The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



4,038 posts

160 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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mcelliott said:
Don’t waste your money
This. The reality is you can't buy yourself into weightloss.

A healthy, balanced diet suitable for your personal circumstances, lots of veg, no to minimal sweets and junk, plenty of water and a good night's sleep is all anyone needs.

The hard bit isn't doing it for a day. The hard bit is doing it every day.


10,612 posts

197 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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only worth using weight loss supplements is if you're a professional bodybuilder or something I guess,

there's absolutely no need otherwise


20,774 posts

194 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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Smitters said:
mcelliott said:
Don’t waste your money
This. The reality is you can't buy yourself into weightloss.

A healthy, balanced diet suitable for your personal circumstances, lots of veg, no to minimal sweets and junk, plenty of water and a good night's sleep is all anyone needs.

The hard bit isn't doing it for a day. The hard bit is doing it every day.
^This x2


8,768 posts

184 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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If they could make a pill that consisted of a balanced diet, sufficient exercise and great sleep and discipline then I would say go for it!


7,850 posts

162 months

Thursday 4th April
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Pentino191 said:
So, here's the deal: I'm on a mission to lose some kgs this year. Currently tipping the scales at 112 kgs, and standing at 1.75 cm, I know I've got some work to do.
Besides going to the gym and dieting, I've been doing some research on natural supplements to help with weight loss. I've heard mixed reviews about them, but I'm curious if anyone here has had any success with them.
Any firsthand experiences or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Soon as you stop taking them the weight will go back on. Its the same with those meal replacement shakes.

Another two sessions at the gym for me. Trying to find the optimal time that is good for me. 4pm isn't. I'm too tired (I was up at 5am thanks to a seven year old). Just gone at 7am and that's not for me either (again was up until 1am due to a seven year old being ill which didn't help).

Tuesday was upper body. They have killed me! Most of the members are elderly (I'm 34 and the youngest by 30/40 years most the time I've been there!). The trainers like that as they can be s to me and make me work really hard. Whilst Maggie does 1kg weights...

Today was legs. I hate legs. I've got dodgy knees (when I squat it sounds like rice krispies in my knees). But my legs are properly my strongest part of me. Already topping out the leg press at 200kg.

Booked in for next week at a more reasonable time of 9am.


1,978 posts

167 months

Friday 5th April
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I’m pretty much at a stable weight at the moment.

Easter weekend was the village beer festival so I wasn’t very healthy but had a great time. I’ve also been hit by a cold/cough so my gym work is reduced. Worst thing is the lack of sleep due to the cough.

I’ll try to up the gym work again next week and I’ll reduce down the drinking again.

Aim is to try to drop another 3-4kg by the middle of June.

Pleased with the first quarters improvement as I look loads better and my strength in the gym is improving a lot.


1,587 posts

22 months

Friday 5th April
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Down from last weigh 3 weeks ago, which considering the amount of crap I ate over Easter is a surprise.

Only down 3kg in 3 months but a loss is a loss. Need to be a bit stricter going into the next couple months.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 5th April
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Gluttonous Easter break here, can see the extra bulk on my tummy. Yesterday was day 1 of getting my act together. A couple of lads at work are doing really well with improved eating/moving, visibly so. I need to give this the attention it needs.

Will try and start doing email nudges to those who've dropped off - life keeps getting in the way!


18,165 posts

275 months

Friday 5th April
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I've lost focus on this now. I'm not looking for sympathy at all, but to say the last few weeks have been some of the most horrendous times I've lived through in my life, and at the moment I just can't find it in myself to give a st about it, just doesn't seem important. I'll get back to it at some point. I don't want to lose all my progress, but I'm more focused on survival at the minute rather than weight loss.

@ 22 - don't bother emailing me - I will be back at some point 100%


1,121 posts

46 months

Saturday 6th April
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Last update:

beambeam1 165.9kg (26/12/23) 130kg 157.2kg (19/02/23) Consistency is key 8.2kg Y


beambeam1 165.9kg (26/12/23) 130kg 158.1kg (05/04/23) Consistency is key 7.8kg Y

Fell off the wagon a bit for the last month or so but given I had the birth of my second daughter on the 28th Feb and turned 40 a couple of weeks later I am pretty pleased to have stalled rather than regained a lot of weight. The attention paid to calorie balance means I have been a lot better at snacking and I seem to offset bad meals with a subsequent string of better meals rather than falling into the old "start again tomorrow" mindset.

After 5 weeks of paternity leave I have a stag do in Finland to get through next weekend then I'll get right back into chasing down my next target which is 149.9kg. I think I'll aim for a good week before I get to Helsinki then enjoy myself a little bit.


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 7th April
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Someone needs to explain to me how this weight loss stuff works or makes sense...last 2 weeks I've been stable at 78.5kg, then easter hits, I have a big Polish easter lunch with family on the Sunday and consume a galaxy egg and lidnt choc bunny during the week and various other chocolate and yet..a loss of 0.9kg down to 77.6kg this week hehe WHAT?!

Other days I'll be way under the calorie limit, have 1 Mcdonalds meal that week and gain 1kg.


6,421 posts

218 months

Tuesday 9th April
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mcelliott said:
If they could make a pill that consisted of a balanced diet, sufficient exercise and great sleep and discipline then I would say go for it!
Might be coming sooner than you think, GLP1s have shown appetite can be controlled chemically but with a side effect of muscle loss, so the race is now on to find something that doesn't cause muscle loss.

Though becareful of any doctor who recommends pills for sleeping!


742 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th April
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Injured myself skiing two weeks back, so that led to a bit of comfort eating and zero ability to move around. Feel like I’ve added a couple of pounds.

Managed to snap out of it and get back to eating right again. Missing the Pilates the most. Never thought I’d say that.


18,165 posts

275 months

Tuesday 9th April
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I've decided I'm going to remove myself from this thread now. I actually have no idea what I weigh now, I have definitely lost about a stone overall since the start of the year, but I've decided I'm not going to weigh myself anymore.

To cut a long story short I've had a traumatic period, and I'm in a period of depression right now, and I've realised I need to change something in my life.

One thing I've realised is that I beat myself up if I set goals and then don't stick to them, or don't achieve them, for whatever reason. However for me as soon as I start focusing on goals and bettering myself, life just kicks me down again.

Well, no more.

That doesn't mean I'm giving up with everything. I'll still continue to eat a healthy diet. I'll still do the exercise. I'll still try my best in life. However, I've come to realise two things. First that I cannot control what happens to me in life. Secondly, I'm the sort who gets mentally low if I set myself targets and don't hit them (and in all honesty I never do).

Ultimately being honest I always find myself getting obsessed with the numbers and it really hits me hard when I don't get what I want. It's just the way I'm wired up and I can't see it changing. I've tried, I really bloody have, to relax about it, but nah, it's not happening.

So that's it. I'll continue to try but I'm no longer tracking things or setting any specific goals. I wish you all the best in your journeys, but I'm out.


1,281 posts

228 months

Tuesday 9th April
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Got to just under 95 late Feb then plateaued for a few weeks. Easter hols in Spain included pasta, pizza, a big burger and plentiful beer. Minimal exercise too so I'm back up to 98. My target is 90 so back to full focus from this week.
Starting weight was 106 so I don't want to throw away the progress, especially as by blood sugar had gone from diabetic to low in the pre-diabetic range and my hope is at 90kg I will not even be pre-diabetic.

I must remember that it won't happen with lots of sweets and alcohol in my diet.

TRD - chin up, don't binge too often when you're feeling crap and keep doing some exercise even if it's minimal - it will help with your mental wellbeing.


2,435 posts

255 months

Thursday 11th April
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Target weight achieved today. A couple of weeks late but my ski touring trip was a lot easier than the year before when I was lugging 7kg more on 1000-1600m climbing days. I managed to gain a kilo that week with the dumplings, schnitzels and strudel.

Suspect it will be a week or two before I'm reliably below 80kg but will keep going. I'm going to chase fat reduction now as a priority. I've been at peak fitness around 76kg and under 14% fat.

I've tracked everything on Myfitnesspal to keep myself honest. I've probably had a greater awareness of avoiding processed stuff.

Found it reasonably easy. Plan all meals so remove hunger induced bad choices. Cook almost everything myself including bread so makes the process easier. Porridge and berries for preakfast. Home made soup for lunch. Subbing out starchy carbs for extra veg with evening meal. Who knew 50g of rice with a curry was enough. Handful of nuts and peanut butter for snacks. My big downfall has always been finishing or opening another bottle of red and smashing baguette and brie to add a quick 1500 calories in an hour post dinner.

I also get walk the dogs for an hour and get out running or cycling most days so often have 1000cal in the bank from exercise


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 12th April
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A gain for me, no one said I was any good at this! Back to the public weighbridge at FatClub today (slimming world). I think I'm day nine or ten straight of being good which shows just how damaging my Easter break was (and I knew it, but at the time that was where my head was).

I'm really struggling this year without my trusty steed rowing machine. The ups and downs are the same as last year, but the (almost) daily 10k rowing made a significant contribution to my mental health, activity, calorie use and general getting my act together. I'm still 12kg lighter than the start of 2023, but the glass is half full of cake mix recently!


1,901 posts

200 months

Friday 12th April
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First update for two weeks. A bit disappointed as my weight hasn't changed. In some ways not surprised as last weekend was definitely pushing the boundaries biglaugh. Oddly though I've hit the last hole on my belt which I know I couldn't have done last week. Anyway, just keep on going as I'm sure I can get over this plateau.


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 14th April
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No movement on the weight this week, still 77.6kg but I'm ok with that. Good to know it wasn't my body playing tricks on me last week with the sudden 1kg drop. from 78.5kg.


4,038 posts

160 months

Tuesday 16th April
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Just back from a week of training in Mallorca. Loads of cycling and running and loads of good healthy food. Weight stayed stable throughout, despite the massive training overload, so now I'm back I'm cutting the portion sizes back to normal but trying to stay on the healthy food train for as long as possible.

Aim over the next month is 1kg a week through very healthy eating and use of MFP, as I have a mountain race in May and I can probably improve my performance more now through losing four kg than I can through training!