365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



1,590 posts

178 months

Thursday 8th December 2011
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Alcohol is the devil in liquid form evil

I love the taste of beer and larger and would love to go the the pub a sink a nice cold guinness in one go smile

But sadly drinking alcohol brings on a Migraine frown, had to see the doctor earlier in the year. My headache lasts for 2 weeks and it's so bad I want to cry from the moment I wake to when I fall asleep, makes me so bad tempered and moody, its like someone is squeezing one side of my brain, my right eye, ear and neck feel funny. Not nice!
And thats only after 2 pints! so I have no plans to drink again, I dont even think about booze anymore.

I feel so much better without it!
Good luck


149 posts

163 months

Friday 9th December 2011
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I only drink at night to help me sleep as I cant sleep at all.

I know its bad but when you havnt had sleep for 48 hours I feel pretty bad aswell.


11,060 posts

253 months

Friday 9th December 2011
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johnnybegood said:
I only drink at night to help me sleep as I cant sleep at all.

I know its bad but when you havnt had sleep for 48 hours I feel pretty bad aswell.
I can well relate to this. F'ing annoying.


14,878 posts

194 months

Friday 9th December 2011
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johnnybegood said:
I only drink at night to help me sleep as I cant sleep at all.

I know its bad but when you havnt had sleep for 48 hours I feel pretty bad aswell.
Wouldn't sleeping tablets be the better option?


149 posts

163 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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Sleeping tablets can be addictive aswell and only make you drowsy so I dont take them as i can be drowsy but still not fall asleep and then be in a trance like state where im neither fully awake but neither fully asleep and feeling like that is a whole other ball(ache)game


4,316 posts

241 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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I really ought to join you but find the thought pretty scary tbh. I don't drink all the time but do find it difficult to be moderate when I do. Regular drinking makes me gain weight and feel very run down. However “ miss it when I don't. I managed a 5 week stint in early summer and wish I'd kept it up.


14,878 posts

194 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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How often and how much do you drink oldbanger?

Like you I can (could) not moderate. I'm not the most sociable of chaps, so almost all my drinking was at home alone, so no-one there to admonish me!!

I'm on day 5 now and it's not been easy especially yesterday and not looking forward to New Year's Eve either! Admittedly I have little choice in the matter as I'm aided by a deterrent medication which was my choice to take. Easter is the target, and will hopefully continue until my patterns of behaviour have changed. A long way to go yet ...


4,316 posts

241 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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I drink usually 2 or 3 bottles a week max, usually less (though more on special occasions). The problem is that it can be enough to make me feel rough (even taking Mg supplements). I often buy half bottles to pace myself, as more than half a bottle in a sitting tends to make me want to drink myself silly and it helps not to have the temptation.

If I go out with work I usually drink soda as I have to drive from the station, so most of my drinking is done at home. The OH isn't much of a drinker so whilst I'm not sitting indoors alone I'm not drinking socially as such. On the very rare occasions that I go out for a drink with mates, I tend to just drink until I get home again, no matter how long a time span that is.

The biggest driver for regular drinking is because I find it difficult to switch off otherwise (a trick I can put to good use, being a complete workaholic). Meditation helps but you need to be pretty disciplined, and a glass of alcohol is a quick fix to unwind. Although I have spontanously gone for long periods without alcohol in my younger days, I'm a bit wary of having to live my life "knurd" all the time.


5,177 posts

222 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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oldbanger said:


7,850 posts

162 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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Yeah today since my last drink. Admittedly it was in the evening I think. 2 years now!


33,574 posts

215 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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Ki3r said:
Yeah today since my last drink. Admittedly it was in the evening I think. 2 years now!
I'm sorry... were you drunk posting this? confused


5,177 posts

222 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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LordGrover said:
Ki3r said:
Yeah today since my last drink. Admittedly it was in the evening I think. 2 years now!
I'm sorry... were you drunk posting this? confused


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

205 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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A quick update. Was pretty busy in December finishing a Masters project. Drum roll...come the 7th Jan I'll be sober for 2 months! I've lost nearly a stone in weight and beginning to reap the benefits. I want to shift another 2 stone to get to my ideal weight of 12-7 or similar.

I love being fresh and more energetic. I've been on a 15 mile bike ride with the dog today (highly unlikely if I'd been drinking last night!). I aspire to do some cycle touring in the Spring, so that's spurring me on.

I have missed drinking for sure, but the benefits outweigh the negatives. I'm going away in the caravan for new year to avoid big parties and me having to avoid them. I'm pretty excited about getting away actually! I have found a lovely field on the Welsh border an hour from me.

So, as of the 7th Jan I'll have another 10 full months ahead of me and then I'll review it when it comes to an end. I'd like to stop for good, but more importantly NOT feel that I'm missing out all the time...that will most likely be my biggest problem. I hope after 12 months I'll be well away from feeling that way.

So if you're sick of drinking this Christmas and new year, consider joining me as of Monday 2nd Jan? Only if you fancy it of course smile


7,850 posts

162 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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LordGrover said:
I'm sorry... were you drunk posting this? confused
ha! Opps, I was tired though xD.

I meant...'year today since my last drink, going for two years now.'


3,699 posts

174 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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nick_j007 said:
Drum roll...come the 7th Jan I'll be sober for 2 months! I've lost nearly a stone in weight and beginning to reap the benefits. I want to shift another 2 stone to get to my ideal weight of 12-7 or similar.
Congratulations, great achievement with the weight loss!

nick_j007 said:
So if you're sick of drinking this Christmas and new year, consider joining me as of Monday 2nd Jan? Only if you fancy it of course smile
Well, I've told everyone I'm stopping drinking for a year so yes! Too late to turn back now....

I saw this thread back in November and have been thinking about stopping for a while. I can relate to almost every point you said - I don't feel anywhere near being an alcoholic (don't drink during the week... normally) but can easily drink six pints each night over the weekend, and my partner has commented about drinking too much. Longest I have gone without booze is two weeks iirc, when I was studying. My reasons for wanting to quit:

- Health (worried about liver)
- Looks (want to cut down the fat, I'm 5' 11 and 14.5 stone but already gym five times a week so this should really help)
- Tiredness, feeling low (hangover basically, wasting the weekend)
- Re-igniting interests (see above, I just want to do nothing Sat and Sun at the mo)
- Finances (beer costs quite a bit!)
- Prepare for kids (if I'm feeling tired now, whats it going to be like in two or three years with little ones!?)

There are times when I know I'm going to really miss a beer - getting home Friday night and playing xbox, going for a curry, meeting old friends (all we do is get smashed together). But the one I'm worried about is a wedding - I hate them at the best of times, and this one I won't know anyone.... Hopefully someone who feels the same will have some tips on not drinking in these social situations biggrin

Bring on the 1st January!


147 posts

167 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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3212 days as of today.

290-320 units week before that.

All is good.


14,878 posts

194 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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You're not helping. I'm on Day 6!



147 posts

167 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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Digger said:
You're not helping. I'm on Day 6!

Its worth it!

Itr will get easier as well.

cheadle hulme

2,462 posts

185 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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nick_j007 said:
So if you're sick of drinking this Christmas and new year, consider joining me as of Monday 2nd Jan? Only if you fancy it of course smile
I am sick of drinking this Christmas. I'm tired and lethargic and only drinking out of habit it seems.

I'll be joining you from Sunday 1st.


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

205 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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cheadle hulme said:
I am sick of drinking this Christmas. I'm tired and lethargic and only drinking out of habit it seems.

I'll be joining you from Sunday 1st.
Fantastic...for how long?