What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



1,311 posts

107 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
Chest for me this morning and I'm feeling very high energy so I'm going to return to the gym in a bit and do some forearm/grip stuff, maybe a bit of cardio. Legs in the morning and that will be me half way through this program; for the interest of absolutely nobody, I shall provide numbers tomorrow.


8,877 posts

75 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
That’s where my body’s different, there’s no way I could lift those numbers without tearing something laugh I could barley bench over 120kg without doing a shoulder in, not done barbell bench for years now. Never had a muscle tear or issue always joints. Certainly not built for strong man that’s for sure.
Iv always loved the more bodybuilding style training, I train fairly quick short rest periods try to get as pumped as possible get a good sweat on!

Ye known Tommy a very long time back in the triple X days if you remember that gym, changed to iron works. I don’t think so many go for strongman now used to be good in summer getting all the kit out in the yard/car park and that.
And I know what you mean re some of the equipment, that pull-down, and I’m only 5,9 laugh
Tbf though some of those machines are heavy, GymWorks is more commercial gym and it’s not hard to full stack most of the pin loaded, go to tommys and I’m about 4 pins down on a 20 stack, old school machines.
Old Skool Rocks!

Body Matters was proper old skool; lots of proper heavy stack machines; 3 flat benches in a line; 2 power cages and 2 squat racks etc

Reps was good in that sense too; more so in the latter years as Ste got some great stuff in (new dumbbells for the heavy end - 60kg to 85kg, which I used to row)! A vertical leg press (one of the best pieces of equipment for legs IMO - those and squats would have you shifting big weight in no time)

But now I'm in and out my own garage in 30-40mins or so and it'll be the same when I go back to the gym; in, warm up/stretch out, train, home... No gassing, no chit-chat - hit hard and go home biggrin

I'll be going to the gym to do legs first thing, 0730'ish etc - it's really quiet then and that suits me to a tee. Not there to socialise
Good stuff. I remember you vociferously protesting against morning training many moons ago!! I'm usually 5am and love training at that time. Doesn't matter what kind of workout you've had, it's an achievement going!!

Strange workout today, lost my straps, and I do use straps for deadlift reps now, so,

Squat 135kg x 10
Deadlift 170kg single, 140kg x 5 for 5 sets (no straps!!)

Clean and press 60kg x 5, 3 sets.

Machine Shrugs 80kg per side, 2 sets of 15

Machine dip/pushdowns stack x 35

Not much energy, maybe because of cardio session yesterday, but, done. Zero alcohol this weekend so will hit a double cardio session then back to the 5ams as I'm back to work Monday.. had a fortnight off, maybe that's been messing with my workouts too.
Haha yup; I was dead against it for me personally; couldn't lift for toffee first thing; needed a day of eating & drinking and then trained mid afternoon

But now as I'm using such light weights and in/out quickly; it's fine...

That's a sod re your straps... Maybe youre being told something...

Overhand grip for the light weights & then hook grip for the heavier weight biggrin Hook grip is key wink Watch how your thumbs start to get fatter and flatter hehe


24,408 posts

223 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
That’s where my body’s different, there’s no way I could lift those numbers without tearing something laugh I could barley bench over 120kg without doing a shoulder in, not done barbell bench for years now. Never had a muscle tear or issue always joints. Certainly not built for strong man that’s for sure.
Iv always loved the more bodybuilding style training, I train fairly quick short rest periods try to get as pumped as possible get a good sweat on!

Ye known Tommy a very long time back in the triple X days if you remember that gym, changed to iron works. I don’t think so many go for strongman now used to be good in summer getting all the kit out in the yard/car park and that.
And I know what you mean re some of the equipment, that pull-down, and I’m only 5,9 laugh
Tbf though some of those machines are heavy, GymWorks is more commercial gym and it’s not hard to full stack most of the pin loaded, go to tommys and I’m about 4 pins down on a 20 stack, old school machines.
Old Skool Rocks!

Body Matters was proper old skool; lots of proper heavy stack machines; 3 flat benches in a line; 2 power cages and 2 squat racks etc

Reps was good in that sense too; more so in the latter years as Ste got some great stuff in (new dumbbells for the heavy end - 60kg to 85kg, which I used to row)! A vertical leg press (one of the best pieces of equipment for legs IMO - those and squats would have you shifting big weight in no time)

But now I'm in and out my own garage in 30-40mins or so and it'll be the same when I go back to the gym; in, warm up/stretch out, train, home... No gassing, no chit-chat - hit hard and go home biggrin

I'll be going to the gym to do legs first thing, 0730'ish etc - it's really quiet then and that suits me to a tee. Not there to socialise
Good stuff. I remember you vociferously protesting against morning training many moons ago!! I'm usually 5am and love training at that time. Doesn't matter what kind of workout you've had, it's an achievement going!!

Strange workout today, lost my straps, and I do use straps for deadlift reps now, so,

Squat 135kg x 10
Deadlift 170kg single, 140kg x 5 for 5 sets (no straps!!)

Clean and press 60kg x 5, 3 sets.

Machine Shrugs 80kg per side, 2 sets of 15

Machine dip/pushdowns stack x 35

Not much energy, maybe because of cardio session yesterday, but, done. Zero alcohol this weekend so will hit a double cardio session then back to the 5ams as I'm back to work Monday.. had a fortnight off, maybe that's been messing with my workouts too.
Haha yup; I was dead against it for me personally; couldn't lift for toffee first thing; needed a day of eating & drinking and then trained mid afternoon

But now as I'm using such light weights and in/out quickly; it's fine...

That's a sod re your straps... Maybe youre being told something...

Overhand grip for the light weights & then hook grip for the heavier weight biggrin Hook grip is key wink Watch how your thumbs start to get fatter and flatter hehe
Used the hook grip today for first two sets then reverted to staggered grip, old habits die hard. I was absolutely against straps when I was a heavy lifter but now I'm training for fitness, grip inevitably goes before legs/back so they make sense. I'm even using straps for 160/170 sets of 10. I'd like to get to 180 for ten 'touch and go' reps, don't think I'd need more weight, just work on reps. Same with squat, I belt up and wrap knees for my 'reps' set and don't think I'll go past 140 now, just concentrate on getting more reps out of it as I progress. I've shifted more to dumbells from barbell over last few weeks for chest so I'll see how that goes, always start with 100kg barbell for 8-12 depending how I feel and that impacts the reps I get on my small incline dumbell, but I'll get there!! Got a fair bit of outer elbow pain which I think comes from my medicine ball workouts, so I'll have to try and find something else unusual and intrsting to do instead sadly.


24,408 posts

223 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!


8,877 posts

75 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...


24,408 posts

223 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!


8,877 posts

75 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!
I had more fun with pressing logs and axles overhead etc.. Benched because I had to, one of the main disciplines etc.

Single arm deads are brill but they really test your grip and stature... The bar can be very unbalanced if your grips just a cm off either way etc.

But as said, it's the stone stuff I miss the most... You'd break them or they'd break you


24,408 posts

223 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!
I had more fun with pressing logs and axles overhead etc.. Benched because I had to, one of the main disciplines etc.

Single arm deads are brill but they really test your grip and stature... The bar can be very unbalanced if your grips just a cm off either way etc.

But as said, it's the stone stuff I miss the most... You'd break them or they'd break you
I saw the one at the Braemar games centre the other weekend but my mental state was not great so I never even tried to shift it!!


1,979 posts

134 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
Upper body workout yesterday. Currently have a mild sore throat/congestion, so happy to match my best numbers. Slightly lower numbers than those quoted above biggrin

A quick sweet spot workout on Zwift just now.

And if the weather holds tomorrow, an outdoor ride of some kind.


8,877 posts

75 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!
I had more fun with pressing logs and axles overhead etc.. Benched because I had to, one of the main disciplines etc.

Single arm deads are brill but they really test your grip and stature... The bar can be very unbalanced if your grips just a cm off either way etc.

But as said, it's the stone stuff I miss the most... You'd break them or they'd break you
I saw the one at the Braemar games centre the other weekend but my mental state was not great so I never even tried to shift it!!
The Inver Stone?


That was Feb 2022... The last manhood stone I lifted & midst my health issues kicking off unfortunately


24,408 posts

223 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!
I had more fun with pressing logs and axles overhead etc.. Benched because I had to, one of the main disciplines etc.

Single arm deads are brill but they really test your grip and stature... The bar can be very unbalanced if your grips just a cm off either way etc.

But as said, it's the stone stuff I miss the most... You'd break them or they'd break you
I saw the one at the Braemar games centre the other weekend but my mental state was not great so I never even tried to shift it!!
The Inver Stone?


That was Feb 2022... The last manhood stone I lifted & midst my health issues kicking off unfortunately
That's the one, great effort man.


8,877 posts

75 months

Friday 7th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
d_a_n1979 said:
biggbn said:
Glenn63 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Glenn63 said:
Of corse everyone’s different and need to find what suits you, but for me, it’s not just maximum muscle growth I know if I did legs/ squats 3 times a week my knees would be wrecked in a couple of weeks!
If health/ being super fit is your main goal I’d probably do just 2 days a week weights, upper/ lower split, then 2/3 days of circuit based training, the types with bikes, sprints, tyre flips, rope pulls, farmers walks etc, they can be a real test of cardio if Iv not done them for a while.
A mate runs ‘rural fitness’ in the north west, have a nosey at that instagram that type of training really gets you working hard.
Nah they wouldn't pal wink You're body soon gets used to it...

I squatted 3 times a week (plus deadlifts etc) for close to 15 years with zero knee issues; knees are still solid now

Unless your knees are already fubar; they'll be fine smile
I think that’s my issue, they’re already ruined laugh I only have little girl sized joints tbf.
I’m currently getting a rotary cuff issue seen to after pushing myself doing some flat dumbell press. Iv been doing 50’s (biggest DB at that gym) at my normal gym can do 12+ reps no problem for a while so went to another mates gym to try some 60’s did 5 nice clean reps, went for 6th got a bit wobbly and somethings gone in the shoulder.
Light weight push days for a good month or 2 now but tbf machines are alright just free weights are the issue.

What gym you at Dan?
My party piece used to be deep, controlled incline dumbell flys with 50s back in my 'strong' days. Still a believer in heavier, controlled flys as a strength motion but can't do 50s anymore!!
For flys?! eek Sod that! laugh That's have both my shoulders in tatters haha

My 'party piece' in the gym (generally to shut someone up) would be to lift their deadlift one handed hehe Chalk; hook grip n rip biggrin

Managed 225kg once... Think that's why my right arm is an inch or so longer than my left...
beer Pressing was my thing. 140k flat bench for 19 reps, 180kg for 9 reps, 200kg for 4. 180kg incline for 4 reps or so. But. Those days are long gone, but it's nice to chat about it all!! Never tried single arm deadlifts!!
I had more fun with pressing logs and axles overhead etc.. Benched because I had to, one of the main disciplines etc.

Single arm deads are brill but they really test your grip and stature... The bar can be very unbalanced if your grips just a cm off either way etc.

But as said, it's the stone stuff I miss the most... You'd break them or they'd break you
I saw the one at the Braemar games centre the other weekend but my mental state was not great so I never even tried to shift it!!
The Inver Stone?


That was Feb 2022... The last manhood stone I lifted & midst my health issues kicking off unfortunately
That's the one, great effort man.
Yup. Lives outside.. It's an easy, tough stone lift.. Easy as in it's very rough, so very grippy. Tough as it'll make you bleed as soon as you touch it and it's rugby ball shaped. So if you've not got a big wingspan, you need to lep it and roll it up you...

The main lift of it is onto the barrel. But if you're full blown, you shoulder it and if you're extra full blown, you press it biggrin

I'd drive from my folks in Dunkeld. So an hour's drive, got out the car, stretched a bit, lapped it a few times and then shouldered it twice. That was enough haha...


1,311 posts

107 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
Leg day this morning, fuelled by a proper 10 hour kip and a bacon & egg sandwich.

6 weeks into new auto-regulated program. Started off with all main lifts at 4*5 then 1*MAX (plus supplementary stuff), starting at 70% 1RM for squats and deads and 60% on bench (that's my weakest lift). The idea is that you add a bit of weight on every week, in my case 2.5kg for everything, then drop a set once you can't do 6 reps or more on your final MAX set.

So started on:

Squat: 97.5kg, max. reps = 9.
Dead: 112.5kg, max. reps = 9
Bench: 60kg, max. reps = 16

After 6 weeks:

Squat: Dropped one set after 4 weeks. Currently on 110kg, max. reps = 7.
Dead: No sets dropped. 125kg, max. reps = 9.
Bench: No sets dropped. 72.5kg, max. reps = 9.

I'll be trying new 1RMs after 12 weeks, then again once I reach it naturally through the progression, maybe 2 or 3 weeks after that as a guess.

Also been working on forearm and grip strength, never specifically done so before so can feel strength increasing, but not really been measuring it.

Have a nice weekend folks.

Edited by horsemeatscandal on Saturday 8th June 10:48


24,408 posts

223 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
Breaking news...found my straps!!


8,877 posts

75 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
Breaking news...found my straps!!
Good; burn them winkbiggrin


8,877 posts

75 months

Saturday 8th June
quotequote all
Shoulders this afternoon (not my favourite)

- Wide grip supinated-grip pull ups super-setted with dumbbell lat. raises: 5 x5 @ bodyweight - 5x12 with 15kg on lat. raises
- Seated oly bar shoulder press: 20xbar, 20x30kg, 18x35kg, 15x40kg, 12x45kg, 10x50kg
- Oly bar upright rows: 5 x 10 with 60kg
- Seated cable bicep curls: 20x20kg, 20x22.5kg, 18x25kg, 12x27.5kg

That's enough for today...


24,408 posts

223 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
Back in this morning, wee bit earlier,

Seated dumbell press 35kg x 10
Shrugs 50kg dumbells x 25
Single arm rows 50kg x 25
Clasp grip 40kg front raise x 10
Lateral raises 15kg x 10

Clean and press 50kg x 10

Medicine ball 'superset', one rep is- wall ball, squat jump slam, right Rotational slams, left Rotational slams, set of 10...

Weights felt heavy today, perhaps that wee lack of consistency over last few weeks has hit me. Anyhow, another one in the bag.

Thinking of splitting squat and deadlift day, not to get optimum results for either excercise, I'm happy banging out reps rather than weight, just to fit and extra circuit workout in maybe include leg press and different medicine ball/core exercises on leg day and utilise more back specific exercises as a circuit on back day. Big muscle groups burn more calories!!


8,877 posts

75 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
Yesterday - back/biceps:

Bodyweight pull ups (still 120kg currently) - 40 reps, blocks of 5s on narrow, supinated grip handles (full reps)

- Supinated grip lat pulldowns - 20x40kg, 20x45kg, 20x50kg, 18x55kg
- Dumbbell rows - 20x25kg, 20x32.5kg, 20x37.5kg, 16x40kg
- Narrow-grip pulldowns - 20x40kg, 20x50kg, 18x55kg, 16x55kg
- EZ bar curls: 20x20kg, 20x22.5kg, 18x25kg, 18x30kg
- 60mm bar curls (bar weighs 9kg) - 20x19kg, 20x24kg, 18x29kg 14x29kg (forearms hammered)!

This morning - Legs!

Bodyweight pull ups (widest, supinated handles) - x30 in blocks of 5 with stretching

- Leg extensions super-setted with SLDLs on 3" deficit (25kg bumper plate):
20x25kg - 15x40kg // 20x30kg - 15x45kg // 20x40kg - 15x50kg // 20x45kg - 15x50kg
- Leg press: 20x40kg, 20x80kg, 20x100kg, 15x120kg, 15x120kg
- Lying hamstring curls: 15xNo.10 on stack, 15xNo.12, 15xNo.12


Edited by d_a_n1979 on Tuesday 11th June 22:07


523 posts

31 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
90 minutes tonight with a pace partner on Zwift.

Having been using Zwift for 2 1/2 years you get to know the regulars.

I'm amazed at the same folk knocking out 70/80/90/100 miles nearly every day, mostly Americans, for months on end .That's 4-5 hours on the turbo daily. They all seem to be BMTR riders so I'm starting to think its some kind of cult :-)

I mean I'm retired in my 50's and have done the same daily distances on cycling tours up to a month but this lot are on a completely different level. I just can't find the time when at home, if I did the divorce would be incoming quite quickly.


8,768 posts

184 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
DT1975 said:
90 minutes tonight with a pace partner on Zwift.

Having been using Zwift for 2 1/2 years you get to know the regulars.

I'm amazed at the same folk knocking out 70/80/90/100 miles nearly every day, mostly Americans, for months on end .That's 4-5 hours on the turbo daily. They all seem to be BMTR riders so I'm starting to think its some kind of cult :-)

I mean I'm retired in my 50's and have done the same daily distances on cycling tours up to a month but this lot are on a completely different level. I just can't find the time when at home, if I did the divorce would be incoming quite quickly.
They are nuts, I did the Rapha 500km challenge in one go on Zwift last xmas but generally never more than an hour and this time of year give me the sun on my face and wind on my back!