Prostate cancer



9,936 posts

38 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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Thanks for comment/link.. My only side effects so far are mild ‘thick head’ with mild ‘wooziness’ when up and about, neither of which really concern me. However I have advised my Doctor when he asked about how I was feeling.


7,939 posts

146 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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crankedup5 said:
Thanks for comment/link.. My only side effects so far are mild ‘thick head’ with mild ‘wooziness’ when up and about, neither of which really concern me. However I have advised my Doctor when he asked about how I was feeling.
As said not everyone gets all the symptoms but after 15 months I started with depression which was not good at all. Never suffered from that before but wondering what it would be like to jump off Beachy Head is not a good place to be.
I tried all the 'remedies' for hot flushes and other symptoms like Evening Primrose oil and Cranberry juice but found nothing worked for me. But some swear by them.
I was originally projected to have 3 years of Prostap but the side effects became too much at 18 months and the consultant agreed to stop it at 2 years. The outcomes are virtually the same anyway.


14,046 posts

166 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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crankedup5 said:
don'tbesilly said:
Many thanks all.

We are planning a big family bash towards the end of the month to celebrate the end (hopefully) of what has been quite a long journey, the original PCa diagnosis was made back in Dec 2010.

Big thanks are due to the oncology/urology teams at East Surrey Hospital and Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford who have been fantastic through the last 20 odd months, a real testament to just how great the NHS can be.

Pre-op assessment tomorrow/Covid test on Sunday/ OP on Wed, and I'm hoping the Bicalutamide can be binned on Thursday!
I would like to add my best wishes on your brilliant news, enjoy the party party
Cheers cranked thumbup

Sadly the op had to be postponed, the pre-op assessment last Friday picked up severe abnormalities with my haemoglobin/platelet counts as a result of my blood cancer (Myelodysplastic syndrome) so it's been rescheduled for two weeks time.

I've been suffering from this so-called 'super cold' for the last 4 weeks and I rather suspect that my twice-weekly jab to combat the blood cancer has been put under pressure as a result of the cold, and was rendered largely ineffective in boosting both my haemoglobin/platelet counts as a result of fighting the cold and I missed the signs of the failing jabs as a result of the severe cold, which was the worst I've ever experienced.

So instead of the op on Wed, I had a blood transfusion yesterday.

Quite a major blow psychologically as I was well prepared for the procedure, thankfully I can have a top-up of 'good' blood prior to the upcoming rescheduled op should I need it, so I'm hoping the second attempt will actually go-ahead.

All the best to everyone else suffering from this f*cker of a disease!


9,936 posts

38 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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That really is a horrible set back for you, when you are all mentally set up and ready to go is so disappointing to be on hold for a while. These barsteward cancers certainly put up a fight to get you down, they won’t win though beer All the best, let us all know how your treatment progress and improves your health.

Derek Smith

45,975 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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N7GTX said:
As said not everyone gets all the symptoms but after 15 months I started with depression which was not good at all. Never suffered from that before but wondering what it would be like to jump off Beachy Head is not a good place to be.
I tried all the 'remedies' for hot flushes and other symptoms like Evening Primrose oil and Cranberry juice but found nothing worked for me. But some swear by them.
I was originally projected to have 3 years of Prostap but the side effects became too much at 18 months and the consultant agreed to stop it at 2 years. The outcomes are virtually the same anyway.
I had clinical depression. I took pills. They worked for me - SSRIs. They have side effects, but little to put up with given my emotions at the time.

I was slowly weaned off them, to the level that I felt no real effect. The major advantage for me was that they allowed me to work on a solution without the depressive thoughts.

I'd see the dr about it.


3,353 posts

163 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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On the Hot Flush topic, Medroxyprogesterone is great at keeping them under control, my Onco Consultant got my GP to prescribe it

Edited by ninepoint2 on Friday 3rd December 21:04


762 posts

84 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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My grandad who is 85 has had prostate cancer for the past 3 years. It had already spread to his bones but this week they have discovered it has reached his spine. The consultant said 'we're not talking weeks' when asked by my mum how long he has left (My grandad doesn't know this as he asked not to be told). They have stopped nearly all of the medication he was on as they are saying it now won't have any effect and have told him to enjoy Christmas with his family.

They are going to revisit in January where chemotherapy is an option, however he is adamant he doesn't want it. He is struggling massively with the mental side of it all.

Just wanted to wish everyone the best going through similar.


9,936 posts

38 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Sorry to hear of your horrible news, I hope that your whole family enjoy a memorable Christmas together and that Grandad will be well looked after, which I am sure he will be.


7,939 posts

146 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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crankedup5 said:
Sorry to hear of your horrible news, I hope that your whole family enjoy a memorable Christmas together and that Grandad will be well looked after, which I am sure he will be.


9,936 posts

38 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Just received my NHS notification of my radiotherapy plan. I am advised (instructed for my own benefit) to abide by the dietary guidance offered from the 26th December ‘21 and then expect to be informed of treatment commencing in first two weeks of January.
So Christmas day lunch will be extra extra this year and then leave the sprouts and beer aside biggrin

Looking forward to getting it all underway now, sooner I start the sooner I get to the end of treatment.

Derek Smith

45,975 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Rather than pepper this thread with bits and pieces, I've started a blog about the run up to my diagnosis and the treatment. See

I refuse to use the word journey as I'm neither a chick-lit author nor writing for the edification and enlightenment of women.

It was started so I didn't have to keep telling my kids how I was feeling, but feel free to pass the page on to anyone, and add any comments you want to.

Just to add, or rather repeat, the warning: it is not medical advice. It is specific to me and it is likely that others will experience it all differently.


9,936 posts

38 months

Friday 17th December 2021
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On tenterhooks now, supposed to start my radiotherapy treatments very early January in the Addenenbrooks Hospital. Last night on the news was first reported case of omicron virus, hope I don’t get cancelled.

Edited by crankedup5 on Monday 20th December 16:56


4,252 posts

256 months

Friday 17th December 2021
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Derek Smith said:
Rather than pepper this thread with bits and pieces, I've started a blog about the run up to my diagnosis and the treatment. See

I refuse to use the word journey as I'm neither a chick-lit author nor writing for the edification and enlightenment of women.

It was started so I didn't have to keep telling my kids how I was feeling, but feel free to pass the page on to anyone, and add any comments you want to.

Just to add, or rather repeat, the warning: it is not medical advice. It is specific to me and it is likely that others will experience it all differently.
Hi Derek,

Have just spent some time reading your blog. If laughter is the best medicine ill people should read it. I know to you it is not funny but your words are written with warmth and humour.

Hopefully you will get on top of it.


14,046 posts

166 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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crankedup5 said:
On tenterhooks now, supposed to start my radiotherapy treatments very early January in the Addenenbrooks Hospital. Last night on the news was first reported case of omicron virus, hope I don’t get cancelled.

Edited by crankedup5 on Monday 20th December 16:56
It's an anxious time for many who are expecting to receive any form of treatment over the next few weeks/months and for many differing reasons.

I've got some tests and a possible blood transfusion on Thursday in readiness for my admission on the 28th and my OP on the 29th, so share your concerns in regards to getting a late cancellation, fingers are crossed for both of us. thumbup

All the best to everyone else going through this difficult journey, and to Derek.. keep up the blog and your chin, as a veteran of 11 years of dealing with this horrible condition it can and hopefully will get better for you.

Note: Just read scoey1001's post, all the best and I hope your Grandfather has an enjoyable time at Xmas.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Tuesday 21st December 09:45


9,936 posts

38 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Thanks DBS and I do hope that this time you will receive the treatment program planned. As you mention many treatments are being postponed sadly, however I think cancer treatments are taking preferential consideration over less critical ailments.
Fingers crossed for us all.


9,936 posts

38 months

Thursday 30th December 2021
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spaximus said:
Derek Smith said:
Rather than pepper this thread with bits and pieces, I've started a blog about the run up to my diagnosis and the treatment. See

I refuse to use the word journey as I'm neither a chick-lit author nor writing for the edification and enlightenment of women.

It was started so I didn't have to keep telling my kids how I was feeling, but feel free to pass the page on to anyone, and add any comments you want to.

Just to add, or rather repeat, the warning: it is not medical advice. It is specific to me and it is likely that others will experience it all differently.
Hi Derek,

Have just spent some time reading your blog. If laughter is the best medicine ill people should read it. I know to you it is not funny but your words are written with warmth and humour.

Hopefully you will get on top of it.
Also I have read the blog and agree some well placed humour and kept as light as possible whilst conveying the health situation. Thanks Derek


14,046 posts

166 months

Friday 31st December 2021
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don'tbesilly said:
crankedup5 said:
On tenterhooks now, supposed to start my radiotherapy treatments very early January in the Addenenbrooks Hospital. Last night on the news was first reported case of omicron virus, hope I don’t get cancelled.

Edited by crankedup5 on Monday 20th December 16:56
It's an anxious time for many who are expecting to receive any form of treatment over the next few weeks/months and for many differing reasons.

I've got some tests and a possible blood transfusion on Thursday in readiness for my admission on the 28th and my OP on the 29th, so share your concerns in regards to getting a late cancellation, fingers are crossed for both of us. thumbup

All the best to everyone else going through this difficult journey, and to Derek.. keep up the blog and your chin, as a veteran of 11 years of dealing with this horrible condition it can and hopefully will get better for you.

Note: Just read scoey1001's post, all the best and I hope your Grandfather has an enjoyable time at Xmas.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Tuesday 21st December 09:45

Thankfully my op went ahead on the 29th as scheduled, and owing to some good results from the blood tests done on the 23rd I didn't need the blood transfusion planned for the 28th or the planned overnight stay.

So it was an early start on Wednesday @ 7.00 am with an unexpected PCR test as the test result from the one I had on the 27th hadn't come through at the time of my admission. I then had some blood tests that resulted in me needing a platelet transfusion prior to the OP.

The OP (robot assisted laparoscopic seminal vesiculectomy) started at approx 10.00 am and I came around in the recovery room at about 1.45 pm.
I then had a very welcome cup of 'builders' tea back in my room followed by a lovely cheese and pickle sarnie, and then another doze until approx 6.00 pm.

The surgeon then visited to tell me that the operation went very well was 100% successful with no complications and that I could go home that night!
I left the hospital at about 8.00 pm.

So apart from some bruising on my arms from the 3 cannula's (1 in the left and 2 in the right arms) and the 6 'bullet' wounds in my stomach I'll hopefully make a full recovery in about a week.

Amazing care and professionalism from all the staff at Guildford hospital which made the whole experience so much more bearable for which I will be eternally grateful.

I was originally diagnosed with Prostate cancer on the 24th December 2010, I'm hopeful that after 11 years (nearly to the day) I have now seen the last of this particular cancer.


7,939 posts

146 months

Friday 31st December 2021
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Excellent news, so well done that man. thumbup


9,936 posts

38 months

Saturday 1st January 2022
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Brilliant news DBS, so pleased for you. It’s truly amazing the skills and technology employed in our healthcare.


9,936 posts

38 months

Wednesday 19th January 2022
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Useful to know, thanks.
Tomorrow 20/1/22, visit Addenbrooks hospital for my ‘planning day’ and gold seed implants. This is then followed in two or three weeks time by the daily radiotherapy for twenty days. I am advised that my health progress will be monitored on a three monthly basis. Just want to get it started and done now!