Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery

Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery



3,800 posts

174 months

Saturday 6th January
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cjs racing. said:
Thanks all, the surgery went ahead as planned.

There was a few complications, it had stuck itself to my bowel, and apparently the stuff inside it was more like jelly, than liquid.

Luckily the surgeon managed to un stick it, so just the 4 incisions (we had discussed before hand that he may have needed to do more)

I didn't make it out the same day, as I required a drain in me for 24 hours.

Got out yesterday feeling sore but ok, but as someone said in there reply, now the good drugs have worn off, I'm sore, very sore, and feel nauseous.
Avoid fatty foods.

When mine was taken out, and for a long time afterwards, eating anything fatty had explosive results exactly 30 minute later.

It was that predictable, i could plan meals / eating out around it !


8,585 posts

179 months

Saturday 6th January
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I'm on the waiting list to have my gallbladder out.

The problem is that I have a stainless steel pin inside my femur so an MRI is out of the question and every surgeon wants to bump me further up the surgical chain of command as none of them want to go in 'blind' just in case the keyhole surgery turns into a full blown slice and dice session hehe

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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I hope everyone waiting to have one removed gets the surgery needed quickly.

I'm starting to realise, and appreciate, that 8 days from my first pain to removal, was a quick timeframe.

I couldn't understand the posters who said they felt somebody had had a good rummage round inside, but totally get it now.

Just need to get a few mates to understand the situation, still getting invites to gym, or motorbike rides, one even said "Couple of days on antibiotics and you'll be good to go"🙄🙄


425 posts

197 months

Sunday 7th January
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I had mine out last April, following 6months progressively worsening attacks which eventually blocked a bile duct and put me in hospital with jaundice for 10 days. I'm very active, have three young children and also very stubborn, so recovery was probably longer than it should have been as I couldnt resist moving about the house and attempting things I shouldn't have been doing. I was back to full duties at work within 2 months (I am a firefighter so they kept me away from physical work longer then most require). I stayed away from the fatty foods that would kick off a gallstones attack for 6 months or so, and for some reason lucozade now sees me running to a toilet asap, otherwise no other significant side effects or change of lifestyle to report. Best wishes in recovery!


102 posts

225 months

Sunday 7th January
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Hope you are feeling ok.

I had a failed attempt at removing mine early last year. My blood pressure didn’t play nicely while under anaesthetic so they aborted. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned above, and I didn’t know beforehand was that to facilitate the key hole surgery they inflated my stomach. After the op, the biggest pain/ discomfort came from this gas moving around my chest, towards my shoulders. Ridiculously painful!

Not much could be done about this but it was on/ off, not consistent. Gone after a couple of days.

Good luck with the recovery

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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Gingerbiker67 said:
to facilitate the key hole surgery they inflated my stomach. After the op, the biggest pain/ discomfort came from this gas moving around my chest, towards my shoulders. Ridiculously painful!

Funny you say that, I spent a lot of yesterday saying to my wife, that my shoulders hurt, like I had had heavy bags hanging over them.

Nobody informed me about the inflation.


57 months

Sunday 7th January
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cjs racing. said:
Gingerbiker67 said:
to facilitate the key hole surgery they inflated my stomach. After the op, the biggest pain/ discomfort came from this gas moving around my chest, towards my shoulders. Ridiculously painful!

Funny you say that, I spent a lot of yesterday saying to my wife, that my shoulders hurt, like I had had heavy bags hanging over them.

Nobody informed me about the inflation.
Ah yes, inflation! I had a day of pain with that but the next day, I was Ok. I did spend the night in there though as everytime I tried to get off the bed to go home, I broke out into a sweat and felt faint. They took my pressure and it was low so they banged a fluids drip into me and another with antibiotics. Then they decided to put me next to the bloke with terminal lung cancer and you can just imagine the coughing. No sleep at all that night but pales into insignificance with what that poor chap was going through.
I've got four scars on my body for mine. Top right where the gall bladder came out, bottom middle for the inflation gas and camera and one each side for the tools. The top right one is about two inches long.


386 posts

140 months

Sunday 7th January
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cjs I hope your recovery goes well.
Take your time to get back to strength.
I was rushed to A and E a year past on Bonfire night.
Was told an op would be around a week as a priority.. finally got op via keyhole in March.
Complicated due to previous surgery for Crohn's, gallbladder was fused to duodenum and had to be cut out.
Next morning doc gave me all clear to go home.. told him I didn't feel ready. An hour later a tube down the nose into stomach. 1.5 litres of blood pumped out due to internal bleeding. Later that evening.......
As mentioned above they pump gas into you. This caused problems, and suffered a collapsed lung (scary feeling 😮)
Was a week before I got home for 2 months of recovery before returning to work.


102 posts

225 months

Sunday 7th January
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pocketspring said:
cjs racing. said:
Gingerbiker67 said:
to facilitate the key hole surgery they inflated my stomach. After the op, the biggest pain/ discomfort came from this gas moving around my chest, towards my shoulders. Ridiculously painful!

Funny you say that, I spent a lot of yesterday saying to my wife, that my shoulders hurt, like I had had heavy bags hanging over them.

Nobody informed me about the inflation.
Ah yes, inflation! I had a day of pain with that but the next day, I was Ok. I did spend the night in there though as everytime I tried to get off the bed to go home, I broke out into a sweat and felt faint. They took my pressure and it was low so they banged a fluids drip into me and another with antibiotics. Then they decided to put me next to the bloke with terminal lung cancer and you can just imagine the coughing. No sleep at all that night but pales into insignificance with what that poor chap was going through.
I've got four scars on my body for mine. Top right where the gall bladder came out, bottom middle for the inflation gas and camera and one each side for the tools. The top right one is about two inches long.
@cjs if the pain returns some people find a heat pad can help relieve some of the symptoms


41,894 posts

203 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Someone in my local had hers removed, I went in and saw her and assumed her op had been cancelled, nope had been done but had just nipped in on the way home to speak to someone and was just having one, maybe two, and a fag....


15,997 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th January
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I had mine done probably 7-8 years ago now. Recovery took the full 2 weeks advised. I was hoping for a cheeky couple of "free" holiday days but not to be!

When I had it I was worried about restrictive diets, similar to diabetes/gluten intolerance, but everything's fine. Just have to be aware that If I have a big greasy fry-up or similar, there's a 10% chance I get less notice before the loo. I'm not talking about suddenly your arse exploding in the middle of Tescos with no warning, but more if you're driving along the motorway and feel like you need the loo, pull over into the next services, don't chance it to the one after kind of thing.

Mine was misdiagnosed for 10 years. Doc first told me it was acid reflux.


11,200 posts

212 months

Friday 19th January
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Had more blood taken today and two seperate letters in the post, one from my local surgery saying they have arranged a telephone consultation next Wed with the doctor regarding my blood test results, the other informing me the date of my ultrasound (2 weeks today)

I guess a telephone consultation saves me going to the clinic to be told whatever the doctor has to tell me

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Saturday 20th January
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Saleen836 said:
Had more blood taken today and two seperate letters in the post, one from my local surgery saying they have arranged a telephone consultation next Wed with the doctor regarding my blood test results, the other informing me the date of my ultrasound (2 weeks today)

I guess a telephone consultation saves me going to the clinic to be told whatever the doctor has to tell me
Fingers crossed for you.

I'm just 16 days post surgery, and feel 90% back to normal, just having light pain if I lift things, or bend over and stretch out for something.


22,803 posts

204 months

Saturday 20th January
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Sort of timely thread. I had an accident midweek and went along to a&e. They did a ct scan to make sure I hadn’t damaged my liver (was a trauma to the chest) and found both calcified gall bladder and a tumour on my adrenal gland.

The doc I saw for the former issue was very blasé. He was on the phone for a social call for most of our ‘consultation’, asked me a few questions then booked ultrasound for next Thursday.

Not sure what to expect. Reading the symptoms I don’t seem to have any, although I have a history of vomiting after meals that has never been fully explained.

Anyone been in a similar situation and what was the outcome? Thankfully non uk / non NHS so expecting a quick progression through diagnosis and treatment.


11,200 posts

212 months

Saturday 20th January
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cjs racing. said:
Saleen836 said:
Had more blood taken today and two seperate letters in the post, one from my local surgery saying they have arranged a telephone consultation next Wed with the doctor regarding my blood test results, the other informing me the date of my ultrasound (2 weeks today)

I guess a telephone consultation saves me going to the clinic to be told whatever the doctor has to tell me
Fingers crossed for you.

I'm just 16 days post surgery, and feel 90% back to normal, just having light pain if I lift things, or bend over and stretch out for something.
Thanks, if mine needs to come out i have resigned myself to the fact I will be off work for a month mnimum due to having a very physical job

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Saturday 20th January
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I had mine out about three years ago,

No complications and I was right as rain after a week.

Plenty of videos on You Tube if you are not too squeamish.


11,200 posts

212 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Well, that escalated rather quickly, phone call from the doc this morning regarding my test results and have now been fast tracked for a Colonoscopy

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Friday 26th January
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Saleen836 said:
Well, that escalated rather quickly, phone call from the doc this morning regarding my test results and have now been fast tracked for a Colonoscopy
That doesn't sound very promising sadly.

Regarding my own recovery, I'm now 100%, and managed a gym session this morning.


11,200 posts

212 months

Saturday 27th January
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cjs racing. said:
Saleen836 said:
Well, that escalated rather quickly, phone call from the doc this morning regarding my test results and have now been fast tracked for a Colonoscopy
That doesn't sound very promising sadly.

Regarding my own recovery, I'm now 100%, and managed a gym session this morning.
Time will tell..

I have to go without food on Friday before my Ultrasound then go without food & clean out what ever is left with laxatives on the Sunday, what a fun weekend rolleyes


22,803 posts

204 months

Thursday 1st February
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Results from my scans are in. Several stones and calcification of the walls, they’re getting insurance approval today to book me on for an op. I assume this is for removal?