Huel food. Any good?


Ray Singh

Original Poster:

3,051 posts

235 months

Saturday 12th August 2017
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I've seen the adverts for Huel food on Twitter. This looks a good way to eat the right amount of healthy food during the week. Has anyone experience of this?

I struggle to eat healthy and often over eat. Could this be the answer?


2,026 posts

120 months

Saturday 12th August 2017
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I massively respect the guy behind it (James). He knows his stuff.

If you're struggling then it definitely looks better than your average MRP.

Mr Pointy

11,661 posts

164 months

Sunday 13th August 2017
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You'll probably get a number of replies just telling you to eat properly & products like these are a waste of money. However, I've been using it for a few months & have found it suits me very well. I'm crap at cooking & have no interest in learning about food & hence was eating poorly. I replaced my main meal with a Huel shake & made the other meal something small like soup; I've consistently lost 1-2lb a week. I know some tt will post 'you can do that by eating proper food' but they miss the point that this is an easy way to reduce the amount of rubbish I eat. Instead of a sandwich & a bag of crisps for lunch at work I can take a pre-mixed shaker of Huel & stick it in the fridge (I find I prefer it chilled). At around £1.60 a meal it's not particularly expensive either.

It isn't exactly the most joyous regime & I would struggle to use it twice a day but once a day is easy enough. The flavourings that they sell last a long time but most of them don't do much for me - try the sample pack. The banana flavour is ok.


6,268 posts

196 months

Sunday 13th August 2017
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I've ordered some so will let you know!


3,573 posts

191 months

Sunday 13th August 2017
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It's as good as it gets in that market to be honest. Be warned though - it tastes like arse..bad arse.

Mr Pointy

11,661 posts

164 months

Sunday 13th August 2017
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One thing I would say is that zapping it for a minute in a blender does produce a better, smoother result that just shaking it in a shaker.


10,642 posts

226 months

Thursday 19th July 2018
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Dug this one up as I figured it must have been mentioned on here at some point.

I've never had any real interest in food and as a result my diet has been pretty poor, usually whatever is quick and convenient. I hate preparing meals and as I'm away for long days quite often (photographer) I'm often spending quite a bit on rubbish just to get calories in. I'm also insanely fussy, I can't stomach the majority of veg (love fruit though) and have always been a very plain eater.

Anyhow, tried Huel a while back for one meal a day and didn't really get on with it, hated the taste/texture and I seemed to need an awful lot to hit the calorie intake. It also gave me epic wind and my stomach never quite took to it.

I then tried Mana as it was on offer on Amazon, which tasted much better imo and gave me zero side effects even if drinking 2 or 3 per day on occassion. One big bonus is that they do them in cartons, and it's only 330ml to 400 calories. It's much more expensive buying them ready made but for weddings etc I could neck one in seconds and it was still much cheaper than buying/taking food with me for the day.

I've also recently been drinking Saturo, again from Amazon. Although it's a bigger volume (500ml bottles for 500 calories), they taste fantastic. The coffee version is brilliant for breakfast and again no side effects whatsoever. It's not cheap compared to powder but they've had some hefty discounts on Amazon, so I've basically filled the fridge with them now and just use them when I'd otherwise need to eat out.

Health wise and I'm very conscious that it's kinda uncharted territory in terms of long term impact. A lot of people are very, very anti-liquid food and there are a number of horror stories as a result (teeth falling out!), although I'm only averaging one meal per day at the moment and it's undoubtedly healthier than what I would have been putting in me otherwise. It also makes it very easy to calorie count, I've lost nearly 2 stone in the past few months simply by consistently hitting 1800 calories per day, it's obviously possible to do that with normal food but it's pretty much bullet proof when you know you're getting exactly however many calories for a particular meal.

I'll probably move fully to breakfast and lunch soon (using Mana powder to keep the costs down and flavouring it myself with fruit or coffee) and then a 'proper' meal in the evening. I feel noticeably better on a working day when I've had the liquid rather than junk food, the energy is far more consistent over a surprisingly long period and there is no crash as there might be with sugary snacks etc.

Edited by ukaskew on Thursday 19th July 09:41


882 posts

137 months

Thursday 19th July 2018
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It’s the best on the market and provides the full range of macro nutrients, fibre, vitamins and minerals

James Collier (owner and founder) is a very well respected sports nutritionist and all round guru.


5,927 posts

182 months

Thursday 19th July 2018
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My brother in law has taken it for years, replacing his lunch at work with a shake. I got some to kick start a drive for a healthier lifestyle following a particularly bingey holiday.

I think it's good for people who want a nutritionally balanced meal they can calorie count accurately (if required) and/or for those who can't be arsed putting effort into meal prep.

Taste wise it's OK the Vanilla is quite sweet and it's quite difficult to get a smooth consistency without using a blender, The coffee is OK to but I'd suggest getting unflavored then you can either flavor yourself or Huel sell there own flavor boosters in a variety of flavors (you can get a sample pack). If you use milk instead of water the banana/chocolate I have tastes just like a tasty milkshake but obviously ups the calories count (almond or coconut milk is a good alternative to cows milk).

I'm not huge on breakfast so I was just having one for lunch. I've dropped the weight I wanted to now but still having one for lunch when at work, Once I get close to finishing my current stock I'll re-evaluate whether to order again, I like cooking but it saves time and money having to prep and avoid the temptation to grab something unhealthy from the shops.

Some people have gut issues, I never did but they suggest you ease into taking it. It makes me feel full and occasionally bloated with slight heart burn. It's not the greatest tool to loose weight IMO, as you've already mentioned you can eat well on the same amount of calories as a suggested serving of Huel.


2,799 posts

164 months

Friday 20th July 2018
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Eat 2500calories worth of it every day minimum spread across 5 x 500cal shakes + a couple of scoops of whey protein spread across the 5 shakes to flavour it. It tastes alright. A lot of people have said it makes them feel like they've got more energy, etc, but never felt any different, presumably because of my hormonal imbalance, but it's convenient and easy so i'm sticking to it.

I still eat solid meals, generally have something on a Friday night, Saturday night, a roast dinner on a Sunday and then leftovers on a Monday.

Terminator X

15,869 posts

209 months

Friday 20th July 2018
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Don't you find liquid food kind of depressing though? A big part of the enjoyment of food is actually chomping through something significant isn't it?



31,321 posts

246 months

Friday 20th July 2018
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Terminator X said:
Don't you find liquid food kind of depressing though? A big part of the enjoyment of food is actually chomping through something significant isn't it?

Not for everybody no. For many years food was just fuel to me. Still is basically. I like the achievement of cooking something myself. But eating it is a means to an end.

Eating out at somewhere good/new/amazing, that can be fun. But at home, the act of eating is generally the thing in the way of other things.


18,310 posts

277 months

Friday 20th July 2018
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Terminator X said:
Don't you find liquid food kind of depressing though? A big part of the enjoyment of food is actually chomping through something significant isn't it?

I can tolerate it once a day. It makes it easy. Better than chomping on a sausage buttie every day I guess smile

cat with a hat

1,484 posts

123 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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Waste of money.

Better off paying for 1 scoop of protein (17p), 2-4scoops of ground oats (5-10p), any type of liquid such as almond or cow milk (0-40p) , peanut butter (10p) or another fat source and a multi vit (5p)

You're looking at much better macros, much higher calories and 1/3rd of the price.


21,447 posts

127 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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Lozw86 said:
It’s the best on the market and provides the full range of macro nutrients, fibre, vitamins and minerals

James Collier (owner and founder) is a very well respected sports nutritionist and all round guru.
Oh behave! He took a very simple idea, added the current dietary fad as a USP (vegan) and pumped the social media machine to rave about his bland product.

Marketing genius. Yes. Expert in nutrition? Certainly not.

cat with a hat

1,484 posts

123 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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Evanivitch said:
Oh behave! He took a very simple idea, added the current dietary fad as a USP (vegan) and pumped the social media machine to rave about his bland product.

Marketing genius. Yes. Expert in nutrition? Certainly not.
+1 James Collier stole the idea from Rob Rhinehart who invented soylent and wanted to market it to people who didn't like eating. Funnily enough Rob Rhinehart stole the idea from the fitness industries meal replacements.

It's gone full circle and literally all James collier has done is market it to a bunch of retards who are in the UK rather than the US.


10,642 posts

226 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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Yep see this is where the discussion usually ends up (without any provocation, I might add). God bless the internet.


18,310 posts

277 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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cat with a hat said:
Waste of money.

Better off paying for 1 scoop of protein (17p), 2-4scoops of ground oats (5-10p), any type of liquid such as almond or cow milk (0-40p) , peanut butter (10p) or another fat source and a multi vit (5p)

You're looking at much better macros, much higher calories and 1/3rd of the price.
Pretty much what I do, except frozen berries instead of peanut butter (less calories). Every other morning for breakfast.


53,012 posts

188 months

Saturday 21st July 2018
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ukaskew said:
A lot of people are very, very anti-liquid food and there are a number of horror stories as a result (teeth falling out!), although I'm only averaging one meal per day at the moment and it's undoubtedly healthier than what I would have been putting in me otherwise.
Using a straw would probably resolve any issues there.


5,426 posts

216 months

Wednesday 15th August 2018
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Just started using Huel for breakfast and lunch, with a proper dinner.

Mostly using it as a way of avoiding eating a big sandwich, crisps and a cake for lunch, which I would probably do otherwise.

Lugging around 10kg too many at the moment despite a fairly active lifestyle (100 miles per week on the bike) so I'm hoping that a few months of this regime will put me on the right path.

I've been getting gradually better at mixing - just had coffee Huel with cacao nibs and a teaspoon of cacao powder, blitzed with ice in a NutriBullet. Went down a bloody treat, like a nice frothy milkshake.