PH Parents of 2012



Original Poster:

1,849 posts

185 months

Saturday 29th October 2011
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There must be some folks on here that are expecting a bundle of fun next year, so thought I would get the ball rolling!!

My little one taken last week, I had a boys name picked out for 15years and somehow had convinced myself that is what I was having.... but it seems I am back to the drawing board as this little girl has no name right now but she is due on the 5th March.


8,017 posts

201 months

Saturday 29th October 2011
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This is my future son sucking his thumb,

Risque bum shot,

And here's the thumbs up,


Original Poster:

1,849 posts

185 months

Saturday 29th October 2011
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hehe cracking scan shots there. Better detail than I am getting. Hope all is going well with the pregnancy.


8,017 posts

201 months

Saturday 29th October 2011
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Well, in truth things haven't gone according to plan from the start but who cares what has happened as long as we get a healthy boy at the end. We have placenta Previa (placenta covering the cervix) now which can be an issue but we are not worrying about it. Hopefully it just means we need a Cesarian birth which does not phase my wife at all.

Here is a picture of our son when he was 3 days old.


15,078 posts

174 months

Saturday 29th October 2011
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We're getting our first scan on Tuesday, kid popping out in May biggrin


868 posts

229 months

Monday 31st October 2011
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SSC! said:
There must be some folks on here that are expecting a bundle of fun next year, so thought I would get the ball rolling!!
I'm due 26th March smile After the drama of last year, we decided to have an amnio - first results are back and all clear so currently just waiting on the second set of results - which will also 100% tell us girl or boy. I suspect boy as I'm HUGE (my midwife and consultant have both asked me if I'm expecting twins laugh).


3,850 posts

241 months

Monday 31st October 2011
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Lovely and funny pics so far.

I might get the first arrival of the thread, as this little thing is due on 7th January.

Most people have a baby, but this is my alien (back in Aug).

Edited by Nicol@ on Monday 31st October 21:36


Original Poster:

1,849 posts

185 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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Can expectant mums (if there are any) or any of the fathers who have come across with their partners give some advice.

Currently struggling with shocking pelvic girdle pain, any folks out there got a recommendation for support belts?? Unfortunatley due to work I am unable to get myself booked on the midwifes course that might help so I am looking into other ways to solve the problem. Currently at 26 wks.

Any info appreciated.



407 posts

190 months

Thursday 1st December 2011
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SSC! said:
Can expectant mums (if there are any) or any of the fathers who have come across with their partners give some advice.

Currently struggling with shocking pelvic girdle pain, any folks out there got a recommendation for support belts?? Unfortunatley due to work I am unable to get myself booked on the midwifes course that might help so I am looking into other ways to solve the problem. Currently at 26 wks.

Any info appreciated.

I really feel for you. It sounds like SPD, which I suffered from during pregnancy and ended up taking early mat leave due to having a physical job. The second best thing about giving birth (1st being my daughter of course!) was that immediately afterwards I could walk again!

I am afraid I can't help on where you can get a support belt - I got mine from a physio that my midwife referred me to. Have you given your midwife a ring - maybe she can get one for you so you just have to pick it up?

In the mean time make sure you keep you legs together when get in/out of a car and when turning over in bed.

Godd luck, I hope you get some relief soon.


11,636 posts

256 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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We've got number two coming in May next year. Our daughter will be 23 months old. It was a bit of a surprise to be honest - we tried for number one for 6 years, had IVF (unsuccessfully) and various other treatments. Eventually it was a natural conception, but we didn't expect to fall pregnant so soon after deciding to start trying again.

We're over the moon, and cannot wait for number two. My wife had quite a serious (and rare) complication which emerged at 20 weeks last time called Pemphigoid Gestationis (google it. Unpleasant) which we've been warned *might* pop up again. It meant that our daughter arrived early, so we'll have to keep an eye out for that again.

She also has SPD. To the other poster who's suffering, have you spoken to your GP? We did and got a very quick referral to a physio which my wife is doing next week. My sister in law suffered but the physio was able to work wonders for her. Fingers crossed.

Apart from that, everything is present and correct and we've got our 20 week scan just after Christmas. Debate currently raging chez moi about whether we should find out or not. I'm in the yes camp, my wife isn't. Which means that she'll win...


Original Poster:

1,849 posts

185 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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Stuart & AMLK may thanks, I have managed to get to see the midwife who is booking me in for an emergency app to get fitted with the bump band to ease the pain as I can't have physio appointments due to work.

Now 28 weeks along so now feel like doing the countdown from 12 as it will pass quicker, however last night I managed to fall asleep on my back for an hour and woke up in excruciating pain and felt like everything was siezing up. I put it down to either the hour sleeping on my back or Braxton Hicks contractions. One thing is for sure..... my bag is getting PACKED tonight as all these thoughts ran into my head about who to call, what to do.....

i.e I went into a little panic.

Hope everyones bumps are well.

Ave x


11,636 posts

256 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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SSC! said:
Stuart & AMLK may thanks, I have managed to get to see the midwife who is booking me in for an emergency app to get fitted with the bump band to ease the pain as I can't have physio appointments due to work.

Now 28 weeks along so now feel like doing the countdown from 12 as it will pass quicker, however last night I managed to fall asleep on my back for an hour and woke up in excruciating pain and felt like everything was siezing up. I put it down to either the hour sleeping on my back or Braxton Hicks contractions. One thing is for sure..... my bag is getting PACKED tonight as all these thoughts ran into my head about who to call, what to do.....

i.e I went into a little panic.

Hope everyones bumps are well.

Ave x
Yikes. Our daughter turned up at 34 weeks, so you might not have that long to go...


Original Poster:

1,849 posts

185 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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Stuart said:
Yikes. Our daughter turned up at 34 weeks, so you might not have that long to go...
eek Must admit I do seem to have it in my head that I might end up going early, but that is just down to the fact I plan on working right up till a week before due date.

Better get that bag packed this afternoon. hehe


3,697 posts

200 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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Our first is due on the 26th Feb. Scary as thats now less than 12 weeks away!

Dont know if it's a boy or girl.


1,610 posts

202 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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We're due the 22 Jan - 40 days to go, very excited!


8,814 posts

259 months

Tuesday 20th December 2011
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wavey baby due 26th June.... 10 days after Le Mans.


11,636 posts

256 months

Tuesday 20th December 2011
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Oggs said:
wavey baby due 26th June.... 10 days after Le Mans.
That puts you right in the red zone!


1,483 posts

210 months

Tuesday 20th December 2011
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Our second is due March 11th, Mrs ehonda convinced an early 29th Feb birth is on the cards though!


268 posts

210 months

Tuesday 20th December 2011
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Our first is due 10th May, we are having our anomly scan next week which I am really looking forward to


1,345 posts

237 months

Tuesday 20th December 2011
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Our second is due at the end of April. I suspect we're going to have our hands full as our first will only be 15 months old at that point! eek
I'm hoping he'll have started consistently sleeping through by then so I can bank some kip before the birth as I only managed 2 hours sleep in 72 when he arrived sleep