I might be drinking plastic.

I might be drinking plastic.



Original Poster:

1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I went through a phase of buying fizzy bottled water from Tesco - not the w*nky spring water, but the 19p for 2 litre Highland Spring stuff. Then I went off the fizzy stuff and just started filling my old bottles up from the tap. I drink loads of water from it while I work, perhaps 6L or so a day, filling my old Highland Spring bottle up from the tap.

Today I just realized that I've been using the same bottle for around 2 years. It still retains full structural integrity - but I bet I've been drinking loads of green plastic too. Is this dangerous? I give it a good rinse every day. Do you think I might die from it? Should I switch to a lead-lined bottle just to be safe?

I've no symptoms like blinding headaches or dizzying migranes. Please - brutal honesty, PH. I can handle the cold hard truth.


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1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Haha, thanks guys.

Just to confirm, I'm not a fattie, a soldier or a whale.

I never knew 6L was considered a lot? I mean, this is spread throught my waking day, not just 8hrs. I know I drink more than average - and yes, I do p*ss a lot - but I'm sure 6L is on the upper end of the normal scale?


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1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I actually work as an Ecstasy pill quality tester laugh


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1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Thanks, Matt

I know drinking too much can be dangerous. I don't "force" it down as such. Just drink throught the day, and have never felt any negative effects. If I die, I'll let you all know.


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1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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eddie1980 said:
Thats quite a lot of water to be drinking?

How often are you needing to pee? Are you very thin?
I am pretty skinny, but not dangerously so or anything. I siphon the python every hour or two, at a guess?

Please don't tell me I'm going to die.


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1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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To the people saying it's disgusting - I take it you throw your tupperware out every few months?

I know it's not ideal, but like I say, I flush and wash it daily to get rid of the super-aids. Anyway, I'm off to Tesco to shell out 19p for another bottle.


Original Poster:

1,963 posts

204 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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"Water" bad joke!