Had a heart attack on Monday.

Had a heart attack on Monday.



3,667 posts

130 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Aa bloke approaching 50, with no specific symptoms or anything like that, is it possible to have some sort of MOT done to see if there are any potential problems before they strike, or is is a case of wait til something happens?

Jonny TVR

4,541 posts

284 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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MOBB said:
Aa bloke approaching 50, with no specific symptoms or anything like that, is it possible to have some sort of MOT done to see if there are any potential problems before they strike, or is is a case of wait til something happens?
You can have anything you want as long as you are happy to pay! I use preventicum.


8,078 posts

160 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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So not a lot happens over the weekend in here - it’s all a learning curve for me.
I’ve spent lots of time in hospitals but only for a few hours at a time.
I didn’t realise that the weekends are so quiet.

I’m on a cardiac ward - 6 bays. Only 3 of us in here currently. I’m the only “resident”. Everyone else has had procedures and will be going home.

At least I’ve got a nice view.

My troponin score dropped to 618 last night.
I’m chest pain/pressure free.
My heart rate has been steady for almost 24hrs now. A steady 55-57.

My consultant popped in this morning to say hello and say he’s managed to get my MRI in for tomorrow rather than Tuesday which is good.

It’s all just a waiting game. I’m hoping the WiFi in here is good enough to watch the F1 later.


23,272 posts

233 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Try and enjoy the rest.

When I had mine, I was in hospital for a week.

Guy in the bed opposite would sneak out to the pub and was trying to get me to come along. I declined hehe

The aftercare acted like I was in my 80s and had me doing exercise classes with pensioners where picking a book up was considered a great exertion.

And I had walked 3 miles to get there. My driving licence was taken off me and everything was going at a snails pace. It was suggested that I do some light gardening??

I was 46, looked fit and needed to get back to work.

What worked was paying to see the consultant privately who put my mind to rest and wrote to DVLA to tell them I was fine to drive.

Just suggesting incase you feel that you might want to do the same.

Take it easy fella, but not too easy smile


8,078 posts

160 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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The driving thing was stressing me out when they mentioned it up in the cath lab.

In the end, they didn’t do any actual work on my heart so I didn’t get a stop on my licence- was glad about that.

I could end up with some issues depending on how the scan goes tomorrow.

I’ve been reading the pamphlets like mad that are on the ward - the rehab seems very tailored to older people. I’ll have a hobbit see if I can get it modified a bit.

I was allowed to wander the corridors earlier. I said I wanted to go outside so I have to do a lot of walking (in 15 min bursts) this morning to make them happy that I’m not going to keep over - then my consultant will let me know if I can go downstairs and sit outside for half an hour.


5,301 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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MOBB said:
Aa bloke approaching 50, with no specific symptoms or anything like that, is it possible to have some sort of MOT done to see if there are any potential problems before they strike, or is is a case of wait til something happens?
Yes. Pay for an angiogram privately. Not painless, but quick and relatively simple.

There are other tests, but as most heart attacks are blocked arteries then that's the best place to start.


2,003 posts

111 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Yes but be careful and make sure benefit outweigh risks. Get proper medical advice as the procedure is safe but can have complications some rare ones include heart attack or stroke. By all means go for it but just make sure you know what the odds are.


9,176 posts

197 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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I had a similar experience to you, pidsy- on off chest pain, trip to A&E, high troponin, abnormal ECG

Had all the tests, echo clear, nothing observed on the angiogram, diagnosed as myopericarditis - apparently a viral infection affecting heart muscle - although I don’t believe there was any way of proving it without doing a biopsy of the heart

That was when I was 37 and thankfully no recurrence since.

Hope you’re out soon!


2,515 posts

244 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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Mastiff said:
16 Years since my 1st heart attack - 14 years since my 2nd. Coronary artery disease.

Still here wavey

More stents than I can remember now.....

Good luck all.
eta - old thread re my experience.


7,175 posts

147 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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pidsy said:
So not a lot happens over the weekend in here - it’s all a learning curve for me.
I’ve spent lots of time in hospitals but only for a few hours at a time.
I didn’t realise that the weekends are so quiet.

I’m on a cardiac ward - 6 bays. Only 3 of us in here currently. I’m the only “resident”. Everyone else has had procedures and will be going home.

At least I’ve got a nice view.

My troponin score dropped to 618 last night.
I’m chest pain/pressure free.
My heart rate has been steady for almost 24hrs now. A steady 55-57.

My consultant popped in this morning to say hello and say he’s managed to get my MRI in for tomorrow rather than Tuesday which is good.

It’s all just a waiting game. I’m hoping the WiFi in here is good enough to watch the F1 later.
Hope you're doing OK chap?

Do you have anyone who could help you out if you need it? When I had mine at 45 (5yrs ago) I was similarly pretty scared, but I had a wife and 2yo kid to come in and see me, and obviously run errands for me. It can be so boring to be stuck in a hospital ward. I subscribed to the Readly app on my iPad - more car magazines on it than you can shake a stick at, a brilliant way of passing the time whilst holed up in dry dock, so to speak.

It was the same with me re: the weekends, you just kind of assume that hospital wards are 24/7 places that run at the same rate of bed turnovers all the time. It's not until you're a cog in the machine that you realise that if you're not discharged by Friday then you ain't going anywhere until Monday. At least the food in mine (Royal Berkshire) was half decent.

Be interested to see what your diagnosis is if you don't have any arterial blockages/no stents fitted.


8,078 posts

160 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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Thanks PT - I’m currently waiting to go down for a Cardiac MRI. It was due to be at 9. Then 10.30. Then 12….

Saw my consultant this morning and they are pretty set on it being myocarditis - as was mentioned above.

Which although st, doesn’t mean that my years of dread about my genetics being rubbish isn’t totally founded.

As soon as they get the report (which could be at least a day) - I might be able to go home.

I asked if that meant I did have a HA in the first place and they said yes but it was as a consequence of the infection so more of a “rumble” than a blockage or artery failure.

Waiting for todays Trop score to come back - they would expect it to return to normal over the coming weeks.

We’ll see what happens if I ever get this scan.

In terms of being looked after - work have been great, various people taking care of the house, dogs, picked my car up from the car park here - got someone going shopping for me too.

I’ve just been hammering through Netflix, reading EVERY thread on here and listening to the stories of why people are in this ward.
Some scary stuff happens to people!


3,523 posts

27 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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pidsy said:
Thanks PT - I’m currently waiting to go down for a Cardiac MRI. It was due to be at 9. Then 10.30. Then 12….

Saw my consultant this morning and they are pretty set on it being myocarditis - as was mentioned above.
Are you vaxxed?


17,529 posts

200 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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Sounds like progress is slowly being made

good luck


8,078 posts

160 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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r3g said:
pidsy said:
Thanks PT - I’m currently waiting to go down for a Cardiac MRI. It was due to be at 9. Then 10.30. Then 12….

Saw my consultant this morning and they are pretty set on it being myocarditis - as was mentioned above.
Are you vaxxed?
Yes. Fully.


3,523 posts

27 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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pidsy said:
Yes. Fully.
Wish you all the best.


8,078 posts

160 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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Well I’m out!

MRI results yesterday showed the right side of my heart is slightly enlarged.
Also that although it’s not showing signs of Myocarditis - they could say with confidence that I have had it at some point.

They also did a test for a blood clot in my lungs as it could have been putting pressure on my heart - that was negative too.

Got a repeat MRI in 12 weeks and will have further study of my HR in the coming weeks.
Been prescribed GTN spray and told to take it easy for 8 weeks.

Very glad that’s over. I would be much happier if they’d found the actual cause but they can only work with the details they have in front of them.

Trop score today was 580 so dropping day on day although slowly.
I still don’t really know whether what I had would be classed as a Heart Attack but I’m happy that I can move on with life and will be closely monitored in the future.

A huge thank you to all of you on this thread for your kind words and thoughts. Certainly got me through those hours where I thought the worst.

Thank you.


24,375 posts

116 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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Great news, all sounds very encouraging. smile


17,529 posts

200 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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That's good news


1,389 posts

59 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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Great news


8,078 posts

160 months

Tuesday 1st November 2022
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Thought I’d give an update.

After coming out - I had a seven day tape in august and a follow up cardiac MRI in September.

Had the results appointment with a consultant yesterday. Turns out things aren’t going very well.
My tape showed that overnight (on 3 different nights in the week) my heart stops beating - the longest period being just under 5 seconds.

He believes that I have another genetic fault - a type of cardiomyopathy. In his words “we need to keep a very close eye and get this sorted”.

Got a call after lunch today and they’d had a case meeting about me this morning and there is a renowned specialist on their team who is very eager to meet me so I’m back at the cardiac unit tomorrow for a meeting to with them to discuss what they plan to do.

Last night it was briefly mentioned that I could end up with a pace maker with built in Defibrillator- I’m guessing he was right and that’s the discussion we’ll be having tomorrow.

It’s all happened so quickly - nothing for months and now mayhem in the past 24hrs.

If I’m honest, I’m absolutely terrified.
I’m not scared of having the kit fitted, I’m scared of the unknown. It’s a really horrible feeling as a (normally) very fit and healthy 41 year old.
I guess I’ll know what’s going to happen this time tomorrow.