365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



6,419 posts

157 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
This conversation is always a matter of perspective. Take smoking for example. I don't smoke, pretty much hate the idea of smoking and IF I ever had a cigarette feel no need to smoke more and more thereafter. It may or may not be a good analogy, but hopefully you get my point.

I've already openly said that I wished I could be more moderate in my drinking, but find that rather difficult. I don't brush my teeth in gin and have never been that far, but know that it does affect my health physically and mentally in terms of how 'sharp' I feel.

I think age plays a big part also. Whilst I still think I'm in my mid 20's, I'm actually approaching my mid 40's and the body is answering back a lot more nowadays. I have experienced in the past high levels of physical fitness and can make the comparison as to what I would like back again, knowing it's quite achievable albeit for a man at my age.

As I see it I have 3 choices:

1) Carry on as I am (not a very attractive/safe prospect)
2) Drink in moderation (I have endlessly failed at that)
3) Stop altogether and be all I can be biggrin

Number 3 is inevitably the hardest for me, but I've done good long stints in the past and know it is achievable. This time I need to think about the much bigger picture.

Cheers. I mean thanks.
Compromise. Binge (ish) at weekends and be healthy during the week. No need to cut off your nose to spite your face.


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

205 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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Jimslips said:
Compromise. Binge (ish) at weekends and be healthy during the week. No need to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Tried it. Before I know it, my weekends become Friday to Monday, Thursday to Tuesday...you see where it goes.

Also, when I would drink at weekends I would end up hung over as I over do it. Bang goes my weekend during the day mooching about feeling st. Just about ready in the evening ready for another session whereby I brighten up again lol.


6,930 posts

254 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
Jimslips said:
Compromise. Binge (ish) at weekends and be healthy during the week. No need to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Tried it. Before I know it, my weekends become Friday to Monday, Thursday to Tuesday...you see where it goes.

Also, when I would drink at weekends I would end up hung over as I over do it. Bang goes my weekend during the day mooching about feeling st. Just about ready in the evening ready for another session whereby I brighten up again lol.
You sound like me . . . 16 years ago. I gave up because I couldn't drink like my friends . . . couple of pints and go home happy and couple of times a week.

Now I wonder how I found the time to drink, most of my friends don't drink or drink very little and driving is a great excuse, nobody wants to drink and drive. You'll be amazed at how your life changes if you decide to stop.


750 posts

185 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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I don't see why drink should be an all or nothing thing???

I drink daily when I get in from work and enjoy it! Moderation is the key. I seriously can't remember the last time I got totally bladdered....probably 20 years ago but I drink every day every year.

I don't understand people who just drink and drink and drink until they are totally wasted and claim they enjoy it.


6,930 posts

254 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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nosubstitute said:
I don't see why drink should be an all or nothing thing???
You don't have a problem then smile


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

205 months

Thursday 10th November 2011
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Busa_Rush said:
You sound like me . . . 16 years ago. I gave up because I couldn't drink like my friends . . . couple of pints and go home happy and couple of times a week.

Now I wonder how I found the time to drink, most of my friends don't drink or drink very little and driving is a great excuse, nobody wants to drink and drive. You'll be amazed at how your life changes if you decide to stop.
Thank you for that. When I was not drinking for 10 months over a year ago I used the Elise a lot. In the last year we became rather distant frown I look forward to more use again.

I look forward to all the benefits that sobriety brings.


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

205 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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3 weeks today and sober as a judge smile

Find it hard Friday and Saturday nights, but a clear head and half a stone lost so far smile



11,057 posts

253 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
3 weeks today and sober as a judge smile

Find it hard Friday and Saturday nights, but a clear head and half a stone lost so far smile

Really good effort. Well done.


76,790 posts

285 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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Check out the new J20 with sparkly bits in it. nuts


29,433 posts

192 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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nick_j007 said:
3 weeks today and sober as a judge smile

Find it hard Friday and Saturday nights, but a clear head and half a stone lost so far smile

Good work! biggrin


33,571 posts

215 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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Hmmm. May have a crack at this. I gave up the fags after 30+ years last year so it'd be nice to drop the booze too.

My story so far; definitely drink way less than I used to, but still more than I should.
About ten years ago I was dating a barmaid, very nice too. I used to pop into the pub lunchtimes and just have a couple of pints. Then I'd drop in on my way home to pick her up to take her back to where she lived - another pint or two. Once I'd dropped her off I'd stop off at the local to have one or two before going home for tea. If I/we stayed in maybe a bottle of wine or a few more beers, more likely though, out to the pub for a proper drink. Up till 'now' I'd have had maybe six pints, over a long period, before starting the nights' session, which may be anything from 3-6 pints. I'm still nowhere near what I consider drunk and no-body's noticed I'm even drinking really because I've been in two to four different pubs with different people. So 12 pints down and not even feeling like I have an issue. Daily.
On the weekends we'd tie one on properly, getting quite drunk on Friday and Saturday nights plus curry and/or kebabs.

Once that relationship ended I slowed down a bit, but some noticeable 'damage' had been done. I'd put on a couple of stones, several pounds of which could be found in the bags under my eyes.

Anyway, much better now but probably still between 10-20 pints per week (practically teetotal hehe ) and easily double that if a 'special ocassion'.

Despite what several have said above, it is possible to enjoy yourself and have fun without drinking. The inferrance that you're missing out on life if you don't drink is just ridiculous.

Anyway, all that said, I'm not certain it's something I want to commit to just yet. hehe
I think I'll do what I did with the fags, get through Christmas, and if it feels right; pack it in.

Best of luck to you and any others already quit - hope to join you soon. Probably.


2,996 posts

161 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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Just stumbled upon this thread, and it coincides with my decision to get on the wagon.

Always drunk, often to excess. When it's my day off the next day, I will have about six pints. Probably won't have any (or 1-2 at most) on most other nights of the week.

Problem has become social/going out drinking. With two kids and a job which doesn't necessarily have days off which coincide with everyone elses in the world, when I go out, I feel a bit like I am treating myself, and that can lead to over doing it horribly, and potentially embarrassing loss of control.

So have taken the tough decision to just do without. Moderation isn't going to work, as the third pint usually puts in a call to its mates in the fridge, telling them what a great time it had going down my throat, at which point they all jump on the express gullet train.

My willpower is not legendary, but not had a drink since Saturday 20th November. Early days, but a step in the right direction for me.


7,850 posts

162 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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I'm coming up to a year without drinking, 27th of December was my last drink. I was never a big drinker in the past, so it wasn't really that hard.

Out of interest, does anyone get any comments from friends/family? Mates don't mind at all (always willing to drive for them), but family can't seem to understand it, even when I say 'I'm driving', I get the 'one won't matter'. Grrr!


5,820 posts

182 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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I've also just stumbled across this thread and many of the comments made by the OP ring true to me.

I try to moderate my drinking but find it very difficult. One glass of wine always leads to another. Not really sure why I do it but it's not having a good impact on my life, especially as I'm rapidly appraoching 40. I'm not going out larging it, it's having a glass in front of the TV in the evening or whilst having a takeaway at the weekend. I'm probably drinking at least 5 nights a week. Although there are weeks when I'll have no alcohol at all, unfortunately, I can't seem to last much longer than a week. However, when I do go out I'll quite happily drink the bar dry.

I'm seriously thinking of joining you OP.


29,433 posts

192 months

Monday 28th November 2011
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Ki3r said:
I'm coming up to a year without drinking, 27th of December was my last drink. I was never a big drinker in the past, so it wasn't really that hard.

Out of interest, does anyone get any comments from friends/family? Mates don't mind at all (always willing to drive for them), but family can't seem to understand it, even when I say 'I'm driving', I get the 'one won't matter'. Grrr!
I get it from mates mostly.. 'What? You don't drink?' or, 'I'll just have a coke.. A coke? What are you a girl?' rolleyes

Though I am 21, so my mates are at that drink as much as you can in one evening, stage.


149 posts

163 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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did you just drop it cold turkey?

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Ki3r said:
I'm coming up to a year without drinking, 27th of December was my last drink. I was never a big drinker in the past, so it wasn't really that hard.

Out of interest, does anyone get any comments from friends/family? Mates don't mind at all (always willing to drive for them), but family can't seem to understand it, even when I say 'I'm driving', I get the 'one won't matter'. Grrr!
It's taken me years to get my parents to comprehend the notion that I might not actually want wine with lunch & dinner! hehe

I don't not drink, but just don't feel the need to do so on a regular basis. If I'm out in a pub with decent beers and I'm not driving then I'll join the rounds along with everyone else, but having 3 small kids and a wife who can't drive means that this only happens maybe once every 2-3 months.


2,996 posts

161 months

Thursday 8th December 2011
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How's the wagon train going?

Still dry here, but especially with Christmas coming up, it feels a bit like trying not to think about having a drink.

You know, like "The Game" (dammit, just lost again), thinking about having a pint is almost as bad as going and having one. "Your thoughts betray you, young Skywalker" turning to the Dark Side type thing.

Anyway, time for another pint of Vimto for me. Keep the faith.


4,685 posts

228 months

Thursday 8th December 2011
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nick_j007 said:
Hi all.

Starting today I am going to go 365 days without booze. Why one year and why at all?

Good question. Whilst not an alcoholic I definitely drink too much and it's having health affects with weight, sleep, tiredness, enthusiasm, moods - you get the picture.

I have been on this part of the forum before talking about drinking and getting involved with others that have raised similar issues. Why tell everyone about what I'm doing? I'm not entirely sure lol, but I would like to encourage some fresh dialogue about drink and I'm sure others are out there that may struggle with it in a similar way. Not alcoholic, but knowing it's a growing issue in day to day life and how it affects your performance and enjoyment of life and the opportunities before you. I know I can do this but would appreciate a bit of communication here.

IIRC I have had 2 long periods without drinking in the last three years, and both lasted about 10 months. The last time I thought I had made it for good, but got to about 11 months went for a curry one night and just thought 'why not'? That night I had 2 pints and went home a happy boy. Since then I've put the three stone I lost back on and am squarely back at the beginning in that respect. How depressing. I simply cannot carry on like this. I could list a load of other issues that are drink related, but don't want this to be some weird, needy public self-exploitation. I am however quite open about drink and the way it can affect my life. I am I believe a normal bloke.

I am really keen to make it to the 1 year mark. Part of me feels that if I can make it for one whole year I can then build that up year on year.

Alcohol forms a large part of my life. ANY social situation I would drink. All my friends drink, all my family drink, my OH drinks. We both work hard and feel the pressure. The drink has become an all too often way of escape and recreation.

So there it is. I have been toying with the idea on and off for some time. Little did I know I would wake up this morning with my mind made up already...that WAS weird. Also, the first song I heard on BBC R2 as I awoke was by 'New Order'.

I am happy to set off on this journey alone. If anyone has been looking for a good reason to stop and likes the idea of this one...why not join me?

I started this on 31th Dec 2008! I thought I'd do it for one year, I still haven't had a drink (on british soil) since.

I only have alcohol when I'm abroad on holiday, even then it's only a pint a day, it works for me. I'm such a party animal.


7,850 posts

162 months

Thursday 8th December 2011
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vladcjelli said:
How's the wagon train going?

Still dry here, but especially with Christmas coming up, it feels a bit like trying not to think about having a drink.

You know, like "The Game" (dammit, just lost again), thinking about having a pint is almost as bad as going and having one. "Your thoughts betray you, young Skywalker" turning to the Dark Side type thing.

Anyway, time for another pint of Vimto for me. Keep the faith.
Offer to drive for a few people? Won't have to worry about it then.

Coming up to a year for me...27th of December is the day!