365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?


Al Gorithum

3,843 posts

211 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Slyjoe said:
Well, that's day / night one for me done after a binge at the weekend and upsetting a loved one.
Terrible night, no sleep, don't feel great today either.

Guess I've been functioning ok for the last ten years, with beer or wine as the last thing I did just about every night, when everybody is tucked away asleep.
My wife had been poorly for a long while, and it was my respite / reward when the day was done.

I feel ok about going forward, but can't really see a complete future without a few beers on special occasions. I've rarely had a drink that I didn't enjoy, but it's apparent, that the loss of inhibitions can lead to upsetting others.

I've no apparent health problems from doing this to myself, I just hope that turns out to be the long term case.

Onwards and upwards I guess, wish me luck.
Good for you mate!


56,198 posts

218 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Slyjoe said:
Well, that's day / night one for me done after a binge at the weekend and upsetting a loved one.
Terrible night, no sleep, don't feel great today either.

Guess I've been functioning ok for the last ten years, with beer or wine as the last thing I did just about every night, when everybody is tucked away asleep.
My wife had been poorly for a long while, and it was my respite / reward when the day was done.

I feel ok about going forward, but can't really see a complete future without a few beers on special occasions. I've rarely had a drink that I didn't enjoy, but it's apparent, that the loss of inhibitions can lead to upsetting others.

I've no apparent health problems from doing this to myself, I just hope that turns out to be the long term case.

Onwards and upwards I guess, wish me luck.
You’ve got this


639 posts

60 months

Tuesday 14th May
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dirtbiker said:
I'm intrigued as to why you feel that you have to drink when you go on holiday. Surely if you've been abstinent for five weeks and you feel rubbish after a few beers at the weekend you would perhaps want to keep sober in Tenerife. No judgment, I've had very similar thoughts (it's our wedding anniversary next Monday and I'm sure the wife will want some cocktails and wine with dinner, I don't know what I want to do yet!).

I'm on 94 dry days since I started tracking properly on 21 January and feel much better for it - I don't know if I want to be teetotal but I also don't want to break my streak (24 days just now) and I'm a bit into the gamification of the Try Dry app (which weirdly annoys my wife!).

Complicated, like so many things!

Edited by dirtbiker on Wednesday 8th May 15:00
I can definitely relate to the OP about holidays and drinking. I guess its us being conditioned that we can only relax and/or have fun is booze is involved.

I've wasted 48+ hours due to a binge at the weekend. Since waking up on Sunday morning to even just now i've had massive increases in anxiety and horrendous sleep and generally feeling low energy and pretty st. I've sat on the sofa most of the time and ate crisps and sweets for about 2 days now, diet out the window, exercise out the window, studying out the window. All for 6 hours in the pub.

Yet despite this, I'm off to the Canary Islands soon myself and trying to figure out how I can incorporate some moderate drinking "only drink wine with meals", "alternate between half lager and alcohol-free". Strangest part off it all as I've happy to admit alcohol is no longer for me, yet still somehow trying to have a few...

Through this thread I've made great progress and have cut back massively. But with the social calendar the last 3-4 weeks has seen me creeping back to the old habits. House drinking has completely stopped, habit pub stops have completely stopped, but whereas before, around November to March, I was happy to go out and have just 3-4 pints, the last few weeks, when I've had those 3-4 pints instead of going home, i'm staying for another 5-6 pints.

I'm taking time off it until the holiday, making a commitment to no drinking in the airport or plane (may not sound much to some but i've genuinely never did this before) and will see how I feel when over there...


44,558 posts

200 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Your post reminds me of a passage in the book Alcoholics Anonymous......

The AA book said:
Here are some of the methods we have tried: Drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never
drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never
drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking
only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with and without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going
to health farms and sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums—we could increase the list ad infinitum.


8,860 posts

75 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Still nothing for me... TBH not missing it at all

With the niggles I still have currently (MRI next week & hoping that gives a clearer picture as to what the feck is going on); then staying off booze just makes a lot of sense to me, more so as my bowels are upside down enough as it is and the Cholestyramine isn't really sorting it mad

Tis what it is...

7 5 7

3,284 posts

114 months

Tuesday 14th May
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funinhounslow said:
Got some time to kill so popped into ‘Spoons and tried the Erdinger on the basis of recommendations here.

Very, very nice. Crisp and refreshing. Up there with the Guinness imo…

Away with work, found a 'spoons myself...needed a cheap meal, and they had Erdinger in the fridge...I was very happy, its very good.

5 months sober for me, I have seen big changes in myself.


1,707 posts

145 months

Wednesday 15th May
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7 5 7 said:
funinhounslow said:
Got some time to kill so popped into ‘Spoons and tried the Erdinger on the basis of recommendations here.

Very, very nice. Crisp and refreshing. Up there with the Guinness imo…

Away with work, found a 'spoons myself...needed a cheap meal, and they had Erdinger in the fridge...I was very happy, its very good.

5 months sober for me, I have seen big changes in myself.
I initially asked for a Guinness 0.0 but they didn't have it. When I asked what AF beers they had she rattled off a list of half a dozen and I remembered the Erdinger getting some praise here.

Even in the small suburban pub I was in last night for a quiz they had Lucky Saint on draught, and a fridge full of AF beers - plus a poster drawing people's attention to them.

Things are definitely changing.

I'm usually happy with soda water when out but these do make a nice change - and if pubs are going to cater for non-drinkers it's only fair that I should support them biggrin


1,211 posts

169 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Really interesting stuff, we are completely conditioned to link alcohol to fun so I totally get your concerns around holidays!

I managed to do the anniversary dinner without alcohol which was probably a massive blessing as the food took 45 minutes to arrive - past me would have definitely finished a bottle of wine in that time and started on a second, and my wife would have probably only had 1/3 of it. That said, I did feel like our conversation was more stilted and worried that I was missing out - ridiculous, I know, and the ability to drive, remember everything and feel fine for work the next day well outweigh that!

I'm now approaching my longest streak so wondering if I have it in me to do the sober holiday at the start of June and really break the habit. I think I do.


1,707 posts

145 months

Thursday 16th May
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dirtbiker said:
I'm now approaching my longest streak so wondering if I have it in me to do the sober holiday at the start of June and really break the habit. I think I do.
Sober holidays are great - and I'm usually the only non drinker when we go away.

Try not to think of it as "missing out" that you're not drinking but an opportunity to enjoy a different type of holiday.

An early morning walk or swim instead of shaking off a hangover for example.

If you're going with a group, don't be afraid to "cut the night short" if it looks like it's going to develop into a lengthy drinking session. You really aren't missing anything...

And you will come back from your break far, far more relaxed and rested than if you'd been drinking most days.


6,586 posts

202 months

Thursday 16th May
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I'm approaching 5 years this June by far the last three months have been the most testing. Incident after incident, issue after issue, worry after worry... Back in the day i'd have sank at least a litre of (insert whatever spirit is on special here) and gone into oblivion.

I know that i cant touch it, and to do so almost guarantees that i will not live to see the following year; but complacency is always there, waiting, and ready!

So, what I did do i book a holiday to Florida for the family for next year (doing that was more painful on the wallet than drinking for 5 years mind you) but it's something great to look forward to. It comes with it's own health warning.

THe last time i messed around was in Orlando, where i returned bright yello after a 9 hour flight over the atlantic, was told i had weeks to live if i didn't sort it out. So i have a score to settle with you, Florida!

Still haven't started that book / journal / whatever....


1,970 posts

173 months

Thursday 16th May
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funinhounslow said:
dirtbiker said:
I'm now approaching my longest streak so wondering if I have it in me to do the sober holiday at the start of June and really break the habit. I think I do.
Sober holidays are great - and I'm usually the only non drinker when we go away.

Try not to think of it as "missing out" that you're not drinking but an opportunity to enjoy a different type of holiday.

An early morning walk or swim instead of shaking off a hangover for example.

If you're going with a group, don't be afraid to "cut the night short" if it looks like it's going to develop into a lengthy drinking session. You really aren't missing anything...

And you will come back from your break far, far more relaxed and rested than if you'd been drinking most days.
This in spades. I was worried about my first dry holiday but they are brilliant.

I've since been on a number, including an all inclusive and enjoyed the positives you list above.


56 posts

177 months

Thursday 16th May
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Not sure what I'm expecting by putting this out there but this thread feels non-judgemental and open so here goes.

I have always been a big drinker (35 at present) and over the last year it has slowly got out of hand seeing me sinking a bottle of spirits a day for some time. Finally decided in January to completely cut it out which ended up with a serious seizure and in hospital, refused further help at this point and just carried on as before.

A few weeks ago decided I need to hit it head on and did the same with the same result, this time accepting a week in hospital and meds to ease the initial issues to help start the detox.

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks of sobriety and I can't see me going back now, off on holiday as a few posters mentioned above in 3 weeks and can't wait to actually remember it all and not just abuse the bar.

As I say don't know what I want from posting this but good to get it out there and I'm happy to admit I'm proud of myself thus far, good luck all smile


44,558 posts

200 months

Thursday 16th May
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Thanks for sharing that.

Simply writing your experience down for the first time can be very helpful to you and others.



1,970 posts

173 months

Thursday 16th May
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Great work, you've taken a massive step.

Too damn right you should be proud of yourself thumbup
Keep posting if it helps.


6,586 posts

202 months

Thursday 16th May
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Wayne1989 said:
Not sure what I'm expecting by putting this out there but this thread feels non-judgemental and open so here goes.

I have always been a big drinker (35 at present) and over the last year it has slowly got out of hand seeing me sinking a bottle of spirits a day for some time. Finally decided in January to completely cut it out which ended up with a serious seizure and in hospital, refused further help at this point and just carried on as before.

A few weeks ago decided I need to hit it head on and did the same with the same result, this time accepting a week in hospital and meds to ease the initial issues to help start the detox.

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks of sobriety and I can't see me going back now, off on holiday as a few posters mentioned above in 3 weeks and can't wait to actually remember it all and not just abuse the bar.

As I say don't know what I want from posting this but good to get it out there and I'm happy to admit I'm proud of myself thus far, good luck all smile
Nice, good luck to you.

In a similar theme i've started re-watching things i know i watched while drunk. I KNOW that i've watched the whole series but watching things now is like watching for the first time. Occasionally i'll get a feeling like de ja vu where i know i clearly watched this will pissed.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Friday 17th May
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Wayne1989 said:
I can't see me going back now
Be careful of that.

sir humphrey appleby

1,647 posts

225 months

Friday 31st May
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I think I need to join this thread. Not necessarily due to my heavy drinking, but I cannot even deal with a couple of pints anymore, and I have noticed this getting worse lately.

Had two pints of Doom bar at the pub after a bike ride last night.

Feel dreadful today. This has been happening for a while now and time to hand in my gun and badge.

I quite like the 0% beers and the Erdinger as above is particularly my favourite so that is going to be my night out drink.

I just cannot stand hangovers and getting one after a couple of pints cannot be right.

Castrol for a knave

4,901 posts

94 months

Friday 31st May
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4 years today


44,558 posts

200 months

Friday 31st May
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Castrol for a knave said:
4 years today


8,494 posts

103 months

Friday 31st May
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sir humphrey appleby said:
I think I need to join this thread. Not necessarily due to my heavy drinking, but I cannot even deal with a couple of pints anymore, and I have noticed this getting worse lately.

Had two pints of Doom bar at the pub after a bike ride last night.

Feel dreadful today. This has been happening for a while now and time to hand in my gun and badge.

I quite like the 0% beers and the Erdinger as above is particularly my favourite so that is going to be my night out drink.

I just cannot stand hangovers and getting one after a couple of pints cannot be right.
Maybe you were already dehydrated from the bike ride, but probably best get yourself checked out, just in case something has changed from the norm to cause that reaction. However, I've known plenty of people who, whilst fit young and healthy, would feel rotten after two pints. thumbup

At the end of the day, there is no level of alcohol consumption where any small benefits outweigh the damage, so knocking it on the head is no bad thing. I think TV and movies has conditioned us all to think that people only stop drinking after some dreadful "rock bottom" moment. For some that is absolutely the case, but for many it is not. You may be one of the lucky folk who just decide they've gone off alcohol.