What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



6,018 posts

153 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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I feel 40 laugh


53,012 posts

186 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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At UNi, I used to go to the student uni, and then go circuit training. biggrin

chris watton

22,477 posts

263 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Today was heavy day for me, I enjoy these days the most...

Squats - 8x12-1 rep (Up to 170kg)
Bench Press - 8x12-1 rep (up to 140kg, almost got 2 reps this time, but not quite..)
BB Clean and Press - 8x5-1 rep (Up to 90kg)
Pendlay Row - 5x5 (Up to 125kg)
Rack Pull - 3x5 and 5x1 rep (Up to 200kg - did DL's Wednesday, and I could tell..)
Wide Grip Pull Ups - 4x12-87 reps

Very cold today, had 5 layers on and 2 tracksuit bottoms!


8,768 posts

184 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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A quick update from me - training continues to go pretty well, a few aches and pains, good power on the bike as well as the gym. Most of my PBs have been set either drinking or eating over the past few days, which will continue over the foreseeable future. Looking to hit some big numbers in the gym through Christmas and into the New Year. Sat at around 82kg with a covering of winter fat biggrin



5,857 posts

171 months

Sunday 10th December 2017
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Poor performanc in the gym today - I'm going to blame the fact it's about 0 degrees in my gym at the minute... my members have been moaning so I bought a gas heater but it doesn't do much good!!! Had bench, should have been easy 6s at 115kg. I honestly thought I'd misloaded the bar with 125kg on my first set! Oh well got them done, followed by some high volume work to gtry stay warm...

Bench 4 x 6 115kg
.......... 3 x 10 100kg
OH Press 3 x 8 60kg
Upright row 3 x 8 55kg
Narrow Grip Press 3 x 8 80kg

Yesterday was light squats and light deads, still easing myself back to proper numbers...
4 x 6 at 140kg
1 x 10 at 140kg (just to feel like I was doing something a bit harder!)

5s at 200kg

chris watton

22,477 posts

263 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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Had to shovels loads of snow from the garage doorway before I could even train today...

Squats - 5x12-5 reps
BB Clean and Press - 5x5-3 reps
Superset: Bench Press - 5x12-2 reps/Wide Grip Pull Ups - 5x12-8 reps
T-Bar Rows - 4x12-8 reps
Seated Pulley Rows - 4x12-8 reps


5,275 posts

271 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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mcelliott said:
A quick update from me - training continues to go pretty well, a few aches and pains, good power on the bike as well as the gym. Most of my PBs have been set either drinking or eating over the past few days, which will continue over the foreseeable future. Looking to hit some big numbers in the gym through Christmas and into the New Year. Sat at around 82kg with a covering of winter fat biggrin

Where is this winter fat you speak of? You look as lean as a lean thing. I, meanwhile, am afraid of bursting my trousers so am on an enforced calorie restriction for what will probably be most of the week!


18,120 posts

130 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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No training for me for ages now - moving house and then struck down with a virus. I’m telling myself that carrying boxes is GPP training.

Still, got my new dumbbells for home workouts today. Two sets of adjustable ones (I’ll generally keep one set at 12kg and another at 20kg for warm ups). And a set of 40kg rubber ones for rows and bench presses. Bloody expensive and bloody huge. If I like them, I’ll get sets of 30kg and 25kg.


6,018 posts

153 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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300kg x2 rep PB https://youtu.be/DSDLGeVitoY
I had to stop at 2 because I spurted blood all over the floor laugh genuinely believe 3-4 was there (with a hitch no doubt).
Had a goal of 6, minimum 3. Was always going to be a big ask essentially putting 5 reps on in a year including 4 months of zero deadlifts due to surgery.
On top of that I'm a little ill according to bloods but currently on the mend hopefully.
Also didn't exactly program for it, I just upped the weight to test how the chest is holding up.
I think that's enough excuses biggrin going to attempt to work towards England's qualifier in the new year chest permitting smile


8,768 posts

184 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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Animal said:
Where is this winter fat you speak of? You look as lean as a lean thing. I, meanwhile, am afraid of bursting my trousers so am on an enforced calorie restriction for what will probably be most of the week!
My mid section is a bit blurry at the moment, which I'm more than happy to live with given the extra size and strength I've got at the moment. Two hours on the turbo zwifting yesterday, with a nice gym session in the evening - just over 150kg on the bench, felt pretty good, feels a long way fro 160kg though. biggrin

So tonight just an hour on the turbo, then 40 minutes of leisurely pull ups and press ups. Eating anything and everything. Cheers!


6,018 posts

153 months

Tuesday 12th December 2017
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smiffy180 said:
Decided I'm going to attempt 330 a week Friday because I'm not happy with the above laugh
330 I'll settle with smile


5,533 posts

213 months

Wednesday 13th December 2017
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flat DB press: 60's x 7, 30's x20 > 10's xF
BHN Smith: 100kg x 4, 80kg x 15
CG Bench: 100kg x F
Rope push downs: F
DB row: 105kg x 10
Wide pull downs (stack + band): RPF

Decent. A few lifts in there I've not tried for a while.

Body feeling pretty beat up at the moment- especially chest, shoulders, elbows...upper back, lower back, quads.... I could probably go on too biggrin


6,018 posts

153 months

Wednesday 13th December 2017
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140kg post op PB overhead press.
Actually disappointed more than anything, 30-40kg loss in strength :/
Hopefully it comes back quickly when I start programming for the new year!


6,018 posts

153 months

Thursday 14th December 2017
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250kg x3 squat tonight
Getting quicker than last time I attempted it but used a lot of energy falling forward.
Something to work on for next time.


5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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I was going to have a rest because I tweaked my back on Wednesday, but went to the gym and made it worse instead. Go me.

I'm due a rest week, but wanted to push through to xmas week to take it.....but not to be, so a week off for me. Couldn't do anything constructive, so just benched 140kg for 11, which may be a rep PB, but isn't up to much as I'm still fatigued form pressing on Wednesday.

So, an enforced rest to supercompensate for a bit.....


6,018 posts

153 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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didelydoo said:
I was going to have a rest because I tweaked my back on Wednesday, but went to the gym and made it worse instead. Go me.

I'm due a rest week, but wanted to push through to xmas week to take it.....but not to be, so a week off for me. Couldn't do anything constructive, so just benched 140kg for 11, which may be a rep PB, but isn't up to much as I'm still fatigued form pressing on Wednesday.

So, an enforced rest to supercompensate for a bit.....
You don't even know what the word rest means laugh


18,120 posts

130 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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Turns out I have the flu. It’s not much fun.

Workout today: putting together my new bench for workouts at home. No gym yet (spring build mission), but a damn fine bench for DB presses and rows.

chris watton

22,477 posts

263 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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Flu's not nice frown

Heavy stuff today for the most part. Usual compounds, but today I finally managed to do 2 reps with 140kg for Bench Press. Squats not so good, didn't get anywhere near my best on these..

Squats - 6x12-5 reps (up to 150kg, felt awful with these today)
Bench Press - 8x12-1 rep (last set was 2 reps with 140kg)
BB Clean and Press - 8x5-1 rep (Up to 90kg
Pendlay Row - 5x5 (up to 125kg)
Wide Grip Pull Up - 4x12-8 reps
Seated Pulley Row (wide neutral grip) - 5x12-8 reps


5,275 posts

271 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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I have man flu. Not been to gym in a week. Feel fat and miserable and pathetic.


6,018 posts

153 months

Friday 15th December 2017
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100kg x5 strict press tonight, 3 reps off PB.
Got some base numbers now to work from for the new year, long way to go to get to where I need though.