Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly

Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly


Shaw Tarse

31,546 posts

206 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Dibble said:
Tango 13, if I could just make one tiny suggestion? Elisabeth Shue to do the prostate checks? I don't mind a non speaking part if she agrees.

And that's a Sunday lunchtime fk you cancer, with yorkshires and all the trimmings.
OK, if Rachel Stevens is checking plums


72,857 posts

242 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Surely we need Samuel L Jackson fking cancerous brain cells all over the insides of some American car?

fk you cancer...


Original Poster:

12,951 posts

243 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Boshly said:
I had my cancer cut out in a 6.5 hour op two days ago. That showed the bd smile just need to check for any lurking 'eggs' in the next few days and zap the bds if they're there.

I'm intending on hanging around for a while at least!
All the best for a speedy recovery, Boshly.

Have your very own, personal issue "fk you, cancer" from me.

fk YOU, Boshly's cancer, you ing fking ttface.


11,430 posts

269 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Lost my BiL to it last Christmas, 6 weeks from confirmed diagnosis to firing up the incinerator.

fk you cancer you fking piece of useless fking st, why don't you catch yourself in your bone marrow and do us all a fking massive favour and fk off in fking agony you fking .


17,949 posts

214 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Dibble said:
Boshly said:
I had my cancer cut out in a 6.5 hour op two days ago. That showed the bd smile just need to check for any lurking 'eggs' in the next few days and zap the bds if they're there.

I'm intending on hanging around for a while at least!
All the best for a speedy recovery, Boshly.

Have your very own, personal issue "fk you, cancer" from me.

fk YOU, Boshly's cancer, you ing fking ttface.
From me to. In fact, Dibble can stand on its hands whilst I kick it in the fork. Get well soon smile

br d

8,495 posts

229 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Boshly said:
I had my cancer cut out in a 6.5 hour op two days ago. That showed the bd smile just need to check for any lurking 'eggs' in the next few days and zap the bds if they're there.

I'm intending on hanging around for a while at least!
You ain't going anywhere Andy because collectively we're going to wedge cancers teeth on the kerb and jump on the back of its fking head!

Be mean to it brother!


41 posts

153 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Just lost my Mum to cancer on Wednesday afternoon (spread breast-> spine-> brain & kidneys). It is a fking of a disease and I hate it so I'll wear the hat / T-shirt. Hospice were great, St Helier hospital somewhat less so.

We did have a lovely Christmas together so I am remembering that and the other happy times.


8,290 posts

251 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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drivin_me_nuts said:
Dibble said:
Boshly said:
I had my cancer cut out in a 6.5 hour op two days ago. That showed the bd smile just need to check for any lurking 'eggs' in the next few days and zap the bds if they're there.

I'm intending on hanging around for a while at least!
All the best for a speedy recovery, Boshly.

Have your very own, personal issue "fk you, cancer" from me.

fk YOU, Boshly's cancer, you ing fking ttface.
From me to. In fact, Dibble can stand on its hands whilst I kick it in the fork. Get well soon smile
I will be in on that. When Dibble and me nuts have finished with it, I will be there to give the fker a fking good kicking to remind the that when it picked on me, it picked the wrong guy. And I will give the bd an extra kicking for my mum and both of my grandmothers.

All the best Boshly. I know how you must be feeling. Think positive. smile


8,584 posts

179 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Dibble said:
Tango 13, if I could just make one tiny suggestion? Elisabeth Shue to do the prostate checks? I don't mind a non speaking part if she agrees.

And that's a Sunday lunchtime fk you cancer, with yorkshires and all the trimmings.
She's in part II, 'Pissing unleaded onto cancer so it burns in hell like the lowlife chickenst disease deserves'

How about I cast her as the tearful blonde in part one who is inspired to eradicate cancer and tt it into the middle of the next year by the quality breast exam she receives from Natalie Portman?

Also, is it invite only to the stomping that Boshly's of a cancer is to receive or a bring a bottle/pizza job?


Original Poster:

12,951 posts

243 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Tango13 said:
Dibble said:
Tango 13, if I could just make one tiny suggestion? Elisabeth Shue to do the prostate checks? I don't mind a non speaking part if she agrees.

And that's a Sunday lunchtime fk you cancer, with yorkshires and all the trimmings.
She's in part II, 'Pissing unleaded onto cancer so it burns in hell like the lowlife chickenst disease deserves'

How about I cast her as the tearful blonde in part one who is inspired to eradicate cancer and tt it into the middle of the next year by the quality breast exam she receives from Natalie Portman?

Also, is it invite only to the stomping that Boshly's of a cancer is to receive or a bring a bottle/pizza job?
Well I guess the final say on the actual stomping (content, delivery and location) is ultimately down to Boshly.

However, as the OP of thread (and apologies to Boshly in advance if I've just exceeded ma authoriteh), please feel free to join me in another rousing chorus of "fk you, cancer, you utter fking miserable of a hateful ttty disease".

Once more, from the top, with feeling. First violins, try and keep to tempo this time please.



3,283 posts

152 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Two of my best mates lost their mums to it. Found out my dad had it only for him to go through treatment, think he'd beaten it and then it came back 6 months later. Less than 2 months before he was due to retire and actually live his life after working his arse off to get our family in a great position. It's certainly changed my out look on life. Cancer is just a complete and utter .


2,776 posts

239 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Cheers guys, it's reeling from that onslaught! laugh

fk you cancer for once and always, you dirty sneaky underhand fking disease

I feel good smile


4,109 posts

232 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Lost my stepdad to it four years ago. fking awful. He and I were big Aliens fans, so from us have a...

"You want some over there motherfker? Eat this stty motherfker! Oh you want some too over there? fking eat this one too mutherfker!! You too? You want some? Cancer you fking fker...

br d

8,495 posts

229 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Top stuff Bosh! fk it right off!

Love the Aliens reference. In true PH style we should definitely fking nuke cancer from orbit.


4,109 posts

232 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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It's the only way to be sure...


Original Poster:

12,951 posts

243 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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br d said:
Top stuff Bosh! fk it right off!

Love the Aliens reference. In true PH style we should definitely fking nuke cancer from orbit.
I'm thinking nuking from orbit might work, whereas throwing a can of Red Bull at it, or sending it a strongly worded e-mail probably wouldn't cut it.

However, a hearty "fk YOU, CANCER" will work wonders.

Stay positive, Boshly.

And chins up to all the other PHers who are going, or have been through similar, either fighting it themselves, or loved ones who have/are.


15,169 posts

237 months

Monday 25th February 2013
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Shaw Tarse said:
Dibble said:
Tango 13, if I could just make one tiny suggestion? Elisabeth Shue to do the prostate checks? I don't mind a non speaking part if she agrees.

And that's a Sunday lunchtime fk you cancer, with yorkshires and all the trimmings.
OK, if Rachel Stevens is checking plums
I like the comment on that link from one youtube viewer:-

"This is absurd. I thought I was checking for lumps on my testes, but I ended up masturbating over Rachel Stevens - I'm confused... On the other hand (literally), research shows that masturbation decreases the risk of testicular cancer, so everything's turned out great!"


205 posts

155 months

Monday 25th February 2013
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My father goes in to hospital tomorrow with an Op scheduled for Wednesday, Lung cancer and I'm fking stting it.


1,971 posts

172 months

Monday 25th February 2013
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In Cancer's defence, it does take out some absolute tts too.

Generally fk you you fking fk but there's an odd high 5 for you too occasionally! (ref the drink driver who took out my good friend last year.....).


1,095 posts

208 months

Monday 25th February 2013
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How does one delicately put it that one is expected to sucumb at some point to fking Cancer (secondary breast cancer treatable but not curable - "we can delay the inevitable but it will get you in the end").

My poor OH gets very upset if I say I'm quite happy if I take a corner too fast in eth car and crash it and kill myself cos then I can truly say "fk You Cancer". To the extent he doesn't like me road driving any more - I get to drink, he gets to drive. He's not so worried about the speed stuff - he knows I love my car more than him so won't willingly harm it, but when I suggested another tiger safari and that if I had a close up with a tigger it would be open arms and "enjoy - fk you Cancer" he wasn't took keen on that either.

Funny how having a terminal diagnosis blackens one's humour in this respect but others get so up tight when you express yourself.
