365 days without booze... join me?

365 days without booze... join me?



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Wednesday 11th January 2012
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JB! said:
failed this on monday, 2 pints of Heineken.

oh well.
I regularly have dreams like this...thankfully to wake and realise it's a dream wink

Just start again counting from today or Tuesday?


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Wednesday 11th January 2012
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johnnybegood said:
Ive not had a drink since monday but my cousin just had a baby boy this morning oh ffs why oh why.

I think one shot to wet the head then Im on the oj
I well understand. This will always happen. Occasions like this are when the decision is brought into question.


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Wednesday 11th January 2012
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JFReturns said:
Eleven days in for me and I feel great. I've been drinking quite a few bottles of sparkling water, I guess it eases the habit like ex-smokers sucking on those inhaler things biggrin What also helps is eating earlier as I never used to drink beer after a meal, always before.

Today was hard though - walking past the fridge full of ice cold Stella and picking up the water....
EXCELLENT! I've been at a school meeting most of the night and was back at 9:30. A classic night (in the past) for sitting down and getting quietly pissed! I can relate to the chilled drinks. We live in a country that is quite literally immersed in the drinking culture, making it very hard to do otherwise.



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Thursday 12th January 2012
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T40ORA said:
Nowt wrong with being immersed in a drinking culture. The problem is, we've now developed a damned binge culture.
Yes of binging every night smile


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Thursday 12th January 2012
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T40ORA said:
Sadly, yes. And the likes of the Radio (1) DJs who crow about how sick they were through drink.... Doesn't help, eh?
Agreed. Sadly (I'm sounding like an old git) it's like a competition. I've not lived in any other country, but are we not the heaviest drinkers in Europe?

This is interesting. It also looks like the economies would rank alongside, so more income = more beer consumed?


This was interesting also. We're not as drunk in the UK as I thought!



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Sunday 22nd January 2012
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oldbanger said:
3 weeks in and I'm not missing it yet. It's almost easier to have given up for a long period as it puts alcohol completely out of bounds.

I have found that I'm totally shattered and have been since I started. However given how hectic my life has been lately I may have felt even worse with a bit of booze.
Thanks for the update. I've been meaning to look in myself.

If you're totally shattered you might like to look at some basics such as diet and sleep? I need (yes need) 8-9 hours and sometimes fall short on that as I like late nights (years of training;). If I am good on the sleep front I feel great. I eat quite well I think. I'd like to be exercising more, but I struggle with back issues on and off so that can be a problem.

We all vary, but I can handle a pretty high stress load if I'm well slept, not on the booze and eat well. I invariably stop drinking (2 months and 2 weeks now) because I just know I'm carrying the strain of that with me.

Took me a good month to break free from the worst of the genuine cravings fro a drink and the lifestyle. Stick with it, you'll soon feel better for it mate. Dark chilly nights do not help either. I sometimes stop and think 'God, I was happier when I was drinking', but that's a skewed view of the reality and I know it deep down.

How long you going for?



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Sunday 22nd January 2012
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pete a said:
3 weeks 2 days today and my dad had gone into hospital after having a heart attack this morning, boy would I like a scotch, but I am staying with my mum in case she needs taking to the hospital in the night so I have to be good.
Hope all is ok for you then.


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Sunday 22nd January 2012
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oldbanger said:
The diet's fine, but I've been getting an average of 5-6 hours a night for about 6 months, when I need more like 7, so it's caught up with me. And work hasn't been easy lately.

I do think that I did have a 2 week downer as well when I first started, as I'd drunk more than usual over the christmas period - almost every day.

I'm aiming for 6 months to start with. I don't know if I'd keep it up longer than that. I probably ought to. I've been dabbling with lay Buddhism for a couple of years, and one of the big messages from that is no "intoxicants" full stop. That's not just booze, but even caffeine, taken seriously.

I gave up caffeine for a few months about 10 years ago. It was a really hard experience, the headaches were amazing. Currently I drink at least 6 cups of full-fat coffee a day, so I can count myself well and truly dependant.
Well as I tell myself, the only person that can look after me is me, so do look after yourself smile Ensure you get your 7 hours! I guard my sleep jealously now. Few people on their death beds wish they spent more time in the office or at work wink

I love my work and life, but try more than ever to stop and smell the roses. Some would see it as laziness or something. So, day time naps, lie ins, not answering the phone sometimes are all a part of my crafty plan to enjoy myself more and to strike the balance that so many of us lack...due to guilt of not running about at 100mph. Work is over rated, let's face it.

I can relate perfectly well to post Xmas (and holidays) drinking and coming down afterwards. These would be BIG areas to cope with for me and I would often find myself at a big low post breaks whereby I could basically drink more than I ought to.

I too love my coffee and go with the flow on that one. No filter coffee after lunch generally nowadays though if I want to get to sleep at night.

I too share your desire to go deeper in life currently. Buddhism has long attracted me, but I am currently deeply immersed in 'A Course in Miracles'. Not religious, but truly spiritual. I could not consider it if going to bed pissed and then thinking deep thoughts. Lol.

Anyway, to bed to read smile

Blessings smile


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Monday 23rd January 2012
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T40ORA said:
Mobile Chicane said:
I'm currently on the Patrick Holford 9-day liver detox diet thingy, so no:


I maintain that most people on detox diets feel dreadful initially due to caffeine withdrawal, however there's dreadful, and then there's dreadful.

No energy, poisonous headache, and extremely irritable. I've given up alcohol before with none of these effects, therefore it must be the caffeine. I'm also craving it far more than I ever craved alcohol.
We did that in 2005 when the wife was diagnosed with cancer. Apart from the booze and a little caffeine (green or white tea only, and in the morning only) we have stuck with it. Made a huge difference to our energy levels.

Slipping on the caffeine though does screw the metabolism so I'm aiming to get it out of the diet again soon.
I like the sound of that detox. Meat and coffee would be missed. Would does it suggest you substitute meat with, soya products?


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Monday 23rd January 2012
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T40ORA said:
nick_j007 said:
I like the sound of that detox. Meat and coffee would be missed. Would does it suggest you substitute meat with, soya products?
No need. Lots of protein in pulses and stuff. If you search on protein content of food, you can work out daily substitutes. Lentils and rice became a daily standard.

We do eat fish now, so only mammalian meat avoided. Oh, and eggs are obviously high protein. And non bovine dairy (sheep and goat) is much, much better than bovine apparently so we do eat some cheeses now. A bit of a guilty pleasure!
Oh you. Living on the edge like that ! wink

I've downloaded the free sample on the Kindle and will go from there. Thanks!


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Tuesday 24th January 2012
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Mobile Chicane said:
I personally don't think there's any great 'mystery' to what Holford says. It's also nothing I haven't heard before in some way, shape or form.

Logically, if you're avoiding blood sugar highs/lows, not overloading your body with stimulants, eating healthily and taking moderate exercise, you will feel better than if you didn't.

However, dropping caffeine has been a bit of a revelation for me. After a week of rotten headaches, I do feel better. Curiously I had a better night's sleep last night than I've had in a long time, moreover without the aid of a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape.
Haha. I recall watching a test on TV a while back with regard to caffeine and how it helps us perform. The final outcome was that once you come off the coffee morning hit and go without, your reaction times and feeling awake is just as good as those that need the coffee.


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Tuesday 24th January 2012
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cheadle hulme said:
Doing well here. No booze since NYE. Feel better and am sleeping MUCH better.

I've started back at the gym and hit new highs for bench and squat tonight. I am a bit spotty though; not sure whether this is a detox effect or related to sweating due to exercise.

Can't say I've missed a drink either. I did try some de alcholised wine from Tesco more out of curiousity than anything else. It wasn't that great, but made a change from soft drinks.

I'm still committing to being booze free until the little 'un is born (early May).
Superb. Trying to think of something witty to say about drinking and living with new born babies, but I'll let you experience that joy smile

Spots are as you say a mix of sweating it out and a detox. Well done mate, keep it going!



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Monday 30th January 2012
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CoolHands said:
one week down here!

I believe I'm what's called a 'functioning alcoholic'. Normally I drink every 2, 3 or 4 days. Eg say I get drunk monday, by wed (day 2) I feel like drinking again. By thurs (day 3) I will often cave in and get drunk again, and if not then by friday (day 4) I almost certainly would.

that's been my cycle for a number of years. 1 day on, 2 or 3 off. Which doesn't sound too bad except for my inability to go for one week without. Let alone a month or whatever. So so far last sunday was my last drink, and I'm feeling ok. Partly helped by having a really bad cough so since I'm feeling ill I'm not missing drinking. And on 7 day course of antibiotics starting today which is another helpful thing for me not to drink this week.

I've been wanting to take control for a long time, and worry about my liver. On average I would drink one bottle + maybe a couple of spirits on the night I drink. By not drinking every day you think to yourself its not too bad, but of course it is.

Anyway, lets see how it goes. Gave up smoking a couple years ago, so if I manage this I'll be mr healthysmile
Good luck buddy. I'm coming up for three months now. Still missing a drink on the weekend especially when the OH sits down with a glass of wine. I still feel sorry for myself lol. Keep up posted. It's not easy, but the benefits I'm feeling now are well worth the occasional feelings of 'loss' or going without.



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Monday 30th January 2012
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CoolHands said:
I like feeling fresh every morning when I wake up, and not hung over. My dad went teetotal years ago, and I think like smoking you eventually stop thinking about it. Anyway 3 months is good - 8 days for me!
That's why I set myself the 365 days. I need to get that far away from it that I in effect don't care if I drink on the weekends or in the week or at weddings etc, you get the picture smile


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Tuesday 7th February 2012
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The Ferret said:
Nice one mate, well done.

I just don't seem to feel any better for it though. Maybe its because I haven't given up completely. I'm down to maybe 2-3 beers on a Friday and Saturday night, as opposed to that amount every night. Just don't feel any difference really?

Mind you, the same happened when I stopped smoking. Nearly 2 years ago to the day and I genuinely feel no better now at all, if anything I feel worse with all the colds I keep getting - I'm sure the smokes kept them at bay!
I've just hit the three months mark yesterday. I can honestly say that I felt better initially (hang over free) then it took me weeks of continuing without before I really began to feel better. In the last couple of weeks I have been feeling (dare I say it) fantastic. I've been losing weight also which never fails to make me feel better.

I'm stating the obvious I know, but there are two sides that stand to benefit when you stop drinking...the outside like your looks and and the inside which IMO is far bigger benefit. Mentally, and how your organs must be feeling. After I first stopped my sleep was still quite poor. Bed too late and up earlyish for school run. I'm now getting to bed earlier and so my sleep is about right. I drink more water and eat pretty well too. Have a think about your diet and sleep and throw in light exercise and you have a great recipe.

Avoid fooling yourself into thinking that you're no better from having stopped heavy drinking. It just isn't the case.




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Tuesday 14th February 2012
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Smitters said:
Interesting thread and well done to the OP for hitting three months.

Last year I decided I'd try and go booze free for a month, following a two week holiday in Morocco during Ramadan, and made it another three and a half weeks or so. I must admit I felt fantastic. Then the inevitable bad habits crept back in before I'd been able to consolidate the gains. I think it takes quite a while to get to the habit of drinking soft drinks in the pub, for me at least, and I didn't get there.

So, I think I'll give it another go. I shall start on Monday 20th, principally because I have a friends wedding and I'd like to toast them, plus if you quit for a period, you might as well see it out in style and what better way than toasting great friends?

Like a lot of others on here, I've got to a point where I can see alcohol affecting my health. I weight more, get a worse nights sleep and so on. I've never been an "in moderation" person in any sense, work, life, sport, cars (!), so it's all or nothing for me.

I'll drop back in every so often with some stats/thoughts, but I'm hoping to lose weight and fit in my Caterham a bit better!
I can identify with the moderation comments. Rarely was there anyone else up later than me squeezing every last ounce out of a night with friends or family. Not having to report into a boss at the office every morning, the party never seemed to stop!

I've lost nearly two stone now too, so that feels great. Low carb, high protein diet works great for me. Elise feels like it's made for me again, and I don't look too much of an arse getting out now. ha ha. Stamina is very good with work, and I've just put in a high pressure week and come out feeling a bit tired but happy that I could cope free from undue stress. Sleep is lovely again and I feel feckin great.

Mind you, opened the fridge tonight to see a chilled bottle of white that OH was about to haved a glass of. OMG, I nearly swigged it. Still I rose above it wink Ideally she'd stop drinking altogether, but it's not for me to stop her enjoying a couple of glasses. God I wish I could just drink 2 glasses and stop. Ah well.

Dunno if it's a bit hippy, but I wrote a mantra of sorts that I keep close to hand reminding me of the simple benefits of not drinking. If anyone wants to read it I'll put it on here. You know, in the alkies lounge wink


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205 months

Wednesday 15th February 2012
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JFReturns said:
Go on then, but if it is cheesy I'm leaving biggrin
I'm a little fairy small and sweet, I must stop drinking to see my feet.

It goes on like that you see.


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205 months

Wednesday 15th February 2012
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Frankeh said:
Now I've informed everyone I've given up alcohol I just don't get invited out, which is just great. rolleyes
Probably an indication that I need different friends.
Good point. This is a hard aspect. I've got some close friends that I just don't meet up with now I'm not drinking. I guess the things that were founded on the mutual interest of drinking will fall away?


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Wednesday 15th February 2012
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JFReturns said:

Funny you mention the Elise - I've lost loads of fat since giving up booze which is a good thing as I've just got a VX220. It's a bit snug!
Feels great to just slip into that seat eh? Good work there.


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Wednesday 15th February 2012
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JFReturns said:
Thanks. Oh and the £50 a month I used to spend on beer now gets used for petrol!
Nice. I alone might have been spending £300 per month. Consider yourself a light weight for that at least!