Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly

Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly



8,290 posts

251 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Cancer of various forms has affected my family hugely since I was a child.

Lost my grandma to stomach cancer when I was about 10

Lost my other grandma to lung cancer when I was 12

Lost my mum to multiple cancers when I was 19

Have lost three very good close friends to cancer in the last ten years

It has affected me even closer than that in more recent years. frown

Hateful disease.

Wifey has taken up power walking and marathon running I raise money for cancer research and breast cancer charities (she did the London moonwalk last year, is doing the London and Edinburgh moonwalks this year, along with the London to Brighton challenge) bless her... She has raised at least £2k on the last 12 months.

So I will join Dibble is saying

fk you fking cancer. fking fk the fking disease.

Shaw Tarse

31,546 posts

206 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Lost grandma to censored we cremated her, fish & chips for lunch game of golf later & mum couldn't do wrong.
Bloody cheat!!
Up yours cancer!


1,738 posts

181 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Yeah fk you cancer. Typing this from my mothers house where I'm taking it in turns with my brother to look after her as she goes through chemo for a tumour in her hip. fk you.


5,038 posts

186 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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My mums dad (he was in his 30's)- before I was born
My mums step dad (my real grandad, in his 50's) - 1993
My other grandad (good innings, best man in the world, 76) - 2005
My aunty (late 30's) - 2007
My uncle (again, good innings, bit of a prick, 77) - 2 days ago.

My dad, got diagnosed about 3 years ago. I don't believe it though, he's fking invincible, he's my old man so it could never happen to him. Ever. This is the strongest man in the world, he used to carry 4 bags of cement in one go when he was doing the extension on his house in '87. He could beat the fking world into submission, I'm sure something as fking ish as cancer is a walk in the park for him.

You lot are s. I'm sat here in fking tears now you pricks.


Original Poster:

12,950 posts

243 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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stackmonkey said:
Do you have a cute brother you could post a pic of? wink
I'm the youngest. Of 8. Seven sisters (well, 6 now, thanks cancer, you fking y fker). No photos!


2,438 posts

141 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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This is probably the saddest discussion I have seen in my time on PH. I have lost both grandparents on my father's side to lung cancer. My other grandmother had breast cancer in her 50s but fortunately survived. My sympathies to everyone whom it has affected.


Original Poster:

12,950 posts

243 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Shaw Tarse said:
As we're back in the lounge, Dibble have you Eva driven a Mondeo?
Er... Yes. But I killed it. It didn't live long enough to get cancer, so hey, there's a plus...

May I refer the Rt Hon Mr Tarse to my profile pic?

And for all my fellow PHers similarly affected by the loss of a loved one to cancer, I would like cancer to be more fked than that Mondeo.


Original Poster:

12,950 posts

243 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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And for those of you here (Johnny Jones et al) currently going though it, I've an idea of what it's like. Utterly draining, emotionally and physically, mainly. So look after yourselves too.


5,464 posts

228 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Yes, yes but what is this all about?

Dibble said:
. My sister died of the same in 2005, just a few months before our wedding.


Original Poster:

12,950 posts

243 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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TVR1 said:
Yes, yes but what is this all about?

Dibble said:
. My sister died of the same in 2005, just a few months before our wedding.
Ah. Having reread that, I see why there might be confusion!

My eldest sister died, just a few months before I married the now Mrs Dibble. I didn't marry my then dead sister! I'm not from Norfolk you now.

Edited by Dibble on Saturday 20th March 14:27


7,960 posts

189 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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I lost my gran to it when i was 12. Was strange as i was too young to fully take it in. I saw her slowly fade away and knew there was nothing i could do to stop it or help her.

The one that rocked me to my core was when it took my granpa 3 1/2 years ago. I was 22 and i honestly thought he could have cracked 100. He was 84, was as fit as they come, full deck up top and needed no help to do anything in his daily life. Then bowel cancer snuck in, slowly but surely worked it's way through his body.

I met him on Monday morning at the local supermarket before heading to work. By Tuesday he was bed ridden and we had to get the ambiwlans wink to take him to hospital, by Thursday he was unconscious and by Sunday he was gone. Bowed out on a high note though and for that i'm grateful as i couldn't have took seeing him in a home or such.

My brother and i always thought he would have been there to see our weddings etc, he would have loved Alfie, my dog as well. Loved him like a 3rd grandson. hehe

My mum had a scare last year, the lump wasn't cancerous thankfully when she got it removed but as cancer seems to run in the family, it's only a matter of time really before she and eventually myself will need to go head to head with it. Currently the family record is Cancer 6, us 1... frown

So aye. fk you cancer. Dirty hateful ing wk tit of a bding illness. I'll be making it 2 for the family when my time comes or die trying.. hehe


25,298 posts

254 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Leukaemia got my grandmother 10 years ago, a stty way to check out, and lost my father in law just over a week ago. He was one of the good guys.


2,090 posts

234 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Lost my dad to it when I was 14, then 5 months later it got my grandad.

It really is a fking .


3,496 posts

224 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Its crap isnt it...

My dad has beaten it twice now, bowel cancer some 8 years ago, resulting in the removal of his large bowel. No chemo as took too long to recover from the op. 3 years ago diagnosed with liver cancer whilst having an MRI on an aneryusm in his chest, half his liver removed, 8 weeks later aneryusm fixed.

Hes now 74 and still as arguementative as ever! Lol


1,126 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Lost a few family and friends to cancer. The worst was a woman I knew, great lady, had 5 rounds of chemo over several years, but one day she just gave up. The bd still took another year to get her though.

She lost her battle on a Tuesday, her husband was prepared as you can ever be. What kicked him in the balls was that his father died the following day during a routine op.


1,237 posts

172 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Lost my aunt to lung cancer....yes that's right she never smoked in her life. I cannot believe in god as if he did exist he wouldn't put good,honest people through this kind of bullst!!


366 posts

175 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Dibble .. So sorry to hear of your losses , and my condolences to everyone else who has posted here too.

My father died of pancreatic cancer 2 years this July , the day before his birthday.
Let down severely by his doctor, failed terribly by the NHS , but thankfully given palleative care and looked after brilliantly by The Prince's Trust here in Glasgow until he passed away . I'll never forget how strong he was, never frown

Then , last November , pretty much out of the blue, my wife was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer.
Never felt so scared in my life.. Scared for my wife , what she was facing , and (maybe selfishly) scared for myself .. that feeling that you feel so helpless and could possibly lose the person you love so much cry
Thankfully this time our health service stepped up . 1 brilliant surgeon and 1 operation later and she's 80% back on her feet.
So .. I too would like to join in with a heartfelt fk OFF CANCER YOU fkING EVIL bd OF A DISEASE!


3,286 posts

201 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Goldmember1 said:
1 brilliant surgeon and 1 operation later and she's 80% back on her feet.


8,579 posts

179 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Goldmember1 said:
Thankfully this time our health service stepped up . 1 brilliant surgeon and 1 operation later and she's 80% back on her feet. Surgeon fks cancer and when the stty bd c**k sucking cancer gets to where it's been told to fk off to it gets told to fk off some more which it does 'cos cancer is a
Fixed that for you smile

PS Cancer can go fk itself up the a**e without lube.


1,237 posts

172 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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Tango13 said:
Goldmember1 said:
Thankfully this time our health service stepped up . 1 brilliant surgeon and 1 operation later and she's 80% back on her feet. Surgeon fks cancer and when the stty bd c**k sucking cancer gets to where it's been told to fk off to it gets told to fk off some more which it does 'cos cancer is a
Fixed that for you smile

PS Cancer can go fk itself up the a**e without lube.
Reads like a ending to a movie... Awesome!!