The 2024 Weight Loss Thread

The 2024 Weight Loss Thread


Speed Badger

2,800 posts

120 months

Sunday 7th January
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I've somehow put on 11lbs over Christmas! Can anyone top this?! Right, keeping away from wine and pringles now nono


6,861 posts

182 months

Sunday 7th January
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11.5 lbs down since Boxing Day. I was doing very well until the second part of this week but need to regain my discipline against snacks and getting on the exercise bike.

I’m getting used to going hungry and exercising portion control so what was previously a medium size meal now fills me completely as well as having two days when I happily only had an evening meal with no ill-effects.

Target is 14.5 stone by April 2nd when we set off to the beach so 42.5 lbs to lose in total, with 31 to still go.


684 posts

184 months

Sunday 7th January
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I'm starting 11lb lighter than I did this time last year, which is a rare thing, but still have a long way to go. Would ideally like to lose another 70lb.

I've found cutting out the crap (we all know what that is) the snacking in between meals, and fasting between 6pm and 10am is not only reasonably easy to do, but also effective for me.

The only problem I have is there's always something that breaks the routine. Usually a weekend break or holiday, and then I find it very hard to get back on the straight and narrow.

Anyway there shouldn't be much to break the routine until at least March, so should be able to get a couple of stone off in that time.


3,092 posts

225 months

Sunday 7th January
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Failed miserably last year, def back in for this one.


750 posts

168 months

Sunday 7th January
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A lot of you probably already do it, but we find meal planning and dishes that you ‘cook once, eat twice (three or four times!)’ works very well in helping stopping the snacking and food indecision which invariably leads to poor food choices at last minute.

Trying a one pan spinach, leek and pesto orzo tonight which sounds lush! It’s from Ella Mills new cookbook - She was on the radio yesterday and mentioned the dish, so we went and bought her book today. Lots of cook once, eat twice recipes.

Had a good first week of the year removing the snacks and biscuits and feeling much better for it. Exercise slowly being reintroduced.


1,146 posts

122 months

Sunday 7th January
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I'm in for this year. Don't do that new fangled Kg thing. I'm 18st3 as of Jan 1st. Aim is to start Feb with a 16st something. Weigh in every Monday. I eat too much rich food, drink too much and move very little. Doing dry Jan, started to eat healthier and as of tomorrow going to up the exercise.


106 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th January
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I’m in. Dec 1st 91kg
Then acute gall bladder resulted in removal on the 9th. That helped
Now 87kg … lightest for a decade
Aim is 80

cjs racing.

2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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tribalsurfer said:
I'm in for this year. Don't do that new fangled Kg thing. I'm 18st3 as of Jan 1st. Aim is to start Feb with a 16st something. Weigh in every Monday. I eat too much rich food, drink too much and move very little. Doing dry Jan, started to eat healthier and as of tomorrow going to up the exercise.
I started last year 18st7, last Wednesday I was 13st6.

Build the exercise slowly, count calories, but don't become all consumed by it, if you want a cheat day, have one.

Could I have lost weight faster? Possible, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

With the way I did it, the high I now get from a good weigh in has replaced the quick high from sugar or carbs, my whole way of thinking has changed


106 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th January
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I’m in. Dec 1st 91kg
Then acute gall bladder resulted in removal on the 9th. That helped
Now 87kg … lightest for a decade
Aim is 80


9,249 posts

260 months

Monday 8th January
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1st weigh-in...85.4kg (+.3)!
21.2% body fat (Didn't measure initially()

OK not such a great start from a weight loss perspective but I'm still proud as did 3 bike rides, 1 PT session and did first Tai Chi lesson (to help my flexibility and core strength)

I notice I eat a lot after exercising as feel hungry so going to have to be careful with that. I also still had Christmas crap left around (no longer) so maybe this week will be better from a snacking perspective


1,978 posts

167 months

Monday 8th January
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Having hit my heaviest weight for close on 30 years, I need to sort myself out!

The weight gain was a combination of running a pub for a while and a months holiday in Australia drinking and eating far too much…. Though in reality it boils down to excess for a number of months.

I’ve been here before so I know I can drop the weight.

Plan is to up the exercise, lower the carbs and stop drinking for a couple of months. After that I’ll start drinking again but moderate things better!

I haven’t drink for over a week now and will start the exercise today (returned home from Oz yesterday).

First weigh in will be at the weekend. I have had a week of food poisoning which was pretty grim so my weight may be a little skewed for a week or 2!


1,146 posts

122 months

Monday 8th January
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cjs racing. said:
I started last year 18st7, last Wednesday I was 13st6.

Build the exercise slowly, count calories, but don't become all consumed by it, if you want a cheat day, have one.

Could I have lost weight faster? Possible, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

With the way I did it, the high I now get from a good weigh in has replaced the quick high from sugar or carbs, my whole way of thinking has changed
That's one hell of an effort, congrats.


7,871 posts

95 months

Monday 8th January
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I'll join. Been in a weight loss challenge with a couple of chums since the start of the year that runs to end of April with a big, big forfeit for the loser!

One guy going mega all out but I don't see him going the distance.
Another guy is fasting until tea time but seems to be unable to avoid cakes and the like.

My approach is to run a calorie deficit but nothing is off the table. I'm doing a couple of weeks off the booze as a reset, because that's largely why I got fat in lockdown, but not giving it up. All about sustainable lifestyle changes.

Had a 45 minute treadmill run yesterday which went fine, but I was slightly woozy afterwards having been on a deficit for a week, so that's one to watch.

MyFitnessPal is handy for logging meals and working out (based on goals) what you have left from a calorie perspective.

My starting weight last week was 14 stone 7. Targeting 12ish.


2,523 posts

244 months

Monday 8th January
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Motivational start to the week, down 2.6kg from last Monday. Now I know the first week is always the easiest, but still happy with that, only deviated once from the diet, so won't beat myself up too much. Still taking time off from running\biking, partly as I'm full of the cold and secondly to focus on the diet. If I can continue to lose 1kg a week that would be great.

Finding the 16-8 intermittent fasting pretty easy, last hour or so is tough depending on what I'm doing. See how this week goes now I’m back into the normal routine.

Finding these Protein "Puddings" really fill me up at lunchitme and keep me going until dinner, very satisying too -

Hope everyone else is doing well.


3,078 posts

174 months

Monday 8th January
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1 week in and so far i've lost 1.3kg which i'm happy with. Just been watching what I eat although not going to extremes. For example on Fridays we usually have a takeaway pizza each. This week we bought a large pizza from Sainsburys to share and had some rice and salad with it.


2,176 posts

40 months

Monday 8th January
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Some big numbers here. I’m trying to lose 0.5kg a month which feels tiny compared to some of the numbers but it feels more sustainable to me personally. If I can lose 0.5kg a month for a year. Not only does that mean losing 6kg over the year, it also means I havn’t relapsed and things are stable.

If it turns out I lose more eg 1kg a month then I’ll add a few treats back into the diet.


135 posts

135 months

Monday 8th January
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Really happy with the first week, down 3.2kg. I always seem to drop a lot the first week or two of a new regime so it was kind of expected.

What I'm most pleased with is sticking to my 10k steps every day. I work from home most of the time which makes it easy for a sedentary lifestyle to become the norm if your not careful.

There was only 1 day that the 10k steps felt like a chore too which is good. Considering I'm trying to drop weight for a summer walking holiday, the 10k steps seems a sensible idea!

Terry Winks

1,264 posts

16 months

Monday 8th January
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I weighed in wrong last week, not sure what happened. But I am actually 113.1kg, which is frankly disgusting, I really did enjoy last year, and I know I did.

Anyway, whiteboard is up in the kitchen with the weeks meal and exercise routines, I am upping my intended loss to 1.5kg a week, I don't think thats too extreme, best get cracking.


1,587 posts

22 months

Monday 8th January
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Good for you all. Keep it up.

Will join in too. I've already lost a bunch last 18 months or so (and then put on like 5kg in Nov/Dec eek) so need to get back on it and lose the last few kilos to get to my original target.

Nothing flash here, just watching the calories and walking a bit more.

king arthur

6,686 posts

264 months

Monday 8th January
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I might have to join this. Since before Christmas I've gained 2.5kg and I was already heavier than I wanted to be. Now I'm over 89kg. Although going to the gym 2 - 3 times a week, this is to lift weights and in order to ensure I'm getting enough protein I'm probably eating too many calories overall.

So I think it's a case of cut the calories again, maybe by going back to intermittent fasting which I tried last year, and do more cardio in the gym along with the weights. I sat on the rowing machine on Saturday and did 5km without really feeling it too much, so I'm going to aim to be doing 10km per session before too long.