365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



2,117 posts

203 months

Saturday 13th April
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Good work folks! Wonderful to see you seeing and feeling the benefits.


44,591 posts

200 months

Saturday 13th April
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swanseaboydan said:
I really resonate with the above, my life is easier in almost every aspect now. No hangovers, hardly any anxiety. Making much better decisions and 8 kilos off my weight ! Prob an inch off my waist - loving it
If you hold close the happy memories of your sober life alcohol will lose any of its appeal.


1,485 posts

136 months

Monday 15th April
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Think I need to hop back on the wagon. I spent the last three days/nights drunk and Saturday night I was up till 4am on my own drinking.

I had about 8 pints of Guiness last night and two bottles of red wine. I also ate a ton of food getting to bed about 2am. Working today (at home) - I feel fine, just very bloated and a bit drunk/dizzy still.


1,615 posts

169 months

Monday 15th April
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I'm back on the waggon too. I had it beat, was tea total for a full year, and then I stupidly went back to light drinking. Mostly due to peer pressure as those close to me all drink. Over the last year, the 2 glasses of wine per session limit has slipped somewhat and I've had a few benders. I'm not going back to days lost to hangovers and now I'm in my mid 40s keeping fit and healthy is several degrees harder as it is, without booze in the equation.


1,214 posts

169 months

Monday 15th April
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dirtbiker said:
Bit concerned about the upcoming weekend as I'm away with my wife and no children, normally this would mean some cocktails, wine with dinner, G&Ts at the theatre etc. but I don't have a frame of reference for doing all that sober, to be honest! She knows that I'm drinking a lot less but I don't know if the full support will be there, we shall see! Planning to go for a run together on Sunday morning and I'd normally be pretty hungover for that so the benefits are obvious to me and I'm probably just worrying about nothing... Will stick to the mocktails and AF beers and hopefully reap the benefits!
Well, I'm clearly not quite there... I did manage to avoid the wine with my in-laws on Friday night (which is quite a departure for me and caused some raised eyebrows) but I then went on to drink with my wife on Saturday. Not to excess and had no hangover on Sunday (pleased with that!) but did have a rubbish night's sleep and felt pretty bleary the next day. Still, got out for a run in the sunshine and was fully present in my relationships so no harm done.

Back onto the 'Try Dry' app to collect my teacups for the next wee while - we'll get there!


41,917 posts

203 months

Tuesday 16th April
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I did dry January, found it pretty easy but slipped back into some bad habits, nothing horrendous but I dont do moderation very well, what I do do well though is abstinence.

Am going on holiday with my mate to Tenerife which will be pretty boozy so decided would abstain until we go which was about six weeks, so am three weeks in, been an absolute doddle.

First time I did dry Jan, found it hard, it gets easier each time as I just accept that I am not having any booze, get the odd minor pang some evenings about 5.30 but mainly its just habit with a bit of being hungry mixed in, its pretty minor and goes the minute I eat.

Visited my wifes aunt in Anglesey and over the years thats always been a cue for drinking, she likes a glass of wine and its part of it, but this time I went all weekend without being tempted. Got a social thing at one of the neighbours on Friday and just going to take some 0 percent Corona or something.

I am sleeping better, main thing is its quite liberating knowing you can do stuff that normally involves booze and still enjoy it. I remember arranging stuff, the logistics around who is driving and planning stuff the following day around booze, it is optional.

Am saving a few quid, not really noticed but the shopping was £130 the other day, would have been £20 or so more with various beers on as well.

Not aiming to go totally without forever, but will see this through until the 10th of May when we go away as think Los Americas sober would be too much, like when Arthur and Ford in Hitchhikers sink a few before being beamed up to the Vogon spaceship, to ease the shock to the system.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Wednesday 17th April
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Can we get the general consensus on low alcohol beverages please, those no greater than 0.5% VOL alcohol.

Sober or not sober.

Al Gorithum

3,852 posts

211 months

Wednesday 17th April
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tim jb said:
Can we get the general consensus on low alcohol beverages please, those no greater than 0.5% VOL alcohol.

Sober or not sober.
I like some of them such as Brooklyn, Erdinger, Guniess etc but most of them are grim.


44,591 posts

200 months

Wednesday 17th April
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tim jb said:
Can we get the general consensus on low alcohol beverages please, those no greater than 0.5% VOL alcohol.

Sober or not sober.
Everyone has their own journey and goals.

My take on it is if it works for you then do it unless and until it stops working.

If that happens then try something else.

Big Rod

6,216 posts

219 months

Wednesday 17th April
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tim jb said:
Can we get the general consensus on low alcohol beverages please, those no greater than 0.5% VOL alcohol.

Sober or not sober.
Nowadays I quite like them.

Erdinger is marketed as some sort of electrolyte rich drink rather than beer and while still palatable isn't my favourite.

I like San Miguel and Peroni and even Heineken isn't bad, (although I wouldn't be seen dead drinking the alcoholic version)

My absolute favourite is St Peter's Without which I acquire occasionally from Tesco. (I didn't realise there were three types and can't remember which one I get from Tesco now.)


On a slight tangent, last night I dreamt that I'd been out with work colleagues, (odd in itself as I WFH), and got absolutely slayed.

Then I woke up somewhat confused as I expected to have a hangover/still be pissed and I didn't/wasn't.

Was quite peculiar!

Mr Magooagain

10,219 posts

173 months

Wednesday 17th April
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I’m coming up to 14 months without alcohol. As someone said I’m finding the abstinence easier than reducing my alcohol intake.
I’m also thinking and making decisions much clearer now.
Sleeping is generally much better but just the odd night where it’s not so good, that's normally when I’ve a project on the go.

I’ve had a few health problems in the last year or so meaning many blood tests and I think at least the booze is one thing that’s not clouding any issues.

Drink wise I’ve been having a 1664 0.0 or a Grimbergen blonde 0.0. Just the one in an evening as I’m watching sugar intake.

I’ve no idea if I will continue without drinking but at the moment it’s off my schedule.


773 posts

36 months

Wednesday 17th April
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I may have posted on here before. I managed to go 3.5 years more or less drink free. I've been back on it a year now and I have really mixed feelings, I realised I like drinking (maybe just not the getting drunk part).

I found the 3.5 years a great experience but I think I also felt a touch isolated from my friends and every time I ordered a non-alco drink I knew what I really wanted was an alcoholic drink.

Don't know if I will ever find a happy medium but I'm happy for now re-discovering all those flavours and experiences I missed when sober. If drinking starts to affect me again then at least I know I can stop for a while.


1,707 posts

145 months

Thursday 18th April
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tim jb said:
Can we get the general consensus on low alcohol beverages please, those no greater than 0.5% VOL alcohol.

Sober or not sober.
Stopped drinking in 2012 and until recently was happy with lime and soda when out as AF beers were horrendous and soft drinks were just too sugary...

That has changed within the past year or so as the quality of what's on offer these days is in a different league

AF Guinness is an absolute game changer - I will have one as the odd "treat" - I will savour and enjoy it but one is plenty and I have no desire to go from that to "real" Guinness...

The Asahi AF lager is good as well, as is an AF bitter that I'm seeing more and more on draught whose names escapes me.

IMO they make a nice change/treat when out - I enjoy the taste (esp the Guinness) but I certainly don't see them as a temptation to go back to drinking.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Thursday 18th April
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The question is do we consider ourselves sober if we're drinking the 0.5%'s? I can't make my mind up. I've had a few of the half percent ciders because they taste like cider, emulate the real thing but I can't feel any alcoholic effects from them. They've kept me off the strong stuff so there is that. Anything that works like someone else said but I guess the purests would disagree.


1,214 posts

169 months

Thursday 18th April
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tim jb said:
The question is do we consider ourselves sober if we're drinking the 0.5%'s? I can't make my mind up. I've had a few of the half percent ciders because they taste like cider, emulate the real thing but I can't feel any alcoholic effects from them. They've kept me off the strong stuff so there is that. Anything that works like someone else said but I guess the purests would disagree.
I'd say it's an alcohol-free choice. They're billed as <0.5% but from what I've read there's practically no alcohol in them, there's no way that you could get drunk or even tipsy drinking them so for me it's a clear stance that you're not drinking.

Some folk seem down on the whole thing but if you like the taste and it stops you from drinking (or even just reduces the amount that you do drink) then great!

I'm certainly giving myself the 'Stayed Dry' accolade whenever I choose to have a 0.5% beer or cider anyway.


1,707 posts

145 months

Thursday 18th April
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tim jb said:
The question is do we consider ourselves sober if we're drinking the 0.5%'s? I can't make my mind up. I've had a few of the half percent ciders because they taste like cider, emulate the real thing but I can't feel any alcoholic effects from them. They've kept me off the strong stuff so there is that. Anything that works like someone else said but I guess the purests would disagree.
If someone is drinking 10 - 15 cans to get a slight buzz then no but otherwise I think they're fine.

When I first stopped drinking I wouldn't even eat tiramisu as it might have a trace of booze in! I'm much more relaxed about that sort of thing now.

I only ever have 1 or 2 AF beers at a time as I find that's enough. I enjoy the taste and it makes a change from soda water.

I've noticed pubs are more and more stocking AF beers - they're generally pretty good (a far cry from Kaliber!), and if we want pubs to sell them (and brewers to make them) then we've got to buy them...!

I've remembered the name of the draught beer I sometimes have btw - Lucky Saint. It's nice but what would really make my day would be seeing AF Guinness on draught!

ETA just seen this on the Lucky Saint website Many things we consume daily contain higher trace amounts of alcohol than Lucky Saint, for example an over-ripe banana, fresh orange juice or a piece of rye bread.

Edited by funinhounslow on Thursday 18th April 11:56


44,591 posts

200 months

Thursday 18th April
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Alcohol is not 'burnt off' when used as a cooking ingredient.

Depending on method and time, up to 85% can remain.


41,917 posts

203 months

Friday 19th April
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Did the pub quiz tonight, had an Erdinger, a Guinness NA and a Diet Coke.

A lot of this is psychological, so used to going and the boozing being part of it, just three or four pints but enough, it felt in the past is I couldn’t drink for some reason I was missing out, and tonight just not bothered in the slightest.

Again, having a few at home, Friday night feels like a missed opportunity without a beer but when I do without I just accept it and barely give it a thought, minor pang at six pm but get a low alcohol beer and have some food don’t feel tempted.

Only been three weeks and my target is six, as have a holiday and will drink whilst I am away but am not dying to drink.

Will revert to none again when I get back, was never a massive boozer but can put some away, feels like have broken a few behaviours this time.

Only spent £26 in the pub tonight, usually double, and that included a couple of pork pies.

Feel more relaxed if that makes sense, weird as the relaxation is part of why I like alcohol, and maybe a bit sharper mentally as well, sleeping better as well.


493 posts

141 months

Friday 19th April
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Well done to everyone!

20 days for me today, the longest I have done since dry Jan in 2021, managed 19 days this year for dry Jan..

Have attempted 30 days many many times and always fail but I’m confident I’ll do it this time, main reason to give it a break if to cut out the Coca Cola I always buy after a few pints, already feeling major benefits, never drunk at home but would be out at least once a week, few pints after work then return to some kitchen to chat the night away, which started off once every few weeks as a special occasion then turned into any night of the week..

Got a stag do in Marbella in June, would love to stay dry till then, and see what happens, got a friend coming who has been drink and drug free for over 100 days now and said he’s not having a drop there so for some support if I stay dry.. spend most of my days arguing with myself about what I’m going to do there, but have talked some sense into myself to not worry about it as it’s so far away and just concentrate on not drinking or using today..

Typing this out at 6am whilst on a dog walk and about to hit the gym, many times in the past would be laying on my bed sleepless listening to the birds thinking I’ve got work in a few hours..


1,746 posts

166 months

Friday 19th April
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The biggest change to me in not drinking is the new lack of anxiety. . . If I never drink again it’s worth it just to sleep well and not worry about stuff all the time .