365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



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Wednesday 29th February 2012
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Smitters said:
Ten days under my belt. Might not seem like much, but it is certainly the longest period without a drink since mid-September. Sweet!
2/3 weekends under your belt and you should be feeling both more confident and better in your self.

Now I'm feeling much better physically, I have been finding it hard to suppress the thought of a drink, especially on a lovely day like today. Still I've made a deal with myself so there it is.



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Friday 2nd March 2012
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I needed that bolster comment thanks. It's on my mind a lot tonight.


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Friday 16th March 2012
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Smitters said:
Still tooling along. Still 81.1kg too, but I'll take that after the huge steak I had on Saturday! I must admit in parts, I'm completely oblivious to not drinking now, as it feels the norm, but occasionally, like going round to a friends for supper on Saturday, it comes home with a bump. I imagine it would take months to get to a point where 99% of situations feel normal, but I don't fancy the first time I order a lime and soda on a hot sunny afternoon in a pub garden.

I bought a new pair of running shoes with the savings too - should be a double positive then!
Good work there. Still dry here after 4 months, although finding it tiresome I admit. Friday night and I deserve a drink dammit!

Still, I'll stick to my guns. Re weight loss I've been losing just over a pound a week on average which is very nice to shift. If I was a slim drinker I'd probably carry on drinking. I'm easily inclined to put on weight, but can equally shift it if I stop drinking. I saw 13st 11lb on the scales this morning. Once I'm down to 13stone I look as slim as the next guy wink

I loose weight by watching my carbs carefully. Chicken salads with plenty of greens and next to no carbs is common. I'm drinking a lot of tea and enjoy a strong coffee first thing.

Keep up the good work guys!



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Sunday 18th March 2012
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These are the sorts of reasons that I committed to the 365 days. There are countless times and events that I associated with drinking. Pint on a winter's night, pint in the sun in the summer. Every day seemed like a good day! Going a week or two most heavy drinkers could do that I think. Going months and staying resolved is not easy. I feel it too.

However I really do feel that if I can get through the 'months in' period and past it I can emerge feeling less bothered and change some deep seated habits and ways of thinking about my drinking habits. I have no deep physical cravings at all now, but I do feel very much as though I'm missing out on the fun, the party, the laughs. Still, there are strong benefits in staying sober. No hangover this morning and being able to type this is one of them wink

Have a good day all.



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Monday 19th March 2012
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Smitters said:
Sounds like you're at quite a good point Nick, though I wonder if there's an element of "Fun Bobby" syndrome still for both of us? (Fun Bobby was a Friends character who was a raconteur who always had a drink in his hand and became just "Bobby" when he quit drinking).

I must admit Sunday was tough for me. Not the drinking + GP. I had no desire to imbibe at 4.30 am. Just a combination of knowing I was at 28 days, and thus had "done really well already", so despite saying I am going to the end of April, I was really tempted to have a few beers. In the end I went for a drive instead and had a nice early night, mainly due to a 5.30 start. However, pressure ratcheting up at work and a desire for beers - coincidence? Probably not.

Anyway, I'm very lucky to have a group of friends who are sympathetic to the cause and most of which have done similar stuff for health reasons, like 'Sober September', but I've found meeting the same people, but in a different context to normal has helped balance sociability with abstinence. I've used going for walks instead of the pub and offering to be designated driver to good effect so far. Even took a road-trip to collect a car with a mate - cracking couple of hours chat that would normally take place in the pub, but instead was on the M1!

Anyway - day 29 today, 80.1kg (B*starding scale - I really wanted to type 79.x)

ETA - it was cold when I measured first so I had my PJs on! Post shower, and it's 79.9. Well happy with that. 4.3kg or 9 1/2 lbs in 28 days. Long may it continue...though I think I'll have to work harder to lose another 4kg by the end of April...

Edited by Smitters on Monday 19th March 08:43
Not heard of Fun Bobby before made me laugh thanks. I can relate to that yes. Though I think Fun Bobby himself must have found it hard going after so many years of over indulging and looking in the mirror one day to see a bloated old fart? I'm a peace loving person at heart and I certainly feel fairly peaceful on the whole nowadays. More confident that I'm looking after myself and beginning to look better. Hell, I've even started to tuck my shirt into my jeans again wink

I miss Fun Bobby quite a bit though. He was bloody funny (well I always thought so!) when he had a drink in his hand. Was super smooth and confident with it too. Still, he was unsustainable and became boring after a while.

Sounds like you're doing really well Smitters. Despite being a Piston Head I've never really caught the GP bug (nor rugby etc.) so I don't worry about such events. For me it was just plain ol' social drinking in and out of the home. You're hoping to get to the end of April then yes? Then what can I ask?

4Kg weight loss is about 9lb. I think that's doable at roughly 2lb per week, but you'll need to really watch your carbs. Consider cutting out any bread based foods, go low fat and plenty of water and lean fish and chicken & veg/salad etc. That's roughly where I'm at and doing ok, though had a blow out yesterday joining in with Mothers day lunch/picnic and then cinema ice cream and then pizza for dinner. OMG.

Ok, must dash. Need to see a man about a dog.



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Tuesday 27th March 2012
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I too find it very hard going Smitters. Not helped by the OH opening a bottle of wine and drinking on the weekends.

I never led a big pub life and circle of friends that way, I was a 'home drinker'. So in that respect I can cope quite well. I nearly failed on Friday night gone as the daughters at school (all about 12-13yrs) were having a pizza out together so it was arranged for the parents to meet at a pub and we were duly invited. OMG, I nearly panicked and ran away as I knew I couldn't go in that pub drink lemonade and enjoy it. At times I get to a point where I think 'Ah sod it, a couple won't kill me'. The only thing that saves me at times is the 365 status.

Thankfully I arranged that we all had a curry instead, which took the focus away from standing up and holding a pint in front of me. Phew! As you say, being careful about what situation you put yourself in is essential I think.

Hang in there!



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Friday 30th March 2012
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JFReturns said:
Because moderation is not as easy as it sounds.
Exactly. Whilst I appreciate the sentiment and advice I have been round and round that approach more times than I can tell you!


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Sunday 1st April 2012
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ge0rge said:
Ive managed 5 weeks, dotn feel that much better for it - perhaps slightly less grumpy at best!?
I guess how you feel now is in comparison to how you felt when drinking?


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Monday 23rd April 2012
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Smitters said:
All quiet on the abstinence front? Hope it's going well for folks. I'm doing good - decided since I'm training for a trip to the Himalayas in August I might as well push on dry until then as it'll only benefit the fitness. Work has prevented too much socialising recently,but I have noticed something odd - when we've had friends round for dinner they seem reluctant to tuck into the wine/beer as if it's somehow unfair on me. Anyone else experienced this?

As for stats - I'm over two months now and have dropped to a low of 76.9kg, so the weight loss from less booze calories had begun to tail off and I'm seemingly now limited by exercise and diet, which is exactly how it should be. Fair bit to go on that front, but losing weight and feeling healthier has been an massive incentive to keep going with the wagon ride!

How are the rest of the folks doing?
Hiya chap. Well I'm still dry as a lizards ass on a Saharan desert floor. My weight is still slowly coming down without too much effort on my part.

A few longer term good signs for me. I suggested to the OH we go for a curry Friday night whilst the little one was with friends at Pizza Hut. I realised as I was putting a shirt on getting ready that I was going to a beer venue so to speak. But then realised it had only dawned on me well after the initial thought. That struck me as great.

I meant to write before now and say how impressed I was that you were able to spend so much time in a beer garden watching your mates drink and so on. I really couldn't do that (even now) and would have to change the event or not go I think.

Another good sign is that being about a stone off my ideal weight (aiming for 12st 10lb) my exercise is beginning to increase and found myself on the home treadmill twice last week and out on a family bike ride yesterday. I shall follow the couch to 5k joggers plan as I always used to enjoy jogging/running. My push bike is near to being ready for a bit of bike touring too. Just waiting for this wet spell to pass ideally.

I find there are subtle and natural changes when I stop over an extended period and I enjoy those benefits. Being hang over free and functioning at a higher level in all respects has got to be good.

Well done Smitters. I admire you.

Keep the faith!



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Monday 14th May 2012
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I know that I would not cope or enjoy going on that pub cruise if I were not drinking. This is a good example of the sort of thing I would avoid like the plague if I were in the early stages of not drinking for a time. If you go I expect you will most likely end up drinking. However, if you do go and not drink that is cool too and as already pointed out a great boost to your 'I can do it' feeling.

Ultimately it'll be up to you. The majority of blokes react as if I've just stepped off a fking space ship when I say I'm not drinking. Some however are understanding, admiring even.

Last Monday I hit the 6 months mark. Still doing ok, but still getting pangs when the OH sits down with a big glass of white on the weekend. Not fair for me to stop her, but it's like trying to stop smoking and someone puffing away in front of you...not that I smoke. It has caused a bit of friction, but what can I do? We get home delivery from Sainsburys mostly, but walked around the other day and OMG I nearly had a heart attack when I walked past the alcohol section. Another bad experience is waiting in the line at a big Tesco petrol station near me. All the booze is stacked up near the fridge. It just catches me out when I'm not prepared sometimes and it all comes flooding back.

Apart from the odd moment I'm much more balanced as an individual, moods are better, more productive at work, better at my work too. Weight still reducing steadily too which is nice. Did a 22 mile bike ride yesterday which would never have happened if I were drinking the night before. My sleep is good and I'm getting quality sleep too, as opposed to constant late nights and always feeling stretched.

So, on the whole a transformation for the better. Yes I seriously miss a drink at times, even if it's just a couple of beers to chill and enjoy a sunny moment say, but I know where a couple of beers leads and I need to stay on track. Only another 6 months to go before I make a reassessment wink Really not sure what will be the outcome at that point. One day at a time or something like that.



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Monday 14th May 2012
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Petrus1983 said:
Nick et el, this post is majorly inspirational and I really respect you for not only doing it, but sharing on here too. I'm about to start down the same road, I tried (and massively failed) on the 'in moderation' approach and now know that isn't an option. I'm lucky I have a mega supportive gf who's going to be a rock to me and I'm actually excited about the journey (& the money I'll safe and lbs shed!).

I read a quote from teetotal Gerrard Butler (an actor) who said “I can’t remember drinking. When I stopped, I would look at a beer and think how great it would be. I’d get this pang in my stomach to go back out and have fun, but then I’d remember that I used up that right - that I did a full life’s worth of drinking between 14 and 27.” This pretty much sums up where I am (didn't start drinking at 14 though!). And the affect is more summed up by "I had a lot of fun, but what it did cumulatively to my life was not worth it."

I'll keep you updated on how things go smile
Liking that quote. Well I wish you the very best of luck and strength in your resolve. There are definite highs and lows along the way, but long term highs and benefits are well worth it. I personally have benefited from a clear goal at the outset (365 days). Have a think of stepping stone goals rather than to just stop for a time. I tried that approach endlessly.

I'll watch with interest.



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Monday 14th May 2012
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Petrus1983 said:
Hey Nick, I know I have to give up for good, although I'm looking forwards to each anniversary. Alcohol just isn't the friend I once thought it was! I've booked in to see a personal trainer at my gym and I'm looking forwards to spending the time I would have spent at the bar getting really healthy and with my girlfriend instead - I think spring could be a good time to start too as there's so many nice things to do.
Well I like your thinking. For me there never seemed to be a particularly good time to stop as I drank most nights and there was always another event around the corner that involved drink!

Keep us posted!



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Saturday 26th May 2012
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JFReturns said:
Well fellas, it is time for me to bow out of this thread. I stopped drinking beer for just shy of six months and have proved to myself I can do it.

It has been a worthwhile experience, and I know from this point I will be able to drink moderately whereas before I struggled (though not as badly as some on this thread).

Good luck with your goals, I'll drop back in to offer encouragement thumbup
I'll have a beer with you then....Ahhhhh! See. I have another 6 months ahead yet smile I have no idea what I'll be doing after 365 days are up. I'd like to be able to stop altogether and not be bothered to do that. It's still on my mind a lot I have to say.



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Wednesday 30th May 2012
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JFReturns said:
You have been an inspiration with this thread Nick, I'm sure you will make 365 days and after that... the correct decision wink
Thank you. The benefits still far outweigh the apparent loss of fun or enjoyment in the short term. I always found the ratio of fun when drinking to that of feeling rough, hung over, over weight, (the list is extensive) was not in the favour of drinking!


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Wednesday 30th May 2012
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Smitters said:
C.A.R. said:
Not really got a point to make in this thread, just pointing out that having an entirely negative view of alcohol makes you a social assh*le who is difficult to be around, be it in a restaurant, pub or even at a home BBQ when you fancy a quick beer. Just because I have more control of myself and I'm able to recognise when to stop drinking he somehow thought that by not drinking at all this made him a better person.
But isn't the crux of it that he'd reached a point in his life where he'd rather not have alcohol in his life and if that means being a grumpy friendless sober a*sehole and the key word and most important point is "sober", then that's his choice?

I take your point, don't get me wrong, and perhaps it's the route he took. I've always been slightly suspicious of packaging religion alongside healing, but that's a whole other can'o'worms..! It also sounds like a level of denial. By that, I mean he's still denying that he had a problem with alcohol and not everyone does. It's likely a defence mechanism as assuming everyone who does drink is in the same boat is mentally much easier than realising you personally have a shortcoming that others don't.

JFReturns said:
Well fellas, it is time for me to bow out of this thread. I stopped drinking beer for just shy of six months and have proved to myself I can do it.

It has been a worthwhile experience, and I know from this point I will be able to drink moderately whereas before I struggled (though not as badly as some on this thread).

Good luck with your goals, I'll drop back in to offer encouragement thumbup
Hmmm. Suspiciously just in time to build a tolerance prior to Le Mans... Seriously though, well done. I'm looking forward to my six monther.

Right - cheeky round-up. Day 99! Treble figures tomorrow, which will be very cool. I must admit though, having had an old mate round this weekend and the sun shining, plus a load of stress hanging round, the temptation was extremely strong! Still, I reckon that if I'd buckled I'd either have been immediately gutted, or got uproariously drunk and then felt really bad today for multiple reasons. Recognising that stress and sitting in the sun are both beer associated activities and denying the urge feels good today. And I don't have a massive headache, which is usually the result of drinking beer in the sun!
It's inevitable that when you stop drinking you can see the behaviour and actions of others in a different (sober) light. I have concern for some people I know and how much they constantly drink, but it's not my role to say anything to them. When not drinking I realise how booze-centric this whole country is. For example, I have to endure soaps on TV each night if I want to sit down and enjoy time with my OH and daughter. All of these are focussed on the pub as a community and I spend most nights watching other people drink alcohol on TV which does nothing for my 'I could kill a beer' thinking. Anyway, it's getting easier as I go and I'll stick to it.

Well done Smitters re the weekend. I admit a few times I've thought 'Well I can't drink as I've said on PH I have another 6 months to go!' lol. Plus it would I feel undo all my hard work so far. I've done a couple of 9/10 month periods before, but never quite the year as I feel that will have greater significance to me in terms of making a genuine long term assessment of how much I need alcohol in my life. Looking back, it takes me 6 months to become reasonably strong and to feel more divorced from the habit of drinking. I'm pleased to say that I'm still losing about a pound or more per week and am just 8lbs off my ideal weight now. Cycling a few times each week and looking forward to a fairly active week next week in Cornwall where I hope to get a night in cycle touring which could incur about 40 miles and to do 'coasteering' which will be a first!

In the past I have gone down a virtual no carb route for weight loss and whilst it does shave the pounds off, I felt awful last week doing it.Such a bad mood I thought I might shoot someone if they looked at me in the wrong way. So, going to try and focus on activity and healthy balanced diet from here on in. I've lost the bulk of my weight already. Feeling better this week on good rice and veg and protein meals with snacks in between. I just know that there would be no way I'd take care of myself in this way if I were drinking still. Ok, I'll stop there before I start a new page.

Thanks all.



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Wednesday 30th May 2012
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Smitters said:
Petrus1983 said:
Just a quick update. Now been through the 2 week mark without any real thoughts of drinking. I'm enjoying the new me and have mainly been focused on the gym, reading and work. There have been a few 'pushing' factors, namely being in Spain for a week and my girlfriend leaving me - but neither has changed my willpower. Although this isn't a path I'd intended to go down whilst away from my gf, it's re-assuring to know that even significant factors haven't been tempting enough to reach for that beer! Now have to try and reach back for my ex instead!

Edited by Petrus1983 on Wednesday 30th May 00:38
Good work on getting through a pretty significant milestone. I found the first month hard and the first two weeks the hardest, so kudos. Double kudos for not wavering when home life is in turmoil. It's the classic fallback and the fact that you've not succumbed to temptation shows you're pretty serious about quitting. Fingers crossed and if you do wobble, try re-reading some of the thread before making the final do I/don't I decision.
What Smitters said smile

Interestingly, I always found a week or two quite doable as the feelings of euphoria of not being hung over and feeling so much better had a great novelty feeling. Then after a while I'd strat to think oh I'm ok now and could kill a drink. That's just me anyway.



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Sunday 10th June 2012
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Smitters said:

Mini round-up:

Bugger me if the Jubilee weekend wasn't tough. Sitting around, barbecuing and yacking with mates just begs for a beer. Still, another tough weekend just means it's a bit easier to tough out the next one. I'm about ten days off a big walking holiday too, so there's a real incentive to keep exercising, stay fit, healthy and hydrated and get there in one piece. I'm joining a group, but holidaying solo, so it's easier to just tell people I don't drink, rather than having to explain the whole rationale over and over, as I've had to with friends and one particularly obsessive neighbour, who always wants to know if I'm still not drinking and pretty much refuses to go to the pub for a "pint" if I'm not having beer.

Anyway, consistently under 75kg now, which is good and over 100 days, which is even better. Keep up the good work folks.
Well Smitters you've done/doing bloody well!

The walking holiday sounds excellent...where to?

I was in Cornwall last week and found it very difficult to stay sober! Lol. I was at an all time low when the awning on the side of the caravan had been virtually ripped off bending/breaking all the poles in the process. Wrestling with it in gale force winds pushed me near the edge, lol.

I did a couple of things which I probably wouldn't have done if I were still drinking though, one was 'Coasteering' found myself jumping off 20' cliffs into the sea with a wet suit and flotation device and helmet on...the best fun ever! I also managed to get a night in on my bike camping solo. Really good apart from constant rain frown Still, 25 miles on the bike and really enjoyed it. My cycle fitness is gradually raising for sure.

Still finding it tough with the OH drinking in front of me. I think it's what could make me start again. She's polite with it, but none the less it's open in the fridge and some times I nearly just pour a glass to almost kill the stupid feeling of 'not having'. Not sure I can do a lot about it tbh.



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Saturday 16th June 2012
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oldbanger said:
I'm at 5 and a bit months. I'd originally decided to go 6 months, but to be honest, I'm not too bothered about going back to it. I get the feeling I'd feel ill if I had a bit of a drink, which is putting me off a bit.
Great going! I can well relate to the fear of having a drink now. I would be a mess. Mentally I would still drink the quarantines I used to...that would give me a stupendous hangover now. I'm running at 7+ months dry now.

Still finding it hard at times. Weird things like being in someone else's home and seeing a 4 pack of beer or a bottle of wine in the fridge as they get milk out for my tea/coffee. I then can get such a strong wave that says something like 'fk it, when I leave here I'm off to the pub for a chillax and pint or two'. Thankfully it subsides and I wipe my brow and get a grip.

We all have different triggers. I've been paying extra care to my diet this week and have lost a few pounds in the process. I'm about half a stone away from my ideal, so that's a great feeling.

Stick with it folks.

It's ok to drink, it's ok to start again if you decide to do so, but speaking for myself, I am keen that it's a planned event rather than to just fall off unexpectedly.



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Sunday 17th June 2012
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Petrus1983 said:
Great to see I wasn't the only late starter to this forum! Hope it goes well for you guys smile (pm me if you ever want to). I've now got to 5 weeks and i'm now seeing some mega positives - mainly health, and finances. I didn't start not drinking because I was thinking it was costing me lots and lots, but every restaurant bill is significantly less, and going out doesn't take the same chunk out of my wallet to a very noticeable amount. The best thing so far though is that I'm back Stateside with my gf and we're getting on better than ever biggrin Also, not drinking here is significantly easier as the whole drinking/social atmosphere is very different. There's been some really good words of advice on here that I'm very grateful for.
Nice work. The benefits are multi fold eh?!


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Friday 29th June 2012
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Smitters said:
Greetings all headache free folk. Just a quickie:

1) Celebrated my birthday in Switzerland as part of walking the Tour du Mont Blanc, which is something I wouldn't have been fit enough to do a few months ago. It wasn't weird not drinking at all. It was however, annoying when someone who knew full well I wasn't drinking bought me a drink a few days later just to see if I'd drink it. A waste of five euros I'd say...

2) I had a random thought today in the shower. "I'm a better person when I'm not drinking alcohol." Not sure why it popped into my head or from where, but it was a nice thought none the less and undoubtedly true. I'm more able to deal with stress, more articulate on a day to day basis, and generally more cheerful. Who knew!

Hope it's all going well for everyone else. I'm closing in on my Transformation Contest target weight, so I'm very cheery! I've also realised I've stopped counting the days. I take this to be a very good sign.
Awesome Smitters! Well done and yes I fully understand the better person comment. Lots of profound thoughts come to me in the shower too! smile

My 13 yr old daughter was saying to me that she could see that my not drinking was a better way and that she was saying she had no desire to drink also which made me smile. Interestingly, she said there is no benefit from drinking apart from when you're drinking. A truism if ever I heard one! hehe.

I'm leaving here very shortly for the Alps tour. Car is loaded, just needs a drop of oil in it, a bit of lunch in me then I drive down to Kent for the Eurotunnel.

Take care all you dry folk.
