The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread


king arthur

6,686 posts

264 months

Monday 18th March
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Somehow I've gained nearly 1.5kg this week.


10,614 posts

197 months

Monday 18th March
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FishAndChips said:
Broken scales for sure, has to be neigh on impossible to record your weigh in lbs exactly to the first decimal? Time for a battery change?
replaced the battery and gained 4lbs! think i'm going to get a new scale :P


2,176 posts

40 months

Tuesday 19th March
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Back on target this month to hit 3kg in 3 months, after a bit of a relapse. I was injured week 1 of March, drink a bit more and snacking a lot also. The peak is when I started weighing my problem snack foods every time, which seems to have helped get back on track

my waist to height ratio is now 0.51. I believe 0.50 is when the chart goes green so that's another landmark I'm looking forward to hitting

Edited by lizardbrain on Tuesday 19th March 08:50


9,249 posts

260 months

Tuesday 19th March
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I've realised my weight loss is now almost certainly down to flipping from hypo to hyperthyroidism,. Meeting an endocrinologist in the next couple of weeks to confirm but still, it means when I sort that out I've got a solid -5.5kgs under my belt to start "really" losing weight!


750 posts

168 months

Tuesday 19th March
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lizardbrain said:
Back on target this month to hit 3kg in 3 months, after a bit of a relapse. I was injured week 1 of March, drink a bit more and snacking a lot also. The peak is when I started weighing my problem snack foods every time, which seems to have helped get back on track

my waist to height ratio is now 0.51. I believe 0.50 is when the chart goes green so that's another landmark I'm looking forward to hitting

Edited by lizardbrain on Tuesday 19th March 08:50
Think this is a very good example of looking at trends. (Well done on the loss btw!). If you didn’t and just looked at numbers alone on a few wrongly selected dates it would be easy to conclude the dieting wasn’t working.


12,516 posts

182 months

Tuesday 19th March
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im 5"6 was 76kg 39year old .

a month on now im still the same height (unfortunitly) 74kg but just cant get any lower.
been running almost every day, sit ups and push ups.
visible 6 pack is there now it wasnt a month ago.

can you just hit a weight and thats it?
I realise there is a bit of muscle increase to match the fat loss which is obviously heavier. but im still on the edge of overweight by bmi standards.


10,614 posts

197 months

Wednesday 20th March
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asfault said:
im 5"6 was 76kg 39year old .

a month on now im still the same height (unfortunitly) 74kg but just cant get any lower.
been running almost every day, sit ups and push ups.
visible 6 pack is there now it wasnt a month ago.

can you just hit a weight and thats it?
I realise there is a bit of muscle increase to match the fat loss which is obviously heavier. but im still on the edge of overweight by bmi standards.
hmm, if you have a 6 pack then how much fat is there left to lose anyway?


1,214 posts

169 months

Wednesday 20th March
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asfault said:
im 5"6 was 76kg 39year old .

a month on now im still the same height (unfortunitly) 74kg but just cant get any lower.
been running almost every day, sit ups and push ups.
visible 6 pack is there now it wasnt a month ago.

can you just hit a weight and thats it?
I realise there is a bit of muscle increase to match the fat loss which is obviously heavier. but im still on the edge of overweight by bmi standards.
Sounds like you need to have a look at what you're eating - MFP can be a pain in the arse but it rapidly becomes apparent why you're not losing more weight. The old saying that you can't out-exercise a bad diet is totally true for most folk who have actual lives!

I wouldn't worry about the BMI numbers though, I'm 170cm and have only just dropped out of the >25 'Overweight' category and don't think it's very representative for most people.


18,166 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th March
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asfault said:
im 5"6 was 76kg 39year old .

a month on now im still the same height (unfortunitly) 74kg but just cant get any lower.
been running almost every day, sit ups and push ups.
visible 6 pack is there now it wasnt a month ago.

can you just hit a weight and thats it?
I realise there is a bit of muscle increase to match the fat loss which is obviously heavier. but im still on the edge of overweight by bmi standards.
If you have a visible 6 pack then you are at around 10% body fat and thus should definitely not be trying to lose more weight. That is madness my friend!


2,176 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th March
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I don't think BMI is worth fretting about.

What's your waist to height ratio? That's the new kid in town


57,085 posts

207 months

Wednesday 20th March
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lizardbrain said:
I don't think BMI is worth fretting about.

What's your waist to height ratio? That's the new kid in town
Similar issue the BMI there, I would have thought, in that it's sensitive to leg length. Maybe if you took sitting height?


2,176 posts

40 months

Wednesday 20th March
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otolith said:
Similar issue the BMI there, I would have thought, in that it's sensitive to leg length. Maybe if you took sitting height?
Yeah similar issues but probably slightly better.

I'm not quite at the calipers stage yet!

Though maybe if they make a bluetooth one that might tip me over the edge


12,516 posts

182 months

Wednesday 20th March
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lizardbrain said:
I don't think BMI is worth fretting about.

What's your waist to height ratio? That's the new kid in town

No idea what that means though.

re diet alot better now than it was, cut out alot of crisps with eating alot more salad and lean chicken, boiled eggs and tinned fish

still have the odd day with a mate where we literally pig out on pizza , coke and sweets but thats once every 2 weeks or so. drink wise never beer as dont like it so vodka and lemonade or G and T on most fri and sat nights.

The bigger issue that made me start was a month or two ago being 76 sometimes 77kg i was aware of a belly starting. going to 73 tehn now back to 74-75kg maybe there is nothing more to come off?


18,166 posts

275 months

Thursday 21st March
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After a torrid few weeks where I frankly wasn't too good after my dad's death, I'm back on track again with a 0.55kg loss from a fortnight ago.

Heartening to know that I can still occasionally go off the rails and still lose a little weight as long as I'm good whenever I can be good.

In that time I've drank most days and had many takeaways and meals out, but I've always eaten healthily as much as possible in between.

Compared with the same time last week I've gone down 3kg which must have been mostly water retention.

Very happy as I thought last week it was going to take a month to reverse the actions of the last fortnight. smile


12,516 posts

182 months

Thursday 21st March
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TameRacingDriver said:
After a torrid few weeks where I frankly wasn't too good after my dad's death, I'm back on track again with a 0.55kg loss from a fortnight ago.

Heartening to know that I can still occasionally go off the rails and still lose a little weight as long as I'm good whenever I can be good.

In that time I've drank most days and had many takeaways and meals out, but I've always eaten healthily as much as possible in between.

Compared with the same time last week I've gone down 3kg which must have been mostly water retention.

Very happy as I thought last week it was going to take a month to reverse the actions of the last fortnight. smile
You can eat whatever you want when going through something like that.


18,166 posts

275 months

Thursday 21st March
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asfault said:
You can eat whatever you want when going through something like that.
Yep, and I did smile although I did still eat mindfully where possible.

Back on it now though! It would be nice to lose at least another 4 or maybe even 5 kg before my holiday at the back end of May, we shall see. Although looking in the mirror, while improved, I'm still a long way off where I want to be. However I'm still aiming to match or beat my target by Xmas.


750 posts

168 months

Thursday 21st March
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TameRacingDriver said:
After a torrid few weeks where I frankly wasn't too good after my dad's death, I'm back on track again with a 0.55kg loss from a fortnight ago.

Heartening to know that I can still occasionally go off the rails and still lose a little weight as long as I'm good whenever I can be good.

In that time I've drank most days and had many takeaways and meals out, but I've always eaten healthily as much as possible in between.

Compared with the same time last week I've gone down 3kg which must have been mostly water retention.

Very happy as I thought last week it was going to take a month to reverse the actions of the last fortnight. smile
Sounds like you’ve done exceptionally well. Very tough times for you. Even a regular stressy day sends me to the box of biscuits!


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 22nd March
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thepritch said:
lizardbrain said:
Think this is a very good example of looking at trends.
Absolutely. I'm +0.2kg this week, which isn't much but, if I'm going to put on 0.2kg, probably best to do it from a (slow) downward trend. I need to get my weekends back in check before I can expect anything different really.


1,901 posts

200 months

Friday 22nd March
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caiss4 said:
No excuses next week, relatively quiet weekend ahead so would be good to lose 1-2kgs.
Well that was a pipe dream frown

Just 0.6kgs this week and I was reasonably restrained. Ah well, still heading in the right direction smile


455 posts

92 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Mannginger said:
I've realised my weight loss is now almost certainly down to flipping from hypo to hyperthyroidism,. Meeting an endocrinologist in the next couple of weeks to confirm but still, it means when I sort that out I've got a solid -5.5kgs under my belt to start "really" losing weight!
I sympathise as my thyroid flips between hypo and hyper. It was only diagnosed as it went hyper after I lost the extra 30 kg I'd been carrying for years and suddenly became very noticeable. Everyone kept asking if I was ok because I was too thin (interesting fact, your arm pits become sunken in when you lose too much weight and it's just weird!) Plus I bought a volvo because normal car seats hurt for any length of journey and it was the most comfortable car I could find in my budget. What finally convinced me that there was something wrong was my Garmin registering the steady rise in resting heart rate so it was off to the docs with my rather nice graph which had them acting very quickly to work out what was wrong biglaugh

I suspect that over the years when I've found it easy to lose weight, it's been a consequence of hyperthyroidism but not noticed because a) I wasn't routinely wearing a device that monitored my heart rate and b) it never lasts and the consequent weight gain was just put down to bad diet and getting lazy with exercise again. Natural state appears to be hypo so I'm on levothryoxine for the rest of my life which is fine because it keeps it under control. Weight gain is back to bad diet only and I can't blame my thyroid.

Anyway, this week saw a good loss of 0.8kg and I'm now ~75% towards my target.