Wake up??



897 posts

198 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Regular aerobic exercise, doesnt need to be a lot, say 30mins a day. Its surprising how much 'better' exercise will make you feel and its proven to help insomnia etc, which although isnt exactly your problem im sure it will be beneficial. However, if you are stressed in anyway thats a whole different kettle of fish.
Now get off the computer and do a bit.....


8,783 posts

232 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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thegavster said:
Eat fruit in the morning? I think an apple supposed to be good for energy first thing

I rememeber reading somewhere (credible) that eating an apple is equal to or better than a cup-of-coffee.


10,922 posts

221 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Go for a cycle in the morning.

When I cycle in the morning, I'm fully awake afterwards.

But, recently, I haven't been bothering... Been too tired hehe


8,310 posts

281 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Imagine something you really like doing and imagine how difficult it would be to get up for that, I dunno, a day of karting or test driving a Lambo for several hours and you have to be at the dealer at 7am. If you imagine whilst dozing tomorrow morning that this is what you'll be doing that day and you suddenly feel like leaping out of bed, it means you hate your job. Sorry.


17,153 posts

223 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Driller said:
Imagine something you really like doing and imagine how difficult it would be to get up for that, I dunno, a day of karting or test driving a Lambo for several hours and you have to be at the dealer at 7am. If you imagine whilst dozing tomorrow morning that this is what you'll be doing that day and you suddenly feel like leaping out of bed, it means you hate your job. Sorry.
Or are extremely gullible.


8,310 posts

281 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Davi said:
Driller said:
Imagine something you really like doing and imagine how difficult it would be to get up for that, I dunno, a day of karting or test driving a Lambo for several hours and you have to be at the dealer at 7am. If you imagine whilst dozing tomorrow morning that this is what you'll be doing that day and you suddenly feel like leaping out of bed, it means you hate your job. Sorry.
Or are extremely gullible.


19,926 posts

269 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Cut down on alcohol (providing you drink it, of course) and substitute with water. As mentioned, go to bed early. An hour earlier in the evening is worth 2 in the morning (so my Nan told me, bless her).

Never underestimate the benefit of an early night. It can erase two hard days work.

Mad Man

203 posts

259 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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SAD light helped me with that problem.

Found going straight from work to the office didn't really give enough exposure to natural daylight to get my body clock in sync so to speak. 30 mins of the light when I sit down at my desk in the morning makes a difference.

Also nabbed a desk next to a window as soon as one became free, that helps as well getting natural light at the desk.

Our lifestyle has progressed quicker than our bodies have evolved. They don't cope all that well with modern life in lots of cases.


90,809 posts

258 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Plug your todger into a mains socket....


22,687 posts

218 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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mybrainhurts said:
Plug your todger into a mains socket....
a power wank?


13,262 posts

206 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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mouthofthesouth said:
I dont like coffee so drinking that is not really an option.
There's your problem. I'd never make it through the morning without caffeine.

Seriously though, if you're tired all the time regardless of amount of sleep you should go see your GP.


2,386 posts

240 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Davi said:
leave the curtains open and wake to natural sunrise. You wake more gradually so come out of the sleep much better. Only disadvantage is you're fully awake by 6am, which no sane person should be.
ive already done 30min at work by then does that make me crazy lol



88,883 posts

287 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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You need a few alarms and systems - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2BAdZ8uNfQ

One of them will wake you up. And then a bang on the head seems to do it smile


3,770 posts

224 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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errrrrrrr, het more sleep? how many hours are you having in general?

that stuff about 3hr sleep cycles i think is true too, i often wake up after 6 hours sleep feeling fresh, then go back to bed for an hour/two and feel ste.


2,878 posts

209 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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I would say you really need to look at your diet. If you are feeling tired all the time, despite sleep then your body is not receiving the nutrients it requires. You need to eat 'brain foods' eg, fresh friut and vegtables and give your body energy food, eg - wholegrain, pulses etc.

A good diet will transform your quaility of life.

Are you over weight? Is your sleep interrupted? You may have narcolepsy.


king arthur

6,669 posts

264 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Stress will do this to you too. I have been through periods of work related stress and it really makes you feel knackered when you wake up instead of feeling refreshed.


5,620 posts

218 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Irn Bru and paracetamol that'll keep you buzzing for a whilewink


18,165 posts

275 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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I think some people are just like this naturally whatever they do.

I have a good diet, do plenty of exercise, get plenty of sleep, sleep with curtains open, window open and all of the other things people suggested on here, and i still REALLY struggle to get up.

In fact I think exercise has actually made me worse. If anything I am MORE tired now I go to the gym every day. Has made me feel much better overall, but in the morning, jesus, sometimes I cant be bothered to move at all.

Strangely, the only thing thats helped me is a bloody good drink the night before. If I get drunk, I NEVER have a problem getting up in the morning.

I think I'm broken.


6,482 posts

221 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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I am much the same. Every morning i feel shattered,i have a redbull every morning and maybe a coffee or two. I get about 7-8 hrs sleep,eat reasonably well,dont drink or do drugs but do smoke.I work outside so see plenty of light and am not desperately unfit.

It really does annoy me especially when i,m wide awake at midnight. I have always been the same for as long as i can remember.

What annoys me too is not only am i tired every morning i also feel very anxious,my brains in overload thinking about what i need to do that day/week/month and i end up worrying. By midday i feel better.

I think a smoothie may help and i keep meaning to try it as surely they must be better than redbull especially with a load of bananna and apple.

Mad Man

203 posts

259 months

Thursday 18th December 2008
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Mine lost its video output, no RROD & as its a release day console well out of warranty.

Yesterday it arrived back less than 2 weeks after UPS picked it up. Opened the box to find a nice new (manufactured date mid October 2008) 360 sat there & a letter saying to speed the process up a replacement had been sent.

Chuffed with that. Cost 55 quid for a new xbox which will have the newer chip set, it runs quieter, has a full warranty as a new one would & came with a months live sub.

Its worth sending them off to get fixed rather than just buying a new one IMO.

Editied - WTF????? This isn't the thread I posted on! Its meant to be on the gaming/xbox360 thread!

Edited by Mad Man on Thursday 18th December 12:43