The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



6,421 posts

218 months

Thursday 23rd May
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WCZ said:
my regime was chest 2x a week, arms 2x a week, abs 1x a week then swimming once and light cardio (just some rowing and stuff)
You mean you weren't doing 10hrs a day of zone 4 cardio to 'burn' off the caloriessmile.

Good structure you seem to have got, strength regime is what I found worked best for me, its also much more sustainable longterm. I do similar 3-4 sessions of strength a week, the cardio stuff I do now is just light and mixed in here and there.


10,609 posts

197 months

Thursday 23rd May
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gangzoom said:
You mean you weren't doing 10hrs a day of zone 4 cardio to 'burn' off the caloriessmile.

Good structure you seem to have got, strength regime is what I found worked best for me, its also much more sustainable longterm. I do similar 3-4 sessions of strength a week, the cardio stuff I do now is just light and mixed in here and there.
to be perfectly honest the cardio stuff was so light it was mianly for the sake of saying to myself that I'd do something that day smile


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 24th May
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I know I'm not being as good as I should, but exercising well and a teeny loss this week 0.3kg, but the small losses add up (slowly!).

Couple of lads at work doing remarkably well and they, along with this thread, are just about keeping me on board.

Some great results on the thread, hope it motivates a few more of us!


6,421 posts

218 months

Saturday 25th May
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75kg seems to be my 'natural' weight. The only way I can get below that figure is seriously cutting out foods I enjoy, where as this week I've had a large Domionos pizza, polished off a bottle of red wine, and had a few muffins/cakes at work conferences.

My not very accurate smart watch tells me for the same weight compared to 2 years ago I'm less fat with more muscles, its likely all snake oil, but I'm happy with the narrativesmile.

Resting Hr is still steady at around high 40s, dipping down to low 40s at night, so I'll take that as having a steady level of cardio fitness.


5,843 posts

180 months

Saturday 25th May
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Frequent thread reader and going to join in for a bit more motivation as I just can't seem to shift weight at the minute. I've fit bit Scales and watch and the app tells me I was 16st ~18 months ago and got up to 18st 8lbs in December. I'm currently hovering around 18st and despite seeing a few high 17's I just don't seem to be able to see a consistent reduction as previously.

I'm reasonably fortunate in that I'm tall at 6'4" so can hide reasonably well but anything over 17st my clothes don't fit as well and over 18st not at all and need to hit the fat wardrobe. I'm pretty active for a fat lad, walk the dog evey day for 3 miles, gym 4-5 times a week where I do mostly resistance training. I used to enjoy running but due to old rugby injuries developed a issue with my hip that put an end to it.

So my problem isn't exercise it's being a fat bd. I'm not a regular drinker but just love food and lots of it. I'm going to go to my previously tried and tested method of calorie counting on MFP, min 10k steps, min 3 gym sessions a week with the goal of being consistent. Summer holdiay in 85 days so setting myself a goal of being 17st or under, I'll take some measurements too so I've other metrics.


30 posts

19 months

Saturday 25th May
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Might as well join in here too, I'm 35 and I've always been big. When I was younger I had a paper round and would spend all my time on my bike so I guess that kept the weight in check to a degree but as I've got older I piled a bit on. Spending 13 years doing a very sedate job didn't help either.

After changing jobs a few years back it helped being a bit more active but I still struggled. I tried going to the gym but it's always an effort, I never managed to get the buzz from it to the point that I looked forward to going. Food wise, too many takeaways and overeating have been my usual issues. I was sat at 342lb/156kg, while I'm 6ft 2, it still left me in the morbidly obese zone.

I decided when I turned 35 in February I needed to sort myself out. First was food, we decided to reduce takeaways to once a month and start making some healthy meals. Doesn't have to be extravagant just easy, tasty meals. I got a great tracking app called Nutra-check which I really like and we now plan out meals for the week before we go shopping.

The exercise side of things, I rediscovered my love for cycling. I've got a regular bike but found it a bit limiting at my fitness level and with it being a hybrid it's a bit more road orientated. Last year I'd picked myself up a eMTB, I used it a bit but had quite a busy period and then it got cold and wet but with the weather starting to improve I got out on it a bit more. It's such a laugh, rides with my mate and brother are fantastic fun but even solo rides are enjoyable enough that I actively want to get the bike out. I can knock out a 500 calorie ride in an evening no issue and a weekend ride will often top 2000 calories (both according to the apple watch, questionable accuracy).

I've worked out my BMR etc and been running on 2200 calories a day. I don't eat my exercise calories but have a bit of a relaxed day on a Saturday. It's working, I've lost 18.8lb since February and it's sustainable. We still have a takeaway, a meal out and a doughnut when I want one. I just balance it all up over a week with sensible choices. So I'm currently at 323lb and I'd like to be maybe 285lb area but in reality I just want to be able to buy a shirt off the shelf in a shop, still plenty of work to do but I'll get there I'm sure.

Changes I've noticed so far haven't been visible changes to myself yet but I have noticed a few other changes. Firstly when you're morbidly obese there things that are just hard work. Every day things, getting off the sofa of an evening, going up stairs to bed, walking the dog round the block. All these things feel so much easier for me now, I'm not out of breath going up a flight of stairs, I feel much more spritely when I'm out with the dog and even washing the car is more enjoyable. I dont think I look much different but my clothes fit better now too.

It's all spurring me on, hopefully it carries on the right way.

TLDR; Fat man is slightly less fat and enjoying riding his bike.


6,421 posts

218 months

Sunday 26th May
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a311 said:
So my problem isn't exercise it's being a fat bd. I'm not a regular drinker but just love food and lots of it.
This is the real ‘key’ not eating like a pig. I find it takes constant self control, when out with friends/family etc, I can eat more than anyone else, a lot more!! I also cannot resist a good beer/glass of wine, I get people constantly asking me how I’ve managed to loss weight but still eat……the answer, during the week I hardly ever have lunch, and quite often no breakfast, its partly down to how busy the work day is, but its also because if I had lunch on a regular basis, I would be back to 30weeks pregnant dad in the blink of an eye.

I’m essentially functioning of one meal a day M-Fs for the last couple of year, essentially intermittent fasting during the week. Dinner however is a big meal, very big, this approach seems to work for me and it’s now essentially ‘normal’ for me. What’s the long term physiological impacts, no idea, but studies suggests it shouldn’t be harmful versus 3 meals a day, and it’s certainly better than been overweight.

The studies seem to suggest, all the hormones associated with weight gain, insulin/FGF/IGF aren’t overly expressed in one large meal versus 3 smaller meals, so essentially your body is exposed to high levels of insulin/FGF/IGF only once a day versus 3 times a day.

There also might be something in the trend to monitor individual glucose levels for people without diabetes (Zoe), there seems to be some science behind how different people vary their insulin secretion in response to different sugar levels, or how different foods peak sugar levels differently in people wherefore causing difference in insulin secretion. Insulin been a key hormone in body weight homeostasis. However I’m too tight (also cannot be bothered) with even considering trying something like Zoe.

Edited by gangzoom on Sunday 26th May 08:37


453 posts

92 months

Sunday 26th May
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Holding steady at 66.8 kg so haven't updated the wiki this week. I'm ok with that as, despite actually posting here that eating too much at the weekends is what undoes my calorie deficit in the week, I still ate too much cakes and pizza last weekend! I think I was saved by a particularly vigorous work-out at the gym and spending quite a bit of time gardening.

Unfortunately yesterday wasn't much better (too many nice goodies at the local farmers market) so let's see if I can keep today as a calorie maintenance day.


814 posts

85 months

Sunday 26th May
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After 3-4 weeks of holding steady at 77.4, movement again this week. Down 0.9kg to 76.5, could definitely feel the difference.


5,843 posts

180 months

Sunday 26th May
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gangzoom said:
a311 said:
So my problem isn't exercise it's being a fat bd. I'm not a regular drinker but just love food and lots of it.
This is the real ‘key’ not eating like a pig. I find it takes constant self control, when out with friends/family etc, I can eat more than anyone else, a lot more!! I also cannot resist a good beer/glass of wine, I get people constantly asking me how I’ve managed to loss weight but still eat……the answer, during the week I hardly ever have lunch, and quite often no breakfast, its partly down to how busy the work day is, but its also because if I had lunch on a regular basis, I would be back to 30weeks pregnant dad in the blink of an eye.

I’m essentially functioning of one meal a day M-Fs for the last couple of year, essentially intermittent fasting during the week. Dinner however is a big meal, very big, this approach seems to work for me and it’s now essentially ‘normal’ for me. What’s the long term physiological impacts, no idea, but studies suggests it shouldn’t be harmful versus 3 meals a day, and it’s certainly better than been overweight.

The studies seem to suggest, all the hormones associated with weight gain, insulin/FGF/IGF aren’t overly expressed in one large meal versus 3 smaller meals, so essentially your body is exposed to high levels of insulin/FGF/IGF only once a day versus 3 times a day.

There also might be something in the trend to monitor individual glucose levels for people without diabetes (Zoe), there seems to be some science behind how different people vary their insulin secretion in response to different sugar levels, or how different foods peak sugar levels differently in people wherefore causing difference in insulin secretion. Insulin been a key hormone in body weight homeostasis. However I’m too tight (also cannot be bothered) with even considering trying something like Zoe.

Edited by gangzoom on Sunday 26th May 08:37
I hear ya. I hardly ever eat breakfast, sometimes a light lunch or not at all. I like a big feed in the evening, so I could experiment with eating smaller more regular meals, my worry is I'd just be eating more calories and digging a deeper hole.

I'm bad for snacking in the evening, I'm in the habit of putting my feet up and watching tv which can lead to some unconscious snacking, I've never really put my finger on of for me it's hunger, boredom or a bit of both.

I think I'd do better eating my evening meal later, but since we had kids we'll all eat at 4/5 at the latest but we like to sit together for our meals so it's a compromise. On kids, I'm great at mine sweeping particularly if out for a meal. I'll eat what they don't finish as hatw seeing food going to waste (that I'm.also paying for) getmecoat


7,077 posts

223 months

Wednesday 29th May
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Weigh in this morning and down by 9.0kg now to 127.9kg, or just a tad over 20stones in old money.
20st feels like it'll be an achievement to get past.

The big thing for me is that I've suddenly been able to go and buy a number of t-shirts that are XL instead of 2XL, with Download festival and a number of gigs coming up I want to look less like the michelin man!


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 31st May
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Nothing. Which I suppose is better than a gain. Week was going well, but the masked slipped a little (/lot!) yesterday.

Terry Winks

1,261 posts

16 months

Friday 31st May
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a311 said:
I'm bad for snacking in the evening, I'm in the habit of putting my feet up and watching tv which can lead to some unconscious snacking, I've never really put my finger on of for me it's hunger, boredom or a bit of both.
Popcorn is great for this, calorie wise its not horrific and feels like a treat and will fill that void for you


508 posts

74 months

Friday 31st May
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Cyder said:
Weigh in this morning and down by 9.0kg now to 127.9kg, or just a tad over 20stones in old money.
20st feels like it'll be an achievement to get past.

The big thing for me is that I've suddenly been able to go and buy a number of t-shirts that are XL instead of 2XL, with Download festival and a number of gigs coming up I want to look less like the michelin man!
Nice one, I feel like 20 stone will be a big deal for me too when I make it there!


5,843 posts

180 months

Saturday 1st June
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Terry Winks said:
a311 said:
I'm bad for snacking in the evening, I'm in the habit of putting my feet up and watching tv which can lead to some unconscious snacking, I've never really put my finger on of for me it's hunger, boredom or a bit of both.
Popcorn is great for this, calorie wise its not horrific and feels like a treat and will fill that void for you
I guess it could with some portion control. Popcorn is one of those things I find it easy to over eat. I'm mostly setting myself some boundaries. Currently no food after 8, that's stopping me parking me in front of the TV and eating a meals worth of calories.

Down 6lbs so far but it's usually the same in that there's always a good drop initially which os probably mostly water/glycogen stores depleting.


814 posts

85 months

Sunday 16th June
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Weight has tumbled this week, went down to 76.5kg recently having been stuck at 77.4, then last week a slight bump to 76.8kg from all the pints and wings the day before weigh in, then today I get on the scale and it's 76.0kg, couldn't believe it so checked about 5 more times and same result. 76.0kg, a 0.8kg loss out of nowhere, I'll take it.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Sunday 16th June
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Still some great results folks - even if diminishing participants as usual (and I never got round to sending nudges - feel free if anyone has time - just say that you will/have).

I'm writing this down on the off-chance it gives me a wake up call, but I'm in full-blown meltdown at the moment. I suppose binge eating as a coping mechanism is better than ways I would have self-destructed in the past, but it's damaging for sure. Mrs 22 has some health stuff going on which has thankfully been stable for a couple of years, but is now accumulating fluid around her heart at a concerning rate. A Thoracic Radiologist added to the multidisciplinary team and waiting for next steps. Rubbish excuse, but flawed is my middle name.


17,111 posts

169 months

Sunday 16th June
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Bumping around 72kg to 73kg the last couple of weeks.

I've had a pattern form in my Garmin Connect graph. Steady loss for a week, week and a half, then a spike upward, a plateau, and another steady period of loss. Happily, though, each spike tends to be a lower weight, and the bottom of the loss line also gets lower than the previous low point. So overall the tendency is to lose weight.

The rate of loss is slowing now. Or at least that's how it feels. And this past few days, being Father's Day weekend, has been a washout as far as exercise goes, and a blowout as far as eating and drinking goes. I'm going to have to work to get back on track again next week, before two more periods of time away, with the fast food, restaurant meals, big breakfasts and alcohol that holidays bring.


6,781 posts

195 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Here's an interesting one.

Two years ago I was about 114kgs.

After about 9months of hard work watching what I eat and exercising I'd made it to about 90kgs. Last year was a real stter of a year and I'm now at around 100kgs but my plan is to get back to somewhere around 92-93kgs.

Last week I had gallbladder attack followed by an emergency op to remove my gallbladder this week (once infection had been stabilised). I wouldn't recommend a gallbladder attack, it's bloody horrendous.

It appears that rapid weight loss causes an imbalance in bile, cholesterol and the way fats are used in your body, and can cause (and/or exacerbate existing) gallstones.


2,675 posts

191 months

Wednesday 19th June
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22 said:
Still some great results folks - even if diminishing participants as usual (and I never got round to sending nudges - feel free if anyone has time - just say that you will/have).

I'm writing this down on the off-chance it gives me a wake up call, but I'm in full-blown meltdown at the moment. I suppose binge eating as a coping mechanism is better than ways I would have self-destructed in the past, but it's damaging for sure. Mrs 22 has some health stuff going on which has thankfully been stable for a couple of years, but is now accumulating fluid around her heart at a concerning rate. A Thoracic Radiologist added to the multidisciplinary team and waiting for next steps. Rubbish excuse, but flawed is my middle name.
Remember it's a marathon not a sprint, you'll be eating for the rest of your life smile, so if your having a bad week/month, it wont be forever and I'm sure when things calm again you can be back on it.

I'm hovering at the moment, not doing enough to drop any weight, but at least I'm not putting any on. Every day starts with an intention to drop the calories and ends with overeating a bit at dinner and sometimes a snack or two, spoiling the days work of healthy breakfast and lunch with no snacks.

Weekends are a mess though, too much beer/alcohol which leads to too much food, which leads to eating too much the following day, June is all birthdays/anniversaries and the like, so keeping on it is extremely difficult. I'm trying to keep my "marathon" mantra as above though.