Feeling miserable after an operation

Feeling miserable after an operation



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12,489 posts

214 months

Monday 11th May 2015
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I had an operation On Wednesday last week to try and make my life a bit easier day to day. I suffer with patulous eustachian tube disorder which I have had for the last 18 years. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patulous_Eustachian...

It hadn't been much of a problem to me for 13 of those. I only had it on one side and I'd just put cotton wool in my ear canal to lessen the symptoms. This was fine until 2010 when it started to happen in my right ear. I had surgery to have grommets inserted into my ear drums which was done due to a misdiagnosis, but did give me some relief for 6 months. It was around 6 months later that I came across a specialist who is well versed in treating the disorder I have, so it was agreed that he would remove the grommets from my ears and revisit once things had settled and if the issue reoccured. As it did I was penciled in for surgery in April 2013 to have bioplastique injections in the eustachian tubes to help fatten them out and help keep them closed.

This wasn't fully successful, but made my life a lot more bearable to the point that I was happy with my lot and wasn't considering any further procedures.

April last year this changed. I woke up with fluid in my left ear one Saturday morning and this remained for about a month. Once it cleared it left me with a eustachian tube that opened most of the time and that breathing in through my nose would make sound go quiet then loud when I exhaled. I was then scheduled for another surgery which I had last Wednesday. I had a bioplastique injection in the eustachian tube and grommet inserted on my left ear.

This has turned my world up side down. I cannot go out, I cannot drive, I cannot stand low frequency noises. Running water, footsteps, doors closing, drawers being opened and closed, toilet flushing, cars driving past the house, putting a can down on the coffee table, the TV, basically any noise that can thud, rumble, scrape, bang just causes an echo / reverb in my right ear. I hear low frequency noises loud like I am in a cave. I feel like I can feel the sounds on my ear drum and in my head.

This didn't happen after my last surgery.

I tried to go out yesterday to see how I would cope, went up a hill and I had a massive feeling of pressure in my right ear that wouldn't clear no matter what I did until I got lower. Everything also became loud and unbearable.

This has made me miserable and I am trapped in my own home. I can't go out, I can't go to work. I am unable to live my life, I am just existing right now and I do not want to live my life that way.

I feel so depressed about it that I aren't sure I want to live, if living is like this. You may feel like I am being dramatic but it is so tiring hearing sounds all day. It is causing issues with my gf as I am taking out my misery on her a bit and it's not her fault. I'd rather be deaf than have this.

I am waiting to hear back from my specialist tomorrow, I hope he can give me good news.

I know this post is more rhetorical than anything else, I needed to get this off my chest. I want to give up and just curl up into a ball. I was better off before this operation and wish I could go back to Tuesday and tell myself not to bother. I see no way that this will improve and that I will be stuck with this for the rest of my life. To make matters worse the reason for having the surgery has gotten worse and I now have permanent autophony in my left ear, the eustachian tube doesn't seem to open at all and I have loud tinnitus and can hear my own heartbeat most of the time.

I don't blame the specialist, it's a hard to treat disorder and after the relative success of my previous operation this is unexpected. I also know other people who have had this procedure and have been successful.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by TheAngryDog on Monday 11th May 20:34


35,501 posts

217 months

Monday 11th May 2015
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There is nothing I can say or do that could help you, as much as I wish I could.

I have learned through some, shall we say "inconvenient health issues" myself and all I can say is that it is at times like this that you realise who your real friends are, what certain family members are (or aren't) to you. I would encourage yourself to surround yourself with those people as much as you can, and heed to advice of your specialists and see what they say.

Let us hope together that it is something that can be resolved for you.

All I can say is that please try to remain positive; though I know all too well how hard it can be to do so compared to saying it.

If you ever want anyone to talk to to let off some steam then post on here or send me a PM, happy to chat to anyone who may benefit from it. I have had (and continue to have) amazing support from those on PH, if I can do the same for another in some way, shape or form I'd like to do so.

Keep us posted on what the specialist says tomorrow.

Best wishes,



9,932 posts

216 months

Monday 11th May 2015
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That sounds bloody horrible, I'm really sorry. In the shortest term do eg good quality ear defenders help at all?

I'd be seeking to get back in touch with your surgeon as clearly something is not right, they won't be wanting to leave you like that any more than you want to be stuck. I'm pretty sure there are other options to try, quite a few of them - obviously I haven't the foggiest which ones are appropriate, I've only a Google education not the ENT consultancy you obviously need input from.

A lot of people DO learn to live with unpleasant symptoms - at the moment you're dealing with your own shock, disappointment and fear in addition to the actual ear problems and obviously that will not remain the case to the same degree even in absence of any improvement. And that's the bit I do properly know something about, there are SO many ways to help with that side of things, you may find you need to ask for it but it's there.

Best of luck.


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
There is nothing I can say or do that could help you, as much as I wish I could.

I have learned through some, shall we say "inconvenient health issues" myself and all I can say is that it is at times like this that you realise who your real friends are, what certain family members are (or aren't) to you. I would encourage yourself to surround yourself with those people as much as you can, and heed to advice of your specialists and see what they say.

Let us hope together that it is something that can be resolved for you.

All I can say is that please try to remain positive; though I know all too well how hard it can be to do so compared to saying it.

If you ever want anyone to talk to to let off some steam then post on here or send me a PM, happy to chat to anyone who may benefit from it. I have had (and continue to have) amazing support from those on PH, if I can do the same for another in some way, shape or form I'd like to do so.

Keep us posted on what the specialist says tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Ross, I've just spent my afternoon reading through your thread. Holy motherfking st, have you been through the mill or what!

I am extremely pleased that you're pretty Much recovered and I hope that you get your license back sooner rather than later. I think I'd have given up if I'm being honest.

Re the friends and family aspect, I Moved away from home two years ago and haven't really struck up any friendships. I find the older you get the harder it is. My friends back home haven't bothered to ask how I am etc so I am learning that with the exception of my family (and they have their own issues to deal with) and my gf, I am on my own. I know it's a pissy thing but we all react in our own ways.

I appreciate the offer Ross, it is very kind of you.

I heard from my specialist today. The upshot is that I need to let things settle down for 6 weeks.


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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BlackVanDyke said:
That sounds bloody horrible, I'm really sorry. In the shortest term do eg good quality ear defenders help at all?

I'd be seeking to get back in touch with your surgeon as clearly something is not right, they won't be wanting to leave you like that any more than you want to be stuck. I'm pretty sure there are other options to try, quite a few of them - obviously I haven't the foggiest which ones are appropriate, I've only a Google education not the ENT consultancy you obviously need input from.

A lot of people DO learn to live with unpleasant symptoms - at the moment you're dealing with your own shock, disappointment and fear in addition to the actual ear problems and obviously that will not remain the case to the same degree even in absence of any improvement. And that's the bit I do properly know something about, there are SO many ways to help with that side of things, you may find you need to ask for it but it's there.

Best of luck.
Thanks BVD. I had considered ear defenders but wearing headphones makes my ears feel "pressured" so I don't know if swapping one issue for another one is much good.

My specialist is the UK's leading ENT for my disorder so I am hopeful he knows better than me about my eustachian tubes. It is such a little known disorder and until someone famous gets it I think it will stay that way.

I'm not sure I want to live with this. It is so tiring hearing sounds all day that you wouldn't normally hear. I basically just lay on my sofa and do nothing. Even trying to wash the pots is torture. I know it's menial, I know others live with worse and tbh I should have just stuck with how things were before. Sure it affected my life, but i had a life. I can't see past the end of my nose right now.


35,501 posts

217 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
Ross, I've just spent my afternoon reading through your thread. Holy motherfking st, have you been through the mill or what!

I am extremely pleased that you're pretty Much recovered and I hope that you get your license back sooner rather than later. I think I'd have given up if I'm being honest.

Re the friends and family aspect, I Moved away from home two years ago and haven't really struck up any friendships. I find the older you get the harder it is. My friends back home haven't bothered to ask how I am etc so I am learning that with the exception of my family (and they have their own issues to deal with) and my gf, I am on my own. I know it's a pissy thing but we all react in our own ways.

I appreciate the offer Ross, it is very kind of you.

I heard from my specialist today. The upshot is that I need to let things settle down for 6 weeks.
Well, at least I took your mind off your problem for an hour or 2 hehe

It's not a pissy thing at all.... It really sounds pretty horrible. I'd follow the advice of your specialist. I'd also encourage you not to wear ear defenders or ear plugs etc for now.... Let your body try to adapt to what it should have to live with if possible.

I wore glasses to help with my double vision (covered 1 eye up) and they progressed, but slowly. I took the glasses off and, whether it is coincidence or not, but the progress seemed to hurry up from then on. Perhaps there's a possibility it'll be the same for you?

We're all different... I'm not the one to talk about oneself but I found that talking to people, be it friends, family, and on here, and I found it REALLY helped. Find someone, be it someone on here or even see if there's a support group or something.

Anyway..... How have you been today? Do you have any more appointments lined up?


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
Well, at least I took your mind off your problem for an hour or 2 hehe

It's not a pissy thing at all.... It really sounds pretty horrible. I'd follow the advice of your specialist. I'd also encourage you not to wear ear defenders or ear plugs etc for now.... Let your body try to adapt to what it should have to live with if possible.

I wore glasses to help with my double vision (covered 1 eye up) and they progressed, but slowly. I took the glasses off and, whether it is coincidence or not, but the progress seemed to hurry up from then on. Perhaps there's a possibility it'll be the same for you?

We're all different... I'm not the one to talk about oneself but I found that talking to people, be it friends, family, and on here, and I found it REALLY helped. Find someone, be it someone on here or even see if there's a support group or something.

Anyway..... How have you been today? Do you have any more appointments lined up?
rofl more like 3 plus hours! I know you are very self deprecating when it comes to how you've coped with your tumour and the recovery process afterwards, but I agree with the sentiments of everyone else on that thread that your attitude and determination is something to be lauded. You thoroughly deserve everything positive that you get in your life, as you have earned it in spades.

It certainly isn't pleasant. I am glad that my gf goes to work during the day as then the only noise in the house is made by me. I cannot stop external noises but living on a cul-de-sac means no through traffic, just the occasional passing car.

I have cotton wool in both ears as this lessens my symptoms. When it allows I remove the one in My right ear. My left one I Cannot as I hate hearing my own voice at the best of times, let alone amplified lol. Basically how it works is that my voice doesn't travel from my mouth around to my ears. It travels up my eustachian tubes to my ears as well, hence why people get treatment for it.

I got signed off work for another week yesterday starting tomorrow so I aren't now back until the 25th. I won't be getting paid for these sick days (I work 4 on 4 off). I somehow have to find the rent for my digs in Sheffield for next month which is a worry but something I'll worry about later.

My few friends I have aren't that bothered and tbh I don't hold it against them. Sure it would be nice if they were but c'est la vie. I am a member of a support group on Facebook which helps but also reading of how other people have had successful and unsuccessful procedures has mixed effects on me. Most of the people are in the USA o that group as it's a larger demographic of affected people due to a larger population.

Today ive been frustrated. I've been worse, I was very angry over the weekend and came close to splitting with my gf as I didn't want to put her through this and have to put up with me, so today being frustrated is a better place to be. I have zero interest in doing anything, I just spend all day on the sofa. It's a double negative. I have been doing a few things to introduce noise into my life to try and get used to it, see if I can tune it out but it won't be easy. Then there is the pressure feeling when going over hills in the car. Flying is something I won't be doing anytime soon. I'm still miserable as I want to be out, I want to be doing things, even going to work (I dislike my job, but being there would mean that I wouldn't have this issue as I would be "better" if that makes sense?). I don't know, I've been depressed before but this is a new low.

No new appointments yet. It'll be 3 months before the Next scheduled one. I may get one sooner after my conversation with my spspecialist's secretary on Thursday.


35,501 posts

217 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
rofl more like 3 plus hours! I know you are very self deprecating when it comes to how you've coped with your tumour and the recovery process afterwards, but I agree with the sentiments of everyone else on that thread that your attitude and determination is something to be lauded. You thoroughly deserve everything positive that you get in your life, as you have earned it in spades.

It certainly isn't pleasant. I am glad that my gf goes to work during the day as then the only noise in the house is made by me. I cannot stop external noises but living on a cul-de-sac means no through traffic, just the occasional passing car.

I have cotton wool in both ears as this lessens my symptoms. When it allows I remove the one in My right ear. My left one I Cannot as I hate hearing my own voice at the best of times, let alone amplified lol. Basically how it works is that my voice doesn't travel from my mouth around to my ears. It travels up my eustachian tubes to my ears as well, hence why people get treatment for it.

I got signed off work for another week yesterday starting tomorrow so I aren't now back until the 25th. I won't be getting paid for these sick days (I work 4 on 4 off). I somehow have to find the rent for my digs in Sheffield for next month which is a worry but something I'll worry about later.

My few friends I have aren't that bothered and tbh I don't hold it against them. Sure it would be nice if they were but c'est la vie. I am a member of a support group on Facebook which helps but also reading of how other people have had successful and unsuccessful procedures has mixed effects on me. Most of the people are in the USA o that group as it's a larger demographic of affected people due to a larger population.

Today ive been frustrated. I've been worse, I was very angry over the weekend and came close to splitting with my gf as I didn't want to put her through this and have to put up with me, so today being frustrated is a better place to be. I have zero interest in doing anything, I just spend all day on the sofa. It's a double negative. I have been doing a few things to introduce noise into my life to try and get used to it, see if I can tune it out but it won't be easy. Then there is the pressure feeling when going over hills in the car. Flying is something I won't be doing anytime soon. I'm still miserable as I want to be out, I want to be doing things, even going to work (I dislike my job, but being there would mean that I wouldn't have this issue as I would be "better" if that makes sense?). I don't know, I've been depressed before but this is a new low.

No new appointments yet. It'll be 3 months before the Next scheduled one. I may get one sooner after my conversation with my spspecialist's secretary on Thursday.
That's good that whilst at home you can at least have some peace and quiet if needs be. The noises you hear, are they painful or just bloody annoying?

It can be bad hearing about others with similar situations because they may have less favourable outcomes, but they may have, in time, come up with various coping strategies or whatever which you can take on board and perhaps learn from. Ultimately, it can be dangerous hearing other stories as we're all different, you have different surgeons etc so to a certain extent take the other experiences as worthy of note, rather than gospel.

You'll just have to give things time to settle, you've just had surgery.... Things don't always get better overnight. And trust me, I know, it's that uncertainty of not knowing that's also pretty st.

Don't rush into splitting with the girlfriend, because at this stage you really don't know what's going to happen with yourself long term. How bad would you feel if 6 weeks down the line you notice significant improvements, but you've split up with her? If you can, have a chat with her (probably quietly!) and try to explain how you're feeling and that you understand you may be acting in a way that isn't good towards her. She may at least try to understand and thus be a little more patient.

Let's hope you get to see the specialist sooner rather than later to allay any fears you have. Write ALL of your concerns down so you don't forget to ask any questions.

Have a day that'd as good as possible and keep us updated, and try to keep that chin up.


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
That's good that whilst at home you can at least have some peace and quiet if needs be. The noises you hear, are they painful or just bloody annoying?

It can be bad hearing about others with similar situations because they may have less favourable outcomes, but they may have, in time, come up with various coping strategies or whatever which you can take on board and perhaps learn from. Ultimately, it can be dangerous hearing other stories as we're all different, you have different surgeons etc so to a certain extent take the other experiences as worthy of note, rather than gospel.

You'll just have to give things time to settle, you've just had surgery.... Things don't always get better overnight. And trust me, I know, it's that uncertainty of not knowing that's also pretty st.

Don't rush into splitting with the girlfriend, because at this stage you really don't know what's going to happen with yourself long term. How bad would you feel if 6 weeks down the line you notice significant improvements, but you've split up with her? If you can, have a chat with her (probably quietly!) and try to explain how you're feeling and that you understand you may be acting in a way that isn't good towards her. She may at least try to understand and thus be a little more patient.

Let's hope you get to see the specialist sooner rather than later to allay any fears you have. Write ALL of your concerns down so you don't forget to ask any questions.

Have a day that'd as good as possible and keep us updated, and try to keep that chin up.
I look forward to peace and quiet and sleep, but as you can imagine I'm not sleeping all that well.

The noises are just annoying. It is very difficult to describe them really. Its like say you're just talking with someone and then someone closes a door, except that its louder and more echoy, but its not like closing a door in an empty room.

The people who have been treated by my specialist all seem to have positive outcomes and none have experienced what I have. That gives me hope, but at the same time bothers me as why was I different? Rhetorical question.
The other surgeon who is well known is based in the USA. Pretty much all procedures in this country are carried out by one specialist.

I know its just frustrating. When I had this operation in 2013 I was fine immediately after. Felt no ill-effects, except 10 days later when I went on the London Underground, but that only lasted a few days and I didnt suffer any real re-occurrences, though I avoided going on the Underground again, which when you lived in London made getting about on buses time consuming! But prevention was better than the cure.

We have talked about it and she knows exactly how I am feeling and what I am going through. She is as upset as me that I am suffering and she wishes I had not have had the operation. Hindsight is a wonderful thing! I am staying with her, but I feel very guilty as at the moment it is limiting what we can do. I dont want her to feel trapped with someone who cant go out because of the noise.

I'd like something to change. Even if it got worse then at least it tells me something is changing and that if things get worse, things can also get better. Every time I swallow or yawn I am willing my left eustachian tube to open. My right one does, I get the tell tale click. I'd love to hear that from my left ear. Again it would be change and a positive one.

My specialist knows all of the issues that I have currently. He's a really good guy and cares about this disorder which helps. You're right about he uncertainty. If someone could tell me that in x amount of time that everything would be normal with authority, then I'd be happy as I'd have an end, but no one knows if or when, and I hate not knowing!


35,501 posts

217 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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I know it's easier said than done but just remember it's still early days. Give it time for swelling etc to settle down and see what happens in time.



17,546 posts

184 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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I've had my Eustachian tubes playing up since I was a small child and it's at the point that I don't bother going on holiday anywhere I have to fly because it leaves me all holiday lying down feeling nauseous and unable to balance or focus or concentrate on anything.

What you're describing sounds much like me when it's playing up and I can't find anything useful to do about it.

And yes, it has made me feel very depressed as sometimes I can't see how it's possible to be happy or enjoy anything ever again when everything through my head hurts so much and I can barely stand up without falling over or collapsing.

ETA: it's interesting that whenever I've posted on here about anything to do with this in the past I've disclosed everything (diet, excercise, alcohol intake etc) for the sake of transparency and everyone who replies just tells me about alcohol use (despite me saying that as I don't count units and don't regularly drink I average it out on the high side to be sure I'm not underestimating it).

No one takes a blind bit of notice about what I'm actually asking or mentioning and ignores it.

At times when it's bad I've felt so frustrated at myself that I can't even bend to put my socks on because I topple over.

Also, I sound self-pitying but I'm not. I'm just frustrated at times (like now) that it makes me very unproductive and I find myself turning into a hermit.
Edited by RobinBanks on Wednesday 13th May 13:05

Edited by RobinBanks on Wednesday 13th May 13:09


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
I know it's easier said than done but just remember it's still early days. Give it time for swelling etc to settle down and see what happens in time.

Something seems different today, my left ear is clicky and squelchy, though my other symptoms are still there.


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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RobinBanks said:
I've had my Eustachian tubes playing up since I was a small child and it's at the point that I don't bother going on holiday anywhere I have to fly because it leaves me all holiday lying down feeling nauseous and unable to balance or focus or concentrate on anything.

What you're describing sounds much like me when it's playing up and I can't find anything useful to do about it.

And yes, it has made me feel very depressed as sometimes I can't see how it's possible to be happy or enjoy anything ever again when everything through my head hurts so much and I can barely stand up without falling over or collapsing.

ETA: it's interesting that whenever I've posted on here about anything to do with this in the past I've disclosed everything (diet, excercise, alcohol intake etc) for the sake of transparency and everyone who replies just tells me about alcohol use (despite me saying that as I don't count units and don't regularly drink I average it out on the high side to be sure I'm not underestimating it).

No one takes a blind bit of notice about what I'm actually asking or mentioning and ignores it.

At times when it's bad I've felt so frustrated at myself that I can't even bend to put my socks on because I topple over.

Also, I sound self-pitying but I'm not. I'm just frustrated at times (like now) that it makes me very unproductive and I find myself turning into a hermit.
Edited by RobinBanks on Wednesday 13th May 13:05

Edited by RobinBanks on Wednesday 13th May 13:09
I'm sorry to hear this Brian, you sound like you're suffering quite badly. In terms of diet, mine wasn't and still isn't great, though it is a lot better than it was, and nothing has changed. I was asked recently by my gp about my weekly alcohol intake and it was described as being fairly low.

My specialist is Mr Ian Bottrill. Can i make a suggestion that you ask your gp to be referred to him? The NHS has a choose and book scheme (just in case you're not aware of this) so you can see any specialist you like as long as they specialise in the field you need help with. He is an experienced ENT Dr and a very engaging guy. He is based at Stoke Mandeville in Aylesbury but he is worth seeing.


35,501 posts

217 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
E65Ross said:
I know it's easier said than done but just remember it's still early days. Give it time for swelling etc to settle down and see what happens in time.

Something seems different today, my left ear is clicky and squelchy, though my other symptoms are still there.
Change is good thumbup


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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Im not getting my hopes up, but it's a change and as I said, I wanted something to change.

I may be brave later and try going to morrisons with the gf, see how my ears cope!


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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I have an appointment at my specialist's clinic on Monday morning. No guarantee that I will get to see him as he has other drs on his staff but i have a feeling that I will end up seeing him.

I ventured out yesterday to morrisons. That was not easy. I have realised that not only does the low notes bother me, they dull my hearing too, so as there was a constant rumble at morrisons, I couldn't hear anything else very well.


35,501 posts

217 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
I have an appointment at my specialist's clinic on Monday morning. No guarantee that I will get to see him as he has other drs on his staff but i have a feeling that I will end up seeing him.

I ventured out yesterday to morrisons. That was not easy. I have realised that not only does the low notes bother me, they dull my hearing too, so as there was a constant rumble at morrisons, I couldn't hear anything else very well.
That's quite a quick turnaround for an appointment, that's really good! Let's hope it's with the chap you have been seeing. Either way, I'm sure if it'd another ENT specialist they'll still be very good.

That's fantastic about getting out yesterday, well done. It would have been all too easy to say it'll be too uncomfortable to go out and just stayed indoors, but you went out.... Great! Maybe you should try and set yourself some short term goals. Yesterday was a trip to morrisons, which may have taken 30mins (just as an example) so in another day or 2 try to go out for 40mins or something and see how you get on?


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
That's quite a quick turnaround for an appointment, that's really good! Let's hope it's with the chap you have been seeing. Either way, I'm sure if it'd another ENT specialist they'll still be very good.

That's fantastic about getting out yesterday, well done. It would have been all too easy to say it'll be too uncomfortable to go out and just stayed indoors, but you went out.... Great! Maybe you should try and set yourself some short term goals. Yesterday was a trip to morrisons, which may have taken 30mins (just as an example) so in another day or 2 try to go out for 40mins or something and see how you get on?
I have to say that I wasnt expecting it to be so soon so I'm pleased about that. The last time I went and didn't see him, he came in to see me so I feel certain that he will come and take a look. I'm hoping they scope my tubes by putting the scope through my nose.

I needed to do it, I was going stir crazy. I may pop out on Saturday with the gf into town for a bit and to Tesco. Its not much and certainly not what we are used to doing when she isn't on call, but needs must! Lame that I am missing going to Tesco LOL.


35,501 posts

217 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
I have to say that I wasnt expecting it to be so soon so I'm pleased about that. The last time I went and didn't see him, he came in to see me so I feel certain that he will come and take a look. I'm hoping they scope my tubes by putting the scope through my nose.

I needed to do it, I was going stir crazy. I may pop out on Saturday with the gf into town for a bit and to Tesco. Its not much and certainly not what we are used to doing when she isn't on call, but needs must! Lame that I am missing going to Tesco LOL.
It is amazing the small things you miss when they're gone!

Hopefully it goes well for you and you find a little progress, however small. But don't be disheartened if you don't.


Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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E65Ross said:
It is amazing the small things you miss when they're gone!

Hopefully it goes well for you and you find a little progress, however small. But don't be disheartened if you don't.
I can see that, and I am sure you were like that though for even smaller things that we take for granted these days.

Thanks I hope it does. Another reason why I am doing it is that I am seeing if I can get used to it, so that if it doesnt go away, I can at least function. I will still have other options to me I guess such as deafness (extreme) but we will see what happens.

Annoyingly having this disorder causes me another issue. I need to lose weight as I way 18st and I'm 5ft 10. I need to get my BMI down to a more healthier level. I have changed some of my eating habits but they're still not great - working night shifts means I don't eat at good times and when I do eat its stty food that I eat. I also eat as this used to help my condition with my left ear as eating closes the eustachian tube.

The reason why it is annoying is that exercising gets me hot (obviously), and that makes my eustachian tubes open. Secondly, losing weight is also attributed to this condition as well, so by getting fitter could make this worse. Catch 22 lol.

I think though that once this echo thing hopefully goes (i told the gf that i will get better last night, PMA and all that) I will start going to the gym on my days off to get fitter.