Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly

Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly



254 posts

199 months

Monday 27th May
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Upinflames said:
So some good news!

Mrs Upinflames finished chemo last Friday, rang the bell and is cancer free!

Great news


254 posts

199 months

Monday 27th May
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the-norseman said:
I posted in this thread just over 6 years ago that my dad aged 54 had died of pancreatic cancer.

About 15 months ago, my line manager at the time suddenly went off ill, and he was replaced with a different line manager, about 4 months later chatting one day with the new line manager he said, Phil has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer... oh ffs I thought. A few more months past and we were getting towards Christmas 2023 and I was told that they had stopped his treatment as he was unwell and they had a also found some shadows on his liver (exactly what happened to my dad). He battled on and on every week I thought about him and expecting the worst, We gathered this Thursday for another colleagues retirement do only to be told that Phil had been moved to a hospice that day and to expect the worst, and at 3am this morning he passed, leaving two kids who I think are between 6-10. Aged 50.

My mums cousin who lives in Australia has also been very unwell with Cancer recently hes in his 70's. His mum and dad relocated him and his brother from Leigh to Australia in the 50's. None of them returned until my mums uncle died in the 70's and then his wife started coming back to visit family every now and again, the 2 lads vowed never to come back to the UK and neither of them did, they however also never took Australian citizenship. Mums other cousin died last year. Mum got a call to say hes not doing so well, if you are going to come over (shes been to see him in 2000 and 2020) then you better come now so she hot footed it over there, she got two full days with him and then he passed at about 5pm Oz time. She said they spent the 2 full days talking about England and his childhood before Australia. They even managed to find a pub near the hospital in Adelaide and he had chips,fish and mushy peas.

Fck cancer.
fk it indeed

A work colleague and I were diagnosed at similar times, My Melanoma is gone, he passed away Friday night. Completely indescrimate as it us, cancer can do one thus week.


374 posts

51 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Went back for 6 week review after having kidney tumour removed , consultant said the tumour they found was small (32 mm), he said they classed tumours as normal & abnormal , normal is best as they can treat it , he then went on to tell us they grade tumours from 1-11 , 11 is the most aggressive & is normally outside the kidney
He said my kidney tumour was normal & graded as zero , there was no need for any further treatment & I was being discharged back to Lincolnshire ( op was Leic ) & I’d have mri scans at 1 yr / 3 yr & 5 yrs
We talked & he said he noted I had prostrate cancer & that I was Gleason 6 , active surveillance
Said someone up above was looking after me , think he’s right , been so lucky , I’d also say it gives hope to anyone who receives a cancer diagnoses , I remember when I was told I had a large lump & had it along time on my prostrate , looking out our living room thinking about my wife , daughter & how many more mornings is see , seeing the scan of the tumour on my kidney , the consultant today talking about aggressive cancer , felt my hands starting to shake , wife in tears
Hopefully there’s many more like me who are beating cancer , and I’m starting to believe there someone up above looking out for me


2,010 posts

245 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Congrats mate that is great news - very happy for you and so important to share these stories of hope smile


15,512 posts

218 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Fantastic news!


17,940 posts

187 months

Wednesday 5th June
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New entry into this post, which I'm not pleased about.

Mrs S has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer today. Early diagnosis, small tumour, so Hospital confident of fixing this, with an unpleasant few months to come.

My work are being great. She works for the NHS so hope they will be supportive.

Stressful times.


15,512 posts

218 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Sorry to hear that.

I have a good friend who just went through this, and their hospital in Bristol was great, so hopefully the same for Mrs S.


17,940 posts

187 months

Wednesday 5th June
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loafer123 said:
Sorry to hear that.

I have a good friend who just went through this, and their hospital in Bristol was great, so hopefully the same for Mrs S.
So far, and very early days they are great, and she already has an Op date for the end of the month.


374 posts

51 months

Thursday 6th June
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surveyor said:
New entry into this post, which I'm not pleased about.

Mrs S has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer today. Early diagnosis, small tumour, so Hospital confident of fixing this, with an unpleasant few months to come.

My work are being great. She works for the NHS so hope they will be supportive.

Stressful times.
My daughter is nhs & has had a few health issues & they have been brilliant with her .
I find the opposite , not nhs but wife is , lots of my treatment is at my wife’s hospital & she warns them in advance im trouble , any issues with me she’s just down the corridor, often see her talking to the other nurses on the nurses station
Best of luck to your wife & you


317 posts

129 months

Saturday 8th June
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Weeks on and the illness is taking hold. Didn’t react well to the chemo medication and have had to wait 5 more weeks for bloods to recover before another review. Assigned a new oncologist 2 week ago who knew absolutely fk all about my wife’s history. How many times have I had to repeat the information. The meeting was for 20 minutes but left feeling like we hadn’t acheived anything as all the info came from my repeating what had been discussed with the pharmacist 3 weeks previous , in the end she just agreed with his recommendations that I repeated. . She just couldn’t wait to get away so she could enjoy her weekend.
Monday we get a call from original oncologist after the new one had spoken to her discussing next move. Before we have a conversation I say “I don’t want her on the team”. She has been removed. I said i’d never been to a meeting since diagnosis where a doctor was so ill prepared to see a patient , why had she not read her notes before we had the meeting.
Apologies were given but why should I be complaining in the first place.
Family still ste , daughter just manages to give a 1&1/2 hour visit once a week. Son is popping in on way to Glastonbury , he’s made an effort of twice-monthly visits but EFFORT is the word. He’s managed to block himself time off work so he can splash about in mud but time for his mum….oh well. They’ve known since January she has terminal cancer but earning £££ ,holidays & a life come first.
Friends being more supportive than ever , they can’t believe the offspring’s selfishness.

I really hope other families are providing more help to carers out there . My wife has laid in bed for 150 days now, she has very limited time on her feet/ sat in a chair before pain kicks in again. I have been with her every day and night. It’s not great for your own wellbeing to see them suffering. I’ve had the occasional scream in the garden but it hasn’t disturbed the neighbours enough for them to come running around.
In contrast my friend who recently died of C had great support , his siblings and their partners along with his own family gave their time to support him and one another. “Families eh” was how the hospice nurse put it.


8,851 posts

75 months

Saturday 8th June
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My Dad received a letter today after his last appointment re his prostate cancer that's not fully gone but has metastasised to 2 other locations (abdomen & lungs - He's not on chemo; that may be further down the line. He is on a number of different steroids as well as his hormone treatment etc)...

He managed to deck it last weekend too up at their property in the Highlands and shattered his elbow; so thats been a huge blow.

But the letter was about the last visit; results of his bloods and treatment etc; but the wording really hammered it home for my Mum unfortunately where it stated 'a few years' - that really took the wind out of my Mum's sails... frown

My Dad (apart from pissed off currently re his elbow) is quite chipper; he's lived it now since 2018 and in the mindset of 'what can you do'...

It's an absolute stter; but as my Dad says... What can you do

We're there for them both at all times (wife & I, my brother and his wife) are all within a mile etc and I work from home; so Mum & Dad drop in regularly

I'll pop down and work from theres this week so my Mum can get some respite / time with her sisters & friends and Dad and I will sup tea & watch John Wayne westerns biggrin My brother and his wife are in Majorca currently; but they don't have a flexible working policy like I do

I do feel very sorry for those suffering with cancer and obviously the affected families/friends etc...

My health hasn't been great for nearly 3 years; but nothing to that level


17,940 posts

187 months

Saturday 8th June
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Since my wife's diagnosis, we have spent time telling family and friends. We are lucky that while it's not welcome news, it has been caught very early.

Our friends have been amazing and rallying around. Our daughter is struggling but will cope. Step-lad is too far away but trying to get back to see his mum.

My work colleagues have been amazing. Any adjustments I need to make to support my wife will be accommodated. Her work has been great also, but needs someone senior to come back from leave. But given NHS/Hospital we expect them to look after her.

I was broken on Friday on the news that a colleagues mid thirties wife is in a hospice after being diagnosed with aggressive cancer in Spring. This was not common knowledge, and two days after my own wife's diagnosis this was far too much in my face.

We have a cruise booked for October, which sounds pretty much like the middle of inevitable chemo. On the basis that we have 3 weeks before her operation, our plan is a week in the Carribean first. Just need sign-off on Monday from the medics.


374 posts

51 months

Sunday 9th June
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Think this time it helped daughter ( nurse ) a lot as she helped with injections , dressing & advice when I got home , hospital was also short of staff so helped look after me in hospital , took her mind of things
Though she’s a typical nurse , no patience , do as your told 😂, and she doesn’t mess about being gentle with injections .


3,175 posts

211 months

Tuesday 18th June
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My best friends wife has just been told her cancer has fked off.

Went to doctor with ache in jaw late December 23

Referred to Poole hospital 4th Jan 24

Diagnosed cancer of jaw 9th Jan 24

Operated on 23rd Jan

Several rounds of chemo

Now all done

Has to wait 12 months before plastic surgery to repair the jaw fully.

Exceptional work by NHS.


1,188 posts

15 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Not sure how to post but I am shocked at how quickly cancer can take someone.

First symptoms were repeating what they had just said, diagnosed as grade 4 brain tumour and gone 4 months after first symptoms appeared despite treatment, etc.

Cancer is just so cruel.


17,940 posts

187 months

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Eve of my wife's operation. In and out the same day, but we are both pretty nervous,


22,409 posts

161 months

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surveyor said:
Eve of my wife's operation. In and out the same day, but we are both pretty nervous,
Good luck to both of you. It will be fine.


22,409 posts

161 months

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I haven’t posted about my father and his cancer for a while.
He was diagnosed with liver cancer early 2023. The medical staff gave him a few months to live and suggested we bring his 80th birthday celebrations forward from September.
He made it to September for his birthday.

Before that we went to Thruxton for the weekend in June to watch the historic racing, he loved it as he used to race single seaters.There was an awful unspoken atmosphere hanging over the weekend as we all fully expected it to be his last weekend away.

One year on and we have just returned from another weekend watching historic racing at Thruxton.
He was given a handful of months to live and is still hanging in there almost 18months later.


15,512 posts

218 months

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Scrump said:
I haven’t posted about my father and his cancer for a while.
He was diagnosed with liver cancer early 2023. The medical staff gave him a few months to live and suggested we bring his 80th birthday celebrations forward from September.
He made it to September for his birthday.

Before that we went to Thruxton for the weekend in June to watch the historic racing, he loved it as he used to race single seaters.There was an awful unspoken atmosphere hanging over the weekend as we all fully expected it to be his last weekend away.

One year on and we have just returned from another weekend watching historic racing at Thruxton.
He was given a handful of months to live and is still hanging in there almost 18months later.
Good to hear…keep making those memories.


3,175 posts

211 months

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loafer123 said:
Scrump said:
I haven’t posted about my father and his cancer for a while.
He was diagnosed with liver cancer early 2023. The medical staff gave him a few months to live and suggested we bring his 80th birthday celebrations forward from September.
He made it to September for his birthday.

Before that we went to Thruxton for the weekend in June to watch the historic racing, he loved it as he used to race single seaters.There was an awful unspoken atmosphere hanging over the weekend as we all fully expected it to be his last weekend away.

One year on and we have just returned from another weekend watching historic racing at Thruxton.
He was given a handful of months to live and is still hanging in there almost 18months later.
Good to hear…keep making those memories.
Plus one

Happy for you all