What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



5,275 posts

271 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Last night:
Bodyweight pullups (86kg): 7x5 focusing on pulling as high as possible, preferably sternum level or higher. Then 3x5 with a band to get some more volume.
Kettlebell shoulder/stability stuff - unilateral suitcase press 4x12, unilateral Z press 4x12, single leg kettlebell press 4x12.

This morning I can feel how hard my core was working!


8,860 posts

75 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Grip session this afternoon:

40 x bodyweight chin-ups for a change, in blocks of 5s - full hang and squeezed at the top; the last few sets were hard work! BW still 120kg which is good as I'm not dropping weight without wanting to!

- Then onto 60mm bar (weighs 9kg) rack pulls from 2" below knee height - 10x49kg, 10x69kg, 10x79kg, 10x89kg, 8x99kg and 5x109kg - grip broken biggrin

This is the bar:

- Finished with 2" pin lifts (one hand grip on a vertical lift) - 8x50kg both hands (plate weight only), 8x55kg, 8x60kg, 8x65kg, 6x70kg - grip absolutely shot

This is how I set up the pin lift:

Finished with dumbbell curls and some rope curls


24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 13th June
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This morning..

Squats 140kg x 8, didn't have confidence to grind out last two. Narrowing my stance seems to have taken 'confidence' out of the motion but will Persevere.

Deadlits 160kg x 9
Clean and press 60kg x 8

Medicine ball wall balls x 10
Squat jump slam/Rotational slams x 10

No 'circuit' today, back tomorrow

....I'm feeling like I'm treading water just now and picking up niggles. Analysing things, I've never had constant outer elbow discomfort/pain like this and the only thing I'm doing differently is the medicine ball stuff...and given its tennis or golfers elbow which comes from similar motuons, I'm thinking these will have to go, at least until I can ascertain if they are the cause. So I'll need to add something else at the end of my circuit.


8,765 posts

184 months

Thursday 13th June
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Yesterday, early morning road ride, one hour around 320m of climbing 33kph avg, then a a full body workout at the gym, bench press topped out at 125kgs for 6 then dips off the rings followed by weighted pull ups then lunges and sled drills to finish, sea swim was done at 9.30pm just as the sun dipped into the horizon, very nice too, will do a Zwift session today as I will be packing my good bike into the camper for the trip to France tomorrow.


1,969 posts

134 months

Thursday 13th June
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biggbn said:
....I'm feeling like I'm treading water just now and picking up niggles. Analysing things, I've never had constant outer elbow discomfort/pain like this and the only thing I'm doing differently is the medicine ball stuff...and given its tennis or golfers elbow which comes from similar motuons, I'm thinking these will have to go, at least until I can ascertain if they are the cause. So I'll need to add something else at the end of my circuit.
That sounds likely. What set mine off was a constant open hand combined with the weights not allowing it to repair. The open hand came from a repetitive (computer) mouse movement in January due to submitting large numbers of tax returns... No joke.


8,860 posts

75 months

Thursday 13th June
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biggbn said:
....I'm feeling like I'm treading water just now and picking up niggles. Analysing things, I've never had constant outer elbow discomfort/pain like this and the only thing I'm doing differently is the medicine ball stuff...and given its tennis or golfers elbow which comes from similar motuons, I'm thinking these will have to go, at least until I can ascertain if they are the cause. So I'll need to add something else at the end of my circuit.
Had similar myself; what about a compression sleeve to see how that helps; as an example: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neotech-Care-Elbow-Suppor...

Have a look on YT as well for elbow rehab; plenty of videos out there ie.


Mine haunts me when I'm doing tricep pushdowns or NG bench etc; but only if I'm knackered beforehand for some reason

Heat and ibuprofen can help as well, if you can take it


24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 13th June
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Thanks both of the above. I think I'll change my cardio blast to some cross fit type sets to get the heart going. It's a bit of a bugger though because I reqlly enjoyed the medicine ball slams, very satisfying and cathartic!!


8,860 posts

75 months

Thursday 13th June
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Chest & triceps this afternoon...

Bodyweight pull ups; widest grip - 30 in sets of 3s as these don't do my shoulders any good; right shoulder more so, but they're getting easier

- Bench: 20xbar, 20x60kg, 18x70kg, 15x80kg, 12x90kg, 8x100kg
- Incline dumbbell flys super-setted with incline dumbbell bench: 15x15kg - 15x15kg, 15x15kg - 15x20kg, 15x15 - 15x25kg, 15x15kg - 12x32.5kg, 15x15kg - 12x37.5kg
- V bar tricep pushdowns: 20x20kg, 18x25kg, 15x30kg, 12x35kg, 9x37.5kg
- Rope pull downs: 20x15kg, 20x17.5kg, 18x20kg, 15x22.5kg

Bodyweight hangs: 4 x45sec holds on palms forward handles


8,765 posts

184 months

Thursday 13th June
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Super hard Zwift session, claimed all the jerseys on the course I was on so legs are in a good place, swim was done earlier in st conditions.


8,860 posts

75 months

Friday 14th June
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Legs again this morning; running late so in & out in 25mins and I felt it!

- Leg extensions super-setted with 3" deficit SLDLs: 20x35kg - 15x50kg, 20x45kg - 15x55kg, 20x50kg - 15x60kg, 18x50kg - 15x65kg
- Leg press (weight on frame) - 20x40kg, 20x80kg, 18x120kg, 15x160kg - left it at that as started to get very uncomfortable inside

Finished with 25 pull ups, supinated wide grip and done... Wobbled my way down the steps to the car biggrin


24,330 posts

223 months

Saturday 15th June
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Going to change my squat/deadlift day to much higher reps. Been reading a lot about these exercises for weight loss rather than overall strength, and as that's what I'm aiming for I'm going to change them to more of a cardio challenge than a weight on the bar one. I'll see how I go.


8,860 posts

75 months

Saturday 15th June
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biggbn said:
Going to change my squat/deadlift day to much higher reps. Been reading a lot about these exercises for weight loss rather than overall strength, and as that's what I'm aiming for I'm going to change them to more of a cardio challenge than a weight on the bar one. I'll see how I go.
Yeah; heavy squats for lower reps won't hep with weight loss; they'll get you stronger (and they'll make you want to eat more too as they absolutely hammer the CNS; food = recovery) etc


8,860 posts

75 months

Saturday 15th June
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Shoulders for me this morning - kept the weights light as my right shoulder/neck is hurting, thinking I've impinged a nerve somehow, so I'll see my osteo pal sometime next week to get it cricked & cracked... rolleyes

- Narrow-grip pull ups super-setted with dumbbell lateral raises: 5xBW - 15x11kg, 5xBW - 15x15kg, 5xBW - 15x15kg, 5xBW, 12x15kg
- Seated dumbbell press: 20x15kg, 18x20kg, 15x25kg, 15x25kg, 15x25kg
- Standing front lateral raises: 4 x 15 with 11kg
- Flat bench seated shoulder press with oly bar (works the core as well as the shoulders; great for stability): 20xbar, 20x30kg, 18x40kg, 15x50kg, 12x60kg, 12x60kg
- Oly bar curls: 20xbar, 20x30kg, 20x35kg, 15x37.5kg, 12x40kg
- Standing rope curls (elbows tight into sides): 20x20kg, 18x22.5kg, 15x25kg, 15x27.5kg, 12x30kg

Done; knackerred. 6 sessions this week. Feels great for a change!


24,330 posts

223 months

Saturday 15th June
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d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Going to change my squat/deadlift day to much higher reps. Been reading a lot about these exercises for weight loss rather than overall strength, and as that's what I'm aiming for I'm going to change them to more of a cardio challenge than a weight on the bar one. I'll see how I go.
Yeah; heavy squats for lower reps won't hep with weight loss; they'll get you stronger (and they'll make you want to eat more too as they absolutely hammer the CNS; food = recovery) etc
I've been working the ten rep range for squats, one work set with around 140kg...previously did GVT which was essentially 10x10 but I don't think I'm gonna go that extreme! Toying with a few crossfit type workouts, we'll see how we go. Keep it up man, good to hear your back and managing your workouts.


24,330 posts

223 months

Sunday 16th June
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Today's wee circuit.

Flat bench 100kg slow, tight reps x 10
Incline dumbell 40kg x 11
Incline fly 35kg x 8

Dumbell workout superset with 60kg flat bench close grip

50kg dumbell Shrugs x 25, 10x bench
50kg Single arm rows x 25 per side, 10x bench

40kg clasp front raise x 10, 10 x bench
15kg laterally raise x 10, 10 x bench....

....pumped up by now!!

Clean and press 50kg x 10
Olympic barbell curls x 10, 50kg x 10

Wall shots x 10

Tired, done....Will do cardio only workout tomorrow morning regardless of sleep quality...there, I've said it, have to do it now....


1,969 posts

134 months

Sunday 16th June
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Lovely weather and a free pass given it's Fathers Day, so 50 miles of mountain biking cloud9


8,765 posts

184 months

Sunday 16th June
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Today, camping on Mont Ventoux so thought it rude not to, caught about 30 riders and no one caught me so happy with that, 30c on the climb and views of the Alps at the top, a good day


519 posts

31 months

Sunday 16th June
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mcelliott said:
Today, camping on Mont Ventoux so thought it rude not to, caught about 30 riders and no one caught me so happy with that, 30c on the climb and views of the Alps at the top, a good day
Nice one.


708 posts

106 months

Monday 17th June
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Has anyone here dabbled in Kickstand squats?

I discovered them a few months ago by watching @everygotdamndre on Instagram. They're lethal when done right!

Lower day for me today. On a serious calorie deficit frown - not dictated with time constraints this week either, so extended sessions!

Dynamic and static mobility stretching drills with some Pilates/Yoga influence to start for 20 minutes.
250cal assault bike as a buy in.

KB Horse stance squats /ss KB Swings x4
Overhead KB walking lunges /ss Barbell Romanian deadlifts x4
3 walking rest
Kickstand squats (6 sets - 3 each leg) - solid weight RPE 8.5's - 3 second tempo down/pause/up
Seated or Lying Hamstring curl(whatever is free) - high rep range with build up weight for 3 sets again RPE 8.5~
Finishing with calf raise/calf press(whatever is free).

Always finish the session with some static deep stretches and some elongated breaths to calm the body down.

my training has become completely based on cardiovascular health with stability and mobility as the primary point of focus. Hopefully laying the foundations for a healthy body later in life!


708 posts

106 months

Monday 17th June
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axel1990chp said:
Ignoring the sets (I don’t use that function) my HR dropped off during hamstring curls because the watch didn’t pick it up, so probs +1k cals

Happy with that