What have you done to lower your blood pressure?

What have you done to lower your blood pressure?



Original Poster:

1,383 posts

257 months

Sunday 7th April 2019
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Been diagnosed and put on meds, apart from exercise and losing the extra timber is there anything else you have done to lower your bp?

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

266 months

Sunday 7th April 2019
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Might be a quick temporary fix.


br d

8,575 posts

231 months

Sunday 7th April 2019
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I'm coming up on 100 days without booze and that's definitely made a difference. Mine was a little high before but its dropped back into normal now.


13,533 posts

226 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Healthy diet with fruit & veg, no booze, plenty of exercise, lose weight, that's about it really. There is also an element that some people just have higher BP than others, you can pretty much do everything right & it may not get it down much, conversely some people can do everything wrong & it's still low.

Riley Blue

21,435 posts

231 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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GT03ROB said:
Healthy diet with fruit & veg, no booze, plenty of exercise, lose weight, that's about it really.
Same here, though less exercise 'cos of arthritis. Instead of five-a-day I have seven or eight, sometimes more. I've only had one alcoholic drink this year (Valentine's Day) and I've lost around 5kg since January. I get my BP checked every six months and it is (despite me seeing a very attractive Polish nurse) 'very good.' If she can't raise it no one or nothing can...


235 posts

180 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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br d said:
I'm coming up on 100 days without booze and that's definitely made a difference. Mine was a little high before but its dropped back into normal now.

Also coming up to 100 days without alcohol and my previously high blood pressure is now back to normal levels. Was 120/72 when I measured yesterday, before this it was regularly 140/90 or higher.


695 posts

173 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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I had a shockingly bad NHS health check last June so decided to do something about it. BP was in the region of 160/95 and I weighed 17st 8lbs (112kgs), no sign of high cholesterol or diabetes though which was a bonus. By December my weight was down to 14st 7lbs (93kgs give or take), all down to exercise and healthy eating, I don’t think there’s any other option to be hones. My BP is down to 122\72 taken on Friday which I am well chuffed about, no headaches anymore which I guess was related. Good luck, it really is well worth making the effort.


10,203 posts

133 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Stopped reading about Brexit in NP&E.


59 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Dr Jekyll said:
Might be a quick temporary fix.

That's my theory laugh Less blood = less pressure

Although stopping drinking, cutting back on fatty foods, more walking the dog, all helped me


4,928 posts

137 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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I was flagged a couple of times with high BP turned out it was to much coffee.

I have a bean to cup machine so cutting right back on the double espressos done the trick!


77,336 posts

287 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Are you stressed out?
Do you smoke?


17,079 posts

110 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Cut down the weight, alcohol and caffeine. Increase activity.


Original Poster:

1,383 posts

257 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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Hoofy said:
Are you stressed out?
Do you smoke?

Don't smoke, but do shifts in an emergency service and buying a house at the moment, so yes probably stressed biggrin


77,336 posts

287 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Mark300zx said:
Hoofy said:
Are you stressed out?
Do you smoke?

Don't smoke, but do shifts in an emergency service and buying a house at the moment, so yes probably stressed biggrin
Haha. Congrats on the house purchase. Still based in SW London?


1,467 posts

144 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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I've got the opposite dilemma to the OP - had two medicals at work and both show low BP (111/58) and resting heart rate of 40!

The Ferret

1,165 posts

165 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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JuanGandini said:
I've got the opposite dilemma to the OP - had two medicals at work and both show low BP (111/58) and resting heart rate of 40!
If I've understood this correctly, you need to drink more alcohol, do less exercise, eat less healthily and take up smoking biggrin


8,991 posts

256 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Anyone else given up salt? I understood it to be one of the things which raises BP.


Original Poster:

1,383 posts

257 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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The Ferret said:
If I've understood this correctly, you need to drink more alcohol, do less exercise, eat less healthily and take up smoking biggrin
Words cannot express how much I hate that poster biggrinbiggrin


1,467 posts

144 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Mark300zx said:
The Ferret said:
If I've understood this correctly, you need to drink more alcohol, do less exercise, eat less healthily and take up smoking biggrin
Words cannot express how much I hate that poster biggrinbiggrin
Oops sorry! That does sound like I need to get out on the booze doesn't it.

Trouble is I don't exercise that much - play footy once (or occasionally twice) per week. Admittedly I barely drink at all - the odd glass of wine or beer - perhaps one or two per month. MY diet is ok, but I don't exactly live off salads.

So I guess it's just genetic but recently I've felt pretty light headed and it does cause a bit of anxiety.


818 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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I gave up my 16 year old daughter and straight away I felt calmer and more relaxed!!!