What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



1,320 posts

107 months

Sunday 19th May
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Back to normal routine this week and got loads of stuff done. All four of my 'normal' gym sessions; that's four weeks of the new auto-regulated progression program and so far have only dropped a set on squats. Got a couple of 20min bicep sessions done and a short grip session. Plus ~110 mile on the bike, including Hard Knott pass today.

Deadlifts in the morning, let's go....

Randy Winkman

16,665 posts

192 months

Sunday 19th May
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CAH706 said:
Randy Winkman said:
Rather than bung up the front page with a new thread that I hope will only be for today ....... I've started going to a gym with weight machines that have stacks like this:

Should the levers all be pushed to the right down to the one that sets the correct weight that's wanted? Or is the only one that matters the lowest one that actually selects the weight?

I could ask someone at the gym but I bet most people there dont actually know the correct answer an there is never a member of staff there when I go. Cheers.

Edited by Randy Winkman on Thursday 16th May 19:59
That a star trac machine?

Each lever activates a pin so you only need to push the lowest lever - for the weight you are using. It basically replicates putting in a pin on most common weight stacks.
Thanks. I guessed that was probably right since it works and I assume that wouldnt be the case if it was unsafe. Just wanted to check I wasnt going against best practice. I just prefer it to look "neat" I guess. smile


24,448 posts

223 months

Tuesday 21st May
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Slightly different 'circuit' this morning.

Seated dumbell press 40kg x 5, 35kg x 8
Machine Shrugs 4 plates per side (80kg) x 20
45 degree reverse grip barbell rows 100kg x 20
Lateral raises 15kg dumbells x 10
Front raises one arm, thumb up grip, 20kg dumbell x 10 each side

Clean and press 50kg x 10

Squat jump slams x 12
Rotational slams x 12 per side

Seated triceps push down stack x 35

Gonna use these exercises this week and see if they hit slightly different areas. Been having really bad pain outside of forearm, maybe golfers or tennis 'elbow' so trying to take out excess movement from exercises, will monitor.

Had wee 2 mile jog along beach at low tide last night, tool advantage of the lovely weather. Knees seem OK today, but then, I wasn't exactly speeding along!!

Edited by biggbn on Tuesday 21st May 06:27


376 posts

55 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Animal said:
Row To Hell
500m row, rest for the time this took
400m row, rest for the time this took
300m row, rest for the time this took
200m row, rest for the time this took
100m row, rest for the time this took
5 rounds.
7,500 metres, 58 mins (I messed up my rest periods somewhere).
Average HR 167bpm. Peak 187.
That sounds absolutely savage! Well done.


1,320 posts

107 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Deadlifts done on Monday. Still on 5 sets @ 122.5kg with 8 reps on my final max rep set. Will probably have to drop a set in a week or two. Will only be up to around 140kg after 12 weeks but might take the week after that to try some new 1RMs, maybe a 170kg on the deadlift with a good wind.

Just the cycle commute yesterday and today.

Weighed myself yesterday and somehow dropped half a stone so a good excuse to smash some easy calories in; made a class rhubarb crumble and custard last night!

Lift some weight tomorrow/Friday/Sunday AM and a nice 60 mile cycle on Saturday if the forecast holds. Followed by most of next week off as there's lots of beer in Belfast that isn't going to drink itself.


5,279 posts

271 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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RiseUp said:
That sounds absolutely savage! Well done.
Thanks - I'm going to go again later.
The second 500m interval is the hardest. I treat the first 500m as a warm up and don't go too hard; the first 400m is tough and the shorter ones just fly by, but then I've got 22 seconds rest between that first 100m and the start of round 2. By the middle of round 3 I'm really questioning my life choices!


376 posts

55 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Still going up which is good. I started around 6 weeks ago and managed 93 back then.

Targeting 150 by end of June and then will look to increase the time to 30 minutes and eventually crack 200 floors in 30 minutes.

Seem to have hit somewhat of a plateau with my weights, although I feel like my form is slowly getting better and concentrating on my breathing. And also slowly seeing some change in my biceps and chest muscles which is a good motivator to keep going.


5,279 posts

271 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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RiseUp said:
Still going up which is good. I started around 6 weeks ago and managed 93 back then.

Targeting 150 by end of June and then will look to increase the time to 30 minutes and eventually crack 200 floors in 30 minutes.

Seem to have hit somewhat of a plateau with my weights, although I feel like my form is slowly getting better and concentrating on my breathing. And also slowly seeing some change in my biceps and chest muscles which is a good motivator to keep going.

What machine are you using - stair climber? 150 floors is amazing! I occasionally do 5x5min rounds on one and my PB is 142 floors, but I couldn't keep that pace up non-stop.


5 posts

2 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I'm back to calisthenics, one day chinups until reached 100 reps, second day dips, third day pushups and then repeat the cycle, feels good always to be sore wink


439 posts

14 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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5km run at the gym (dismal rain here in Aberdeen) at 11km/h, only. I'm feeling under the weather so I've patched chest & bicep day.... couldn't face doing both that and the run.


8,783 posts

184 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Yesterday, hilly hour on the bike, 32.8kph avg, 2 swims done morning and evening which were fab.

Today, back to the gym, chest and back, flat bench off the smith machine, working up to 120kg, felt good, then a timed effort to to 100 pull ups as fast as possible, started with a set of 20 then sets of 10 to get to 90 then penny numbers to get me over the line! anyway stopped the clock on 10 minutes and 35 seconds so a bench mark has been set.


376 posts

55 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Animal said:
RiseUp said:
Still going up which is good. I started around 6 weeks ago and managed 93 back then.

Targeting 150 by end of June and then will look to increase the time to 30 minutes and eventually crack 200 floors in 30 minutes.

Seem to have hit somewhat of a plateau with my weights, although I feel like my form is slowly getting better and concentrating on my breathing. And also slowly seeing some change in my biceps and chest muscles which is a good motivator to keep going.

What machine are you using - stair climber? 150 floors is amazing! I occasionally do 5x5min rounds on one and my PB is 142 floors, but I couldn't keep that pace up non-stop.
Yep, love the stair master. I’m quite big at 6’3 and 94kg so running is quite high impact and leaves me very sore the next day. At least on the stair master I recover quicker. I’m keen to give the rower a go too.

Some guy posted a screenshot of 500 floors in 65 mins which is just mind blowing. I average 98 stairs a minute for 21 minutes and his average would be 123 stairs a minute sustained for 65 minutes. Just different levels! It’s great to see what’s attainable.


5,279 posts

271 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Animal said:
Row To Hell
500m row, rest for the time this took
400m row, rest for the time this took
300m row, rest for the time this took
200m row, rest for the time this took
100m row, rest for the time this took
5 rounds.
7,500 metres, 58 mins (I messed up my rest periods somewhere).
Average HR 167bpm. Peak 187.
Today: 55:21. Averaged 1:51 per 500m.
Average HR 166bpm. Peak 185.


1,997 posts

134 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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After tapering down after 12 weeks of the cycling plan, I've been feeling pretty good/strong. Did my usual upper body workout and increased most PBs by 10-20%. Very pleased.

Also just did my first Zwift race since Feb and since I was booted up into the next category. Really pleased to finish in the main pack, only 2 seconds from the winner and with an average HR 8 beats lower than my last races in the lower Cat.


24,448 posts

223 months

Thursday 23rd May
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This morning

Bench 100kg x 9, close grip
Incline dumbell 45kg x 9, 40kg x 10
Incline fly 35kg x 9

Dumbell Shrugs 50kg x 25
Single arm rows 50kg x 25 per side
Clasp grip dumbell front raises 40kg x 10
Lateral raises 15kg x 10

Clean and press 50kg x 10
Squat jump floor slams x 15
Rotational slams 12 per side

Barbell curl x 10, 50kg x 10.


24,448 posts

223 months

Friday 24th May
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Skipped legs and circuit this morning, got a wee hill walk with school later this morning. Popped into gym for set of deadlifts, worked up to 170kg x 10, last few were hard!!


1,320 posts

107 months

Friday 24th May
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biggbn said:
Skipped legs
That's a slippery slope my friend laugh


24,448 posts

223 months

Friday 24th May
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horsemeatscandal said:
biggbn said:
Skipped legs
That's a slippery slope my friend laugh
Well, I trained my deadlifts at least, and puked two more reps @170kg than I'd aimed for!! Usually train squat and deadlift together, but I know how I usually feel afterwards so work came first today. Walking up a local hill with school this AM, can't have S3 laughing at my inability to keep up with them... smile


8,783 posts

184 months

Friday 24th May
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Yesterday, hour on the road bike, 400m climbing, 32.7 kph average, then 2 swims morning and evening, going to increase time spent in the water now, hoping to maybe do a 1km a day.


24,448 posts

223 months

Friday 24th May
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mcelliott said:
Yesterday, hour on the road bike, 400m climbing, 32.7 kph average, then 2 swims morning and evening, going to increase time spent in the water now, hoping to maybe do a 1km a day.
Yeah, but you're an animal...and I mean that in the nicest way possible!! Have a great weekend all.