Fine mist


Bonnie and Clyde

Original Poster:

11,701 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Anyone else have this outside at the moment. Its like fine mist or sandy dusty stuff or something. Cleaned the car yesterday and this morning its covered in it. Is the world coming to an end or have i finally lost the plot hehe

Bonnie and Clyde

Original Poster:

11,701 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Romanymagic said:
Bonnie and Clyde said:
Anyone else have this outside at the moment. Its like fine mist or sandy dusty stuff or something. Cleaned the car yesterday and this morning its covered in it. Is the world coming to an end or have i finally lost the plot hehe
Could it be that you are based in Dubai (or similar)? smile
No Cannock. Its like coming in plumes in the air. I just went outside to have a sniff and it doesn't smell, as at first i thought someone was sanding or burning something. Its very odd.