Best Fail/You're doing it wrong Captions

Best Fail/You're doing it wrong Captions



Original Poster:

10,877 posts

191 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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You know this sort.


Original Poster:

10,877 posts

191 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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yellowbentines said:
asbo said:
I've always found "YOU F**KING MORON" quite effective.
Yes, and it makes much more sense than 'Epic fail' which doesn't seem to make any sense whatsoever....unless you're 14 of course.
You always get a miserable fker or two who has to put a negative twise on what could be a funny thread dont you? Why not resist from posting or reading the thread any further?

I bet my kidney stone that one of these characters replies as they just cant help looking


Original Poster:

10,877 posts

191 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Ahhh Moneypenny said:
DamoLLb said:
I really, really, really hate that stupid expression 'fail' in this context.

It is the ultimate in laziness when it comes to the English language.
Epic Fail at contributing to the orignal post

haha then why bother posting or even reading the thread?