In "theory"... is it reasonable

In "theory"... is it reasonable



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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Say, for example if your neighbours cut down a lovely wood at the back of your garden...... (OK the wood was their wood but it provided a great deal of privacy) but they then built a hideous tiered, landscaped, lawned monstrosity including a picnic area (with hideous taste in furniture... makes it worse I feel) from which you had no screening.... and from which they overlooked your entire garden and house..... and THEN conducted walking tours with their freinds on Sundays to basically "show off" their twee landscaping and planting but which included standing in a group at the top, and looking at your house, a lot.

So would you think it reasonable to tie an inflatable doll to the nearest tree facing their garden?

She does look like she has an expression of suprise (at the shiny teak furniture) awe on her face... and a gesture of 'wow, isn't your lawn lovely' with her hands?


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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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It was rhetorical....

Of course

Yes, will post pics.

Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.


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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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RDMcG said:
A flock of inflatable sheep balanced with their tails in the air, and some spring flowers using them as vases........
Less is more. Less is more.

Phillipa Hole, gaffa taped to a tree on 'our' side of the 'fence' (not really a fence, more like green chicken wire they just put up) and looking in a suprised way at their picnic zone I think expresses our own shock....

We are calling our installation 'an expression of arboretum loss... in pvc.....'

We might later extend this to a collection using different mediums. Maybe even via the mime... or the dance. Who knows.


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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Soovy said:
Swilly said:
parakitaMol. said:
Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
On the contrary it shows a great deal of constructive humour and community spirited bonding.
I'd have loved to have seen the face of the bloke who sold her to you.
It was a girl. She was unsurprised.

This is the size of what they have just cleared. Yes, it's on their property but it loops behind and it's a steep slope so it's really overlooking. The X marks their table and chairs - about 20feet higher than our living room window and garden deck.

Edited by parakitaMol. on Sunday 29th March 19:35


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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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anonymous said:
They have a faux wishing well in the centre of their roundabout drive and a water butt with faux hand pump.... I suspect they have acquired the correct consent.

They also wear comfortable elasticated beige clothes.

Will check though - just to be sure - thanks!


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254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Really interesting info there - thanks for that. No signs were visible. The lane is a private lane with around 10 or so properties - each owns a tenth of a woodland/field... purchased as a group to prevent development... you can see the trees that have been chopped are (were) mature the firs at the front are around 70ft high and have preservation orders on them - have to be managed by mutual consent so thinking about it then they may well have acted inappropriately.

Just a little consieration would have been adequate - they have totally stolen all privacy - it's a completely different garden to this time last year and it's not nice - they could have left a reasonable 'shield' of trees and erected (I said erected) a decent fence instead of the green chicken wire - I know the doll is a little childish but it's harmless - unlike their tree hackery which is permanent and intrusive


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254 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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anonymous said:
Totally irrelevant. Cannot be seen by them... or anyone else. So no.


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Monday 30th March 2009
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Andy Zarse said:
I hate people who do this sort of thing without even running it by their neighbours, ignorring their ghastly taste, it's so thoughtless and selfish.

Anyway, you can't just go around chopping down trees, fk with a TPO at your peril. I would definitely invistigate matters with the local authority. It could be that they'll be wearing beige elasticated slacks only covered with arrows. Oh, and the fines can be swingeing too.

Other than that, there's plenty of ways to ensure they regret their actions, how about inviting the local devil worshippers to a week long festival in your garden.
Oh I have a Masters in being annoying. So does Mr PK....

Your post is the crux of the matter... as you can see from the aerial photo, they have chopped a huge piece of woodland up, the woodland 'wraps' around our garden - they didn't pop round to discuss or offer any solution to minimise the impact. Unlike the neighbours on the other side who we do check stuff with each other... just out of courtesy... Last summer's soundtrack was chainsaws... all summer... now instead of the trees providing a natural boundary they have replaced with 6ft high green chicken wire - even a decent fence would go some way to minimising the impact.... we used to look out to a wood.... now it's this manicured lawn terrace system with a teak table chair / brolly set... fine if that's what they want but we don't want to look at it or be aware of them - that's all. We're going to check again with council - think some great points have been made. Thanks.

Oh and Phillipa Hole is waiting to be rescued...

Terrible photo from phone but you get the gist.. last year could see nothing but trees, now they have put up this chicken wire stuff and this pinnacle terrace directly behind our garden.

Phillipa is just our symbol of shock.

It was the mouth see.

Edited by parakitaMol. on Monday 30th March 08:38


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254 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Andy Zarse said:
If you really want to get the neighbours spluttering on their Cinzano Bianco's, Phillipa should be mounted by a nice black blow-up stud.

Mr PK wanted to superglue an entire 'group' scene onto the offending table set... from the rubbish photo this is kind of where the yellow flowering shrub is... Whilst I think that would be funny - there is also a serious issue here and vandalism won't help our cause.


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Tuesday 31st March 2009
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CDP said:
While the doll's reasonable and a bit of fun remember you will be living near these people for some years to come.
Yes, I am fully aware of this, which is why Mr PKM was discouraged from initiating plan A, and plan B.


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254 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
parakitaMol. said:
CDP said:
While the doll's reasonable and a bit of fun remember you will be living near these people for some years to come.
Yes, I am fully aware of this, which is why Mr PKM was discouraged from initiating plan A, and plan B.
And yet this isn't something they worried about whilst undertaking the destruction of a load of trees the bottom of your garden. It would have been nice for them to pop round and have a word, would it not?
Of course they wouldn't worry - we're not really going to do anything to them.

We've just lost all privacy, as well as enjoyment of the woods, deer, foxes, birds, trees, where once there was established woodland and trees on 3 sides there is now a monstrous 'forehead' of tweeness... and a completely different 'view' from the back of our house. (it is the house on the right in the pic, the neighbour in question is on the left and they have 'looped' around our boundary)....

So, we're having a bit of fun at their expense, we'd never stoop to vandalism or trespass (although plan A was the purchase of a wrecked caravan and leaving it on their drive in the middle of the night, without wheels) we kinda figure if we have to now 'enjoy' their garden, that we should return the compliment. The doll is temporary, we can't leave it there when the kids are about....


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254 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Thanks to those who made suggestions on this... there was a serious point aside from the tying of inflatable sex dolls to trees...

Unfortunately the house is neither in a conservation area, nor do the trees have preservation orders on them - apart from the ones at the front of our drive which we need mutual agreement from the residents of the lane....


But rest assured that no dolls will be harmed this summer... instead, Phillipa (and friends) will enjoy co-incidentally timed, strategically positioned garden tea parties.


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254 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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mechsympathy said:
parakitaMol said:
replaced with 6ft high green chicken wire - even a decent fence would go some way to minimising the impact
In which case put a fence up on your side of their chain link, and paint their side of it flourescent pink.
Have done this exact thing previously in my other house where the neighbour deliberately pushed down my old (quite rotten) fence in order to force me into replacing it with a new panel... I painted it red.

As for change of use.... it doesn't seem to be the case, spoke to planning department at length today and they weren't of the view this was something we could persue.

Shame, but the installation 'art' projects this summer will be fun smile