia 12 years ago. Only the GP and Private consultant only picked up one Hernia so I had that done in Oct, complained didn't feel right after and had the other side done in the following Feb. I was told that there was 5% per annum chance of a repair being needed with mesh and lo and behold right on time in Sept 2020 ten years to the date (2x Hernia x 2 x1/20 repair) I need a repair to my left wound. But recovery was much much quicker - I think I was 3 and 5 weeks first time round before driving, ten years later repair, driving and back to work after two weeks.

Wasn't pretty mind.


1,010 posts

180 months

Friday 10th June 2022
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I’ve recently had surgery ( 5 weeks ago ) all seemed to go well and recovery was good but for the last week I’ve had a pain in my hip on the same side as the op. Trying to get through the the doc for a gp conversation. Just wondered if anyone had anything similar experiences. Thinking it could be a reaction to the mesh or just twisted or irritated the area over doing it!