


7,161 posts

246 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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Mezger said:
I am currently looking into this, bit of a minefield, seems the conventional wisdom, high cholesterol = high risk may not be entirely accurate, with many other factors contributing (inflammation).

I'm relatively fit, work out 4-5times a week at Crossfit (body fat around 15% max).. I also (thought) I ate pretty clean, little processed foods, focus on protein and not too many refined carbs. I drink very little, average 2 units every couple of weeks, don't smoke etc.

Yet my cholesterol is relatively high, sitting around 7. I also went for a calcium test and my Agatson score was 118, in 95th percentile for men my age (early 40's)...

I'm seeing a cardiologist next week for a review, to discuss.

Date LDL HDL Triglycerides Total Cholesterol
05/03/21 4.9 1.4 0.8 6.7
06/04/23 4.69 1.32 0.88 6.41
26/04/23 5.26 1.53 0.57 7.05
Two options, you can take my advice, a random on the Internet who bases all my research on personal experience and Internet research. Personally, my advice would not to bother doing anything.

Or you can take the advice of your qualified doctor and his view based on huge research bodies/ evidence.

I know which I would trust more......


31,622 posts

236 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
quotequote all
Mezger said:
I am currently looking into this, bit of a minefield, seems the conventional wisdom, high cholesterol = high risk may not be entirely accurate, with many other factors contributing (inflammation).

I'm relatively fit, work out 4-5times a week at Crossfit (body fat around 15% max).. I also (thought) I ate pretty clean, little processed foods, focus on protein and not too many refined carbs. I drink very little, average 2 units every couple of weeks, don't smoke etc.

Yet my cholesterol is relatively high, sitting around 7. I also went for a calcium test and my Agatson score was 118, in 95th percentile for men my age (early 40's)...

I'm seeing a cardiologist next week for a review, to discuss.

Date LDL HDL Triglycerides Total Cholesterol
05/03/21 4.9 1.4 0.8 6.7
06/04/23 4.69 1.32 0.88 6.41
26/04/23 5.26 1.53 0.57 7.05
What are you hoping for? From the cardiologist or the internet?

As far as I can tell you are correct that high cholesterol alone is not very predictive, except of a statin prescription. HDL:TG is more predictive and yours is in the right ballpark. Agatson could be lower, ideally 0, but it isn't high...


373 posts

109 months

Monday 4th September 2023
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grumbledoak said:
What are you hoping for? From the cardiologist or the internet?

As far as I can tell you are correct that high cholesterol alone is not very predictive, except of a statin prescription. HDL:TG is more predictive and yours is in the right ballpark. Agatson could be lower, ideally 0, but it isn't high...
some clarity on the magnitude (or not) of these data points, then some practical advice on how to improve/optimize it going forward.


31,622 posts

236 months

Monday 4th September 2023
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Mezger said:
some clarity on the magnitude (or not) of these data points, then some practical advice on how to improve/optimize it going forward.
The doctors vary greatly. Some just statinate by reflex, others are more aware that this is big business first and patient health a long way down the list.

If you haven't already had a heart attack the statins are years of pills in return for a few extra days and the fairly large risk of quite nasty side effects. That I can assure you are not coincidence or purely due to age.

Personally, with HDL:TG looking good I would be ignoring the TC and trying to get my CAC scan to 0 with lifestyle and diet. I won't take statins again.

Good luck.


373 posts

109 months

Friday 8th September 2023
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grumbledoak said:
The doctors vary greatly. Some just statinate by reflex, others are more aware that this is big business first and patient health a long way down the list.

If you haven't already had a heart attack the statins are years of pills in return for a few extra days and the fairly large risk of quite nasty side effects. That I can assure you are not coincidence or purely due to age.

Personally, with HDL:TG looking good I would be ignoring the TC and trying to get my CAC scan to 0 with lifestyle and diet. I won't take statins again.

Good luck.

Thanks for the input, lifestyle is reasonably good, fit (ish) for 42, crossfit 4-5x per week, bodyfat around 15%, eat pretty clean, drink very little 2 units every 2 weeks max, don't smoke etc.

From everything I've read, you can't reverse CAC scores, just stop it advancing further...


8,848 posts

166 months

Thursday 1st February
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Just had my cholesterol checked for the first time ever (will be 42 in a couple of months).

4.8 total
2.2 HDL
2.4 LDL

Blood pressure was 120/70, resting heart rate of 53. BMI is 24.1.

Nurse said that was very good? I have no idea smile


4,356 posts

214 months

Saturday 3rd February
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mikiec said:
PeteinSQ said:
thanks - so you're not worried about cholesterol then?

I was 86kg, waist circumference was slightly too big so I could probably do with losing a few KG. Blood pressure was just slightly above where you'd like it ideally but not excessive. Triglycerides were spot on.

Should I be consulting the GP with a view to getting on atorvastatin?
“Serious atorvastatin side effects are rare but possible. They include liver, kidney, and severe muscle damage. Atorvastatin can also cause blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise, increasing the risk of diabetes in certain people. But for most people prescribed atorvastatin, its benefits outweigh this risk.”

So you could take atorvastatin, or you could look at what you eat and drink and how you sleep. The pill is easy but has consequences. Changing lifestyle is a lot harder but no health downside.
There are three types of statins that I know of. Simvastatin, atorvastatin and pravastatin. I was prescribed simvastatin more than ten years ago. Thankfully, I'm not one them now. One of the worst side-effects is that you can wake up in the morning with muscle pain and stiffness in your legs and feet. It felt as if somebody had whacked me on the legs with a stick during the night.


4,230 posts

209 months

Monday 6th May
quotequote all
52 years old, modestly active, very slight occasional chest tightness, so went for a 3 hour private health check.
Now booked in to see a cardiologist, possibly hypercholesterolaemia (genetic condition for high cholesterol)

Cholesterol total 8.07 (very bad)
Triglycerides 1.1 (good)
LDL 6.18 (very bad)
Diabetes risk 8% (good)
Blood pressure 115/70 (good)

Fixed diet about a month ago, largely fruit and veg, little or no sugar, meat meals cooked from scratch.
Non smoker (for 20 years) and almost zero alcohol consumed.

To get my to 23 BMI (top end of good weight), I'd need to drop to 11 stones (lose 16% of my body weight) currently 26% body fat.
(176.5 cm tall)


339 posts

166 months

Monday 6th May
quotequote all
Whatever you do, don't ignore it. I had slightly raised chloresterol and BP but neither sufficiently bad for treatment. I was a runner and hill walker and thought myself pretty fit and invulnerable. Then, 4 years ago I suffered a stroke whilst asleep in bed. The description ' life changing ' hardly does it justice. I'm only now getting some of my life back. STROKE affects an extraordinary 20% of people and it can be avoided. Try to make sure you're not next.


1,950 posts

151 months

Monday 6th May
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Might be worth checking out the other Cholesterol thread here:


4,230 posts

209 months

Monday 6th May
quotequote all
WyrleyD said:
Might be worth checking out the other Cholesterol thread here:

Big Rig

8,872 posts

190 months

Hi everyone. I had a standard blood test at the doctors last week and I’ve had a text to say I’ve got elevated cholesterol.
I’m 44, around 2-3st overweight, do weights in the gym x3 a week, walk 12-15k steps a day but was diet is/was poor. Changing that immediately.
I’m also adding in a few cardio sessions a week.
Doc is giving me 2 months of diet and exercise to see if my numbers improve if not they want me on statin. I have high bp which is under control. Heart problems run in my family, grandparent had angina and one of my parents has heart failure, so naturally the doc is a bit nervous with me.

The are my levels, are they that bad?

Serum cholesterol:
6.0 mmol/L

Serum triglycerides:
1.1 mmol/L

Serum HDL cholesterol level:
1.20 mmol/L

Calculated LDL cholesterol lev:
4.30 mmol/L

Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio:

Se non HDL cholesterol level:
4.80 mmol/L

This is my new diet going forwards, been eating like this for 6 days now, finding it pretty easy now I’m over the sugar cravings.

Breakfast - Oats in sugar free almond milk, tbs chia seeds, tbs flax seeds, sugar free protein shake, creatine, glutamine, banana.

Lunch - Wholemeal bread sandwich, benecol spread with chicken breast, hummus and 1x tbs of EVOO.

Dinner - Wholegrain rice, broccoli/veg salmon/chicken/lean meat (no red).

Snack - 0% Greek yoghurt with blueberries, blackberries and raspberry’s. Omega 3 supps.


2,163 posts

40 months

Big Rig said:
Hi everyone. I had a standard blood test at the doctors last week and I’ve had a text to say I’ve got elevated cholesterol.
I’m 44, around 2-3st overweight, do weights in the gym x3 a week, walk 12-15k steps a day but was diet is/was poor. Changing that immediately.
I’m also adding in a few cardio sessions a week.
Doc is giving me 2 months of diet and exercise to see if my numbers improve if not they want me on statin. I have high bp which is under control. Heart problems run in my family, grandparent had angina and one of my parents has heart failure, so naturally the doc is a bit nervous with me.

The are my levels, are they that bad?

Serum cholesterol:
6.0 mmol/L

Serum triglycerides:
1.1 mmol/L

Serum HDL cholesterol level:
1.20 mmol/L

Calculated LDL cholesterol lev:
4.30 mmol/L

Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio:

Se non HDL cholesterol level:
4.80 mmol/L

This is my new diet going forwards, been eating like this for 6 days now, finding it pretty easy now I’m over the sugar cravings.

Breakfast - Oats in sugar free almond milk, tbs chia seeds, tbs flax seeds, sugar free protein shake, creatine, glutamine, banana.

Lunch - Wholemeal bread sandwich, benecol spread with chicken breast, hummus and 1x tbs of EVOO.

Dinner - Wholegrain rice, broccoli/veg salmon/chicken/lean meat (no red).

Snack - 0% Greek yoghurt with blueberries, blackberries and raspberry’s. Omega 3 supps.
Slightly elevated but good news on the trigs and HDL so getting your TC/HDL down below 4 in 2 months is doable and should stave of the statins for a bit.

High BP but under control? UK guidelines on BP are lagging a bit IMO (NAD) I'd be aiming for 120/80

Zone 2 cardio is a great thing to add all sorts of benefits

Personally I'd take the statin regardless, but I've been unlucky with this stuff so a bit biased .If you don't have enough risk factors, the doc will be likely be satisfied with some down trend

Edited by lizardbrain on Sunday 30th June 18:10