What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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ORD said:
Pull ups will be easy once your legs atrophy smile
Yay! biggrin Every cloud!


53,012 posts

186 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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Ninja warrior here you come.


5,859 posts

171 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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didelydoo said:
Thank you all.

I’m already bored! I’m not one for staying still...... I’m off work until the third anyway, so it’s going to be a slow festive season! Soon as I can walk I’ll start upper body work.
DD what's your insta? I definitelyu followed you but can't see you anywhere now...?


5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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TheBALDpuma said:
DD what's your insta? I definitelyu followed you but can't see you anywhere now...?
It’s ‘mylifting’ - deleted my old one a while back, to many junk followers-never managed to find most good folk again when I made a new one.....


5,859 posts

171 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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didelydoo said:
TheBALDpuma said:
DD what's your insta? I definitelyu followed you but can't see you anywhere now...?
It’s ‘mylifting’ - deleted my old one a while back, to many junk followers-never managed to find most good folk again when I made a new one.....
Sounds horrible! the kind of sound I'm surprised you walked out of the squat rack! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery!


5,533 posts

213 months

Friday 22nd December 2017
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TheBALDpuma said:
Sounds horrible! the kind of sound I'm surprised you walked out of the squat rack! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery!
Thanks smile
I didn’t walk very far..... then I drove home, then to a&e, then home again biggrin

Now I can’t walk at all, even with crutches it’s agony! Fecking useless legs.....


270 posts

140 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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Got to mess about in the gym for once which was nice...

Camber bar beltless box squat
57kg x10
97kg x10
137kg x11
177kg x1

Close grip bench
60kg x15
100kg x10
120kg x10
140kg x5

DB bench
40kgs x15, 12

Strict log press
72kg x8, 92kg x2

Loads of curls and extensions

Sots press up to 72.5kg (snatch grip behind neck press in swuat position)

KB swings 56kg x19. Death.


15,078 posts

172 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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didelydoo said:
TheBALDpuma said:
Sounds horrible! the kind of sound I'm surprised you walked out of the squat rack! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery!
Thanks smile
I didn’t walk very far..... then I drove home, then to a&e, then home again biggrin

Now I can’t walk at all, even with crutches it’s agony! Fecking useless legs.....
At least you did it doing something you enjoy. I had a 2nd degree tear of my hamstring last month when I chased some chavs off (they were chucking compacted snowballs at old people irked ).

Hope it recovers soon, the back of my leg was black, now a faint green but the pain is mostly gone biggrin


5,859 posts

171 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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didelydoo said:
Thanks smile
I didn’t walk very far..... then I drove home, then to a&e, then home again biggrin

Now I can’t walk at all, even with crutches it’s agony! Fecking useless legs.....
Is it the same area you have had issues with glute pain before?


5,533 posts

213 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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TheBALDpuma said:
Is it the same area you have had issues with glute pain before?
Exact same spot. No bruising today! That’s promising, still can’t walk though.

What I’m hoping for, is that what ever was causing my glute issue- scar tissue/knot/tissue adhesions- suddenly popped/snapped loose. This is unlikely, but possible. Oddly, my stance is more even now than it was before, like 1 leg has shortened a few mm.


18,718 posts

249 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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I’d get a scan, Ben. I tore a vein in my quad which caused a thrombosis. Not saying you have but early prognosis and treatment may hasten the recovery.


5,533 posts

213 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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Burwood said:
I’d get a scan, Ben. I tore a vein in my quad which caused a thrombosis. Not saying you have but early prognosis and treatment may hasten the recovery.
That’s the plan, but it’ll be after Xmas if no bruising/swelling becomes apparent. It’s the snap noise that’s my concern- I mean wtf makes a noise like that without it being something very bad ! biggrin


18,718 posts

249 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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Like a large rubber band snapping. biggrin

When I did mine in i limped out of the gym, drove home and went to bed. In the morning I got up in massive pain and staggered into the shower. Looked down and my leg was dark black/blue and twice the size:scaredstlessface:


5,859 posts

171 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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didelydoo said:
Exact same spot. No bruising today! That’s promising, still can’t walk though.

What I’m hoping for, is that what ever was causing my glute issue- scar tissue/knot/tissue adhesions- suddenly popped/snapped loose. This is unlikely, but possible. Oddly, my stance is more even now than it was before, like 1 leg has shortened a few mm.
Where about exactly is the pain? (Not planning to try and guess a diagnosis in just interested in the specifics and the outcome). Is it localised or do you have any nervey pain down your leg?

A snap like that really does make you think a tendon has gone pop! Is everything still where it should be muscle wise?

Also out of interest are you natty? I seem to remember a while ago you were dabbling with the idea of PEDs but not sure whether you did anything about it. Feel free to not answer this if you don't want to! Just bring nosey. Tendon and ligament damage can be more prolific in people using certain PEDs I believe as they can break down the material that makes connective tissues.


6,018 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd December 2017
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I don't recall any pain when I tore my tendon, it was sore initially and I darent use it just in case.
Bruising took about a week though to properly develop which is what threw everyone off.
Then it appeared on bicep so yours may appear further down your leg with gravity?
I think that's why mine did it.


18,120 posts

130 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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Pure Gym visit for the first time today. Cracking gym. Excellent free weights facilities.

One problem: all the bars are thick and rotate very freely. Fine for most things but really messed with my bench press.

Deadlift: 2 x 3 @ 140kg. Grip strength terrible since the flu.

Bench: 90kg x 8; 100kg x 5

DB incline bench: 30kg x 10

DB press: 20kg x 10


767 posts

181 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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ORD said:
Pure Gym visit for the first time today. Cracking gym. Excellent free weights facilities.

One problem: all the bars are thick and rotate very freely. Fine for most things but really messed with my bench press.

Deadlift: 2 x 3 @ 140kg. Grip strength terrible since the flu.

Bench: 90kg x 8; 100kg x 5

DB incline bench: 30kg x 10

DB press: 20kg x 10
Funnily enough, first Pure Gym visit for me as well. Handy for visiting family, seeing as the membership is under £20pm for access to a whole bunch of gyms.

Just a quick 2 x 8km on the rowing machine at 70% MHR, with a push for the final couple of km. I hit 218bpm during the final stint, so need to rethink my heart rate bands.


18,120 posts

130 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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Blimey! 218 is good going - no way do I have the mental strength to push that hard on an ergo.


8,770 posts

184 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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Good session at the gym yesterday, almost cracked 160kg on the bench, a much better effort than last week - so close. I will get it before the New Year. Then two hours on the turbo this morning Zwifting - probably the hardest two hours I've ever done on the turbo. Feel a bit second hand now. To the gym this evening, I don't envisage anything special, my daughter will probably kill me. Merry Christmas everyone!


18,718 posts

249 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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mcelliott said:
Good session at the gym yesterday, almost cracked 160kg on the bench, a much better effort than last week - so close. I will get it before the New Year. Then two hours on the turbo this morning Zwifting - probably the hardest two hours I've ever done on the turbo. Feel a bit second hand now. To the gym this evening, I don't envisage anything special, my daughter will probably kill me. Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas, everyone

I've got a 17lb bird to roast biggrin