What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



1,983 posts

134 months

Monday 3rd June
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It's always felt like strength sessions are the hardest to do when you're not up for it. I can just get a ride, cardio, boxing etc done if not quite feeling it, but weights are a different matter.


1,983 posts

134 months

Monday 3rd June
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Rode up and down Cheddar Gorge on Zwift three times this morning. Next is an upper body workout.


8,895 posts

75 months

Monday 3rd June
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MRI results received Sat morning; inconclusive rolleyes Need to have further tests now including a colonoscopy (what fun)!

Anyways; sick of it all now and my bloody mindedness has said sod it to all of what's going on; so I'm trying to look more forward and passed what's happening currently/how I'm feeling etc. I've stopped the meds too on the specialists advice as they're not really helping, but hindering more!

Anyways; in the garage I went this afternoon

Monday = International Chest Day biggrin

Warm up: supinated grip wide-grip pull ups - 30x bodyweight in sets of 5

Flat dumbbell bench: 20x15kg, 20x20kg, 20x25kg, 12x325kg, 12x37.5kg
Incline Swiss bar bench: 10x60kg x 6 sets - paused reps
Incline dumbbell flys: 4 x15 with 15kg
Tricep pushdowns: 4 x 15 with 30kg super-setted with straight pushdowns with the same weight

See what happens tomorrow...


8,770 posts

184 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Yesterday, 1.5km swim around the bay in the best conditions yet, proper glorious it was, earlier was a tough hour on Zwift, finally my cough is getting better, it’s been very odd, I think it started out as a type of bronchitis then caused a flare up of reflux, reluctantly went on meds for a bit and things improved straight away, even more oddly I have felt strong when exercising throughout, Sunday went out did a hilly hour on the road bike (solo) and avg 33kph no trouble then did 100 pull ups inside 11 minutes, I don’t get bodies! Anyway holiday in France coming up so looking forward to that


524 posts

31 months

Tuesday 4th June
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30 miles on Zwift tonight with pace partner Maria so about 90 minutes, more a Tempo ride but keeps the legs turning over. Now level 56, 8159 miles in.

I'm still nursing a sodding knee injury that's plagued me on occasion for some time.


8,770 posts

184 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Yesterday, 1hr road ride, a few hills 33kph avg, then a 1km swim, beautiful swim in the bay first thing this morning


12,671 posts

171 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Last night, ZZRC group ride on Zwift.
43 km in 1h25, avg. 30.2km/h as sub 2W / kg average.


24,409 posts

223 months

Wednesday 5th June
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biggbn said:
Went to gym @1pm, lasted ten minutes. Seems if the heads not right, neither is the heart. I'm gonna go at my usual early bird time tomorrow and rattle out a workout regardless.
Reboot. No medicine ball stuff today but

Flat bench, wider grip,
125kg x 1, 100kg x 9, slow, controlled
Incline dumbell 45kg x 8, 40kg x 6
Incline fly 35kg x 6, 30kg x 6

Shrugs 50kg dumbell x 25
Single arm 50kg rows x 25

Cable front raise 3 sets of 10 up to no.7
Single arm front raise 25kg x 10
Lateral raises 15kg x 8

Clean and press 50kg x 10.

Resting the medicine ball stuff to see if it helps my outer elbow pain but will incorporate more cardio type movements instead


1,983 posts

134 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Good to see lots of Zwifting going on.

20 minute warm up for me last night and then a 20km race in the new upgraded category. Best 20/30 minute power ever recorded even though part of that was cool-down, and a third place.


418 posts

165 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Would be interested to get the thoughts of you guys who are probably much more educated than me.

51 years old and have always lifted moderate weights - never been a body builder/powerlifter but always enjoyed lifting.

Now I am getting a bit older, I know I can’t just hammer the weights but want to build a bit of muscle if I can and maintain functional strength.

I’ve therefore started doing something different. Three workouts a week - one low rep heavier weight doing the compound lifts - squats, bench press, barbell row, shoulder press and deadlift. 5x5 except 3x5 deadlift.

Then next workout is 5x10 with 25% less weight for squats, bench press, Lat pulldown, upright rows.

Third workout is high rep (15 per set) for squats, bench, lat pulldown, shoulder press, bicep curls and triceps push downs.

Not sure if this is optimum but I am hoping it will allow better recovery and variation than just going for strength or hypertrophy. Also will be kinder on knees etc than going heavy all the time

But if I am wasting my time, would be good to know!


8,895 posts

75 months

Thursday 6th June
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TNJ said:
Would be interested to get the thoughts of you guys who are probably much more educated than me.

51 years old and have always lifted moderate weights - never been a body builder/powerlifter but always enjoyed lifting.

Now I am getting a bit older, I know I can’t just hammer the weights but want to build a bit of muscle if I can and maintain functional strength.

I’ve therefore started doing something different. Three workouts a week - one low rep heavier weight doing the compound lifts - squats, bench press, barbell row, shoulder press and deadlift. 5x5 except 3x5 deadlift.

Then next workout is 5x10 with 25% less weight for squats, bench press, Lat pulldown, upright rows.

Third workout is high rep (15 per set) for squats, bench, lat pulldown, shoulder press, bicep curls and triceps push downs.

Not sure if this is optimum but I am hoping it will allow better recovery and variation than just going for strength or hypertrophy. Also will be kinder on knees etc than going heavy all the time

But if I am wasting my time, would be good to know!
If you're enjoying it an you feel it's doing you some good; keep at it

If you start to feel like it's going a bit stale; change it up a bit etc smile


8,895 posts

75 months

Thursday 6th June
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Meds stopped; feeling much better for it thankfully! Keep going for now, each day as it comes etc

Starting to eat better too; but still want to drop a few more KG, so will control what's going in

Trained back last night:

x30 bodyweight pull ups at 120kg - narrow, supinated grip in sets of 5

Widegrip lat pull downs: 20x30kg, 20x40kg, 20x50kg, 18x55kg
Standing low pulley rows: 20x40kg, 20x45kg, 20x45kg
Seated reverse grip pull downs: 20x40kg, 20x40kg, 20x40kg

Finished with oly bar curls - 20xbar, 20x30kg, 20x32.5kg, 15x35kg & then dumbbell hammer curls (4x20kg) supter-setted with bodyweight hangs (wide grip, fingers only) at 30secs per hang

Grip tonight and see how I get on with squats tomorrow...


24,409 posts

223 months

Thursday 6th June
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Purely cardio workout today but in short bursts.

Stairmaster for 10 mins at a very easy level that was fkin hard for me!!

4 x 500m bursts on the ERG standing ski machine thing, full resistance, about 2min20 pace each time so pathetic but fk me these are awful, hit lats and triceps big time

One set of 'supersetted' medicine ball with 9kg ball consisting of-
Squat wall ball shot, squat jump front slam, Rotational slams each side x 10 abd done.....

Horrible workout but will continue with it, adding a minute, a hundred meters or a rep each time hopefully.


20,368 posts

123 months

Thursday 6th June
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TNJ said:
Not sure if this is optimum but I am hoping it will allow better recovery and variation than just going for strength or hypertrophy.
Decide what your goal is and train just for that. Good idea to do muscular hypertrophy first, then after you can cruise/maintain quite easily once you're at the size you'd like.


20,368 posts

123 months

Thursday 6th June
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biggbn said:
Horrible workout but will continue with it, adding a minute, a hundred meters or a rep each time hopefully.
biggrin I read your post with disbelief. Why on Earth put yourself through such torture?


24,409 posts

223 months

Thursday 6th June
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popeyewhite said:
biggbn said:
Horrible workout but will continue with it, adding a minute, a hundred meters or a rep each time hopefully.
biggrin I read your post with disbelief. Why on Earth put yourself through such torture?
Hoping to drop more weight and get fitter man. Already upped weight reps and incorporate a weight circuit after basic compound movements three times a week, been lightly jogging along beach and fitting in the occasional cycle so it will take time but heading in right direction. Crept under 20st last week for first time in a long time


8,895 posts

75 months

Thursday 6th June
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Grip session this afternoon

Bodyweight hangs to begin with stretch the fingers out and forearms etc...

6 sets of 45sec holds; finger grip only for the first 4 sets then full grip with thumb over

Rolling Thunder (plate weight as handle/pin are about 3.5kg together) - 8x50kg, 8x60kg, 8x65kg, 8x70kg, 8x75kg (just)

Oly bar finger curls: 20x60kg, 15x60kg, 12x60kg, 8x60kg - grip fades fast on these!

Oly bar reverse curls: 5 x 20 with the oly bar


Back to my local gym tomorrow; train legs for the first time in nearly a year! See how I get on


20,368 posts

123 months

Thursday 6th June
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biggbn said:
popeyewhite said:
biggbn said:
Horrible workout but will continue with it, adding a minute, a hundred meters or a rep each time hopefully.
biggrin I read your post with disbelief. Why on Earth put yourself through such torture?
Hoping to drop more weight and get fitter man. Already upped weight reps and incorporate a weight circuit after basic compound movements three times a week, been lightly jogging along beach and fitting in the occasional cycle so it will take time but heading in right direction. Crept under 20st last week for first time in a long time
Aha, all makes sense now. Well done with the weight loss.


24,409 posts

223 months

Thursday 6th June
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popeyewhite said:
biggbn said:
popeyewhite said:
biggbn said:
Horrible workout but will continue with it, adding a minute, a hundred meters or a rep each time hopefully.
biggrin I read your post with disbelief. Why on Earth put yourself through such torture?
Hoping to drop more weight and get fitter man. Already upped weight reps and incorporate a weight circuit after basic compound movements three times a week, been lightly jogging along beach and fitting in the occasional cycle so it will take time but heading in right direction. Crept under 20st last week for first time in a long time
Aha, all makes sense now. Well done with the weight loss.
Thanks man, training early morning is helping my consistency and I've been a bit better with diet although that needs improved again. Target is to get under 19st and see how i feel. I went down to 17st previously, from 23stone and felt great, but that was zero weight training, all cardio, minimal calories, or to summarise, unsustainable!


2,926 posts

87 months

Thursday 6th June
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TNJ said:
Would be interested to get the thoughts of you guys who are probably much more educated than me.

51 years old and have always lifted moderate weights - never been a body builder/powerlifter but always enjoyed lifting.

Now I am getting a bit older, I know I can’t just hammer the weights but want to build a bit of muscle if I can and maintain functional strength.

I’ve therefore started doing something different. Three workouts a week - one low rep heavier weight doing the compound lifts - squats, bench press, barbell row, shoulder press and deadlift. 5x5 except 3x5 deadlift.

Then next workout is 5x10 with 25% less weight for squats, bench press, Lat pulldown, upright rows.

Third workout is high rep (15 per set) for squats, bench, lat pulldown, shoulder press, bicep curls and triceps push downs.

Not sure if this is optimum but I am hoping it will allow better recovery and variation than just going for strength or hypertrophy. Also will be kinder on knees etc than going heavy all the time

But if I am wasting my time, would be good to know!
Looks like you’ll be doing the same exercises 3 times per week? A muscle would struggle to recover properly being hit 3 times a week. I’d suggest a standard push, pull, legs. But do different rep ranges during the same workout.
For instance if I was doing push I’d do a couple exercises higher weight low rep, 6 reps minimum really, a medium weight for couple exercises 12-15ish reps then a final ‘pump’ set higher reps 20ish with short rest between sets, get maximum blood to the muscle on the last set.
I’d just advise a decent warm up especially shoulders and rotary cuffs before getting into the weights, joints certainly seem to suffer much more the older I get.