The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



9,249 posts

260 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Good info thanks. Yeah I think mine may have been triggered by Covid as my HR went up 10BPM after it (and still slowly climbing)

I was getting tested for all sorts on heart and lungs but think it must all be down to the flip. Local GP has been truly awful however so thankfully starting to use my private health to hopefully get a quicker outcome


455 posts

92 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Mannginger said:
Good info thanks. Yeah I think mine may have been triggered by Covid as my HR went up 10BPM after it (and still slowly climbing)

I was getting tested for all sorts on heart and lungs but think it must all be down to the flip. Local GP has been truly awful however so thankfully starting to use my private health to hopefully get a quicker outcome
That's dreadful and hope you get it sorted soon but in the meantime, as you say, it's kickstarting your weight loss. I could eat anything I wanted when my thyroid went hyper and not put on any weight. Downside was my gym performance suffered and it was bloody expensive trying to eat enough to stop my weight from going too low. It dropped to 57 kg at one point and that was close to my BMI going below 20


9,249 posts

260 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Oh the gym was hilarious. Twice a week on weights for 3 months with the PT and I just lost muscle mass. Also got dizzy twice. GP did actually tell me to stop that until I had treatment.

Should be under treatment by mid April I hope!


6,427 posts

218 months

Sunday 24th March
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I've given up on scales and bioimpedence sensors. Ended up doing a random shopping trip yesterday and found some 30inch trousers unsale, I've NEVER contempt 30inch trousers before, at some point 36 was a tight fit....But I now own 4 pairs of 30inch trousers/jeans. Better no eat too many cakes!!!

I think the 2021 weigh loss thread was the first one I looked at on here. Will keep on following this thread, regardless of what the scales say smile.


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 24th March
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Down 0.5kg this week, 78.5kg now. 0.5kg drops seem to be my recurring theme lately, I'll take it though!


3,078 posts

174 months

Monday 25th March
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Since my first child was born at the end of January I’ve understandably been a bit distracted so the rapid progress I made in January was reversed a bit. Fortunately it didn’t go that much in the wrong direction so I hovered around the 101-102kg mark for much of the past 2 months.

I’ve been trying to kick start my weight loss again now that things at home are settling down a bit but was struggling to do so. About 10 days ago I started having 2 x “sandwich days” a week (had 3 so far) where I have a proper meal for my lunch and then have a sandwich for dinner. I aim to do these on days where my exercise class/running group finish late so I’d be eating late which whilst it didn’t cause me to gain weight it seemed to hinder weight loss.

This seems to have helped kickstart the weight loss again and even with a couple of family meals thrown in I’ve lost 0.7kg in the last week. I’ll be continuing with this approach and see how it pans out over the long term. Aim is still to get to 90kg by September when I have a 100km to run.

The picture below is a screen shot of the app I use to track weight loss vs my goals. It's called "Happy scale". The blue line is a trend line rather than actual weight readings.

Edited by fiatpower on Monday 25th March 08:45


18,166 posts

275 months

Monday 25th March
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gangzoom said:
I've given up on scales and bioimpedence sensors.
I must admit there's a part of me that thinks ignoring scales would at least be less stressful, and just go by how I feel and how clothes fit. I do think there's a tendency to get a little obsessed by the numbers.

That said I can't exactly contribute to this thread otherwise so I'll have to continue! hehe


8,895 posts

75 months

Monday 25th March
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Since my poor health/health issues last year with a few operations, a week in hospital via A&E and then a final op in Jan just gone, I've gone from 140kg down to 122kg and still losing weight, slowly, which is great

My aim is to get to 115kg, which is the weight I started competing in powerlifting at back in 2000!

I'm 45, 6ft 4 and it's not doing me any harm at all getting the weight down now...

I was 130kg when I got married in 2010; so I'm lighter now that I have been in a long time! It feels great; apart from having to fork out god knows how much to replace jeans & trousers that are just far too big now, shirts too laugh

I'm still wide; but without as much padding as I was used to biggrin

I'm not doing anything specific really; just sticking to the smaller portions I had to get used to when I was in hospital with cholecystitis etc & after having an op to resolve that; lower fat intake etc

Training is lighter weights & higher reps now for me too; with plenty of walking in there as well. Gardening is great cardio too wink


3,407 posts

147 months

Monday 25th March
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Hit the 1 stone (6.5kg) loss milestone today which I'm quite please with as i've spent the last 3 weeks on a skiing holiday eating and drinking loads


7,851 posts

162 months

Monday 25th March
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As someone else has said, I'm going to ignore the scales for a bit. My trousers are loser, my belt is between holes currently (really annoying...) but weight has stayed around the same since I started at the gym about two months ago.

141kg today after the gym (which included a load of water). I was around 145kg at the end of January.

But, I can see a change in my body. Arms are bigger. Chest is less flabby.

I'm going in early on Thursday to use their scales at the gym which do water/muscle etc and to get my blood pressure checked as that was high when I started.

Strangely I'm enjoying the gym though!


7,851 posts

162 months

Thursday 28th March
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Blood pressure is still a little high but coming down to what it was.

Weight is the same as what it was when I first got weighed there.

141kg. Before I was 141.1kg.

But, fat is down 2.6kg and muscle is up 2.5kg. I'm actually very pleased with that. It's not been a massive life style change and it's something I'm still enjoying two months on. It's been the longest I've gone to the gym regularly since 2010.


18,166 posts

275 months

Thursday 28th March
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LosingGrip said:
As someone else has said, I'm going to ignore the scales for a bit.
After being bad for a few weeks and losing weight, I was good this week and guess what... gained! (not much but still!) - but the trousers are looser than ever.


5,861 posts

158 months

Friday 29th March
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Have proved to myself I can maintain a 'steady' weight for a month but while I have really cut back on beer/wine, chocolate and cheese remain my nemesis.

My head is really not in the right place currently, a lot going on... and I just eat too much and don't do enough walking, ... or maybe I am big boned and have dodgy glands!

I think it is 'A". Small pasty and a bar of dairy milk today for lunch. Fat bd said it very well - I am unhappy cos I eat, I eat cos I am unhappy.

A couple weeks away with work, little opportunity for the extracurricular eating, and a chance to get focussed properly, to attack it through end of April, May and June.


778 posts

155 months

Friday 29th March
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Around 105kg just before Xmas, probably heaviest ever.

Now just over 90Kg today.

Have seen plateau’s through the process and ignored them and moved on again.

Doing some intermittent fasting during the week, anywhere from 24 to 36 hours, mostly when travelling as it seems easier due to lack of access to foods I’m focusing on.

Lots of non processed foods and have REALLY cut back portion size but don’t deny myself anything.

Needed to do this for years, aim is to see how low within reason I can get around BMI, scales said I was 35% fat! So 80kg might be about right and be in the healthy category at just under 6 foot for a stocky chap.

Measured my waist and while I’m losing weight and my belt can be tightened, was surprised to be 38 inches. Used a metal tape measure so might not be accurate. Had hoped to be 34inch as I’m sure jeans are 36 inch.

Clothes that looked rubbish on me when I was bigger now look terrible on the skinnier me, relate to a poster above I’m going to need to go shopping (but reticent to do this until I get to some sort of base weight as I’m a bit tight when it comes to spending on stuff).

Plan when I hit the base is to go a bit below and then ease back to 2000 calories a day as maintenance. Mentioned before but I weigh myself every day and will do for the rest of my life if possible, it sets the scene for what I might eat during the day. I’m generally aiming for 1000 or so calorie deficit per day (best guess, I’ve not been doing macros or anything, or not consciously. Maybe I hit paleo a bit with high protein, scrambled eggs with ham and such).

From experience, we vastly under estimate the calorific food we eat, over estimate our daily budgets and the changes take so long to register many give up too soon to see real results. If I get hungry, I drink a pint of room temp water. If I’m still hungry 15 mins later, I’ll have a tea or a coffee. If it’s still the same a bit later, snack on raw carrot, raw broccoli or nuts (challenge anyone to get fat on carrot!)

It sounds grim but a few weeks in and it almost becomes like good habits.

House of younger kids so access to all the bad stuff is still there, but less bothered now.

I’m trying to form good habits that will last and have dropped off the wagon once or twice, but get straight back on and fast out if required (or before if it’s planned).

One thing I’ve observed - we are SO conditioned to be around food with friends / family, it’s critical to have good habits.

Best mate who knows my journey and aims was keen to buy me some desert last time I was out for dinner which I didn’t fancy tbh but it was interesting to see how much insistence was there via the peer pressure (same with friends eating pizza in the pub etc).

It’s good to expose yourself to McD’s etc (for a cuppa only) and decouple your brain from the social outing = eating equation.

If I do have chocolate (it’s Easter and the cupboards are getting full!) I’ll have a few small pieces to tell my brain nothing is restricted or banned. It’s like sucking on lemon though after being off sugar and just doesn’t seem to provide anything positive.

Not embarked on an exercise routine yet other than walking quite a bit (which I did before with no effect) and said when I dropped below 95KG I’d start to run again (haven’t done as I’m lazy).

Do wonder how much lean mass I’m losing as a 50 year old, so contemplating going back to the gym which since we moved is a ten minute walk away (and I still haven’t been).

If I can do this, literally anyone can.

It did take me years (maybe 20) to act though and a dicky thyroid I think led me to gaining at least 15kg by stealth before diagnosis (even though I told my doctor I thought I was suffering from it, they put it down to being a new father).

Hitting 50 was the ultimate trigger, promised myself I’d be 90Kg by my birthday (wasn’t) so 90Kg “In my 50th year” (on track) and beyond to the new base hopefully by 51 and see from there.

Will be interesting to see if the weight stays off or if it’s as much as a battle to be stable at the end of this with new habits as it was to shift it?

Hopefully the daily weigh-in is the anchor point and gives me the lag indication if I need to buck my ideas up that coming day / days.

The craving for eating a lot of cakes / chocolate and high processed foods though has reduced dramatically, but I do love bread still. Surprised as ultimately I love my food, but I tend to see the calorie number hovering over it now and that determines if I’ll even contemplate eating it!


819 posts

85 months

Sunday 31st March
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Weighed myself this morning, stayed steady this week at 78.5kg, would have been good to have gone down some to indulge for Easter but hey. Time to nibble at the chocolate!


750 posts

168 months

Sunday 31st March
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Thought I'd post this link as we've made it a quarter of the year into 2025.

Ignore the cycling bit, and that it's from a cycling channel (although it's my 'thing'). There is some really great advice and thoughts on weight loss. TL:DW.... Generally, be sensible, don't think exercise will do all the work, and don't think calorie counting is the be all and end all. This chap has a phd, very intelligent despite the jovial persona, and knows what he's talking about in the subject of nutrition.


9,249 posts

260 months

Monday 1st April
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Love a bit of GCN! Like Top Gear for bikes!


10,614 posts

197 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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lost 11kg since feb the 1st, 7 more weeks to go until the tyson fury fight! (my goal)
will pop before and after pics on here, still some fat that needs to go but super happy about things so far


7 posts

4 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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So, here's the deal: I'm on a mission to lose some kgs this year. Currently tipping the scales at 112 kgs, and standing at 1.75 cm, I know I've got some work to do.
Besides going to the gym and dieting, I've been doing some research on natural supplements like PhenQ to help with weight loss. I've heard mixed reviews about them, but I'm curious if anyone here has had any success with them.
Any firsthand experiences or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Pentino191 on Friday 12th April 10:09


8,769 posts

184 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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Don’t waste your money