The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread



1,587 posts

22 months

Monday 8th January
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Technical issue, get a 403 forbidden message editing the wiki post so not put myself on there yet.



12,813 posts

170 months

Monday 8th January
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105.3kg today, down from 107.5kg last week. I ate a mint orange too biggrin


1,148 posts

122 months

Monday 8th January
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Joined for the first time, weight yo-yo's with the seasons and as my cycling changes, but bad year in 2022 when in September I ruptured a tendon and have had to have a year off, just getting back into it really and up to 105 miles per week, way down on my old mileage. Although I'm not fat FAT, I am over what I want to be and more importantly what my clothes want me to be.


2,291 posts

95 months

Tuesday 9th January
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Slight loss of 0.5kg for me since the start of the year. It’s not much, but since I haven’t been dieting (have eaten the remainder of the Christmas food) I feel positive about taking in the bigger challenge.

I have a friend involved as he also wants to lose weight - we’ve decided on an interim incentive: hit and hold an interim target weight by end of September then we each buy something we want but wouldn’t normally buy. A reward in other words (what he doesn’t know is that if we both hit our interim targets then I’ll buy the reward for me and him as he doesn’t have a lot of spare cash).

I’m using the Happy Scale app to record my weight and weigh-ins.


2,445 posts

226 months

Tuesday 9th January
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OMITN said:
Slight loss of 0.5kg for me since the start of the year. It’s not much, but since I haven’t been dieting (have eaten the remainder of the Christmas food) I feel positive about taking in the bigger challenge.

I have a friend involved as he also wants to lose weight - we’ve decided on an interim incentive: hit and hold an interim target weight by end of September then we each buy something we want but wouldn’t normally buy. A reward in other words (what he doesn’t know is that if we both hit our interim targets then I’ll buy the reward for me and him as he doesn’t have a lot of spare cash).

I’m using the Happy Scale app to record my weight and weigh-ins.
I like this idea - also v nice gesture from you for your friend!

What are you thinking of getting?


2,291 posts

95 months

Tuesday 9th January
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MBVitoria said:
I like this idea - also v nice gesture from you for your friend!

What are you thinking of getting?
Nothing dramatic! A G-Shock watch each. I have plenty of nice watches and don’t need any more but fancy something rugged. He struggles to buy things like that for himself (young family taking up all his cash). So nothing wild but something we will both feel is worth the effort.


12,813 posts

170 months

Tuesday 9th January
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OMITN said:
MBVitoria said:
I like this idea - also v nice gesture from you for your friend!

What are you thinking of getting?
Nothing dramatic! A G-Shock watch each. I have plenty of nice watches and don’t need any more but fancy something rugged. He struggles to buy things like that for himself (young family taking up all his cash). So nothing wild but something we will both feel is worth the effort.
G shock do a nice GPS watch, a rugged rival to a Garmin, weirdly saw it advertised today. Could be a motivational tool afterwards too.


3,078 posts

174 months

Tuesday 9th January
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OMITN said:
I’m using the Happy Scale app to record my weight and weigh-ins.
I'm using this as well. I was using a spreadsheet to track daily weigh ins but I missed readings and never went back to update them. Now it's weigh myself, upload the data onto the app and i'm done.


4,042 posts

160 months

Tuesday 9th January
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I've been doing a race series on Zwift, so I've been tracking what I eat and trying to eat healthily - mostly successfully - but not operating a calorie deficient as I need to recover day to day and race to race. Each race (of 8) burns about 1,000 calories, so I'm just making sure I replace them with good carbs.

Also experimenting with the less energy dense foods - salads, popcorn and rice cakes vs nuts and dried fruit. Working well at filling me up.

Will be interesting to see how I cope with smaller portions and less caloric input after the series ends on Wednesday night and how my body responds to the rest period it so, so desperately needs now.

Terry Winks

1,264 posts

16 months

Tuesday 9th January
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I’ve gone all in.


2,177 posts

40 months

Tuesday 9th January
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I paid 20 quid for a RENPHO Smart Scale, the app seems to do most of what happy scale does, and crucially it stores all the readings if you phone happens to be out of range and uploads them next time it's connected. So there is no friction at all. Just stand on it and it's logged. Syncs well with apple health etc.


2,291 posts

95 months

Tuesday 9th January
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S100HP said:
G shock do a nice GPS watch, a rugged rival to a Garmin, weirdly saw it advertised today. Could be a motivational tool afterwards too.
Thanks. Will take a look..!


1,146 posts

122 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Forgot to post. First weigh in was on Monday and i'm 17st13, loss of 4lbs. Happy with that as not changed lifestyle too much except Dry Jan and a minor dietry adjustment. This week, taking the diet a bit more seriously and upping the exercise. At the moment that is just walking. Over 20,000 steps both Monday and Tuesday.


3,092 posts

225 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Right, that’s new batteries in the weigh Scales!

Weigh day will be Sat mornings for me.

Need to find the tape measure now for round belly button, as that was for me the most satisfying change last time I changed lifestyle.


18,166 posts

275 months

Wednesday 10th January
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First week down, and a 3.1kg loss for me which I'm super happy with but I know from past experience this is where the hard work really starts as my gains historically have been much harder to maintain after the first couple of weeks. Still I'm pleased as this leaves me with under 20kg (19.9kg) to reach my target!

I'd like to believe I could reach it by end of April in time to go on holiday, but I know that's more than likely totally impossible! Also I know May is going to be a very busy month for me which will impact things a little. However I'd be happy enough to reach it by mid summer or even September for when I go on holiday.

My Mrs on the other hand is not quite as happy with her 0.6lbs loss but to be fair she did consume lots of calories at the weekend and I did tell her that will kill her gains even if she's been good all week.


7,079 posts

223 months

Wednesday 10th January
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2kg down here and I'm happy so far. Tried to cut down on the snacking and I've been eating a packet of rice for lunch to try and get it shifting.
Also spent 2hrs out sailing on Friday and another 2hrs on Sunday which is quite a work out as it's constant body weight adjustment, hiking out the side for balance and rope pulling, particularly when racing. (Phantom dinghy for those into Yotting).


41,916 posts

203 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Settling back into it, no breakfast today, tend to do that when in the office and not going for a run, can hold out to 12 which gives me a good start on not eating too much during the day. Day 10 of dry January, not remotely bothered about drinking.

First run of the year yesterday and considering, it wasnt that slow, gym on monday, gym tonight so back to my pre Christmas routine.

If you dont run, give it a try if able as nothing seems to give me the same benefits, not going mad, a 5k 2 or 3 times a week and the day after a run I am usually a pound lighter than the day before and feel slimmer. It seems horrible but it gets less horrible and what you though was impossible becomes normal routine.

I get a good buzz from it, get some trainers and running gear, download the BBC Couch to 5K and give it a try. Also seems to help with bloodflow to the lower regions if you get my drift...


57,085 posts

207 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Over 2kg in 24 hours without even trying. I don’t recommend it though - some sort of winter vomiting and diarrhoea bug.


2,680 posts

191 months

Wednesday 10th January
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J4CKO said:
Also seems to help with bloodflow to the lower regions if you get my drift...
Hopefully not while your running hehe


1,214 posts

169 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Back to it for 2024. I'm only up 0.5kg over Christmas which is pretty good considering I was on the beers every day for three weeks!

Not changing much, will stick to a high protein diet with a realistic calorie goal (1,921) but I've started a 5k running improvement plan with the Runna app in the hope of getting my time down under 20 minutes. That will certainly require a bit of timber to be lost so added motivation. Going to try to cut out the booze as much as possible too!