What Are Your Gym/Fitness/Routine Moans?

What Are Your Gym/Fitness/Routine Moans?



Original Poster:

7,751 posts

178 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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Right I'll start.

If you have finished using the machine......shout GET OFF OF IT!!!!

I know it sounds silly but when I go to the gym I have a set routine and usually a set amount of time to do it in, so it pisses me right off when someone decides to have a nice rest, perhaps send a text or watch whatever sport or music video is on the TVs.

I understand that once we have finished our shoulder press's or leg extentions standing straight up could cause us to faint but do you really need to sit there on the only machine of its type in the gym for 5 minutes? I could ask you politely if you've finished but I'm a bit of a miserable sod and I really don't like talking to strangers unless I really have to so can you learn some basic manners and consider that maybe, just maybe, someone else may like to use that machine too.

Anyway rant over, I have many other gripes that are gym related but I'll refrain from boring you with tham for now. Thank you and goodnight hehe


77,316 posts

287 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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Fair enough, I don't know how anyone can train in a popular gym.


2,513 posts

235 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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I hate going with a nice tough plan sorted then you get there and too many people so you cant do any of it!!! bds! I now go to Crossfit where only about 8-10 of you and a nice circuit everynight is organised for you!


1,894 posts

198 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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Most people in the gym are just there to waste their time and don't lift hard. I like to lift as much as possible and get out of there as quickly as I can. Anything else is a waste of time.


636 posts

183 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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I know the feeling. Sitting on one machine is bad enough but I've had a guy trying to claim 2 or 3 sets of equipment as he was doing a circuit.
My main problem, which will be repeated every time the subject comes up: Put the weights back when you've finished!
I walked in my gym earlier and every set of dumbbells 8 to 25Kg was somewhere on the floor. Some of them were actually being used, one guy had 3 sets under the bench he was using, the rest just laying around.

Idiots that drop/throw the weight when they've finished.

Noisy/Grunty GGGGGGRRRUUUURRRRRRggghhhhh!!! people, often with a spotter shouting COME ON!! ONE MORE!!!

Smelly people.

And a minor moan. People that spend ages on the treadmil/x-trainer at a very gentle walking pace not putting any effort in. (Only applies when there's no other machine free.) If you're making the effort to turn up you should at least break a sweat.


31,733 posts

238 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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That 'fat bint detector' that just vibrates noisily, ruining my concentration/music. They could replace it with a sign that just says "Yes, pet, your bum does look big in that. Put the cake down and get on the treadmill."


4,021 posts

205 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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I just hate people in general! Better when gym is nearly empty, smash round any equipment quickly.

Groups of lads, normally Uni rugby team in my case who hog a piece of equipment for 20 mins a time.


Original Poster:

7,751 posts

178 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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Right I've held off long enough hehe

At my gym there are 12 shower cubicles in the gents changing rooms, I go in when they're all empty...........someone comes into the cubicle beside me confused Why? You have 11 cubicles to choose from and you choose the on next to one thats in use!!!!!

Group of young lads, one sits on a machine and picks a weight thats far too high to properly finish, his mates all stand around looking sheepish and as though they can't be any further than two feet from him while he puts his back out.

Right sausage birds that think all the blokes in the gym are ogling them, you know the sort, turn up in a Fiat 500, brand new Nike gear iPod strapped to their arm giving everyone dirty looks but drooling over the personal trainer.


584 posts

221 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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People who sweat all over the equipment and don't use their towel to mop it up rage


6,020 posts

155 months

Monday 12th November 2012
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essexplumber said:
Right I'll start.

If you have finished using the machine......shout GET OFF OF IT!!!!

I know it sounds silly but when I go to the gym I have a set routine and usually a set amount of time to do it in, so it pisses me right off when someone decides to have a nice rest, perhaps send a text or watch whatever sport or music video is on the TVs.

I understand that once we have finished our shoulder press's or leg extentions standing straight up could cause us to faint but do you really need to sit there on the only machine of its type in the gym for 5 minutes? I could ask you politely if you've finished but I'm a bit of a miserable sod and I really don't like talking to strangers unless I really have to so can you learn some basic manners and consider that maybe, just maybe, someone else may like to use that machine too.

Anyway rant over, I have many other gripes that are gym related but I'll refrain from boring you with tham for now. Thank you and goodnight hehe
You ever thought that they rest for other reasons? (Not sounding like an asshole)
I rest for around 5 minutes between sets as I do strength training which requires a break in between. If someone wants to jump in between im fine with it and ill normally ask if someone is staring in my direction. Ill often sit and rest on the machine unless extra weight is needed smile
Other than that MTFU and ask if you can jump in hehe


7,520 posts

248 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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I think the answer is to go to a proper hardcore gym and not a life style gym if you don't like most things in this thread.

I don't have any of those problems in my gym thanks to strong management and the reason why people go to my gym.

Someone using a bit of equipment? No problem, I just politely ask if I can 'work in' and once he/she (usually he!) gets up and we take it in turns. I've never had anyone say no.

I once saw someone expelled from the gym for taking 5 sets of dumbells and when the gym owner accessed if he'd share them (it was busy) he replied, I pay my fees so I will do what I want! This was a big mistake and he found himself on the street less than 1 minute later and told not to come back!


1,978 posts

198 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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People who take their phones into the gym with them...surely your there to work out not to talk to your mates, and everyone around you doesn't want to listen to your conversation.
Not only that but while your talking on the phone your sat/leaning on the piece of equipment that I or someone else would like to use!


515 posts

153 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Bloody tee shirt warriors who only ever bench press or bicep curl. And what's the obsession with wearing bloody baggy pyjama bottom things and plimsolls. How can anyone do a proper workout in that?! Oh, its because you're hiding your skeletal legs that you dont have time to exercise between 3 bench presses and half an hour of pretending to text someone and look popular.

Break a sweat for fk's sake.


29,498 posts

194 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Raddors said:
Bloody tee shirt warriors who only ever bench press or bicep curl. And what's the obsession with wearing bloody baggy pyjama bottom things and plimsolls. How can anyone do a proper workout in that?! Oh, its because you're hiding your skeletal legs that you dont have time to exercise between 3 bench presses and half an hour of pretending to text someone and look popular.

Break a sweat for fk's sake.

Yep. Saw one at the gym last night, plimsoles.. Loose fashion joggers and a very loose vest with 'Ripped' written across it. I only go to the gym at the moment for cardio, but had a little go on the machine he was on when he had finished messing around, same weight he was on.. Piece of piss. Embarrassing.


515 posts

153 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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JonnyFive said:
Raddors said:
Bloody tee shirt warriors who only ever bench press or bicep curl. And what's the obsession with wearing bloody baggy pyjama bottom things and plimsolls. How can anyone do a proper workout in that?! Oh, its because you're hiding your skeletal legs that you dont have time to exercise between 3 bench presses and half an hour of pretending to text someone and look popular.

Break a sweat for fk's sake.

Yep. Saw one at the gym last night, plimsoles.. Loose fashion joggers and a very loose vest with 'Ripped' written across it. I only go to the gym at the moment for cardio, but had a little go on the machine he was on when he had finished messing around, same weight he was on.. Piece of piss. Embarrassing.
Ive seen some at my place finish a machine, then move the pin down the weight stack before they get off so the next person thinks they're some sort of beast. Laughable.


59 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Chris_VRS said:
People who take their phones into the gym with them...surely your there to work out not to talk to your mates, and everyone around you doesn't want to listen to your conversation.
Not only that but while your talking on the phone your sat/leaning on the piece of equipment that I or someone else would like to use!
This pisses me off too. Especially when there are signs all over the gym saying 'no phones". Muppets!


5,533 posts

215 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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You guys need to find other gyms.....or stop being bothered by what other folk are doing.


33,644 posts

217 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Piped music. It's invariably pants.


24,438 posts

233 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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I only have a small gym, part of the apartment complex, so there's only one set of dumbells, a multi use machine, Smiths machine and a few other things. It can get incredibly frustrating when I'm in the middle of an intense workout only to find the place has filled up and there's nothing available.

That really, really annoys me as I work my bks off as I feel that the inertia is lost.

Also, I rearrange all the dumbbells back into their correct places every single time before I start and as soon as there's a few people, DBs left all over the place.

Anyway, I've only got a couple of weeks left on this program. I'm going to chill or a week or two and then move to a bulking phase where I'm going to need to go to a proper gym as I don't have anything to do deadlifts, proper squats, barbell presses etc... It'll also mean that I'll be doing less workouts per week so it won't be as important that the gym is as convenient.


59 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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People who pick up heavy weights then drop them from waist height onto the floor shaking the entire building.
People who pull up their shirt in front of the mirrors to stare at their abs.
People who park their cars in the disabled spots when they are able bodied
People who talk loudly about how much gear they are on and how hard they are to friends whilst lifting

Its the first one that really annoys me the most...