Circumcision for phimosis

Circumcision for phimosis



Original Poster:

1,926 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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So here's the situation...

I'm 30 yrs old and a virgin (due to phimosis I've never had treated).

My acroposthion is bundled together but I can unbundle it and stretch my foreskin tip with no pain, and see the glans penis inside. A bit more difficult, but I can retract my foreskin towards my penis but then I feel the presence of a band of tissue. No pain, but a feeling something is there and feels like a warning not to pull further.

I have an appointment booked with a specialist urologist in a few weeks and I'm doing all the prep for questions as circumcision is a potential treatment and that is destructive (I wish it isn't!).

From my understanding, circumcision removes foreskin which is responsible for pleasure and exposed glans causes the skin to dry out and get irritated (a name for this but preventable with creams and lotions to varying degrees!).

So has anyone here had circumcision in their adult lives? Did sexual pleasure reduce significantly?


2,603 posts

218 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Nothing informative to add I'm afraid, but good luck with it all, sounds very stressful!


Original Poster:

1,926 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Jonmx said:
Nothing informative to add I'm afraid, but good luck with it all, sounds very stressful!
For the first time, I'm not so worried about the surgery itself (at least if I'm on general), but the effects after!

Hopefully others can discuss from experience.


7,177 posts

164 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Mine sounds similar to yours. Had it my whole life. I've never had any problems with it including sex. There's no way I'm going to mess with anything when it works well enough for me.

There are doctors that can open it up with small incisions rather than fully circumcise and stretching works for some too. There's no way I'd get a circumcision unless it was 100% necessary. Most of the medical trade is far too quick to go all in rather than be a little more conservative.

Shop around. It's a few minutes for a doctor who probably is thinking about their lunch but your whole life for you.

Edited by bloomen on Tuesday 7th March 01:03


1,792 posts

100 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Z064life said:
So has anyone here had circumcision in their adult lives? Did sexual pleasure reduce significantly?
Have I misunderstood this? If you're a 30 year old virgin due to the condition surely that's the significant reduction in sexual pleasure and successful treatment can only be a win?


129 posts

218 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Z064life said:
So has anyone here had circumcision in their adult lives? Did sexual pleasure reduce significantly?
Yes. No. Different, no less pleasurable. I'd imagine post-circumcision sex is better than no sex.
Z064life said:
From my understanding, circumcision removes foreskin which is responsible for pleasure and exposed glans causes the skin to dry out and get irritated (a name for this but preventable with creams and lotions to varying degrees!).
I suspect your understanding is biased by anti-circumcision sources. It's not something I'd have chosen to have done or would do to my son but I've had zero problems/irritation. Yes, there are elements of sensitivity in the foreskin/frenulum but compared with the pain of splitting skin, the outcome is fine.

YMMV - every op/surgeon is obviously different. I would recommend my surgeon in a heartbeat.

Mr Pointy

11,670 posts

164 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Look on the bright side: you'll have a substantially lower risk of catching HIV when you do get round to using it.

jas xjr

11,309 posts

244 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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i was circumcised for medical reasons in my late 40's. there are no issues at all to be worried about


12,861 posts

173 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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OP: you do need to get this sorted.

I was circumcised at about 23, having split my foreskin a number of times during sex with my then g/f. Unfortunately for me the initial NHS Registrar who did my op didn't remove the whole skin, as he should have, and I had to have the op again, privately, about 4 months later - 1 week after my company BUPA kicked in. smile

N.B.: My case was very much the minority, to have to have it done twice!
(It was the source of much amusement amongst my colleagues, but more than 1 lady @ work wanted to see (and test) the results, so ... wink )

I can confirm that, once you've got over the initial sensitivity issue (your knob's been covered up for 30 years, or 23 in my case) there's is NO difference to your sex life.

Get the job done, then, err, "get *THE JOB* done! thumbup


6,390 posts

210 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Stop worrying, see the specialist and get it sorted

Bet it is straightforward

Good mate of mine (yes really a mate - not me!) had circumcision mid 30s , no issues , says it is fine

even *if* you get reduced "sensation" its better than the no sensation you are getting at the moment!

Good luck


4,171 posts

102 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Has it done about 15 years ago, wish I'd had it done earlier.

Increased my libido, and sex was soooooooo much better.

Go for it, you'll not look back...


Original Poster:

1,926 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Sparkyhd said:
Have I misunderstood this? If you're a 30 year old virgin due to the condition surely that's the significant reduction in sexual pleasure and successful treatment can only be a win?
Yeah what I mean is I guess I am pretty selfish in that I hate the idea I'd have reduced satisfaction somewhat.


Original Poster:

1,926 posts

253 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Appointment is booked with the specialist, I don't have time on my hands as I should have got this sorted when I was younger but I was too naive.

To the person who said he has sex with an unretracted foreskin, I'd recommend retracting to prevent tears and also to clean out the area. One is painful, the other hygiene.

Circumcision appeals to me partly due to the prevention better than cure mentality. Ie know risk of tearing foreskin (a friend of a friend had that), just a shame it is destructive.

Yes sex with reduced sensation is better than none

If the specialist recommends circumcision, i will discuss everything carefully and probably just get it done! But there's a few possible causes for this condition, so I guess I need to sit tight.

Anyone else here with experiences of adult circumcision for phimosis?

To those who went private and live in London, please let me know your specialist, I'm open to considering anyone else!



2,607 posts

203 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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I was circumcised due to phimosis around 5 years ago in my early 20s.

Absolutely nothing to worry about - the thought of it is infinitely worse than the reality. Few weeks of discomfort (discomfort, not pain) and you'll be fine.

I went private via Bupa and it was performed by a plastic surgeon (although not really necessary) under general anesthetic (because I'll be damned if somebody was going to take a scalpel to my junk whilst I was conscious).


1,924 posts

143 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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Ask the doc for a corticosteroid cream which can really help with the stretching exercises which will in many cases successfully loosen the foreskin.

I think it's definitely worth exploring alternatives before going for circumcision, that should be a last resort if other methods fail.

You say it's phimosis but check whether it might be also/instead (NSFW - massive photo of a cock)

Good luck!

Edited by Dromedary66 on Tuesday 7th March 23:43

Nigel Worc's

8,121 posts

193 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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I was circumcised in my late teens, after shutting the foreskin in the zipper of a pair of denim jeans, damaging it beyond repair.

Apart from the obvious discomfort after such an operation it takes a few weeks/months (I can't truly remember as it was almost forty years ago), for the bell end to calm down a tad, as of course it is now exposed to your underwear.

As far as sexual activity goes, I was very young so not that experienced, but it seemed to improve my "lasting power", other than that I can't say I noticed any difference.


Original Poster:

1,926 posts

253 months

Wednesday 8th March 2017
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I'm not too worried about the op itself and side effects. Feel the same way, no way I want to be awake during the operation, the sight of the tools itself would make me reconsider! Would you state that after op is no worse than an ingrowing toenail? If so, I have nothing to worry about. smile

The problem with circumcision is leaving the glans exposed to the elements, which dries out over time. This is pretty much a fact. How was this for you guys? Sounds like you let it be?

I saw my GP 10 years ago and he mentioned I'd need surgery (I was too naive to follow up on this). I saw my GP a few weeks ago and he didn't recommend cream but then I saw another GP at my surgery. The specialist I'm booked with is experienced so I will see what he says. It may be frenulum breve, I'm curious as I don't know the cause, and I don't have bxo (scarring), or may be adhesions.

aw51 121565

4,771 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th March 2017
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I had/suffered Phimosis from the year dot, basically; just before I was circumcised (at 27) my Mum said that - when I was a toddler - she and my Dad were told that my tight foreskin would sort itself out and not be a problem, and she was surprised that I needed "the op". I was happy, as a virgin, to have a foreskin that I couldn't pull back (and I could orgasm just fine, on my own) - it was my first sexual partner who talked me into the need for "the op", though I could also 'come' with her no probs and most enjoyably... Whenever I went for a pee, the foreskin ballooned up - goodness know what cheesy delights the surgeon found in there!! yuck - and the thoughts as I had my final pee pre-surgery (along the lines of "I won't be doing this again!") were odd. I was unable to see any of my glans before the surgery.

The aftermath of the op was no more uncomfortable than having an ingrowing toe nail "sectioned" then some-months-later-when-it-grew-in-again removed - but it's a case of apples and oranges in some ways!! 3 weeks off work due to infection, plus a swollen penis meaning wearing trackie bottoms and going commando wasn't much fun - swaggering around like an angry John Wayne wore thin after a few days!! - and it was 8 weeks before I could draw back my newly-shortened foreskin.

But, 19 years on, I have a foreskin when John Thomas is flaccid - which protects the head and retains the fabled sensitivity - and my Guided Muscle (Ivor Biggun reference wink ) is as sensitive as anything when aroused (in a way it never was pre- "the op").

I suspect that the vast majority are in my current position but from the year dot??? Lucky sods hehe .


12,745 posts

241 months

Wednesday 8th March 2017
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Been there, done that (no t-shirt fortunately). Same age. Same reason.

Not a virgin, but my foreskin started getting tight when I was 18, and yeah it really does hit your confidence and self esteem, especially in your student years, just as you should be doing things students do.

Would I do it again? Hell yes, without hesitation. If I could, I'd get in a time machine and tell the 18 year old me to get that urology referral made. There's a lot of mythology and rumour about the whole thing. It was never painful for me, just felt like uncomfortable bruising.

First of all, much bks is talked about nerve endings, killing sensation and all the rest. Fundamentally, this is an American thing, where they circumcise the majority of boys at birth. This can lead to a harder skin in the glans, with less sensation. But in adults it is nowhere near the same level. The Internet is very good at these shock stories and "omg I'm mutilated" and boy do some of them like to shout about their victim status. Personally, I think the decision to circumcise should be left to the boy himself not the parent with least experience of owning a penis, but that's politics and another culture, and nothing really do do with the point in hand. So to speak.

I can only speak for me, but prior to being circumcised, when my partner, erm, stimulated the head, it could get quite sore and painful quite quickly. Briefly sexy, but then just "owwwww". These days, its just - well - more fun to be honest. Seriously, licky licky, massagey massage. I'm not going to draw a picture. That reminds me though, I seemed to gain much more control over when things meet a sticky conclusion. Which makes intimate times more satisfying all round.

When you wake up the next morning after the operation in bed, the stitches really irritate, or perhaps stimulate would be more correct. It can get messy, but here's a thing I really wasn't expecting, and they don't tell you about in any of the pamphlets. Its going to sound really stupid, but unless you went to a Jewish boys school, the only place you will probably have seen circumcised todgers is porn, yep? Well, all I could think was "OMG thats a porn d*ck". Yes, that gives the self confidence a boost.

The worst part about it is the 2 weeks or so that you can't do what guys do. No, not make Airfix kits, watch Top Gear and read PH. As I mentioned back there, the healing stimulates the nerves, and you can't do much about it. But after 2 weeks of that, the first one is explosive, so look forward to it!

For goodness sake, ignore the NHS info on wearing loose boxers and joggers. That was written by a sadist. Immobilise the wound, let the chap heal in peace. Sure, watch that there's no cloth adhering to the wound, carefully bathe it, but wear supportive underwear. If it wobbles around, the wound is going to open and let in infection.

I have a phobia about general anaesthetics, so had it done under a local. Yeah, I know, I know. I was out of hospital approx 90 mins after the operation, feeling bruised but not in any pain at all.

Random additional things: Condoms suddenly make a lot more sense, they stay in place better than before, and you can feel more. Hands free peeing hasn't yet ceased to be a novelty. Obviously not in urinals with the other chaps around, that's just showing off.


576 posts

185 months

Wednesday 8th March 2017
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OP - get it done.

I developed the condition in my mid 20's - it wasn't severe, didn't affect my sex life at all, was still able to function. Doctor prescribed me a cream to treat it at first. It would go away, a few months later it would return, get cream, rinse and repeat.

It wasn't til about 18 months ago the severity increased, could barely pull the foreskin back, painful while having sex, so back to the doctors. Got a urologist appointment, who suggested circumcision. I was advised at that point that it would never get better than it was using the cream.

Had the op just over a year ago now. Wish I'd done it back in my mid 20's. It's honestly the best thing I could have done. Works great, wife loves it, and it has improved my staying power. Results may vary, but I've noticed no decrease in sensitivity, in fact I'd say the opposite (although the nature of phimosis will decrease sensitivity while having sex)

The recovery period is rubbish quite frankly, listen to what the nurses say about aftercare, and you'll find out at night when you get your first nocturnal erection. Ouch. It does pass. Once the stitches were out an a few weeks you can try it out for yourself - very gently. Once fully healed sex was back on, and very happy with it too.

Wouldn't suggest doing it for anything other than medical reasons, if its not broken, leave it as it is, however if you have a condition like phimosis, best thing you can do, you'll wish you'd done it sooner.