The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



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143 months

Sunday 31st December 2023
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Let's do it!

A really good 11 months for me thanks to the thread, followed by a month of full on self-destruct thanks to my fragile existence. Will weigh tomorrow and update, but I'm really looking forward to getting back on it. I am properly flawed so if I can do it, anyone can.

Slimming world style for me, but there are many ways to skin a cat. There is no judgement to your approach, just hopefully sensible advice and encouragement.

If you're carrying on from last year or starting for the new year, let's go! If you're joining us, perhaps let us know if you're happy to be messaged if you disappear.

Wiki can be found here:

Pinched this from last year's opening post...
Ambleton said:
I'd encourage all users to update the table every one or two weeks. Set a reminder on your phone. The less drop outs the better, even if you're temporarily heading in the wrong direction. The group can rally round and help everyone along, don't be afraid to say you're struggling (illness, feeling down, mental health, lost mojo, injury).
Not sure if my wiki is set-up right, but it's a sticky either way hehe

Edited by 22 on Sunday 31st December 14:55

Edited by 22 on Sunday 31st December 15:06


Original Poster:

2,381 posts

143 months

Monday 1st January
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Please do what makes you feel better/motivated. This is likely to include improvements to diet and exercise. Let's keep this a positive place.

I am horribly addictive, I have somehow put on half of what I lost in the entirety of 2023 over the last 4 weeks. I suppose I'm still 8kg lighter than I was at the start of 2023. Hoping ~5kg or so drops off pretty quick with my body retaining water or whatever it does when my diet is atrocious.

Plan is to row (machine) 10k at least 6 times a week - also bought a turbo trainer (Zwift) and will use it often.

No bickering!


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143 months

Monday 1st January
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MBVitoria said:
You on a Concept 2 rower? Home or gym?

Facebook C2 group is excellent if you're not already a member.
Yeah, C2 and possibly the best thing I have ever bought. It lives in my office about 10 mins walk from home (only me so no one else has to watch!). I never really pushed for times, but rowed and rowed until it became normal. Takes me ~43 minutes for a 10k watching Netflix. I did jump on the lunchtime Dave Plan for a few weeks and my 2k was 7:18.7, 5k 19:28. I'm 50+ and 100kg+, only one of those I can do anything about hehe I joined a 'sub7' group for one of the challenges - and at a time it looked very feasible, right now I don't think so - but with many of the challenges distance-based I think I'll be ok. Only managed 100k for the Holiday challenge, but my diet and exercise both fell apart tail-end of the year.

I said on last year's thread that I actually do look like someone who rows everyday now, just the added caveat of looking like I'm rowing to the pie shop. I've currently got a bit of a shoulder issue so will see what transpires - would genuinely miss it if I couldn't row for a while.

I don't really use FB, but am on the C2 group. Compared to the Zwift/Peleton groups it's actually very civilised.


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143 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I'm another big calorie muncher with lots of exercise. Find something that you can make stick.

I spent most of last year (just) under 100kg (105.9 today) and hoping my body will quickly shift the seasonal excess. I didn't plan as such, but didn't eat anything yesterday until ~4pm and had already used Zwift bike (20km) and C2 rower (10km) plus walked to the office, town and home 5,500 steps.

0.5kg for the 24 hours, I usually weigh once a week, others will prefer daily. but thought I'd chalk up a small victory on the Wiki.


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143 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I've added a new column to the wiki. No idea if it will work, but indicates if you are happy to be contacted if you disappear from the thread/Wiki (perhaps after 5 or 6 weeks and real-life might get in the way of this happening).

I won't go to the slimming world public weighbridge for several weeks as the groups will be rammed with well-intended folk. In a couple of months, numbers will have dwindled. These threads are similar so perhaps an added layer of accountability.

Can take it off if it's a daft idea.


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143 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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beambeam1 said:
Is anyone interested in throwing some recipes in about this thread? I'd certainly be interested in what other meal prep options others are using.
Lots of different diets/approaches. For me it's a low/no fat approach with unlimited pasta/rice/spuds. Genuinely no idea the science behind it, but works for me and Slimming World have made a humongous business out of fools like me. If I shared my portion sizes, no one would believe I can lose weight but, for someone who struggles with limits & boundaries, it gives me a fighting chance. As much as I am flawed, I don't drink (for the same reasons) or have a sweet tooth so a couple fewer hurdles than some.

I eat a lot of chicken and veg, roast spuds in the air-fryer (with fry-light spray) plus I have a few base meals that get me through the week. Healthy spag bol (5% mince), 'dirty rice' or a simple chicken & bacon risotto.

beambeam1 said:
...good discipline and positive habits being formed. Good discipline that transfers to better practices with food intake and everything else.
An element of this too, I'll come home and look forward to and then enjoy making a healthy meal as it has all become part of an improved lifestyle.


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143 months

Thursday 4th January
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Well, no one said it would be easy. A couple of good days to start the year but woke up feeling rotten yesterday and sat munching trash feeling sorry for myself. I expect ups and downs, but ideally not on day 3. Don't feel a whole lot better today, but will try and keep myself busy.

By sticking to the thread last year, I learned to pick myself up, dust myself down and a little blip won't stop the bigger battle. Over the course of 11 months the trend was a good one.

It's easy to think you can't do it, but all of us can.


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143 months

Thursday 4th January
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Nice to see you back Ambleton. Your success played a part in getting me on board so thank you.

Tomorrow will be my first Friday weigh-in. Also a coldy bug here (although typically one that craves calories), I'm still hoping for a small loss and have exercised well (I know this triggers some hehe )

Whatever your motivations, whatever your approach, whatever your goals, PH can be an incredible force for good in places like this.


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143 months

Friday 5th January
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1.4kg for the short week to Friday, I'm ok with that.

I always have a treat day on Friday, but today I'll try and have just a treat evening.


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143 months

Friday 12th January
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Starting to see some good losses get chalked up - incredible work folks.

I've still got a coldy bug which seems no worse than sniffles through the day but then coughing and disturbed sleep through the night. Think I feel worse from the lack of sleep than the bug.

Have been eating well better and today showed a little 0.5kg loss for the week. I'm still a chunk heavier than the end of November last year, but at least heading the right way. Was 1kg lighter this time yesterday but had two big meals yesterday (both properly healthy but too much).

Treat day today so can have a takeaway with the family. I said I'd try and reduce treat day to treat evening, but I'm not quite there yet. There's a special school (their words) down the road who have a cafe run by some of their more able learners which I adore and am partial to their wares (only open at the end of the week).

Overall the trend is a good, albeit slow moving one. I'll take that.


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143 months

Monday 15th January
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Robmarriott said:
I’ve had a complete non start so far, I’ve had a sore throat and cough which I’ve not been able to shift since the 3rd of Jan which had stopped my plan of ‘move more’ in its tracks.

It’s all a bit depressing, my intention was to hit it hard from day one but all I’m doing is giving myself sore abs from coughing and putting more weight on.
Bugs going round this way too, but felt motivated once they had mostly passed. I've got an appointment tomorrow as have a shoulder injury - no rowing machine (usually ~60k metres weekly), but haven't let it be a write-off. Kept things mostly in check (not close to perfect yet) and seeing little losses to reward not totally caving in.


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143 months

Friday 19th January
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Good to read some decent early results. If you've not started yet, or the good intentions have slipped, today is the day to make a change.

Another small loss for me 0.8kg and 2.7kg for the year. That might sound like a sustainable rate of weight loss, but I'm still 6kg heavier than the end of November. 5 weeks of complete meltdown (including a full-board Christmas break).

I've not been on my rowing machine (injury) as much as I usually do, but have walked and walked and walked (hilly town), plus a bit on the turbo trainer.

Annoyingly I was a little lighter yesterday morning. No idea how that works and was the same last week so might have to change my weigh-in day to Thursday hehe


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143 months

Sunday 21st January
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4Q said:
I think you’ve taken the most important step which is admitting to yourself. Many of us are in denial about how overweight and unfit we are and never get round to doing something about it so best of luck.
I think all of us have justified our excess weight by thinking we're naturally built/broad/stocky etc. It gets said time and time again across these threads.

I might argue the rowing machine (almost daily for 16 months before an injury) did more for my frame than the diet, but I absolutely needed both. I'm still undoing the seasonal excess and I'm beyond my "I'll never go north of 100kg again" promise nono

BUT... I'm feeling motivated and have moved my target down 5kg - even though I only got within 2.1kg of last year's target.


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143 months

Monday 22nd January
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MBVitoria said:
How's the rowing going? I've managed to get on mine every day for the past week and starting to look forward to it again.
I have 5 initial sessions of physio (through work Bupa) to see if it improves the shoulder impingement or whatever is going on - it's bloody painful.

So the machine is sadly folded away right now. It had become so 'normal' for me to row a 10k most days, that I do miss it. I'd rowed daily for a few months at the end of 2022 before I even looked at my diet (rather than change everything on day 1). Almost feels like it would be easier to ditch the diet and wait until I can row again hehe

Have a turbo trainer (Zwift) and it just hasn't grabbed me the same way - trying to persevere. With the rower being zero cost once you have the machine and for the workout they give, they're exceptional value.


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143 months

Thursday 25th January
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Last year Ambleton was clever enough to post pics of thread weight loss in equivalent motorbikes and the such. If anyone is so inclined feel free. Some of the loss numbers are carried forward or different start points so needs a think.

As for me - I'm going back to 'proper' Fat Club (slimming world) tomorrow. After a few good weeks, this week I've been reminded how flawed I am and an extra layer of accountability is needed.


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143 months

Friday 26th January
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cjs racing. said:
Big weigh in day for me today.

My first weigh in since my gallbladder went funny, and was removed over the new year, and more importantly exactly 1 year since my first weigh in.

Start weight 18 stone 7.

Today's weigh 12 stone 9.

And I now know just how much just weighing yourself doesn't tell the full story. Since the operation I have almost a beer belly look again, and honesty thought I had gained weight. It's just a combination of my operation, and not being able to work on my ab area as I was previously, Now I'm back to full health I can tighten it all back up
That is incredible, well done. You must be made up!


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143 months

Friday 26th January
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cjs racing. said:
Very much so. I know I also look very different, last week I ran into an acquaintance who I hadn't seen for 8 months. I greeted him, and he has to ask how I knew his nickname, our mutual friends who watched the weight come off laughed, he just didn't recognise me until they told him.

Things like that, and the weigh ins make me happy in the same way sugar, and carbs used to.
Probably should ask what your approach was? (save me going back through the thread). It's inspirational though. Absolutely will help give myself a kick up the bum!


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143 months

Friday 2nd February
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I'm the same as 2 weeks ago and I'm absolutely delighted as I properly fell off the wagon. Ended with lunch out on Saturday, drew a line under it and have been really good with my food to get back on track.

No rowing machine which I really miss (have physio on my gammy shoulder) and struggling to bond with the turbo trainer/Zwift. Might partly be as exercise equipment is at work and a time of year when I'm not left alone much.


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2,381 posts

143 months

Monday 5th February
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Feeling good this week if I can stay on track. I always buy some snacks/junk for the workers on a Friday and tuck in considerably myself. Usually I munch on that rubbish AND have a takeaway before knuckling back down for 6 days. This week I just crashed when I got home on Friday (family still had a takeaway) so I'm a touch under Friday's weight already - usually I spend the first few days undoing treat day before pressing on.

I also bought a big fruit bowl for the workers on Thursday which went down surprisingly well, so maybe times are changing!

The end of the week will be ~6 weeks into the year and perhaps the first round of sending nudges to those who have not updated - see if that helps anyone.

Let's get updating and see where we all are. My diet completely fell apart at one point and I'm still considerably heavier than the end of November, but I'm heading the right way again... slowly.


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2,381 posts

143 months

Friday 9th February
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2.3kg best chunk for a long time and feels a bit of a reward for getting my st together (still 4.1kg heavier than the end of November so potential for meltdown remains!). Was two weeks really of being on track, so skew-whiffed numbers on the scales I think, plus no real exercise (other than walking) so my body adjusting. Slimming world style - lots of pasta, spuds & rice, fruit & veg, no/low fat.

Started physio on an injury - I thought shoulder, she thinks bicep-related so hopefully get back on the rowing machine before too long (I stopped as a precaution).

Feeling good, looking improved. Hope lots of you are too.