Going abroad for dental work

Going abroad for dental work


tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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Ok there’s a lot said about going abroad for dental work so this is how I found it. (So far)
I had a bridge at the front that had been in for 40 years (since age 18) that was coming loose.
It was so bad the I couldn’t bite, not a sandwich or banana.
I had receding gums and some teeth were becoming lose.
My UK dentist initially misdiagnosed the problem, then said implants were not an option and
I should think about dentures, (implants were quoted at £3k each).
I went to a specialist hygienist who wanted £1500 for 2 x 75 min deep clean sessions.
I started to look to abroad and found several recommendations but settled on a Turkish clinic.

I arrived late on Friday and had an email to say they would pick me up at 4pm on Saturday,
I did think this may have been an error in translation and checked but they said 4pm.
All transfers to and from the Klinic are included in the service.

I arrive at the clinic and they 3D X-ray me, examined my teeth and discussed what to do and we settled on a plan.
At 6pm they say, we will take you back to the hotel, have something to eat and we will pick you up at 9.30 tonight to come back and start the treatment.
At 10pm I was sat in the chair and they did 5 hours work.
At 3am the car took me to a chemist to collect a prescription on the way back to my hotel with my
Next appointment Monday at 9pm.
Monday night I had 7 hours surgery.
Back again Wednesday
And Thursday
Thursday 10pm I’m having temporary porcelain teeth fitted that hopefully will last until I go back in 6 to 9 months time.
The dentist is not happy with them and 3 other dentist appear with another person who is the technician who makes the teeth, the decide another set should be made and I’m asked to wait while he does this.
At 2am fri they are done and fitted.
I go back fri afternoon for final check to make sure everything is ok, bite etc before flying home.

I’ve now been back a month and have to go back in around 6 month for the permanent teeth.

But just some thoughts so far.
I’m terrified of the dentist and always have been, this was the most uncomfortable experiences of my life.
But looking back they never hurt me, I didn’t have any pain, I didn’t take any pain killers afterwards and have not had any pain since.
The amount of work they have done would take months in the UK (8 inplants and 22 crowns).
And it will probably end up costing around 30% of UK treatment including travel.


2,058 posts

113 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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It’s an option these days. If you are comfortable with it that’s all that matters.

The treatment you describe can be done quickly in the U.K. with the difference of normal working hours. The cost it’s impossible to match. I have seen good and bad work both overseas and in the U.K.

Like I said providing you are happy with your due diligence and you have a backup plan in case of any emergency treatment to maintain/repair anything if required it’s all good.


59 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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how much did it cost. my teeth are the not the best, genetics and bad living so was looking ro gt implants.


399 posts

140 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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I've seen amazing work come from abroad but equally some shocking work that could only be described as a ticking time bomb. Best to do research into who is doing your work and what credentials they have

Do bear in mind UK dentists may refuse to repair/correct or sometimes service some things that have been done abroad


6,540 posts

223 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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I too need several implants, I think it’s 6 or 7, I would also like my teeth to be straight and whiter. I recently had a quote here for 27k and another for 20k+

I really need to do something, eating is becoming more difficult now frown

Would you mind letting me know which company did the work and rough cost? Is it the one all the towie type people go to, they seem to have nothing but good words spoken.

tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Saturday 22nd June 2019
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This was a quote I had before I left, I ended up with something completely different but it will give an idea of pricing.
I did have another quote that was pretty much replace the lot.

Dental Implants, Bone Grafting…
4 x Standard Dental Implants + Abutments – Upper Front Jaw (£460 per Implant): £1,840
Bone Grafting – Upper Jaw: £100
Total Amount Payable: £1,940
10% Cash Payment Discount: -£194
Total Amount Payable Cash Payment: £1,746
  • If standard tooth extractions are needed there is no additional charge for our Implant patients.

For your second and final visit, you need to travel for 9 days therefore 11 days to allow for your flight arrival and departure days.

Cost of Visit Two:
Zirconium Porcelain Implant Crowns…
6 x Zirconium Porcelain Implant Crowns/ Implant Bridges – Upper Front Jaw (£195 per Crown): £1,170
Total Amount Payable: £1,170
10% Cash Discount: -£117
Total Amount Payable for Cash Payment: £1,053


5,340 posts

257 months

Saturday 22nd June 2019
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My Florida neighbor.....yes I know.....goes to the Philippines every year and decided to have all his teeth done whilst there. They look great and cost 25% of what it would have cost him in the US


4,927 posts

137 months

Saturday 22nd June 2019
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Sounds amazing as long as you get a good dentist.

I’ve got a couple of dodgy teeth that won’t last much longer so going to definitely consider this.

Top up the tan also!


19,208 posts

200 months

Saturday 22nd June 2019
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Err ok, but why are all the times at night? Isn’t that a bit odd?


173 posts

106 months

Saturday 22nd June 2019
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10% discount for cash? Likely those fees won't be going through the books then. If so let's hope the dentist has a more professional attitude towards the recommended testing and servicing of the autoclave that's supposed to sterilise the equipment going into your mouth!

tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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The accounts made me smile biglaugh
They even have the counting machines for notes, though they did offer they same discount for card payment.
As for the working hours it runs more like a hospital ie 24 hours
At one point when my dentist wasn’t happy about something at 2am ish
3 other dentist appeared to consult on the problem.
It’s a very professional and modern setup.


6,540 posts

223 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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Can you let us know who it was? i really need to sort mine out, i have now lost 10 teeth (including the wisdom teeth), its getting harder to eat, they are all over the place due to having big gaps now and not that straight anyway, they are also not white hehe

Dentists have told me the some peoples teeth just aren't that good, that and a combination of st loads of fizzy drinks and sweets frown

I would get them done here but simply don't have the thick end of 30k to spend on teeth frown


59 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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I had three implants done in the U.K. about 12 years ago that are going strong. I personally don’t like the idea of going abroad for the work in case of issues .. BUT .... those prices are crazy low so can fully appreciate why you’d take this approach.


10,637 posts

179 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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post up the link for the place , not naming and shaming if happy with them

seems like a bit of a racket in the uk what they charge


13,390 posts

288 months

Monday 24th June 2019
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Interesting thread! I've got to relate this story with a funny tinge from last month after our holiday in Antalya, Turkey - first time we've been back to Turkey a while (well, obvious why with the troubles etc). Had great time, got great tan, spoke with a lot of friendly Turks (not much has changed except the money is obviously short now and affecting the country, so hassling for our hard-earned is even more forceful by them). Asides, on getting to the airport to come back home it was ste, and to compound things flights had been delayed for over an hour. Eventually we got through and went for a bite to eat and drink. My misses and mate's misses went off to duty free (I've just found a new liking for Aperol Spritz and said see if they had any bottles of Aperol cheap.

We're sat there at this table having a snack when this girl (late 20s/early 30s I suppose?) looks at me and says: 'Are you English?'
'Yeah, why?'
She's with a bloke and they wanted to know if we knew which way to departure lounge and times to UK, as it was so packed.

I then sort of had a jaw drop moment - her teeth!
She goes 'Like my new smilers?' 'I can't wait to get on the plane and I'll be grinning at everyone like a Cheshire cat!'

She goes on to say her and her partner had spent the last week in Turkey at the 'dentists'!
I must confess I've never seen such a set of white gnashers! eek Not in a bad way, they were just, well, absolutely 'perfect'.

She said they'd only come out for the dental treatment. She said, 'don't get me wrong, it was really painful some days and I'd looked like a hamster on steroids at one point.' I asked why she'd come out to Turkey?
'Easy', she said. 'Price and recommendations.' 'And... the extortionate cost in the UK.'
She said I looked well tanned - I said we been out here for a fortnight, and they were now wishing they'd stayed an extra week to holiday/recuperate.

'Where do you live?' she asked.
'Oxford area' I said. She replied that she was a Londoner who'd moved to Birmingham, awful place wink - sorry Brum but she's prob right!
They paid £3.5k each which covered the stay and the whole week.

I asked what were her teeth like before? She sticks two fingers either side of her mouth and pulls wide open to show me the 'whole set'. It was incredible. In a flash she grabbed her mobile out and showed me what she looked like previously. She has a 'wide' mouth, you know where all the teeth show and she'd been unhappy with them for years. I wouldn't have said they were awful, but some were crooked. The transformation was, well, as said, unbelievable - movie star look! If I was younger I'd be out there like a shot as my teeth (top front) have been gappy from day one. But mostly my bottom teeth (fine) show, not my toppers! And at my age I don't want the hassle.

At this point our wives come back, and my misses sees me chatting to this girl and I get one of her stern stares hehe -
the girl says
'It's okay I've been showing your fella my teeth'
(my wife got the wrong end of the stick - she thought she'd said something else... laughlaughlaugh

Even (our) ladies were impressed.

We really do rip people off back home. So all I would say is 'do it'!

I have the business card somewhere the girl gave me when I'd asked exactly where they'd had the work done. If I can find it I'll post it up.

edit to add
the couple paid for their flights out/back on top of the dental cost.

Edited by dandarez on Monday 24th June 14:18


2,261 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June 2019
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How were they able to give you those prices, did you have a consultation in the UK before travelling to Turkey ?
My teeth have never been great after being prescribed medication as a child which discoloured them and caused decay. I've lost 1 tooth, another 2 feel like they're not long for this world, tons of fillings and I could probably do with something to improve the appearance of the visible ones.

tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Monday 24th June 2019
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I Initially sent photos, they then asked me to go for a scan in the UK, (Colchester)
I then had a couple of options.
I'd decided to go and have my upper teeth done although some of my lower front were becoming loose.
In the back of my mind before I'd left home I'd pretty much go along with there recommendations.
So once there I decided to have them all done at the same time.


2,261 posts

197 months

Monday 24th June 2019
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tight fart said:
I Initially sent photos, they then asked me to go for a scan in the UK, (Colchester)
I then had a couple of options.
I'd decided to go and have my upper teeth done although some of my lower front were becoming loose.
In the back of my mind before I'd left home I'd pretty much go along with there recommendations.
So once there I decided to have them all done at the same time.
Thanks. I've been resigned to putting up with it as the likely cost was to great. That's much more reasonable though.


13,390 posts

288 months

Wednesday 26th June 2019
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re my earlier post, I've found the business card the girl gave me (with her amazing new Cheshire cat smile!) at Antalya airport, Turkey.

Just to add, I have nothing to do with nor any connection whatsoever, never used them, etc etc.

Dentists scare the st out of me anyway, we'd been private for over ten years, but then they closed so we'd not been for a few years.

Couple months back my wife was suffering from a wisdom tooth so signed us both up to a recently started NHS oractice.
Nice place, very clean, and lots of patients (understandably) so yes I was impressed - but still couldn't wait to get out!

Had full check up and discovered something new - obviously some dentists (this one anyway) getting peed off with the hygienist side, she said my teeth needed a bit of a descale - and said she herself was quite happy and willing to do it if I wished, or I could book to see an hygienist - for 55 quid!
I asked her 'how much will you charge me?'
'Nothing, I'll include it', she replied.
So, full inspection, x-rays, and clean, for 22 quid. No brainer!

So, bit like the old days when the first thing a dentist did was to give your teeth a clean. Then it changed, and from somewhere came the hygienists.
Is it changing back?


541 posts

286 months

Wednesday 26th June 2019
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I'm just going through the process of having a dental implant in the UK, single front tooth fell out in March, so I'm looking like a tt until it's all completed in August, listed are the breakdown of costs

Implant Consultation £95

Implant Placement and bone graft - Xenograft £1225

Implant Impressions - £700

Anterior Implant Crown Fit - £1000

total £3020

Gives some balance as to costs here and the costs abroad