What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



1,998 posts

134 months

Saturday 11th May
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Castrol for a knave said:
Just completed the Badger Divide, 220 miles off road from Inverness to Glasgow.

Tough and technical, even more so on a cyclocross bike with only a small rear cassette and semi compact up front.

My legs hurt more than my arse

Time for a cuzzer with the rest of the lads.
Congrats, that looks like fun!


1,998 posts

134 months

Saturday 11th May
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d_a_n1979 said:
Another session done & dusted... Triceps and grip this time

Started with narrow supinated grip pull ups - bodyweight (121kg) + 5KG (put 2.5kg plates in my short pockets hehe ) - 35 all in, in blocks of 5. Happy with that!

Narrow grip bench - 20xbar, 20x40kg, 20x60kg, 20x75kg, 18x82.5kg
Bodyweight dips - 5 x 5 with bodyweight. Haven't done these in years so didn't want to push them or my shoulders
Tricep straight bar pushdowns - 20x20kg, 18x25kg, 15x30kg, 12x35kg, 10x37.5kg

The new dip bars for my M100 powercube are a revelation!

Grip - Rolling Thunder - 5s on each hand with 50kg, 60kg, 70kg and 75kg super-setted with bodyweight hangs on widest palms forward grip (fingers only) for 45 seconds
That reminds me of the first gym I went to. Proper old school. Most of the blokes there had thicker arms than my legs, but were really friendly.


1,998 posts

134 months

Saturday 11th May
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Last proper workout of the 12 week cycling plan today. Couldn't deal with another indoor session given the weather, so I did the best I could to match it outside. In reality that's impossible given there's a lot of hills round here and I hate riding slowly.

I've neglected the leg exercises I need for a minor IT band issue, so it's reared its head again. So I took it easy, but was still 20% up on 1 minute power since my last ride outside and only 4% under my 5 minute power despite not trying for either in the slightest. So very pleased with that.

Probably 3/4 days off and then an FTP test to see where I'm at.

Also some more PBs on the upper body last night. Chinups and bench press felt great.


9,017 posts

75 months

Saturday 11th May
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MaxFromage said:
d_a_n1979 said:
Another session done & dusted... Triceps and grip this time

Started with narrow supinated grip pull ups - bodyweight (121kg) + 5KG (put 2.5kg plates in my short pockets hehe ) - 35 all in, in blocks of 5. Happy with that!

Narrow grip bench - 20xbar, 20x40kg, 20x60kg, 20x75kg, 18x82.5kg
Bodyweight dips - 5 x 5 with bodyweight. Haven't done these in years so didn't want to push them or my shoulders
Tricep straight bar pushdowns - 20x20kg, 18x25kg, 15x30kg, 12x35kg, 10x37.5kg

The new dip bars for my M100 powercube are a revelation!

Grip - Rolling Thunder - 5s on each hand with 50kg, 60kg, 70kg and 75kg super-setted with bodyweight hangs on widest palms forward grip (fingers only) for 45 seconds
That reminds me of the first gym I went to. Proper old school. Most of the blokes there had thicker arms than my legs, but were really friendly.
Haha cheers - sounds like a proper gym then biggrin

I cut my teeth in spit n sawdust gyms and have been in them since up until lockdowns and the gym I trained at got shut down with an ASBO as he kept opening up when he was told not too... So fitted out my garage in early 2021 with the powercube and I've mad additions since smile

And my arms tend to be bigger than most blokes legs too haha


24,450 posts

223 months

Saturday 11th May
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Spent morning taking out our garden furniture and hand sanding the benches and table...now THAT was a workout!! Will get back to gym this week, chase sub 20st.....he says, off to find a beer garden now!! Have a great weekend all. Peace and love, gbn x


8,783 posts

184 months

Saturday 11th May
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Yesterday, 30 minutes of overhead pressing (standing) then 15 minutes of heavy ass bag lifts, then 1 he on Zwift, topped a few live leaderboards with some decent efforts, swimming is a joy at the moment so 2 swims.

Today, weighted pull ups (25kg) about 6 sets then chest supported rows, strength coming back which is cool, earlier was a fast coffee ride to the cafe, then a sunset swim.

Overall things are going well, weight sitting around 170lb bf hovering around 7% depending on time of day and what I have eaten, it has been lower but I really didn’t feel too good so happy with things.


9,017 posts

75 months

Sunday 12th May
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No training for me today - but managed a 3 mile walk but had to race the last 1/2 mile back due to needing the loo, as per usual...

Both cars detailed inside and out and coated with AG Rapid Ceramic Wax and both front & back lawns cut and I've strimmed the woods at the bottom of the garden back where I'll be fencing it off later in the year; keeping on top of that to make life easier...

All in I'm knackered as it's very hot and humid here and I've had one boiled egg and a slice of toast and banana for breakfast at just after 7am... Need to refuel now!


24,450 posts

223 months

Monday 13th May
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Made it back this morning, still struggling for breath, glutty chest and an irritable cough but started week with usual circuit

Seated dumbells 35kg x 10, 30kg x 10
Dumbell Shrugs 50kg x 25
Single arm rows 50kg x 25
Single dumbell clasp grip raise 40kg x 10

Machine Shrugs 60kg per side x 25

Lateral raises 15kg x 10

Clean and press 55kg x 10

Squat jump slams x 10
Rotational slams x 10 per side
Barbell curls 55kg x 10

Feel sure I'll get a full week, gonna try 2x beach 'jogs' depending on knee, left one a little tender after Friday


9,017 posts

75 months

Monday 13th May
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Feeling grotty myself today; just washed out and knackered... Not much to eat again but I've tried to keep my intake little but more often...

Managed a quick 25min session this afternoon; maintained 121kg today which is good! Last week I dropped nearly 2kg but I've put 05kg back on

Bodyweight pull ups (widest, supinated grip) with oly bar squats (just the empty bar): 8x5 pull ups with 8x10 squats

Dumbbell SLDLs - 10x 15kg, 20kg and 25kg for the final 3 sets

Finished with bodyweight hangs; went for as long as I could today - 1st hang was 1m 33secs, 2nd hang was 1m 6secs and final hang was 42secs laugh Grip burns out so quickly on these

See how I fair tomorrow


1,998 posts

134 months

Tuesday 14th May
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I just did my FTP bike test. In hindsight I should have rested for another day or two, but I'm impatient.

Results are a 10% increase in FTP for 3 months work, which I'm pretty pleased with. Plenty of other benefits including >10% increase in V02 max, significantly increased power at lower intervals and I've doubled the workload my body can deal with at baseline.


8,783 posts

184 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Yesterday, don't normally do the gym on a Monday but had a spare hour so had a real good bench session, worked up to a press comfy 120kg on the smith machine, then some wieghted dips to finish,chest is still sore to touch even now, then a fkin horrid 50 minutes on Zwift.

Today, hilly hour on the road, 32.5kph avg without going too crazy, legs feeling pretty good looking forward to doing some decent rides around Provence in a few weeks, gonna try a ride up the Ventoux with a bit of luck, it's about the only big climb I haven't done in France, swims continue of course.


24,450 posts

223 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Chest this morning,

105kg x 8
40kg incline dumbell x 9
35kg incline dumbell x 7
30kg incline fly x 8

.....numbers all down slightly, stamina poor

Machine Shrugs 60kg per side x 25, then 12 very slow reps

Clean and press 55kg x 10

Squat jump slams x 12, Rotational slams x 12 per side

Barbell curls x 15 very slow half reps no weight.

Truncated workout due to time but another one down. Was getting fitter but felt poor today, maybe that wee illness/week off has affected me a little?


9,017 posts

75 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Managed a quick 30min session on back yesterday

Bodyweight pull ups 45 reps all in, in sets of 5 again (seems to be the sweet spot before my right shoulder starts to really complain (long head bicep tendon issue)

- Wide grip pull downs (straight bar) - 20x20kg, 20x30kg, 20x40kg, 18x45kg
- Dumbbell rows - 10x25kg, 10x32.5kg, 10x37.5kg (5kg plate balanced on dumbbell), 10x42.5kg (new dumbbells ordered to 'fill in the gaps') biggrin
- Narrow grip pull downs - 20x35kg, 18x40kg, 15x45kg, 12x50kg

Arms and grip later I think, if I feel ok enough to do it


8,783 posts

184 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Today, full body workout, wife and son came too which I love, so weighted dips and pull ups, followed by lunges and bag lifts, swim was done mid afternoon, still averaging around 19000 steps a day, my evening walk elevation for the year so far is 17000m which should get me to my target of 50000m by years end.


5,279 posts

271 months

Thursday 16th May
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Full body workout yesterday afternoon:
Dumbbell Thruster (2x10kg) x 12 reps
Bodyweight Pushup x 12 reps
Deadlift (60kg) x 12 reps
12 rounds as fast as possible. Managed a PB at 36:30.

So very sore and full of regret this morning...

Randy Winkman

16,665 posts

192 months

Thursday 16th May
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Rather than bung up the front page with a new thread that I hope will only be for today ....... I've started going to a gym with weight machines that have stacks like this:

Should the levers all be pushed to the right down to the one that sets the correct weight that's wanted? Or is the only one that matters the lowest one that actually selects the weight?

I could ask someone at the gym but I bet most people there dont actually know the correct answer an there is never a member of staff there when I go. Cheers.

Edited by Randy Winkman on Thursday 16th May 19:59


24,450 posts

223 months

Friday 17th May
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Squat and deadlift this morning

Squat 130kg x 10
Deadlift 160kg x 10
Clean and press 50kg x 10

Shrug 50kg dumbells x 25
Single arm rows 50kg x 25
Front raise clasp grip single 40kg dumbell x 10
Lateral raises 15kg dumbell x 10

Squat jump floor slams x 10
Rotational floor slams x 10 each side.

This is my 'mental health' workout. It's horrible and I'm not really progressing strength or reps bit I have narrowed my Squat stance so kinda rebuilding, BUT, it's a great feeling having weight on the bar just after 5am knowing not many others are doing it...good feeling doing a horrible workout first thing!! Changed it to a Friday because last day at work is a grind, so gives me a lift!

Have a great weekend all, peace and love, gbn x

Edited by biggbn on Friday 17th May 06:54


3,778 posts

107 months

Friday 17th May
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I was [today] years old, when I realised that there's a VAST difference between attempting a pull up where you focus on trying to lift your body vs. attempting to pull the bar down to you.

I'm sure it's all totally logical, engages the scapula differently, etc., but I can now "do" 3, very crap pull ups vs. zero.

I have lift off!


1,978 posts

167 months

Friday 17th May
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Randy Winkman said:
Rather than bung up the front page with a new thread that I hope will only be for today ....... I've started going to a gym with weight machines that have stacks like this:

Should the levers all be pushed to the right down to the one that sets the correct weight that's wanted? Or is the only one that matters the lowest one that actually selects the weight?

I could ask someone at the gym but I bet most people there dont actually know the correct answer an there is never a member of staff there when I go. Cheers.

Edited by Randy Winkman on Thursday 16th May 19:59
That a star trac machine?

Each lever activates a pin so you only need to push the lowest lever - for the weight you are using. It basically replicates putting in a pin on most common weight stacks.


5,279 posts

271 months

Sunday 19th May
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Row To Hell
500m row, rest for the time this took
400m row, rest for the time this took
300m row, rest for the time this took
200m row, rest for the time this took
100m row, rest for the time this took
5 rounds.
7,500 metres, 58 mins (I messed up my rest periods somewhere).
Average HR 167bpm. Peak 187.