Bugger seem to have gout.

Bugger seem to have gout.



Original Poster:

13,532 posts

226 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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I guess I must now be getting old, as I appear to have succumbed to gout! I knew from a medical I'd had a year back that the uric acid levels were high. So flared up yesterday overnight. The joint at the bottom of my right toe has turned red & if I try to walk much on it inflames. There is one point that is very tender & putting any weight on the joint is excruciating. Getting no sympathy, probably cos I'm maintaining I need to sit down with my feet up to ease the inflammation (well it does). Ibuprofen & ice packs seem to work wonders too.

Thinking about it I've probably had few warning twinges over the last couple of months that were very minor.


3,739 posts

204 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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Feels like a hot poker being stabbed into the bone...?

It is horrible!!


8,916 posts

221 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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You have my sympathy. I got it every year regular as clockwork, lasted about 2 weeks getting progressively worse every time. I have managed to be free for about 2 years now by isolating the biggest trigger which for me was sugary especially energy drinks which I was drinking a lot of. I now only have them occasionally and it's a lot better. I do occasionally still get the odd twinge when I've had too much sugar though as a warning.


14,208 posts

275 months

Wednesday 19th September 2018
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Drink water,
Then more water,
Then even more water.

Big Al.

69,079 posts

263 months

Wednesday 19th September 2018
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Mine flared up after 15 years last Thursday evening, got a course of Colchicine sorted on Friday, 3 day course, 4 tablets a day, just easing today and big toe joint is now allowing me to flex it a little.

Hope you get yours sorted soon.


Original Poster:

13,532 posts

226 months

Thursday 20th September 2018
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Fortunately it has already started to ease. The inflamation has gone down a lot & it's easier to walk on


59 months

Sunday 23rd September 2018
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There are tonnes of advice/theories but this method has great results. . . . Firstly get the pain under control with NSAID's if REALLY bad then a trip to Dr's for some nasty side-effect meds are heading your way I sorry to tell you. Once attack under control/gone then it's time to find the trigger that provokes your unhealthy history ( we all have it lurking ) the way to find out is consume lots of a suspected trigger for every meal ( starting with the obvious ( wine/beer/fats/sugar )) for a week then don't touch that product for a fortnight and see if you get/don't get another attack, this will give you individual proof. If your a perfectionist repeat to double check; trust me it's the only way to find 'your' answer any other method may not work for your DNA/Genes. . . All the best of luck and remember the beast can be tamed but can't be cured.

fatboy b

9,566 posts

221 months

Saturday 29th September 2018
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Me too. Second episode in 6 weeks. Seems an under active thyroid can cause high Uric acid, and that it runs in my mum’s family in both males and females. So I have blood test in a couple of weeks once this subsides. I have a few other symptoms as well, so hoping the blood test is positive in a lot of ways. The joys!


2,760 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th September 2018
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Cherry juice! 2 litres of. It really does work.


5,040 posts

225 months

Sunday 30th September 2018
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Chucklehead said:
Cherry juice! 2 litres of. It really does work.

More likely to be the H2O you're drinking, than the cherry juice. Save yourself some money...

Sunny in Dubai

74 posts

79 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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Not nice I have had in big toe joint for past 20 years, has moved in last year to knees and last few months occasionally into elbows, either that or I am getting old lol. But pain, have had to go around on knees when toe bad then tends to go into the ankle, and limp, cant put shoe on so I am a real walking wounded all self inflicted!


8,273 posts

263 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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Had a similar attack about a month ago. Went for blood tests at the time and had a follow up blood test last week to check uric acid levels and they are fine (in fact on the lower side of normal). My kidney function was also on the money, and no sign of infection, but it looked like gout and it felt like gout, so you have my sympathy.

My Dr said she'd seen examples where the joint crackles due to the amount of uric acid precipitated on the joint vomit


12,486 posts

214 months

Sunday 7th October 2018
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I take allopurinol daily for gout. I rarely get attacks these days thankfully.

fatboy b

9,566 posts

221 months

Sunday 7th October 2018
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TheAngryDog said:
I take allopurinol daily for gout. I rarely get attacks these days thankfully.
Any side effects?


520 posts

94 months

Sunday 7th October 2018
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I got gout for the first time ever in my life at the beginning of last month. Never appreciated how bad the pain is when people have told me about gout before. Wow, I'd say it was on par with the pain I had for my wisdom teeth extraction that went wrong and got infected. I was off 2 weeks with that.
No idea what triggered it off, my diet is pretty boring, hadn't eaten or drunk anything out of the ordinary.

fatboy b

9,566 posts

221 months

Sunday 7th October 2018
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I read today that gout can be triggered with normal uric acid levels. Strange.


12,486 posts

214 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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fatboy b said:
TheAngryDog said:
I take allopurinol daily for gout. I rarely get attacks these days thankfully.
Any side effects?
Not that I have noticed. I take 100mg daily.


3,016 posts

144 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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fatboy b said:
I read today that gout can be triggered with normal uric acid levels. Strange.
The crystals form when the acid gets cold. Just below normal body temperature is enough. I normally get an attack at this time of year as the temperature drops.


1,913 posts

214 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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I found my trigger, Red wine, not had any Gout for two years then got an attack last week. I am now trying to work out whats next. My doctor put me on Steroids which in fairness worked.


Original Poster:

13,532 posts

226 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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I wish I knew what my trigger was. I'd just got back from 4 weeks at work with no alcohol & the blandest food possible. The only thing I could think was I had a shock to the system after a couple of days of proper food & drink.