The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



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Friday 9th February
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thepritch said:
Thanks for starting the thread
Just a copy & paste from last year (hope you're doing ok Ambleton). I had great results on the 2019 thread started by geeks - didn't realise it was the first one. Throw in Covid, cakes, teenagers, more cakes, living on hotel/hospital food for a year, cakes again, other excuses plus cake and I piled it on. Last year I lost 17kg before putting more than half back on in 5 weeks! That takes some doing! yikes I don't drink for the same reason, never have particularly fancied a drink in my life, but also know I can't have one of anything.

I love the different approaches but generally supportive tone of these threads.

I started one of the quit smoking threads years ago and it played out over several years with ups and downs and I think helped a few folk along the way. I've seen the good these corners of PH can do, and glad I'm onboard with them.


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Sunday 11th February
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Well done folks, some really positive results. If you're not quite going yet, or experiencing a wobble then get onboard with us rabble.

C4ME said:
I am not on the wiki as all I have been doing since the start of the year is getting rid of the Christmas excess.
Last year, I updated the Wiki, even when it was going the wrong way. Thinking I'd get myself back to a given weight before keeping track is setting myself up for a fall. The thread helped me dust myself down after a blip, draw a line under it and push on (& there were several!), when it sometimes felt easier to jack it all in. I'm still losing what I gained at the end of last year, and probably another month before that's fully undone.

I'm also back to 'proper' Slimming World groups - I only go to weigh-ins, another layer of accountability - I don't stop for the chats/tasters (I have in the past).


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140 months

Saturday 17th February
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Too many meals out this week - put some nice things in place with a local charity that will change the lives of some people. A good week for the mind - less so for the waist.

Need to get my exercise levels up and my eating back in check - aim for Friday is to be the same as two Fridays before. No one said I was very good at this hehe

These threads always fizzle out to a last few standing, let's make this year the exception.


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140 months

Friday 23rd February
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A gain of 0.3kg over 2 weeks - I'm ok with that. Said to myself I would weigh today whether things were back under control or not. Had a week with a lot of meals out and then struggled to get my act together. Seeing one of the lads at work doing really well with his weight loss dragged me back on track. Back to fat club today for the public weighbridge!

The glass half full says I've lost 4.7kg this year, or 12.7kg since the start of 2023. Glass half empty and I'm still 4.4kg heavier than the end of November.

In mitigation I have a bicep/shoulder injury which is keeping me from exercising to any extent and making sleep difficult, but these threads wouldn't exist if we weren't flawed!


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140 months

Friday 23rd February
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Slimming world had me down half a pound so I'll take their scales over mine (+0.3kg) this week.

A couple of comments today about losing weight which are always nice - although one bizarrely from the man who runs the Chinese takeaway hehe

Treat day and haven't gone completely bananas so hopefully press on from tomorrow.

Two days of no disturbance in the office (where my exercise stuff lives) so hopefully get on the rower and Zwift bike. For someone who rowed 60k metres a week until very recently, it's scary how quickly fitness (or whatever it was) can drop off.


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140 months

Friday 1st March
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Gah, 0.2kg down after 0.3 the wrong direction last week (although the Fat Club scales had me at a small loss last week). Treat day Friday last week wasn't too bonkers and then a really good week of food choices (Slimming World style). Here comes the BUT...

I went to the docs earlier this week, returned after a couple of days as things had worsened - he referred me instantly to hospital for on-call surgery, spent all day waiting, having scans etc. They offered me a procedure under a general on the day, or take some pain relief and better antibiotics and it's a job under local another day. I chose the latter (even though once it settles down it'll probably be a 2-year waiting list). But, the meds have me somewhat backed up - so a 0.2kg loss really feels like a result.

Good to see some new joiners, and others doing well. I'll try and fire off some email nudges to people who've not updated over the weekend. Wacky - I'm an insatiable binge eater, I've managed to find an approach that works. I can also fill myself up on 'allowed' foods that include healthily cooked roast spuds, unlimited rice & pasta etc. I'm sure my approach is not ideal - but it works for me and I'm very poorly wired.


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Sunday 3rd March
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I never got to my fat club weigh-in on Friday (was -0.2kg at home).

Been on some antibiotics but getting worse all week. Went to show nurse Friday, she sent me straight hospital where I was told 3 days of IV antibiotics (day treatment place). Day 2 was Saturday but they admitted me and eventually had an op under a general. Ate nothing for 24 hours and now have eaten pretty much non-stop all day today. Don't think the IF is for me!

Home now and need to draw a line under it and get back on track.

Excuses, excuses hehe


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140 months

Friday 8th March
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+0.2kg for me. I'm still on pain relief after an op last weekend which has messed up my insides somewhat. Have been good with food Mon-Fri and I've shuffled to the 'last' hole on my belt (which was a new belt last year). Feel like a zombie with the meds, but pleased I've kept myself there or thereabouts and not gone into meltdown. Reasonable number of steps daily, but unable to exercise beyond. Having to take my top off at the hospital for dressing changes isn't too embarrassing!


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Tuesday 12th March
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I weigh when I wake up, so the same time of day, usually once a week, or more often if I'm being really good (and I'm not there at the moment).

I also try and go to slimming world groups - usually after 2 cups of tea and a flask of coffee. Again at the same time every week, and the weight is a reasonable reflection of what's going on.


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Friday 15th March
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0.7kg down for me this week. I'm pleasantly surprised as Friday treat day overlapped into the weekend. I have been good this week and no sweet tooth/booze makes it quite easy to eat 'well' when I'm on it. Portions have been bonkers, but things 'allowed' on slimming world.

I miss my rowing machine and just how alive/energised it makes me feel (shoulder injury and unrelated surgery in the same area).

Mr.Chips said:
I started going to Slimming World in November 2022. Today, I got my 5 stone loss certificate. Only 3 stones left to go! It has been hard work, but very worthwhile. I’m fitter, much healthier and a good deal smaller. Also, a little poorer, as it’s costing me a small fortune on new clothes!
Keep up the hard work guys!
That is awesome. Well done. I also go to the 'club', but forcing myself to find time, seems to help with the overall commitment. I don't stay for the groups/chats/tasters.


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140 months

Friday 22nd March
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thepritch said:
lizardbrain said:
Think this is a very good example of looking at trends.
Absolutely. I'm +0.2kg this week, which isn't much but, if I'm going to put on 0.2kg, probably best to do it from a (slow) downward trend. I need to get my weekends back in check before I can expect anything different really.


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140 months

Friday 5th April
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Gluttonous Easter break here, can see the extra bulk on my tummy. Yesterday was day 1 of getting my act together. A couple of lads at work are doing really well with improved eating/moving, visibly so. I need to give this the attention it needs.

Will try and start doing email nudges to those who've dropped off - life keeps getting in the way!


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140 months

Friday 12th April
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A gain for me, no one said I was any good at this! Back to the public weighbridge at FatClub today (slimming world). I think I'm day nine or ten straight of being good which shows just how damaging my Easter break was (and I knew it, but at the time that was where my head was).

I'm really struggling this year without my trusty steed rowing machine. The ups and downs are the same as last year, but the (almost) daily 10k rowing made a significant contribution to my mental health, activity, calorie use and general getting my act together. I'm still 12kg lighter than the start of 2023, but the glass is half full of cake mix recently!


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Friday 19th April
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A week at the same. Friday treat day rolled into treat weekend. I'm wired badly and don't really feel hunger or full-up, I just eat - but I've had unhealthy relationships with most things over the years.


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140 months

Monday 22nd April
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Yay! Had a small op in Feb that has kept me away from my rowing machine - but Saturday was my first shift back on it. Never thought I'd miss a piece of exercise equipment, but I genuinely have.

Did 7k metres Saturday and again today (each in 3 chunks) - baby steps to start. Not sure I've gelled with the Zwift bike so that might go on eBay (Bucks if a PHer after one). I find something to stream (currently Fallout) and row to an intermediate standard once I get my fitness back up (for a fifty-plus heavyweight).

My diet has proved to not be quite enough to lose weight alone, the exercise buys me a bit of freedom. I row 10k metres ~6 times a week and love what it does to my frame. I'm properly flawed so the effort/time is the price I am happy to pay. Of course I could lose weight if i was more strict in the kitchen - but I'm not! Have no excuses now hehe .

Obviously find your own thing that works.


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140 months

Friday 26th April
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0.5kg down for me, I didn't know what the scales would say today. Rowing machine for 40k metres on my first week back on it for two months and sometimes it makes your body hang on to more water (I'm no scientist).

But I felt good, I'm motivated. Last week was treat day Friday and I also made a 'proper' roast dinner on Sunday, other than that I've been very good with food - but with a voracious appetite with considerably increased activity.

The best benefit is in my head - which also is often my downfall so hopefully properly press on and get back under 100kg. I'm still 3.5kg heavier than the end of November last year to emphasise the scale of my deviations!

One day I'll actually find time to ping off some emails to the disappearing folk.


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140 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Might have accidentally gone away for my birthday at the end of April and then struggled to get back on track. BUT... my exercise is returning, my fitness getting better (still can't bust out a decent 10k in one hit on the rower, but have been doing 10k total every day). Feel good, mentally it's amazing what it does, just need to get the diet back in check. I'm day 4 of much improved diet - will update Friday whatever it says.


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140 months

Friday 10th May
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Yikes! A gain of 1.4kg over a couple of weeks. I'm back on the rowing machine 6 days a week and I'm hoping it's my body adjusting to the new 'normal'. Have been good with food this week and feeling good body & head with the increased exercise.

Still a lot of work to do!


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140 months

Friday 17th May
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0.6kg, but at least it's going the right direction.

Started a 'proper' 3-week training plan on the rowing machine and my times are among the slowest I've ever recorded. Maybe age (fifties) is playing a part. The rowing adds a definition to my upper body that is rewarding and I'm on the 'last' hole on the belt (just!), but I can't believe I'm still north of 100kg. 3kg to get back under. It does seem tough this year.


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140 months

Sunday 19th May
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WCZ said:
met my goals and finally having a beer tonight for the fight, lost 14.2kg in 107 days and gained some muscle
Awesome work, well done!