The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread


tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Friday 12th January
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Max weight of 2023 = 217.5 lbs (15 stone 7.5 lbs)

Joined the gym on June 19th 2023 weighing 212.25 lbs (15 stone 2.25 lbs)
The scales are reading 191.25 lbs today (13 stone 9.25 lbs)

So.. a 21 lb difference between 19/06/23 and today (1 stone 7 lbs)

Threw in a semi-fasting day yesterday and woke up groggy, bit out of it really. To hit my upper BMI of 25 I need to lose another 7lbs; aiming for ~12.5 stone if possible.


18,195 posts

275 months

Friday 12th January
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I'm not recording it here as my day for that is a Wednesday and I know weekends can often throw a curve ball, but I'm down from 99.2 kg on Tuesday last week to 95.35 kg today.

I'm absolutely over the moon with that, even though I know I can't sustain losses at that level (my Friday to Friday loss is actually 0.9 kg but that's considering I over ate at the weekend which I'm going to try and avoid doing from now), but I'm absolutely determined to smash it this year and get rid of this bloody CPAP machine ASAP!!

I'm actually visibly slimmer already, the Mrs commented on it this morning, so that's given me a lovely boost.

The main difference this time to my past attempts is daily weigh ins and almost zealous levels of calorie tracking, so I'm definitely going to keep that up.

Well done to everyone else who's posting good results, we can do this smile


391 posts

101 months

Friday 12th January
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Huge boost jumping on and seeing everyone smashing it. Lets get it done lads.

Terry Winks

1,289 posts

16 months

Friday 12th January
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Yeah good work everyone, I have only just started this week in earnest, but starting to see things move in the right direction now, we've got a long way to go though haha!


3,080 posts

174 months

Friday 12th January
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It's now been 2 weeks since my last takeaway and not really noticed that time passing by! Considering I used to have 2-3 a week that's a bit achievement for me. Currently down 1.8kg so a nice steady loss so far. I usually lose the first few kgs alot quicker than I have this time but I guess I didn't have as much water weight this time.


4,047 posts

160 months

Friday 12th January
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Oh PH 2024 WLT. It is day 12 and I have sinned. Well, not really, but I did have chinese last night. However, all things in moderation. Takeaway and junk are the exception, not the norm.

Started at 86. Now 83.4kg. Have really taken to popcorn and rice cakes as low cal, not bad for you, filling snacks. Not sweet ones, obvs. A 33cal rice cake is a great way to stave off snacking before a meal I've found.

Seem to be recovering well from 450km of indoor cycle racing in 9 days. Over the hump of eating everything in sight and back to MFP tracking and normal exercise levels. Looking forward to another two weeks of solid effort and seeing what the scale says on Feb 1st.


1,902 posts

200 months

Friday 12th January
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Just signed up this morning. Last time I did this was several years ago and a lot of water under the bridge since then. I think the year I last signed up both my wife and I followed the 5/2 diet. It proved very successful and I brought my weight down from 16st 4lbs to about 13st 5lbs if I recall correctly. The problem was the 5/2 is just not sustainable and from the moment I stopped the weight started trickling on until I was back to nearly 15st. That was end of 2019.

Bizarrely, in November 2019 I noticed that my weight stabilised at just under 15st and if I, from time to time, had a day where I didn't eat much I could easily lose 2-3lbs a day. Now for someone who has carried excess timber all his life this was manna from heaven....or so I hoped. Roll on 4 months and I was diagnosed with cancer!

Treatment through 2020 sorted things out and I left hospital in September 2020 at 88kgs. Since then the weight has crept up again to my start weight of a shade over 100kgs (15st 12ils). Now, tbh, I regard this as good news because it means I haven't relapsed biggrin, but I now need to do something to get back to that ideal weight hence joining the thread.

Methodology is to maintain my exercise regime of cycling 1,500 - 2,000 miles per year, walking around 1,000 miles and swimming regularly (note this has been my routine for years so being active/taking exercise alone does not work for me). As to dietary changes I'm going to focus on almost removing carbs from my diet (don't eat much anyway so easy to trim down), sticking to an 8/16 routine which now I'm retired I think is way more achievable and can be maintained more so than a 5/2 but the biggies are reducing meal portions and the alcohol. The last two are linked - a G&T and a glass of wine seem to make a second helping more acceptable....

Anyway, here's to 2024 thumbup


18,195 posts

275 months

Friday 12th January
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caiss4 said:
The problem was the 5/2 is just not sustainable and from the moment I stopped the weight started trickling on until I was back to nearly 15st. That was end of 2019.
For me sustainability is crucial or as you say you'll just be repeating the exercise every year / other year.

I don't see this as a diet, or a process; it's a fundamental and permanent change of lifestyle. It's good that you seem to recognise that fact.

Good luck! smile


2,202 posts

40 months

Friday 12th January
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I've been weighing myself at set times daily this week. And it's very consistent. Let's say i'm 75kg baseline

11pm - 76kg
8am - 75.5kg
10am - 75kg

I'm not eating or drinking between these times at all. I assume the 2nd drop is mostly pee etc, but the overnight drop suprised me. Guess the stove is still on, but still seems a lot, and it's super consistent


8,783 posts

184 months

Friday 12th January
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Fluctuating weight through the day is only water, carbs can add 3 or 4lbs in the space of a few hrs, whereas a meal high in protein and low in carbs will do the opposite, quite a few of the same people here again.

Edited by mcelliott on Friday 12th January 16:08

Terry Winks

1,289 posts

16 months

Friday 12th January
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What are people consuming? I've set mine to be a net 1800 calories a day to try and lose 1.5kg a week, I've been under this a couple of times this week, but I don't want to be stupid.


755 posts

188 months

Friday 12th January
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Bit late to the party, but we booked a holiday last weekend, so I’ll see what I can do between now and May!


18,195 posts

275 months

Friday 12th January
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mpm1987 said:
Bit late to the party, but we booked a holiday last weekend, so I’ll see what I can do between now and May!
Same as me then, going just after mid May! I'd like to think I could potentially be in reasonable shape for that smile


3,632 posts

27 months

Friday 12th January
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TameRacingDriver said:
mpm1987 said:
Bit late to the party, but we booked a holiday last weekend, so I’ll see what I can do between now and May!
Same as me then, going just after mid May! I'd like to think I could potentially be in reasonable shape for that smile
Round doesn't count. wink


783 posts

168 months

Friday 12th January
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Terry Winks said:
What are people consuming? I've set mine to be a net 1800 calories a day to try and lose 1.5kg a week, I've been under this a couple of times this week, but I don't want to be stupid.
Generally, I’d look to reduce no more than 500calories of your daily basal calorie requirement + exercise calorie requirement. There are calculators online which could give you a good guide.


1,134 posts

46 months

Friday 12th January
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Another one dropping in to report a reasonable loss. Started off 165kg and touched 159.1kg within a couple weeks but that has stalled and I am now experiencing small fluctuations. This was to be expected and I'll now be paying closer attention to the calorie balance but as well as the scales telling me I have lost some weight I am also finding that my work trousers fit me better so a physical change is occurring too.

I haven't even begun to get going in the gym yet as I've been on nights or busy with some contract work on the side but hoping to get a run of 5-6 fairly active days strung together from tonight. I have been really on the ball with the meal prep and it really helps that the wife and others are only too happy to tuck in to it too which saves hassles with making alternative options, etc. It really is useful for me to have a better option waiting in the fridge rather than being at a loss, caving in and just going mad with a couple of sandwiches and overeat.


1,978 posts

167 months

Saturday 13th January
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Start of the year 90.5kg, today 85.5kg

Looks a big loss BUT……

The 90.5kg was towards the end of a 4 week holiday in Oz. I’d eaten and drunk far too much, though had exercised quite a bit.

I had food poisoning for a week at the start of the year so ate very little.

I’ve lowered my carbs quite a bit this week and have upped the exercise a lot which always causes a lot of water weight loss initially

I feel like I’m nearer my true weight now so will see how it goes next week!

Positives though. Diet is nailed in, exercise is good and I’m off the booze for a couple of months.


2,306 posts

95 months

Saturday 13th January
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Have moved to Saturday weigh-ins and, in the spirit of holding myself to account publicly, I’ve gained weight. 0.2 kg vs 1st Jan (0.5kg up on a weigh/in earlier this week).

What’s going well
I’ve started skipping breakfast consistently
I’ve cut down on sugar

What needs work
Lunch needs to be consistently low cal (ie soup, not a toasted sandwich like yesterday)
All sugar needs to go
Evening meals can’t be Domino’s pizza, as we had last night

C minus - plenty of room for improvement

ETA I have been alive for approx 17,000 days. In that time I have ingrained some habits. I’m not going to change those on a week or two without more conscious effort. I know what I can do, so time to turn this (supertanker-sized) ship around.

Edited by OMITN on Saturday 13th January 09:25


391 posts

101 months

Saturday 13th January
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OMITN said:

I have been alive for approx 17,000 days. In that time I have ingrained some habits. I’m not going to change those on a week or two without more conscious effort. I know what I can do, so time to turn this (supertanker-sized) ship around.

Edited by OMITN on Saturday 13th January 09:25
This last bit is so true.

Have you read Atomic Habits? Has been a massive help for me helping to reprogram some of these.


458 posts

92 months

Saturday 13th January
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Time for me to join this thread as I need some accountability.

Quick bit of background. Back in 2021, I quit drinking and got my diet under control losing over 30 kg in the space of a year. Luckily I've always cooked from scratch and never been a fan of takeaways so the big thing for me was cutting out the alcohol and with it all the nibbles and hangover food that accompanied that habit. I tracked my food intake and weight loss through old-fashioned spreadsheets as I'm a bit of a geek and love a good spreadsheet, and found it relatively easy once I developed the good habits.

But complacency started setting in...

Last year I let things slip a bit over summer but not so bad that it was over the top. I knew I'd put a bit of weight on as I'm weighed regularly for appointments with the thyroid clinic but only 4 kg and still within normal BMI so nothing to worry about. Also I reasoned that I was still exercising to the same level and that would help.

Last November I had quite a few trips away for work and stopped tracking altogether. Figured it was close to the end of the year and I'd start again in January. Except in December things got worse and I reasoned that I'd fallen off the wagon so I may as well skip down the tracks eating all the Christmas goodies that I could.

Was meant to start again after the New Year but decided to hold off until going back to work on the 8th, and as all the Christmas goodies were reduced in the shops, I should take advantage as I won't be doing this again...

Back to work on Monday although chickened out of stepping on the scales reasoning that I needed a week to get things under control slightly. Had a good week eating healthily so that I was consistently running a 500c deficit each day.

Stepped on the scales this morning and discovered I'd put on 4.5 kg since 30th November eek

Well that explains why my clothes don't fit at the moment.

Starting weight is 73.5 kg and I'd like to get back down to 65 kg