The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



6,794 posts

195 months

Thursday 4th January
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Look who the cat dragged in!

April'22 to march'23 were great for me.

I went from 113.6kg to 88.2kg, over 25kg lost.

In April '23 I went through a life-changing experience (not the good sort) and I lost my way and fell off the rails regarding health and diet as other matters were a priority.

I went up to 93-94kg quickly but hovered around there until about mid November. Then birthdays, Christmas etc piled in and I'm now 97.4kg. boxing day morning was 99kg and that frightened me a bit as I don't want to hit north of 100kg again.

So, now I'm back in the game I'd like to get to sub 90kg again, maybe even head towards mid 80s!


493 posts

123 months

Thursday 4th January
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I managed to catch a flu / lergy and it's absolutely wiped me out. On the plus side I've not eaten more than a cup a soup in 48 hours so that'll be great for weight loss!


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Thursday 4th January
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Nice to see you back Ambleton. Your success played a part in getting me on board so thank you.

Tomorrow will be my first Friday weigh-in. Also a coldy bug here (although typically one that craves calories), I'm still hoping for a small loss and have exercised well (I know this triggers some hehe )

Whatever your motivations, whatever your approach, whatever your goals, PH can be an incredible force for good in places like this.


18,165 posts

275 months

Thursday 4th January
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thepritch said:
I think there are many pros/cons for tracking, so it’s very much an individual thing.

IME, When I did it for weight loss to hit a certain race weight, I used my fitness pal and logged everything. Along with the training, I felt I became a simple machine - food became energy in, riding was energy out. Hated it. I really fell out of love with food. But as I said, try it as it clearly works, just I had to do some serious mental gymnastics.
Yep, I get that. On a fundamental level, that is what we are - a machine, and food is fuel, and it really is that basic.

Although I feel like you can still enjoy food even while tracking calories, it is largely about portion sizes.

Most people could lose a significant amount of weight by simply reducing everything by 20% with no other changes, so at that point it simply about managing the amount of fuel going into your body and in time you'll adjust to the new normal.

Unfortunately weight loss is always going to be about compromise. Believe me, I'd like nothing more than to live purely on fried chicken, pizza, ice cream and chocolate hehe but we have to find a compromise and the art of successful wright loss is finding the compromise that works for you. It doesn't have to be a miserable experience, it just has to be sustainable.

My diet at the moment is largely comprised of simply managing portion sizes which the tracking helps me greatly as I just found I was spending calories I didn't have.

Another compromise I have to make is booze but that's getting easier as booze simply doesn't seem to agree with me any more - I can have the odd days drinking sessions without a huge impact to health but my daily drinking was/is destroying my health so that's a no brainer.

Good luck smile


41,906 posts

203 months

Thursday 4th January
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Back to it in earnest, 10 pound up on my lightest in 2023 post Xmas, but still a stone lighter than I started at.


376 posts

51 months

Thursday 4th January
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I’ve gone from 14 stone 5 lb to 11 stone 12 lbs over the last 3 years and my diabetic nurse is very pleased with me , though I got a bking the previous but last review as I’d put on 2 lbs , though lost 4 lb this time
It’s good but depressing / annoying when you order a porridge/ water from greggs & the bloke in front orders 2 sausage / bacon / omelette rolls & a bloody donut + large latte
Daughter was diagnosed as diabetic 4 months apx ago & has already lost 2 stone
I’d not recommend diabetis , but you certainly loose weight & in my case it stays off , mrs is just having a donut !!


742 posts

168 months

Thursday 4th January
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TameRacingDriver said:
Yep, I get that. On a fundamental level, that is what we are - a machine, and food is fuel, and it really is that basic.

Although I feel like you can still enjoy food even while tracking calories, it is largely about portion sizes.

Most people could lose a significant amount of weight by simply reducing everything by 20% with no other changes, so at that point it simply about managing the amount of fuel going into your body and in time you'll adjust to the new normal.

Unfortunately weight loss is always going to be about compromise. Believe me, I'd like nothing more than to live purely on fried chicken, pizza, ice cream and chocolate hehe but we have to find a compromise and the art of successful wright loss is finding the compromise that works for you. It doesn't have to be a miserable experience, it just has to be sustainable.

My diet at the moment is largely comprised of simply managing portion sizes which the tracking helps me greatly as I just found I was spending calories I didn't have.

Another compromise I have to make is booze but that's getting easier as booze simply doesn't seem to agree with me any more - I can have the odd days drinking sessions without a huge impact to health but my daily drinking was/is destroying my health so that's a no brainer.

Good luck smile
What a good post! Nailed it with portion control (at least in my world - I still believe the best thing for everyone is to find your way that works for you…. But portion control would be a very good recommendation!).

Also good luck to you sir!


3,528 posts

27 months

Thursday 4th January
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Ambleton said:
Look who the cat dragged in!

Ambleton said:
I'm now 97.4kg.

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Friday 5th January
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Well 2023 was a ste year on a personal basis. My crutch to cope with it all was alcohol... at my heaviest I was 132kg. No excuse - nobody was forcing me to drink beer and eat rubbish, but it felt good and took the pain away, briefly. Anyways, packed it all in back at the start of November, managed to lose about 7kg by the end of the year, Christmas indulgences had me back up to 128kg, aided by a few pints of the black stuff.

Dry January, hopefully a dry 2024 if I can find the resolve. Intermittent fasting has worked for me in the past, as have keto meal plans. Managed to get down to 110kg a few years ago using that, but I find consistent weight loss a real struggle.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 5th January
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1.4kg for the short week to Friday, I'm ok with that.

I always have a treat day on Friday, but today I'll try and have just a treat evening.


1,263 posts

132 months

Friday 5th January
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I'm in!
Been struggling with the yo-yo effect for the past 9-10 years. Tried all sorts of dietary tricks, but my glutenous self always manages to eliminate all the gains I make.
What I find works the best for me is:

- DO NOT eat past 17 o'clock.
- This helps to wake up with low to no hunger, meaning I can skip breakfast entirely.
- If I feel hunger I will drink a large glass of water, a lot of times we mistake hunger for thirst.
- eat properly at lunch time, inluding a bowl of soup. Soup helps keep the main course portion size down.
- Eliminate all sweets, maybe substitute with some fruit.
- No alcohol
- Exercise 3x/week (gym and swim).

I am considering trying out "Rucking". Also considering starting a home gym but have yet no clue what to buy.

Good luck to us all!


12,731 posts

174 months

Friday 5th January
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Finally got on the scales this morning 100.7kg, I was 97 before Christmas.

I was 120kg at my heaviest around 2014 and 68kg around 2018 so I know I can do it. I was however single and childless when I did it previously.

Edited by the-norseman on Friday 5th January 11:54


18,165 posts

275 months

Friday 5th January
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I lost another 0.25kg this morning on the daily weigh in which means I've lost 2.95kg in 3 days. That's a lot of water I've lost. I expect it to creep up at the weekend, but I'm going to keep tracking and hopefully it won't be too bad before I weigh in for the official wiki update on Wednesday. It'll be interesting to see what the result is then.

I'm hoping it will be possible to get down to around the 85kg mark before I go on holiday in the middle of May (currently at 96.2kg) but from past experience, after week 3 my progress usually grinds to a halt so let's see.


2,442 posts

226 months

Friday 5th January
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TameRacingDriver said:
I lost another 0.25kg this morning on the daily weigh in which means I've lost 2.95kg in 3 days. That's a lot of water I've lost. I expect it to creep up at the weekend, but I'm going to keep tracking and hopefully it won't be too bad before I weigh in for the official wiki update on Wednesday. It'll be interesting to see what the result is then.

I'm hoping it will be possible to get down to around the 85kg mark before I go on holiday in the middle of May (currently at 96.2kg) but from past experience, after week 3 my progress usually grinds to a halt so let's see.
Wow! I'm 1.7kg down in 4 days and likewise expecting to hit the first plateau soon but I wish it was always this easy!!


18,165 posts

275 months

Friday 5th January
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MBVitoria said:
Wow! I'm 1.7kg down in 4 days and likewise expecting to hit the first plateau soon but I wish it was always this easy!!
I know, that would be excellent wouldn't it laugh I was aiming for 23kg loss this year and at that rate it would take just 3 and a half weeks biggrin I wish!!


9,287 posts

142 months

Friday 5th January
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I am back this year, having started the original "Losers" thread back in 2019 a few years back I did pretty well got down to 93kg from 110kg. I am however now back to 100kg. Job this weekend is get the exercise area set back up. Good luck fellow losers!


1,121 posts

46 months

Saturday 6th January
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Down to 161.4kg from 165kg already so quite pleased with that. Just completed four night shifts too so had to really be on it with meal timings to make sure I didn't overeat across 24 hour periods.

Instagram seems to have picked up my change of habits as I've been seeing a lot of meal prep videos pop up, one PT in particular creates well presented recipes that I have tried out and enjoyed. Wife is delighted with me doing all the cooking so I have help with the extra portions and it means I can quickly try other options instead of eating the same thing for days on end.

If there was a meal prep/food advice thread to accompany this one is it best to insert it into the health forum or the food and drink forum?

cjs racing.

2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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As per advice given to me on my gallbladder post, I'm just going to go with the flow, and give my body the fuel it needs to get better.

I can soon lose weight again. I'm not eating lots, but it's silly calorie counting while quite sick.

Bit of a shame though, I only put 2LB on over Xmas, last weighed on 27th. And I didn't feel I missed out on any treats over the holidays.


639 posts

60 months

Sunday 7th January
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I'll update the wiki later but according to my gyms Boditrax scanner my bio-age has increased 3 years, bodyfat up 3% and weight up 2kg - all in a few weeks over the festive period. Thanks Jesus!

Count me firmly in!


18,165 posts

275 months

Sunday 7th January
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sunnyb13 said:
down just over 6kg this week. Feeling okay, but think this is far too aggressive. Need to revaluate diet to slow down the weight loss.
It could, in fact, probably will be water weight in part, especially if you had a xmas of rich food and/or booze. I dropped nearly 3kg in a few days but I know it'll slow down dramatically. Stick with it.