365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



44,575 posts

200 months

Friday 19th April
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mattuk89 said:
Well done to everyone!

20 days for me today, the longest I have done since dry Jan in 2021, managed 19 days this year for dry Jan..

Have attempted 30 days many many times and always fail but I’m confident I’ll do it this time, main reason to give it a break if to cut out the Coca Cola I always buy after a few pints, already feeling major benefits, never drunk at home but would be out at least once a week, few pints after work then return to some kitchen to chat the night away, which started off once every few weeks as a special occasion then turned into any night of the week..

Got a stag do in Marbella in June, would love to stay dry till then, and see what happens, got a friend coming who has been drink and drug free for over 100 days now and said he’s not having a drop there so for some support if I stay dry.. spend most of my days arguing with myself about what I’m going to do there, but have talked some sense into myself to not worry about it as it’s so far away and just concentrate on not drinking or using today..

Typing this out at 6am whilst on a dog walk and about to hit the gym, many times in the past would be laying on my bed sleepless listening to the birds thinking I’ve got work in a few hours..
The top bit in bold is vital. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never happen, what you have is today. Get to bed without picking up a drink and you've had a successful day!

The second part shows some of the many rewards on offer.

Your life will change and you'll be free.



2,114 posts

203 months

Friday 19th April
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swanseaboydan said:
The biggest change to me in not drinking is the new lack of anxiety. . . If I never drink again it’s worth it just to sleep well and not worry about stuff all the time .
Amazing isn’t it! Waking up without regret is priceless.


41,906 posts

203 months

Friday 19th April
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Joscal said:
swanseaboydan said:
The biggest change to me in not drinking is the new lack of anxiety. . . If I never drink again it’s worth it just to sleep well and not worry about stuff all the time .
Amazing isn’t it! Waking up without regret is priceless.
I have found out in life, we crave and hang onto things that are actually no good to us, be it things like, houses, cars, relationships and habits, because its what we do, its what we are used to, we think our happiness is dependent on something, it often isn't, its what's making us miserable.

We think we are ok with booze, but it does affect us, and it needs more than a day or two off to feel the benefits, and the benefits are much more subtle than the lovely feeling of warmth and fuzziness from booze, like many things in life its easy short term gratification vs the hard, long term, but ultimately more satisfying type.

Its nice not having to think about the logistics of boozing, can drive and dont need taxis or lifts, no feeling a bit sub par in the morning due to drink, or any planning around it, can go to the gym the following morning, its pretty liberating.

7 5 7

3,293 posts

114 months

Sunday 21st April
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These are very good, have these alot at home or at the pub (if I am ever in a pub these days...) Edinger Alkoholfrei

£1.75 from Morrison's or Asda I've had them from, apparently they give these to the cyclists after tour's - they are very good 0.5%.

Edited by 7 5 7 on Sunday 21st April 15:01


213 posts

182 months

Sunday 21st April
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7 5 7 said:
These are very good, have these alot at home or at the pub (if I am ever in a pub these days...) Edinger Alkoholfrei

£1.75 from Morrison's or Asda I've had them from, apparently they give these to the cyclists after tour's - they are very good 0.5%.

Edited by 7 5 7 on Sunday 21st April 15:01
They were given out at the end of the Manchester marathon last week as well


41,906 posts

203 months

Monday 22nd April
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Had that in the pub the other night, was alright but prefer Becks Blue or the Corona zero one.

Another booze free weekend, went to a gathering at the neighbours, was perfectly happy on the zero stuff and was funny watching people getting hammered, not tempted in the slightest.

Had a day doing jobs outside, ordered a Pizza and that is usually a cue to crack a beer open, must admit that's the first discernible pang but as soon as I start eating, not bothered, I do think a big part is wanting the calories, was ravenous, I think that is a big part of it, for me anyway. Got up and went to the gym, often bail if feel a bit ropey as have had a drink the night before.

Wife had just over half a bottle of red and was snoring away halfway into a film, she usually moans at me for that drunk

Just under three weeks until I go away, that will be six weeks, no way I will get away without drinking but think will go back to this when I come back. Not going 100 percent no alcohol but will make it the exception rather than the rule.

Been through all my usual situations that previously involved a drink without and its fine, sort of breaking down the mindset that if I dont have a beer it wont be any good.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Monday 22nd April
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Had a drink this weekend; 6.9 units in total after 35 days alcohol free. No hangover and yesterday was a productive day. It sounds like I'm trying to justify it to myself but it was an unremarkable experience. I don't regret it.

7 5 7 said:
Added to my list.


56,198 posts

218 months

Monday 22nd April
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113 days for me now. With £1760 sat in the “alcohol free” account.

Really enjoying the Guinness 0.0 when out at the moment tbh.


56,198 posts

218 months

Monday 22nd April
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7 5 7 said:
These are very good, have these alot at home or at the pub (if I am ever in a pub these days...) Edinger Alkoholfrei

£1.75 from Morrison's or Asda I've had them from, apparently they give these to the cyclists after tour's - they are very good 0.5%.

Edited by 7 5 7 on Sunday 21st April 15:01
I really enjoy those.


41,906 posts

203 months

Monday 22nd April
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y2blade said:
113 days for me now. With £1760 sat in the “alcohol free” account.

Really enjoying the Guinness 0.0 when out at the moment tbh.
Is that money actually saved or an estimate ? like £15 a day, seemed like a lot but if its pub prices, its not even three pints a day.

I haven't added it up, probably average, if I am honest £40 a week, quite difficult to work out really, few cans of the more expensive beers at home £10/12 a couple of times a week, few in the pub, odd bit of wine, few whiskies, adds up, might be more than £40 actually based on that and varies week to week.

Its harder to track as sometimes use cash in the pub, booze bought in the supermarket is part of the shopping cost, whisky is an occasional purchase but £20/30 a bottle.

Plus, need to take some as the difference between the booze and a non alcoholic alternative.


56,198 posts

218 months

Monday 22nd April
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J4CKO said:
y2blade said:
113 days for me now. With £1760 sat in the “alcohol free” account.

Really enjoying the Guinness 0.0 when out at the moment tbh.
Is that money actually saved or an estimate ? like £15 a day, seemed like a lot but if its pub prices, its not even three pints a day.

I haven't added it up, probably average, if I am honest £40 a week, quite difficult to work out really, few cans of the more expensive beers at home £10/12 a couple of times a week, few in the pub, odd bit of wine, few whiskies, adds up, might be more than £40 actually based on that and varies week to week.

Its harder to track as sometimes use cash in the pub, booze bought in the supermarket is part of the shopping cost, whisky is an occasional purchase but £20/30 a bottle.

Plus, need to take some as the difference between the booze and a non alcoholic alternative.
I based it on what I was spending in my local during the months leading up to me deciding to do dry Jan (and just carried it on).

I set up a standing order putting the money I was spending into a new account each week.

So yeah it’s real money saved. Money that I’d have literally pissed up the wall.


493 posts

141 months

Friday 26th April
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mattuk89 said:
20 days for me today, the longest I have done since dry Jan in 2021, managed 19 days this year for dry Jan..

Have attempted 30 days many many times and always fail but I’m confident I’ll do it this time
28 days tomorrow when I wake up fresh!

Am busy all this weekend so will be waking up Monday fresh as a daisy for my 30th day..

Didn’t plan on doing more than 30 days at the start but with how I’m feeling now I’m going to see how long I can go, have no urge to drink or sniff at the moment, finished work earlier and took my 5 year old out for dinner, Fridays would usually consist of suggesting my partner to take the kids to go and see her parents so I got an excuse to get on the sesh.. followed by waking up feeling like rubbish tomrorow not being fully with it, and trying to pretend I’m not hungover whilst doing family stuff.

Only negative I’ve found which I’ve turned into a positive, is waking up at silly o’clock, handy In the week as I take the dog out and goto the gym before work, last weekend I was wide away at 4:30 and 5am respectively, and went for a walk with the dog both mornings, seeing people walking home still pissed up makes me glad the shoe is on the other foot, never going to judge as it’s been me many times, but would he happy if it’s never me again..


44,575 posts

200 months

Friday 26th April
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To be present and available for your young children - priceless!

Kids notice these things.



41,906 posts

203 months

Tuesday 30th April
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Just over four weeks now, down by four pounds so reckon its making a pound a week difference which kind of makes sense, as not changed my diet much.

If a pint is 225 calories, and a pound of weight lost requires 3500 calories, kind of works out to 15 pints in a week, which is probably more than I was drinking but it does add up, plus less snacking.

Suppose it adds up, half a bottle of wine a couple of times a week is 300 odd calories, usually have 3 or 4 pints if we go to the pub, plus the higher ABV beers like the Brewdog ones are 300 to 400 per 500 ml can.


56,198 posts

218 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Jan-April done. And on to May

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

Wednesday 1st May
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y2blade said:
Jan-April done. And on to May
So around £5400 a year! That’s some possible saving going on there!
Well done so far.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Wednesday 1st May
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The AF Stellas are great. £3.5 x 4 bottles from Tesco


56,198 posts

218 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Mr Magooagain said:
So around £5400 a year! That’s some possible saving going on there!
Well done so far.
Thank you.
As said before i set up an automatic transfer that drops what was my “beer money” into a separate account. There’s just under £2k in there now.


2,114 posts

203 months

Thursday 2nd May
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y2blade said:
Thank you.
As said before i set up an automatic transfer that drops what was my “beer money” into a separate account. There’s just under £2k in there now.
Fantastic and that’s some amount of calories too! Congratulations.


41,906 posts

203 months

Thursday 2nd May
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tim jb said:
The AF Stellas are great. £3.5 x 4 bottles from Tesco
Its weird how intially you think they are the wooden spoon, which they are to an extent, then you think they arent that bad, then you actually quite relish having one.

Im on the Becks Blue at the moment, have one or two a couple of nights a week and really enjoy them, best not to have them every night as its not a treat then, oh how the mighty have fallen etc but am happy with my new regime.

Its nice to realise you really dont need alcohol and can do without it, world doesnt end.