The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



801 posts

180 months

Monday 1st January
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I’m in, 11lb up over the last few weeks, but still 26lb lower than I was in February.

First goal is to get 3.2lb off to be down to a nice round (ho ho) 16 stone. Long term goal is to get to 14 stone.

Starting off with dry January, alcohol and the after effect of eating rubbish the next day have been my downfall.


6,421 posts

218 months

Monday 1st January
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Having acknowledged exercise is pointless for weight loss, I’ve sorted my cardio works-outs till end of Feb 2024. However as an excellent example why cardio work-outs are USELESS for weight loss, I think I’m currently ‘fitter’ than last year, able to do more cardio work for essentially the same heart rate, however I’m currently 3kg heavier than Jan 2023, despite 32 inch trousers now too lose.

I don’t quite know what to do this year, focus on fitness or weight, the two though linked, aren’t really mutually exclusive and required a different focus. I should add I like food, cakes, and things similar to EtOH.


1,893 posts

123 months

Monday 1st January
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Will definitely be joining this! 290lbs and 5'8 it's not good, I need to lose weight and I need to stop gorging on snacks and other st. WFH has been a blessing and a curse in equal measures. 1. It's allowed me to save money but 2. It is looking like it is to the detriment of my health.

So yes please sign me up and i'll add myself to the wiki smile


1,893 posts

123 months

Monday 1st January
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Another thing I have thought of is that I actively skip breakfast and other meals due to work. Will be putting a stop to that and making sure I eat at appropriate times.

Tim O

554 posts

172 months

Monday 1st January
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snoopy25 said:
Another thing I have thought of is that I actively skip breakfast and other meals due to work. Will be putting a stop to that and making sure I eat at appropriate times.
You might want to reconsider that ..........


1,893 posts

123 months

Monday 1st January
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Tim O said:
snoopy25 said:
Another thing I have thought of is that I actively skip breakfast and other meals due to work. Will be putting a stop to that and making sure I eat at appropriate times.
You might want to reconsider that ..........
Thanks biggrin


8,765 posts

184 months

Monday 1st January
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Skipping breakfast works for some and not others, this thread no doubt will bring out the overthinkers with their spread sheets and wot not, I lost nearly 60lb through very basic tweaks to my lifestyle no fads no starvation diets all totally sustainable with zero cravings, remember just because someone said this way works for them doesn't mean it'll work for you.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Monday 1st January
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I lost 13 lbs in the first 10 months of 2023 but it went a bit wrong towards the end of the year and I put 5 back on. But 8 lbs was a good total. Am starting again from 1 Jan and If I can get back to my minimum for last year (12 stone 3lbs) I'll be happy.


65 posts

87 months

Monday 1st January
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I’d like to join up to this too. Currently sitting at 102KG. I tend to hover around this weight when I’m not taking care of myself. A few years ago now I got down to around 85KG and felt fantastic - so that’s my target.

The last 3 years have been intense with losing my dad and having 2 kids. Being a dad now I’m determined to be around for as long as possible. Also now going to soft plays make me realise how fat and inflexible I’ve got!


317 posts

129 months

Monday 1st January
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I’m in again.
4.5kg since January 2023 , 14.5kg since September 2022. Still a long way to go in my eyes.
Buying some smaller sized clothes before Xmas made the weight loss a reality as although people tell me I’m looking healthier, (slimmer), I don’t always see or feel it.


740 posts

168 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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gangzoom said:
Having acknowledged exercise is pointless for weight loss
Of course, we’re all biased to believe our own experiences. Mine was that exercising 10-12 hrs week (cycling) and eating everything under the sun, led to a decent weight loss and 6 %bf. So for me, my bias is exercise works and you can still eat ‘all you want’.

In reality the answer to weight loss is different for everyone and probably somewhere between our collective experiences. For sure, you’re can’t outrun a bad diet as they say, but exercise is an important part of losing weight and improving health. As is paying careful attention to what you’re eating. For me weight loss is about being sensible, and consistent.

I’ve been off the bike for a year or two now and about to embark on my own plan to return to fitness and ideal weight. I don’t have a huge amount to lose (6kgs at a guess?) but I’ve started making too many bad food choices recently so that’s to be addressed along with riding again. Hats off to all on this thread who are motivated to do something about it! Good luck in 2024 smile


1,970 posts

173 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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"exercise is pointless for weight loss"

It is true that weight loss comes down to intake Vs expenditure (and all the variations of how to achieve that) however I'm not sure I agree it's pointless.

Just 2 examples:
Exercise is key for physical health
Exercise is key for mental health

If you're feeling good about yourself, it is a damn sight easier to make good food choices.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I'm another big calorie muncher with lots of exercise. Find something that you can make stick.

I spent most of last year (just) under 100kg (105.9 today) and hoping my body will quickly shift the seasonal excess. I didn't plan as such, but didn't eat anything yesterday until ~4pm and had already used Zwift bike (20km) and C2 rower (10km) plus walked to the office, town and home 5,500 steps.

0.5kg for the 24 hours, I usually weigh once a week, others will prefer daily. but thought I'd chalk up a small victory on the Wiki.


Original Poster:

2,341 posts

140 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I've added a new column to the wiki. No idea if it will work, but indicates if you are happy to be contacted if you disappear from the thread/Wiki (perhaps after 5 or 6 weeks and real-life might get in the way of this happening).

I won't go to the slimming world public weighbridge for several weeks as the groups will be rammed with well-intended folk. In a couple of months, numbers will have dwindled. These threads are similar so perhaps an added layer of accountability.

Can take it off if it's a daft idea.


6,421 posts

218 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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thepritch said:
Of course, we’re all biased to believe our own experiences. Mine was that exercising 10-12 hrs week (cycling) and eating everything under the sun, led to a decent weight loss and 6 %bf. So for me, my bias is exercise works and you can still eat ‘all you want’.
That's 1hr a day of cycling every week, I suspect most of us on this thread will struggle to do 30 minutes a day averaged out over a week consistently.

It's far easier to loss weight by reducing the amount of food you eat, versus trying to 'burn off' food you shouldn't have eaten in the first place.

Good luck to all, I've failed already yesterday, went to a social gathering for NewYears day and there was what can only be described as a 'buffet of deserts', I can probably go without eating for a week now, but that wouldn't happen. Though I may last till the afternoon at least.


5,255 posts

187 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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thepritch said:
gangzoom said:
Having acknowledged exercise is pointless for weight loss
Of course, we’re all biased to believe our own experiences. Mine was that exercising 10-12 hrs week (cycling) and eating everything under the sun, led to a decent weight loss and 6 %bf. So for me, my bias is exercise works and you can still eat ‘all you want’.

In reality the answer to weight loss is different for everyone and probably somewhere between our collective experiences. For sure, you’re can’t outrun a bad diet as they say, but exercise is an important part of losing weight and improving health. As is paying careful attention to what you’re eating. For me weight loss is about being sensible, and consistent.

I’ve been off the bike for a year or two now and about to embark on my own plan to return to fitness and ideal weight. I don’t have a huge amount to lose (6kgs at a guess?) but I’ve started making too many bad food choices recently so that’s to be addressed along with riding again. Hats off to all on this thread who are motivated to do something about it! Good luck in 2024 smile
That was my experience also. Cycling 4-5 hours a week (one biggish ride at the weekend, plus at least one day commuting about 15 miles each way) my weight came down, stayed down, and I could eat (and drink whistle ) pretty much what I wanted. Have done 16/8 intermittent fasting for many years which I found also helped and is absolutely not a struggle to maintain.

I was 76 kg at my lowest (2016), settled naturally at around 78 kg, but today I'm more like 83 kg, and that's with flab replacing a lot of muscle so am decidedly more rotund than I would have been at that weight if I was still cycling a lot. As the muscle has disappeared I've noticed it is harder and harder to keep the weight off.

For various reasons I've only done about 500 miles on the bike in the last couple of years, but have resolved to rectify that situation in 2024 with the aim of regaining some of that fitness and getting down under 80 kg again.

Let's see!


6,848 posts

182 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I'm in - just over 17 and a half stone on Boxing Day so decided to stop eating snacks and crap, cut back on the drinking that inevitably leads to nibbling and I've started doing more cardio to shift some weight.

17.5 stone is probably the heaviest I've been since my twenties and 13.5 the lightest after a year of spinning and dieting about 10 years ago.

Target weight is 14.5 stone and stay there.

Boxing day; 17 st, 8.5 lbs
1st Jan; 17st, 2.5 lbs.


166 posts

137 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Count me in, been in a rut for years! Age and health is slowly creeping up on me so Need to take action!

Currently 91kg 5ft 8 First goal 85kg


740 posts

168 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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gangzoom said:
It's far easier to loss weight by reducing the amount of food you eat, versus trying to 'burn off' food you shouldn't have eaten in the first place.

Good luck to all, I've failed already yesterday, went to a social gathering for NewYears day and there was what can only be described as a 'buffet of deserts', I can probably go without eating for a week now, but that wouldn't happen. Though I may last till the afternoon at least.
Yup, can’t, and won’t argue against that!

Best of luck to you in 2024! Now the holidays are past us and we get into a routine and some consistency these first few weeks it’ll get easier. I don’t like starting things as ‘new years’ but this year timing works and the scales were out this morning. (Only thing I do portion control on is my morning granola. It’s easy to fill a bowl and eat 1000 calories without realising)


2,424 posts

255 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Lost about 7kg over last year but have gained back 3 in last month or so due to booze, laziness, seasonal dietary indiscretion.

80kg is target for enjoying uphill activities a bit more when the weather finally improves.