Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery

Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery


Don Veloci

1,949 posts

284 months

Thursday 1st February
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Bit late to this party but sounds like my recovery (Keyhole) was at the poor end of the scale. Doc signed me off for 4 weeks and I was grateful for all of them.
Considering I was starting from a decent level of fitness walking a mile was actually a big deal in the beginning but that quickly sorted itself out.

Uncomfortable feeling continued for some weeks. Didn't really take on any proper exercise until 6 weeks post op and I reckon a couple of weeks after that to build up exercises, duration, difficulty, and confidence.

Fatty/buttery foods affect me these days, so moderation there.


22,803 posts

204 months

Thursday 1st February
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affects you how? i'm just reading up on what changes i will need to make post removal. i love food, so doesn't sound good tbh.

Don Veloci

1,949 posts

284 months

Thursday 1st February
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shirt said:
affects you how? i'm just reading up on what changes i will need to make post removal. i love food, so doesn't sound good tbh.
Either go through me pretty quickly and/or have me feeling pretty sluggish. Any form of pastry whether that be savoury or sweet seem to get me so while I love a sausage roll or a pie I have to accept greater moderation than the average joe. A croissant is lethal hehe. Rich cream tends to trigger sluggishness.

Toilet urgency for want of a better phrase swings much more towards the "deal with me now/soon boy!" experience more often than "Yeah, I feel you, but will deal with you later!"

Some people are hardly affected at all, some are much worse.

Don't panic. Learn what foods cause issues if any and adapt. Might not even have to.


733 posts

139 months

Friday 2nd February
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Hmm, interesting reading. My 5 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with gall stones and hence likely gall bladder removal. She loves her sport so I can see trying to get her to rest during the recovery period is going to be difficult!


22,803 posts

204 months

Friday 2nd February
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Don Veloci said:
shirt said:
affects you how? i'm just reading up on what changes i will need to make post removal. i love food, so doesn't sound good tbh.
Either go through me pretty quickly and/or have me feeling pretty sluggish. Any form of pastry whether that be savoury or sweet seem to get me so while I love a sausage roll or a pie I have to accept greater moderation than the average joe. A croissant is lethal hehe. Rich cream tends to trigger sluggishness.

Toilet urgency for want of a better phrase swings much more towards the "deal with me now/soon boy!" experience more often than "Yeah, I feel you, but will deal with you later!"

Some people are hardly affected at all, some are much worse.

Don't panic. Learn what foods cause issues if any and adapt. Might not even have to.
I’ve suffered from ‘IBS’ since a bout of amoebiasis a good while back, guts have never fully recovered and seem to be on a boom or bust cycle. So no news there. I guess it’s more of the same with perhaps even faster reaction times.

I also have to have an op for my adrenal tumour, just recovering from a pretty nasty car crash and tore my Achilles before Xmas. Just as I think I can start exercising again, something else happens. Going to have to be super careful diet wise not to blimp up, but not being active and trying to eat sensibly is a bad combo ime.


11,200 posts

212 months

Friday 2nd February
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Had my Ultrasound this afternoon, the chap doing it finished with..."yes, I think you have a gallstone but will know more once I have studied the images"
Now to wait a week or so for the results


11,200 posts

212 months

Monday 5th February
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I now have a telephone consultation booked for Wednesday lunchtine with the doctor to discuss my results, after my colonscopy today and them finding nothing it looks like all my symptoms are being caused by the gallstones.


11,200 posts

212 months

Tuesday 6th February
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As I have the NHS app I checked earlier to see if it had been updated with my test results...

The basics of it are, 'Technically difficult due to dense bowel gas and inter-costal scanning, the gallbladder was thin walled and contained an 8mm gallstone'
'What you need to do - You need to see your doctor'

As mentioned in my previous post i have a telephone appointment tomorrow lunchtime.

Guessing with a stone that size and the problems it can cause/is causing they will want to remove my gallbladder

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Saleen836 said:
As I have the NHS app I checked earlier to see if it had been updated with my test results...

The basics of it are, 'Technically difficult due to dense bowel gas and inter-costal scanning, the gallbladder was thin walled and contained an 8mm gallstone'
'What you need to do - You need to see your doctor'

As mentioned in my previous post i have a telephone appointment tomorrow lunchtime.

Guessing with a stone that size and the problems it can cause/is causing they will want to remove my gallbladder
Sounds like you would be far better with your gallbladder removed.

Glad they are sorting it relatively quickly.

Don Veloci

1,949 posts

284 months

Wednesday 7th February
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cjs racing. said:
Sounds like you would be far better with your gallbladder removed.
Yeah, the attacks were no fun vomit and would accept worse outcome than the relatively easy to live with issues rather than deal with the peak pain again.


22,803 posts

204 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Laporoscopy booked for Sunday. Have to go see the consultant and anesthesiologist tomorrow, any questions I should be asking?


11,200 posts

212 months

Wednesday 7th February
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cjs racing. said:
Saleen836 said:
As I have the NHS app I checked earlier to see if it had been updated with my test results...

The basics of it are, 'Technically difficult due to dense bowel gas and inter-costal scanning, the gallbladder was thin walled and contained an 8mm gallstone'
'What you need to do - You need to see your doctor'

As mentioned in my previous post i have a telephone appointment tomorrow lunchtime.

Guessing with a stone that size and the problems it can cause/is causing they will want to remove my gallbladder
Sounds like you would be far better with your gallbladder removed.

Glad they are sorting it relatively quickly.
Thanks, have now been referred to a gallbladder specialist, so a waiting game now for an appointment.

Don Veloci said:
cjs racing. said:
Sounds like you would be far better with your gallbladder removed.
Yeah, the attacks were no fun vomit and would accept worse outcome than the relatively easy to live with issues rather than deal with the peak pain again.
Can agree with this!! the pain isn't nice at all and with me I have the vomiting with it and hot flushes.

shirt said:
Laporoscopy booked for Sunday. Have to go see the consultant and anesthesiologist tomorrow, any questions I should be asking?
How long did you have to wait for your operation after seeing the specialist?


23,272 posts

233 months

Wednesday 7th February
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I started reading this the other day whilst waiting to see my consultant about gallbladder problems.

Started a few months before Christmas with a stitch like pain under my right ribs extending into my back and up into my shoulder blade.

Worse after fatty food but not the agony described on here. Just uncomfortable.

I saw the consultant last December who was ready to whip it out just on my description of my symptoms alone.

Had an ultrasound which showed a non obstructive kidney stone in the right kidney but no gallbladder stones.

The consultant seemed miffed and was still sure it was my gallbladder that was the problem.

I had a long holiday booked and whilst away I only had a couple of days of very slight discomfort.

At the latest appointment the doc has said let's just keep an eye on it.

Has anyone else had the slight discomfort rather than the abject agony?


6,875 posts

129 months

Thursday 8th February
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Oh a kidney stone. Well gallstones are a nothing-burger compared with kidney stones. There's a thread around here about kidney stones...


22,803 posts

204 months

Thursday 8th February
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Saleen836 said:
How long did you have to wait for your operation after seeing the specialist?
It’ll be 3 weeks from the initial consultation to the op, less than a week since getting the ultrasound report. I’m not I. UK though so not a useful comparison, it’s being done privately and I have excellent medical insurance.

Appointment with anesthetist booked for tomorrow morning and the op confirmed for Sunday.


374 posts

51 months

Thursday 8th February
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Lad came back onto ward after having gall bladder removed yesterday , very chirpy & looked well


23,272 posts

233 months

Thursday 8th February
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rodericb said:
Oh a kidney stone. Well gallstones are a nothing-burger compared with kidney stones. There's a thread around here about kidney stones...
I've read it and I am still terrified frown

I went on holiday knowing I had a stone and wondering what the local hospital would be like.

Get back and went to the appointment the other day where I was told that the results, from Dec, showed a non obstructive stone.

Might have been nice to tell me before I went away especially having read that thread hehe


6,875 posts

129 months

Friday 9th February
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croyde said:
I've read it and I am still terrified frown

I went on holiday knowing I had a stone and wondering what the local hospital would be like.

Get back and went to the appointment the other day where I was told that the results, from Dec, showed a non obstructive stone.

Might have been nice to tell me before I went away especially having read that thread hehe
Did they tell you the size of the stone?


22,803 posts

204 months

Friday 9th February
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shirt said:
Appointment with anesthetist booked for tomorrow morning and the op confirmed for Sunday.
Anesthetist just went through the procedure and prep with me and had me sign a waiver. Fast from midnight and a good antiseptic scrub in the shower before heading to the hospital. I made her note that I should be observed in the recovery room as I have been known to pull the cannula out when I come around. I suggested tying my arms to the bed but she didn’t think I was serious.

Op is now tomorrow morning 10am.


23,272 posts

233 months

Friday 9th February
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rodericb said:
Did they tell you the size of the stone?
I think he said 5mm.