Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly

Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly



2,020 posts

245 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Sorry James - sincerest condolences.


5,109 posts

225 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Sorry to hear your news James, best wishes to you and yours


1,499 posts

222 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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James_N said:
Well I come back here with sad news. My dad lost his battle this morning. He had gone downhill in hospital really and it became apparent he wouldn't be coming out.

Saw him yesterday and he didn't look good. Kidneys had started to fail, liver was buggered, looked very yellow, struggling to communicate due in part to the stroke he had a few years ago and the fact he was on oxygen.

He wanted to go home to pass away, so everything was arranged and fast tracked for delivery to home tomorrow but had the dreaded call from the hospital this morning that he had deteriorated overnight and to get there ASAP. Unfortunately it was a 20 Mile trip and by the time we had made it. It was too late, but at least we both saw him yesterday.

So yeah, title of the thread is very accurate.

To put the icing on the cake, the car him and his partner shared, and the car she was using to go to the hospital, the clutch went two days ago. Absolutely sods law it would go now of all the times in the world for it to go! Doesn't help that no one seems to want to take the job on. Can only thank the lord that I was around to help with transport duties. £250 shed peugeot to the rescue.

So I've now lost two parents before the age of 40 to this st disease. My dad would have been 80 on Sunday.

Can't express enough my best wishes to anyone and everyone going through this. It really is stter than st. Love to all.
Sorry to hear that. My wife lost both parents by age 40, and I lost one while still in my 30s. And all 3 of them within about 3 years of each other. Even if the parents are older (like my mum was) we just don’t expect to lose parents when we’re the age. It’s a stty thing to happen indeed.


2,999 posts

237 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Thanks for all the wishes guys, much much appreciated from all of you! smile


254 posts

199 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Sorry to hear James, its a brutal indiscriminate disease.

Bloods today ahead of next infusion on Friday. Hoping side effects remain this mild.

Edited by Bernie_78 on Friday 24th November 21:49


5,660 posts

169 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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Condolences James .
Cancer took both my parents,mum in her early 70s dad a month before his 80th . Still miss them every day as we were very close,and I went to part time work to help look after them .
Mum went suddenly while in hospital, saw her an hour earlier in hospital and left with dad to go home, stopped for something to eat and there was a missed call from the hospital. Her heart gave out and she was gone .
Dad was in a hospice and got home just before Christmas. He went down hill quickly and was just a shell of a man for the last 3 weeks full of morphine. The visiting nurses from Macmillan were fantastic and cared for us as a family as well as dad .
I could never understand those that described the passing of someone as a blessing until I held my dad's hand in his final weeks. His spirit, his essence had already departed just seeing his husk of a shell missing all his vitality was heartbreaking .


22,444 posts

161 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Some good(ish) news: my father (suffering with terminal liver cancer) made it to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
So glad that he managed to go again. My sister lives in Dubai and arranged it all so top marks to her.

My father and I are already discussing next season of F1. We both realise he may not get to see it but are not letting that spoil things. The medical staff suggested he may not make it as long as he has so fingers crossed he gets to see how the 2024 season pans out.


39,296 posts

101 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Glad to hear that he made out there ok Scrump, planning things helps I think.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

112 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Scrump said:
Some good(ish) news: my father (suffering with terminal liver cancer) made it to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
So glad that he managed to go again. My sister lives in Dubai and arranged it all so top marks to her.

My father and I are already discussing next season of F1. We both realise he may not get to see it but are not letting that spoil things. The medical staff suggested he may not make it as long as he has so fingers crossed he gets to see how the 2024 season pans out.
Good to read something good happening in this topic

Every day is a bonus for your father you and all family, many people have proved the specialists to be wrong about life expectancy, may your father enjoy many more days

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

112 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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James_N said:
Well I come back here with sad news. My dad lost his battle this morning. He had gone downhill in hospital really and it became apparent he wouldn't be coming out.

Saw him yesterday and he didn't look good. Kidneys had started to fail, liver was buggered, looked very yellow, struggling to communicate due in part to the stroke he had a few years ago and the fact he was on oxygen.

He wanted to go home to pass away, so everything was arranged and fast tracked for delivery to home tomorrow but had the dreaded call from the hospital this morning that he had deteriorated overnight and to get there ASAP. Unfortunately it was a 20 Mile trip and by the time we had made it. It was too late, but at least we both saw him yesterday.

So yeah, title of the thread is very accurate.

To put the icing on the cake, the car him and his partner shared, and the car she was using to go to the hospital, the clutch went two days ago. Absolutely sods law it would go now of all the times in the world for it to go! Doesn't help that no one seems to want to take the job on. Can only thank the lord that I was around to help with transport duties. £250 shed peugeot to the rescue.

So I've now lost two parents before the age of 40 to this st disease. My dad would have been 80 on Sunday.

Can't express enough my best wishes to anyone and everyone going through this. It really is stter than st. Love to all.
Wishing you much strength

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

112 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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This topic's full of peoples suffering and now and again some good news, It's too difficult to reply individually to each post...

Wishing everyone all the best as they face the challenges that cancer brings to them, keep fighting, never give up


18,166 posts

275 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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My dad's first treatment today for liver cancer.

Believe it will be immunotherapy.

The snow is already making conditions difficult for them getting to the hospital.

He hasn't been too good the last few weeks, and based on his past form, if anyone is going to get side effects it'll be him, bless him.

Just have to hope for the best really.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.


254 posts

199 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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TameRacingDriver said:
My dad's first treatment today for liver cancer.

Believe it will be immunotherapy.

The snow is already making conditions difficult for them getting to the hospital.

He hasn't been too good the last few weeks, and based on his past form, if anyone is going to get side effects it'll be him, bless him.

Just have to hope for the best really.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.
How'd it go? I'm sure they said but side effects can come on at very random times, often a good few days after infusions. Which treatment did he have?


18,166 posts

275 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Bernie_78 said:
How'd it go? I'm sure they said but side effects can come on at very random times, often a good few days after infusions. Which treatment did he have?
Hi mate, just checked, he isn't too bad so far. They don't really share with me what the exact treatment is but I am pretty sure it must simply be targeted drugs to help reduce symptoms / extend life as the condition isn't curable.


254 posts

199 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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Tough few days here

Had my second immunotherapy infusion and with in a couple of days I knew the battle had really begun. I've never struggled to eat before but the nausea eas pretty tough

Anyway few days in and they admitted me for suspected colitis which is the most common side effect of my treatment and had been warned of a 50% chance of hospitalisation - win!

5 days on a ward was plenty, NHS staff are amazing of course but we need twice as many. I'm now on steroids for 2 months but other treatment is on hold.

Head is mixed, I'll have an easier Christmas with family but pretty anxious I only got 2 hits,hopefully it's enough to awaken my immune system.


39,296 posts

101 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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I'm sorry to read that Bernie_78, I know it's not much but stay strong and be positive.


2,020 posts

245 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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Sorry Bernie - keep fighting it and I hope you manage a nice enough Christmas with the family smile


2,301 posts

125 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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QuartzDad said:
Surgery was yesterday. Check in was 7.30am, advised she was first on the list at 08.15, texted at 13.15 to say it was done and was discharged at 16.00.

They took the lump and a few lymph nodes from the armpit. Some discomfort when moving in certain directions but generally feeling ok. Now the wait for the follow up and radiotherapy.
Wife had her follow up appointment this week. Was pretty much "you should take Tamoxifen or Anastrozole for the next five years, sign here to choose one". Didn't seem like they were expecting her to say can I think about it and get back to you.

Radiotherapy looking like late Jan/early Feb.


18,166 posts

275 months

Monday 1st January
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Update on my dad with liver cancer - to recap, it is terminal, and was given a prognosis of around 6 - 18 months depending on the success of the treatment. That was around a month ago.

By all accounts he hasn't been eating, and is getting increasingly tired, which is to be expected.

I saw him just over a week ago, he drove over with my mother to see us just before xmas, and he has aged considerably in a short space of time.

This morning my mother texted me to say that he was not good, unsteady on his feet and they've sold the car as he can no longer drive. I'll be seeing him this weekend.

I'd imagine that, by the sounds of things, he'll be lucky to last 6 weeks never mind 6 months.

From my point of view, I don't want either to suffer so if this is the end, then I hope he passes fairly quickly and with as minimal pain as possible, as he appears to have no quality of life now.

Will keeo you posted.


5,669 posts

212 months

Monday 1st January
quotequote all
TameRacingDriver said:
Update on my dad with liver cancer - to recap, it is terminal, and was given a prognosis of around 6 - 18 months depending on the success of the treatment. That was around a month ago.

By all accounts he hasn't been eating, and is getting increasingly tired, which is to be expected.

I saw him just over a week ago, he drove over with my mother to see us just before xmas, and he has aged considerably in a short space of time.

This morning my mother texted me to say that he was not good, unsteady on his feet and they've sold the car as he can no longer drive. I'll be seeing him this weekend.

I'd imagine that, by the sounds of things, he'll be lucky to last 6 weeks never mind 6 months.

From my point of view, I don't want either to suffer so if this is the end, then I hope he passes fairly quickly and with as minimal pain as possible, as he appears to have no quality of life now.

Will keeo you posted.
sorry to hear this, its never a good time. As you say hope that the pain is properly managed and that the relief comes soon. Its no way to live. I know that if I was in a smiliar position myself I would hope that there would be a way open to help nature along. its a horrific time for all concerned.