The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



9,225 posts

260 months

Wednesday 17th April
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Still at 79.6 one month later so a solid plateau. Currently under Dr's orders for no exercise until my HR calms down from the thyroid issues so this is a slightly dangerous time for weight gain but at least I now have a diagnosis and drugs to treat it and will be feeling better and willing to get into the gym. Have to watch it like a hawk though to ensure it doesn't creep up


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 19th April
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A week at the same. Friday treat day rolled into treat weekend. I'm wired badly and don't really feel hunger or full-up, I just eat - but I've had unhealthy relationships with most things over the years.


493 posts

123 months

Friday 19th April
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22 said:
A week at the same. Friday treat day rolled into treat weekend. I'm wired badly and don't really feel hunger or full-up, I just eat - but I've had unhealthy relationships with most things over the years.
I'm exactly the same. I don't feel hungry until I start eating, and then I can't stop!


6,421 posts

218 months

Saturday 20th April
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Steve91 said:
I'm exactly the same. I don't feel hungry until I start eating, and then I can't stop!
Insulin. We like to pretend we have free will, but the reality is we are all confined by millions of years chemical addiction that's triumphed in game of evolution smile.


778 posts

155 months

Saturday 20th April
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Echo some of above, steady loss since Boxing Day then plateau since Easter for 3 weeks now, down from 105 to 90 (needed it in all honesty) but the graph now rises and falls with not much real progress.

TameRacingDriver, sad to hear of your struggles.

You are certainly correct in not wishing to add stress to your life at a difficult time like this.

You might use this process as a distraction from those other stresses, I was in a similar position and realised lots of things were out of my wider control so this was where I could focus efforts and at least be knowing the results that might come.

Healthy also to take a break if it’s not adding to your overall positive experience in terms of mental health etc, as long as you are making healthy choices where you can, don’t beat yourself up.

This isn’t a sprint but a long marathon that should form the basis of your lifestyle so finding your rhythm with it is as important as the progress…

If the numbers are stressing you out, suggest you shift your focus elsewhere to something else and the numbers generally follow anyway. Don’t force a bad hand if it’s adding to your stress though, counter productive.

Maybe measure how many walks you go on in a day (target 1, achieve 1). It’s your deck and you have the right to load it in your favour….

Edited by 996Type on Saturday 20th April 07:59


453 posts

92 months

Sunday 21st April
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Although this was written for TRD (thinking of you during this difficult time and sorry to hijack) a lot of the message from 996Type resonates with me. Currently going through a very stressful period at work with quite a few away trips adding to work pressures. I'm holding steady at 67 kg but trying to lose that last 2 kg is adding to the stress. I'm removing the focus on weight loss until the last few big meetings/deadlines are out of the way and will resume once it's quieter again. I'm not going to stop choosing the healthier options or exercising, I'm just not going to beat myself up if the scales don't show a lower number at the end of the week.


778 posts

155 months

Sunday 21st April
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ASA569 said:

Although this was written for TRD (thinking of you during this difficult time and sorry to hijack) a lot of the message from 996Type resonates with me. Currently going through a very stressful period at work with quite a few away trips adding to work pressures. I'm holding steady at 67 kg but trying to lose that last 2 kg is adding to the stress. I'm removing the focus on weight loss until the last few big meetings/deadlines are out of the way and will resume once it's quieter again. I'm not going to stop choosing the healthier options or exercising, I'm just not going to beat myself up if the scales don't show a lower number at the end of the week.
Good work and good approach.

Everyone must have had the experience of dropping a belt notch over summer without paying too much attention to habits etc. so keep a watching eye on what’s going on but don’t add to an already stressful time via self criticism. It’s a long journey not a sprint, keep an eye on the longer game and spend more time on the horse than off it and you’ll be fine.

Also for perspective, many would love to be that weight and just 2Kg away from the goal, are you being overly critical of yourself there?

If the number is creating stress for anyone, give the target a rest for a while as this ought to be part of a wider health and well being plan. Turn attention to healthier foods and more movement, let the plateaus come and go on the spiky graph but know you are doing long term good to yourself by at least understanding that it all counts!

Was just talking to a friend of mine yesterday about my number, and whether I’m more focused on THAT than the overall lifestyle and well being improvements.

For example if I think I’m doing well and looking well / back at the gym / feeling good and GENERALLY in the zone I think is alright for me etc (eventually) I’m going to be much less critical of reaching and holding a set number that might have shaped the original goal to get there….


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 21st April
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My body is playing tricks on me again, last 2 weeks I've been steady at 77.6kg and had a good this week so expected a a 0.6kg gain to 78.2KG ffs. This is stupid.


778 posts

155 months

Sunday 21st April
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Been good as gold myself for a week and rewarded with a nice 2kg increase!

It’s around 3 pints of water if that makes you feel any better and you are at least monitoring it, which will drive better choices. Stick with it!


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 21st April
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996Type said:
Been good as gold myself for a week and rewarded with a nice 2kg increase!

It’s around 3 pints of water if that makes you feel any better and you are at least monitoring it, which will drive better choices. Stick with it!
I've noticed this pattern seems to happen, you'll lose some weight, be steady, lose a bit again, then go up for no apparent reason and then drop the weight again. It's just a bit annoying when you think you've gotten past a certain weight barrier, and then randomly shoot up past it again and now have to drop it all.

Sideways Tim

900 posts

189 months

Monday 22nd April
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Finally made a bit of progress, however I don't recommend a stomach bug as a regular way to lose weight...



Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Monday 22nd April
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Yay! Had a small op in Feb that has kept me away from my rowing machine - but Saturday was my first shift back on it. Never thought I'd miss a piece of exercise equipment, but I genuinely have.

Did 7k metres Saturday and again today (each in 3 chunks) - baby steps to start. Not sure I've gelled with the Zwift bike so that might go on eBay (Bucks if a PHer after one). I find something to stream (currently Fallout) and row to an intermediate standard once I get my fitness back up (for a fifty-plus heavyweight).

My diet has proved to not be quite enough to lose weight alone, the exercise buys me a bit of freedom. I row 10k metres ~6 times a week and love what it does to my frame. I'm properly flawed so the effort/time is the price I am happy to pay. Of course I could lose weight if i was more strict in the kitchen - but I'm not! Have no excuses now hehe .

Obviously find your own thing that works.


317 posts

129 months

Monday 22nd April
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After nearly 4 months of trying to maintain weight while looking after my wife I got out on Sunday for a few hours ebiking for the second time in 2 weeks.
I had hoped that the tumble drier was shrinking my clothes but eventually braving the scales hit that I’d put on over a stone. 2 weeks back on low carb I’m down 10lbs but still a way to get back to NYE weight and then beyond.

Edited by indigostr on Monday 22 April 22:35


1,468 posts

90 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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I’m hovering around 155kgs. 184cm.
Knees are in bits. Right shoulder also wrecked and neck not good. Thanks to being a bricklayer and playing tight head at rugby. Also apparently running was not good for damaged knees but it helped me lose weight.
I’ve had to give up physical work due to lung disease. Now office bound with a little walking on construction sites.
Lost 50kg before but that was when I could train.

Now I’m going to try Mounjaro. Have read all the downsides but it will help immensely for my knees and lungs if I can lose 35kgs.
Pen arrives today.


639 posts

60 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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One simple swap for me seems to be making a difference for me, German rye bread for the generic supermarket "bread" I was consuming before. Fills me up and doesn't leave me craving it. Aside that from that I'm now well into the habit of preparing most meals from scratch eliminating most ultra-processed stuff.

One thing though, I'm giving up with the boditrax scanner at the gym. Jumped on it Sunday, despite hitting PB's in 5km and 10km, running 11 miles in prep for a half marathon, lifting heavier, clothes fitting much better, it stated Ive put on more fat, lost muscle and weigh more....


1,978 posts

167 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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After a decent start to the year I’ve struggled the last few weeks a put a little weight back on. Only c1kg so nothing disastrous.

I’m 6 weeks into having whooping cough - feel ok now apart from the lack of sleep due to coughing.

I also had a mole removed from my back a couple of weeks ago which has stopped the gym work. I’m supposed to wait 6 weeks before I lift again.

That’s the excuses out of the way …. There has been no excuse for over eating and hitting the pub too much frown

On the plus side, I’ve walked a lot during the last couple of weeks and have started running to improve my cardio. I’ll focus on this for the next couple of months as I gradually start to bring some weight lifting back in.

I lifted light weights today and will go to the gym on Friday. Just need to get a grip of the diet again!!


7,079 posts

223 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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lrdisco said:
I’m hovering around 155kgs. 184cm.
Knees are in bits. Right shoulder also wrecked and neck not good. Thanks to being a bricklayer and playing tight head at rugby. Also apparently running was not good for damaged knees but it helped me lose weight.
I’ve had to give up physical work due to lung disease. Now office bound with a little walking on construction sites.
Lost 50kg before but that was when I could train.

Now I’m going to try Mounjaro. Have read all the downsides but it will help immensely for my knees and lungs if I can lose 35kgs.
Pen arrives today.
My missus is using Mounjaro and in the first week lost 8lb (not sure on her starting weight).
The incredible thing was that overnight all her craving for food just disappeared.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 26th April
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0.5kg down for me, I didn't know what the scales would say today. Rowing machine for 40k metres on my first week back on it for two months and sometimes it makes your body hang on to more water (I'm no scientist).

But I felt good, I'm motivated. Last week was treat day Friday and I also made a 'proper' roast dinner on Sunday, other than that I've been very good with food - but with a voracious appetite with considerably increased activity.

The best benefit is in my head - which also is often my downfall so hopefully properly press on and get back under 100kg. I'm still 3.5kg heavier than the end of November last year to emphasise the scale of my deviations!

One day I'll actually find time to ping off some emails to the disappearing folk.


157 posts

95 months

Friday 26th April
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May as well join in. In my early 20s I was around 125kg and looked bloody awful with it at 180cms. Got down to 90kg in lockdown and felt great but at the start of 2024 I was back up to 105kg.

We booked a holiday for the end of May and I don't want to look like a tubby git around the pool in front of my kids so I've been dieting hard. Dropped from 102kg at the start of April to 96kg this morning and already feel much better. I've been focusing on my diet, reducing my portion sizes and intermittent fasting and also walking more and doing about half an hour of bodyweight exercises most days.

So 6kg down and 6kg to go but I think the hard part is done, I've cut down on drinking and snacking so that when I do have those treats they actually feel like treats now rather than something that is expected each evening.


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 28th April
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Sunday weigh in and after gaining a random 0.6kg last week, I've lost all that and a bit more this week, 0.8kg loss down to 77.4kg from 78.2kg having been 77.6 the week before that gain. I'll take that.